Put Off Old Age Some old folks are bent and shaky. Others are straight and strong. It can't be mere "oldness” that works such havoc. No— it's too often uric acid. Fight off this life-sapping poison. Help the kid- peys take it from the blood. To aid them, live carefully and stimulate their action with the old reliable medicine, 's Kidoey Pills. . A Maryland Case “Bos Furs Db 2 y™ Mrs, Mary A. Twist, 812 8. Han- over Bt., Baltimore, Md., says: ‘My body was badly bloated and the kidney secrotions gave me great o noyance, My was wenk ar er stopped N § Kidney Pills me after doctors falled and 1 have never suffered gince.” Get Doan’s at Auy Store, 50c a Box DO AN’ KIDNEY PILLS POSTER.MILE RN slic BUFFALO, N. Y. Make Ye Lor Do its Duty ine times in ten J. the liver is Sos the stomach and bowels are right. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS gently but firmly coms pel a lazy liver to do its duty. Cures Con 4 stipation, In. 48 digestion, 4 Sick Heedache, and Distress After Eating. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE, Genuine must bear Signature ‘Mrs.S.A. Allen's WORLD'S Hair Color Restorer COUGH a8 It is not safe nor necessary. You can relieve it with Hale's Honey Of Horehound and Tar Jt does not upset digestion or nerves, Is pleasant to the taste, Contains no NN nor anything injurious, All | druggists, 2 Tey Pike's Toothache s Toothache Drops (A pa A Soluble Antiseptic Powder to be dissolved in water as needed | For Douches “ douches of Paxtine are very efficacious. No woman who has ever used medicated Realth prom Joumanns maperior cleansing, § Sud healing g properties. ears the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. has rec. ommended Paxtine in their § private dence with wo. men, Which proves its su ority. omen who have relicved say is is * worth its oleh rd * At druggists, 1. 1 The Tix ¥ gma Sample free, Ss w. N. U, BALTIMORE, NO. MARRIAGE LIGENSE Efforts te Boost Price Decisive- ly Beaten. asa CHILD LABOR BILL OFFERED Governor to Fight for Local Option— Determined to Make State Cam. paign For Success of Liquor Measure, Harrisburg. House of Representative igainst the Ligher riage by defeating the the fee for to $2 1} 1 went on rec: cost of bill to increase marriage license from $1 v 97 noes to 45 ayes When the bill came up Mr. Allegri il to ord OL j¢ BAYIDK encourage Fra ' ra should Walter mar the rried or single. “I'm gingle.” replied Smith. Has the gentleman ever ed? land “The been iil vy caver, Westmore chair says 1 need not woered ] ] ntleman in dans riage?” juired W. H. Wil delphia “l decline Mr. bill wa ing made Smith sald the Wo remunerate ol fala issu for necessary hy lHeenses the increased the act of 1912 Motions to postpone were bill defeated amid Bills Passed Finally. The House postnoned the third class ‘ivil bill and passed Enabling boroughs to furnish ic power for commercial use Service eleo nf health on quarantines Empowering fratern to move ties wh ifter certain notices Validating hi; debts of second Regul Heenses al or their home offi ere they Wore are given imj class town of hway rovement hips ating issuance automobile to minors New Bills Introduced. Among the bills pr esented were: nyder efore fire in Giving pr nee in plecing of building: gurance on and those of inst ceived State #0 port to fire incorporated in Pennsyl Shaaber, Berks for Establishing a ten aay motormen and Berntheizol, ng a Laacaster niform procedure n the exer of eminent damain by ties and e« orporations n power 1 ue Hep pali having the bill does nol confer any muni ew powers Stone, Bra # dford—Anth treet rajllways ir ith re O Ponn in ot Sinclair sylvania w er States Fayvelte porations or others : teriee from exciuding as s vy nteorir eg persons from entering Apt wesririn tino i Prialing 50.000 for Bt ale ? nspection. Maurer, ding Wage three