The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, March 04, 1915, Image 8

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No sick headache, biliousness,
bad taste or constipation
by morning.
Get a 10-cent box.
Are you keeping your bowels, liver,
and stomach clean, pure and fresh
passageway every few days with
Salts, Cathartie Pills, Castor Ql
Purgative Waters?
Stop having a bowel wash-day. Let
ulate the stomach, remove the sour
and fermenting food and foul gases,
constipated waste matter and poisons
in the bowels,
A Cascaret tonight Will make you
feel great by morning They work
while you slcep—nover gripe, sicken
or cause any inconvenience, and cost
only 10 cents a box from your store.
Millions of men and women take &
Cascaret now and then and never
have Headache, Biliousness, Coated
Tongue, Indigestion, Sour Stomach or
Constipation, Adv.
He Certainly Did.
“Smithers,” said the lawyer to his
clerk, “what is Mr. Jarley's telephone
number ?™ .
“Do you wish his exact number?
asked the busy clerk, absent-mindedly.
Attention, Mothers!
Write Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co, 1304
Kesner Bldg., Chicago, I'l, for 28 page
beautifully colored “Mother Goose
Jingle Book.” Sent free to all read-
ers of this paper —Ady,
Few sermons are as broad as they
are long. —Chicago News.
Uric Acid in Your Food
Even dogs can eat too much meat
Certainly, many people “dig their graves
with their teeth” Few get eancugh
exercise to justify a meat diet, for
meat brings uric acid. The kilpe s
try bard to get rid of that poison, but
often a backache, or some other slight
symptom will show that the kidneys
need help. The time tried remedy,
then, is Doan’s Kidney Pills.
A Virginia Case
Erasmus Williams,
1901 Dearing 8st,
Lynchburg, Va.,
says: "For years my
back and kidneys
troubled ma, I had
apelis of pain that
c=» confined me to bed
for days It was
and I was miserable
I tried remedies and
doctors, but without
benefit until 1 used
Doan’s Kidney Plils
They removed the
pains and aches and
corrected the other
kidney alimenta™
“T unhesitatingly pronounce ¥' *s
Liniment the most wonderful ; lbs
Liniment I have
5. 1 wish ur
s Liniment the large gale it so
well deserves, and recommend it
ost i Torr, Salem, N.J,
Driver and Trainer of Wa. Pon
of Record. 810%
LARGE BOTTLE, 85c., at Dealers
Prepared by
00 PER CENT FIT, : .
TION, A el BOs.
E MAKE #2 DAILY ecliing one article by
mall; will send sa and complete ine
100; fal Fs
Tog tree P, ". ehh, New York.
% Ww
NEW YORK.--—-Wheat—8pot firm;
Mo. 2 red, 168, and No, 2 hard, 171c, all
vall, ¢ 1 f track, export; No. 1 North
ern Duluth, 170%, and No, 1 Northern
Manitoba, 168% «¢ | f Buffalo.
Corn—Spot firm; No. 2 yellow,
8i3ec cif to arrive.
Butter—Creamery extras (82 score),
0@50%e; creamery (higher scoring),
14031%; firsts, 284p29%; seconds, 268
Bgoe— Frosh gathered extras, 28% @
oxtra firets, 28; firsts, 27@27%:;
£3@26%: nearby hennery
, 36 Q3T.
tals, 171% @17 ¥%e;
whole milk, held,
do, average
Live Poultry— Firm; Western chick-
ens, 16% @16¢; fowls, 15% @16; tur
keys, 16@ 18.
Dressed Poultry—Quiet; Western
roasting chickens, 17@21c¢; fresh
fowls, 14% @18%; turkeys, 14@Q22%.
ots, in export elevator, No. 2 red, spot
and February, $1.609165; No. 1 |
Northern Duluth, $168@1.793; No. 2 |
red Western, $1.640p1.69,
Corn—Car lots, for focal trade, as to
location, No 2 yellow, new, 83@83%¢c;
steamer, yellow, new, 82@82%c; No.
3 yellow, new, 79@80c; sample yel-
low, new, 78@76c: new, cob, per sey-
enty pounds, 83@ 84c; for car lots in
export elevator, No. 2 spot and Feb
wary, 19980¢; steamer, 771% @78%e;
No. 3, 16% @T77%e.
Oats—No. 2 white, 64@64%c¢; stand:
ard white, 63@863% ;: No. § white, 82%
Butter — Western, solid - packed
creamery, fancy, speeial, 33¢; extra,
$1¢; extra firsts, 30c: firsts, 28@28¢c;
seconds, 26@27¢: nearby prints, fancy.
34c; average extra 33e; firsts, 299
seconds, 2779%¢: Jobbing sales
of fancy prints, 399 4le.
Fgegs—--Nearby extra, 30¢ per dozen;
Arete, $8.10 rer gta~dard case: nearby
wnrrent receipts, $7 85 per case; West.
‘47.95 per ease; fancy, sclected,
Live Poultrv—Fowls, 144 @15¢c; old
116911 ee; chickens, soft.
neated. 16@17¢: do do. stazgy. 12@
ducks, 16@17c: geese, 15@17c;
ns to austity, per pair,
148 17¢: nispnns
do do, young,
f6e; tnrkeve
22@26¢c; per
air, 17@18¢c
BALTIMORY. —Wheat-—No. 2
Com—Snst mired, 78%;
Maren». 79'%
me CAT prime enil mivad engi
March, 79.
white, 82% @€2%.