men Stats to cot siet of two Wo to be men Sou n named by the Governor, to invest] work] pinors in Pennsylvania and December 1, 1916, giving atten question of the minimum An appropriation of $5,600 Cox. Phillsaeipt funds In every city, bor and township four per cent. of dollar for licenses funds officially tion to the wage ough o Yerv The collected are to be payments are made to them Steedle, Alleg eny - State shall pay $5 per pat Providing a gpecial hospital maintained by a poor district plans approved by the tate Department of Health, the State Board of Charities to certify prior to JAY IONS. Froetz, Bucks—Prohibiting any cor poration acting as execntor, adminis trator, guardian or trustee from voting shares of !'s own stock which may be “eld by the estate of which it bas charge To Fight For Local Option. Adding emphasis to bis efforts to have the local option bill held in the Law and Order Com. of the House until he has made a campaign throughout he State for its passage, Governor Brumbaugh declared that he would stand in support of the question until he wine, Statewide campaigning hy mail for the passage of the bill has been started by the Governor as the second move in his endeavor to have such & measure passed by the present legislature, It is understood that many thousands of letters wid be sent by the Governor to ministers, ana Ww other influential persons who have taken no stand on the question. That the ultimatum served on the members of the Law and Order Committee of the House was only the beginning of a State-wide campaign for support on the question is now apparent. The Governor. has signified his Intention to fight to the last for the passage of NEW YORK.—~Wheat--8pot weak; No. 2 red, 161% ¢c; No. 2 hard, 164%e all rail, ¢ | f track, export No. 1 North ern Duluth, 166%: No. 1 Northern Corn—8pot oasy;: No. 2 8§1%c cif to arrive. Onats—8pot easy; standard, 62%; No. 3 white, 62¢; fancy clipped white 66 @66. Butter—Creamery, extras, ore 30% @31e; creamery, higher scoring 31% 4 32; creamery firsts, 27% @20%:; seconds, 25% @27%. Eggs—Fresh gathered, 27%; extra firsts, 263%; seconds, 24% @25% ; nery whites, 830@31 State, whole ials, 17@17%c; do, 216%. sed yellow, 92 BC oe £2 dg %@ hen extras, firsts, 25 nearby held Choose milk spec AVerage fancy Dre Western roast fresh fowls, turkeys, 13@21% Poultry Western 1I5@15%; friwl LOWS, {ITLADELPHIA export elev: February, $153@1.68; Duluth, $1.61@1.66; $1.58@0 1.63 iocal trade, as to Wheat itor, No. 2 and Nort red Wester hor ern Corn—Car lots, for location No 2 yellow, new per sevent; for car lots in export No. 2 spot and steamer, 80@82¢; H%G No. 3. February, 5%c: 13% @ 74 Ye; tand 80 No. 2 white, { ard white, 61@61%c¢c; @6lc Butter S@62%c; No. 3 whits - Wester: solid . fancy special, 35¢ extra firsts, 3lc; firsts, 29@30¢ nearby prints, fancy, firsts, 30@ extra, 32¢; average extra, 35c; 32¢; seconds, 26@28¢; yrints, 41@43c, Nearby extra, firsts, $7.50 per standard case; nearhy ts, $7.35 per case; West we . “iC Fees per dozen do do $7.2 ts, $7.50 per case; Southern, fancy, sels Jobbing 5 per chase; Case; firsts, $7.3 per ae, 24. Poultry—Fowls, 14% @15%¢c 11§€11%e¢: chickens, soft 5@1fc. do do. stagey, 13@ ducks, 16(017¢;: geese, 12616c: »'ity. per pair, L0@ pigeo.s, old 3» do, young, per Live meate! as to n The tur pair, ers Ch per ne G New choice, 1 Fal f York. B17 Yc 1£Y @1e; f%e: do do, part Cheese make, good 3 make, 163, G1 do d« rent do do, cur No. 2 red March, 154; TE” A514 Wheat v 159% . 153% BALTIMORE red Western spot. white, 61% a 62 2 rye, We $1.26 Oats Standard 62@62%¢. No. 3 wi Ryn 1.28: No ite stern, $125Q 71.27. No. 4 NO 2 do, $1¢1.12 No ok¥ a No. 1 timo 3 $18 217.50@18; No. 2 do, $i mixed, $17.00 $16.50@ 17.50 olce clover, $I1REG 15.50. No. 3 do, $11.50G 14 straight 1.5 $10.50@11; No. 1 2; do, 385060, do, $797.50; No. 2 do, $20 Hay thy 60@19: 17 ih fr iN. No clover iixed, $16@ 16.50; eh No. 1 clover, 2156 16.050; No No. 1 No. 2, do, tangled, $106 11; No 1 wheat, $3850; No. 2, 1 oat, 30.50G10; @19 do. Siraw rn NO No 8.50. Butter Creamery, fancy, ereamery, choice, 30031. ereamery, 28429: creamery. prints, 31Q amery, ble 30032; ladles, Maryland Is, 196 20: Ohio, "ne. oe good, 33; ore cks, and Pennsylvania, rolls, 18@ 26; Wes 1219: storepacked. ivania TOME, and Pennsy Virginia, dairy 18@ 1? Maryland, firsts, 22¢ prints, Eggs nearby West Virginia firsts, firsts, 20821, Live Poultry-Chickens, Ibs and over, 14@15¢: do, old hens small to medium, 14@ 15; do, old roost ers, i0; do, young, smooth and fat, 1¢ @17; do, young, rough, poor and stagey, 13@14; do, winter, 2 |bs and under, 18@ 15%. Ducks— Muscovy, 3 Ibe and over, 16c; do, Pekings, 3 lbs and over, 17: do, puddle, 3 Ibs and over, 1617; do, smaller, 15; do, Indian run nore, 15. Geeso-~Nearby, 14@16c; do, Western and Southern, 13612; do, Kent Island, 16817. Pigeons- Youns, per pair, 20¢; do, old, deo, 20. Guinea fowl, young, 1% Ibs and over, cach, Abc: do, smaller, each, 20; do, old, each, 20. Turkey hens, per Ib, 10¢; do, young gobbler, 17; do, young, rough, poor and crooked breast, 12; do, old toms, 16. Dressed Hoge--Cholee lghtweights, Sc; do, medinmweights, 8; do, heavy weights, 7; boare and rough stock, 6. Live £tock CHICAGO. ~ Hogs — Bulk, 26.608 Th; light, 8.550 6.85; mixed, 36.406 50; heavy, 36.1506.70; rough, $4.15G 8.50; pigs, $5.80 6.00, . Cattle—Native sleers, S$56040.10 cows and heifers, $3.60@ 7.75" calvea iH 10.50, Sheep ~ Bheep, $6.55@7.70: vear lings, $7.66@8.50; lambs, $7.8060.60. Pennsylvapia and ae. Western firsie, 2 21@ 22; Southern old hens, 4 8. 6. New Cancer Berum. The results of the work of nearly a year by physicians, surgeons and labor atory staff of the General Memorial hospital of New York, tending to show the success of 8 new caneer serum, are expected to be published soon In an official report of the medical board of the institution to announcements mude today. The report will contain the name of the discoverer of the new serum, its composition, the details of the preliminary laboratory work and the individual medical histories of the patients so far treated in the hospital. The announcements forecast this re port as one of the most important con- tributions to science emanating from the medical professions in this coun try. The serum iz used by injection The cancerous growths break down, disintegrate and disappear, it is as sorted. Too Long. Bacon—-In a costly watch that has made for exhibition is a wheel that makes a revolu- operating years, months there ial that shows the 1 days Egbert They could ns Never do fu South America. vor walt tow years down there DRINK LOTS OF WATER TO FLUSH THE KIDNEYS Eat Less Meat and Take Saits for Backache or Bladder Trouble Neutralize Acids, Urie acid in meat neve, they become sluggish, ache, and fee] like lumps of led. The urine becomes cloudy; the bladder is Brritated, and you may be obliged to scek relief t or three times during the night. When the kid. neye clog you must help them flush off the body's urinous waste or you'll be a real sick person shortly. At first you feel a dull misery in the kidney region, you suffer fro: the kid overworked; got axcites wo dizziness, stomach gets sour, tongue coated and you feel rheumatic twinges when the weather is bad Eat less meat, drink lots of water; also get from any pharmacist four oynces of J Salts; take a table spoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys then act fine This fa mous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to clean clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity, also to neutralize the acids in urine, 80 it no longer is a source of (rrita don, thus ending bladder weakness Jad Balls is inexpensive, cannot in jure; makes a delightful effervescent lithia- water drink which everyone should take now and then to keep the kidneys clean and active Druggists hero say they sell lots of Jad Salts to folks who believe In overcoming kid ney trouble while it is only trouble. — Adv. wil Advice With Motive, “1 am much bothered.” san marry 8 wealthy wo don’t love or a poor intensely. What shall “Listen to your heart” companion. "and marry love.” “You are right the girl” “Then you can give wddroes?” he said; whon girl that 1 | I do? ¥ dow Marry NEGLECT YOUR S SCALP And Lose Your Mair. vents It. Trial Free. Cuticara Soap shampoos cleanse and purify the scalp of dandruff while Ointment soothes and heals the irritated scalp skin Dandruff itching are hair destroyers Hents for the skin and scalp Sample each free by mail with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. XY, Boston. Sold everywhere —Ady. Explanatory, "I wonder why Mra Jiggs looks “Ehe gays she has piumbago.” The Result. “That man arrested as a fence has political Influence.” “Then he'll be whitewashed.” Stubbars Throat troubles are easily re. lieved by Desn’s Mentholated Cough Drops. hey net Hike magie- Oa at all Druggiets. A good came) will wavel 100 miles a aay for ten gaya. | ! CA af Fam nT SN I i ————— LL ——— GASTORIA ¥or Infants and Children, Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always a Bears the R Sonaiite of Ter rR Ty Qlconorss PER CENT A As- | similating the Food and R 13 Sie Siomacks and Dowels o BE Pros Dig- FoveOheceiok | ness and Rest Contains neither | Opium Morphine nor Mineral i Nor NARC OTIC rr a - n-e Lf 2. ise Send « inf fe vi” Clordiod Su n Him - Sever A perfect Remedy for Conslipa tion Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, | Worms Convulsions Feverish- | ness and LOSS OF SLEEP — -—— Reed Use gerp EP er MME» Wr" ye new Foc Simile Signature of Twe Cextaum COMPANY, re Rat] For Over Thirty Years == ASTORIA THE CINTAUR SOWPANY, NEW YORR ©ITY. Some Going. Styles, from the tonneau of automobile—1 wish you woulds’t earns: he's a bache go 80 fast over the rough places, Jen Evening Transeript. kins; you nearly pliched me out a min Aa i ute ago. Jenkins—Why don’t you hold on lo i I" your husband, ma'am? “My husband? Goodness! He weld f out ten minutes ago, Jenkins!" No sick headache, sour stomach, | biliousness or constipation by morring. All His. does Mrs her “How much Rogers get a “All he lor Heston Get a 10cent box now Turn the rascals out-—the headache, billousness, indigestion the sick sour stomach and fou! gases—turn them out to-night and keep them out with Cascarets Millions of men and women take a Cascaret now and then and never know misery caused by a lazy liver clogged bowels or an upset stom ach Don’t put in another day of distress, fot Cascarets cleanse your stomach; remove the sour fermenting food; take the excess bile from your liver snd carry out all the constipated wasle matter and poison in the bowels Then you will great A Cascaret tonight straightens yon out by morning They work while you sleep A ibeent box from any drug store means a clear head. sweel stomach and clean, hb. sithy liver and bowel action for months Chil jove Cascarets because they never gripe or sicken. Adv. Strolling down Fifth Avenue, the New Yorker lights a FATIMA. Pro- gressive young men everywhere buy three times as many FATIMAS as any other 15c¢ cigarette. the feel Oh, That's It. Redd--Does he drive his own car? Greene—No; his wife's. that is, itis now. ROYSTER are built todo this, and they w Place your orders now, while there is still some potash. Don’t delay. Go at once to the nearest ROYSTER agent. t know where he is, write to us at once. F.S. ROYSTER GUANO CO. BALTIMORE 3 1 Po ie Avid 4 by the mom Sorkmadiiy” and The $ and 4.00 as other makes to at 2. Ee AFUE