Rye—No. 2 Western,
1.31; No. 3 do. #1 2861.26: No.
t1 201 27:
white, 62% €63c;
timothy, $10618 50;
No. 2
Hay-—No. 1
do, $18@ 1850;
Hiren t
17: clover m'ved
No $17606018; 2:
19. $16.5 216 50: eholee elnver, $1969
Nn 1 clover $1R50%18: No. 2
do. $15@1650 No 3 do. $11.50€ 14,
Straw-.Npn 1 rtralz™t rye $13: No.
do. $12@12 50: Yn 1 taneled rye $10
“+11: No. 2 ARERR: No, 1 wheat,
£8: No. 2 do No. 1 oat,
$EmE 50,
1 elnveor twp
do =
$7 LAR:
2 do
Creamery, 2623;
olce. 30831: creamery,
creamery. orinta, 2260
"4: creamery. blocks. 31#33: Indies,
M@22: Maryland and Penneylvania,
rolls. 21622: Ohio, rolls, 206021; West
Virginia, rolls, 200521: storepacked,
19: Maryisnd, Virginia and Pennsylk
vania, prints, 13@20; process
Butter fancy,
reamery. ef
Fpes—Marviand, Pennsylvania and
1earby firsts. 26c: Western firsts, 25:
West Virrinig firsts, 24625: Southern
Duce egrs, 3c.
Live Poultry—Chickens—0Old hens,
4 Ibs and over, 14¢: do, small to mo
dium, 14: old roosters, 10; young.
smoot and fat, 16; do, rough, poor and
stacey, 1%6#14; winter, 2 ibs and
ander, 186020; brollers, 1 to 1% Ibs,
22@28. Ducks--Museovy, § ha and
aver, 16¢; Pekings, do. 16; puddle, do,
15@16: emaller, 14: Indian runners,
14. CGeere~Nearby. 13@ 14c; Western
and Bowtrern. 114912; Kent Island, 15
@16. Pigeons Young, pair, 10@200;
aid, do, 15@20. Guinea Fowl Young,
114 Ibs and over, each, 26M %0¢: emall
er, do, 15@20; old, do, 20. Turkeys
~~Hens, 17@18¢; young gobblers, 1L@
18: do, rough. poor, cfooked bhresst,
12; old toms, 15.
Dressed Hogs Choice lighiwelghts,
S88: do mediumwelghty, TH7%; do,
“eavywelghis, 6@ 6%; boars and rough
stock, HEL %.
Live [tock
87. LOUIS, MO.—Hogs-Plgs and
lights, $4.506 6.50; mized and buteh-
ery’, $6.050606.70; good heavy, $8.6CQ0
Cattle Native beef steors, $708.50;
cows and helfers, $6@R.20: stockers
and feeders, $5.25@ 7.26: Texan and
Indian steers, $5.25@7.75; cows and
heifers, $4@5.75,; native calves, $368
10.50. ”
Sheep—ivative muitons, $6G6.75;
‘smbs, $8G8.70; yearlings, $7G 17.50
aid to
want. Use
Cultivate the
with the
it yourself —
saving instinct
Have you seen
“Wrigley’s Mother
It kept them in trim
at a cost very smalll
1304 Kesner Bldg.,
fis SOF.
Prisoner—1 embezaled
because | am not rich.
Judge—A poor excuse
————————— I ————
this money
important vo Mv arg
Examine careiuliy every bottle ot |
CASTORIA, a safe and sure remvay for |
Infants snd children. and see that it |
Bears the —
Gentle Hint
He--Once for all, | demand to know
She—You'll be happier if you font
find out—Philadelphia Ledger.
After Tak'ng EIIXIR B BEX
“My litle daughier, 19 years old, suffered
time under the doctor's care. [| was discour
bel. gave it to her and she has never had
It completely cured her.” Mra
Cyrus Helms, 38 E St, N. K., Washington, D.C.
Elixir Babek 10 cents, all druggists or by
Parcels Post paid from Klocsewski & Co.
Wasbisgiuon, D. C,
The Unreasonable Sex.
Knicker—Does your wife make you
wear rubbers?
Outlate—Going out; but she won't
let me wear sneaks coming in.
Drink Lots of Water and Stop Eating
Meat for a While If the Bladder
Bothers You,
Meat forms uric acid which excites
and overworks the kidneys in their
efforts to filter it from the system
Regrlar eaters of meat must flush the
kidneys occasionally. You must re
Heve them like you relieve your how.
els; removing all the acide, waste and
poison, else you feel a dull misery in
the kidney region, sharp pains in the
back or sick headache, dizziness, your
stomach sours, tongue is coated and
when the weather is bad you have
rheumatic twinges. The urine is
cloudy, full of sediment; the channels
oftan got irritated, obliging you to get
up two or three times during the
night, -
To neutralize these irritating acids
and flush off the body's urinous waste
get about four ounces of Jad Salts
from any pharmucy; take a table
fpoonful in a glass of water before
breakfast for a few days and your kid
neys will then act fine and bladder
disorders disappear. Thiz famous salts
is made from the acld of grapes and
lemon Juice, combined with lithia, and
has been used for generations to clean
and stimulate sluggish kidneys and
stop bladder irritation. Jad Salts is
inexpensive; harmless and makes a
delightful effervescent lthia-water
drink which millions of men and
women take now and then, thus avoid
ing serious kidney and bladder dis
eases — Ady.
Miss Gushmore—Don't you just love
danger, major?
Major Grizsley—H'm! I respect it. |
Ordinary Mortais May Continue to
Pronounce Name of French City
as They Dusire.
‘Wasn't it feariul about the Reems
bly ignorant.”
“Well, bow do you pronounce it?’
“Why, Hranss™
“Ho—-Hranhes! Just as if you were
clearing your throat. Bee? Hranes!”
"Well, you sound as if you had a
dreadful influenza, threatened with
“Well, that's right, anyhow
“You'd better go to Arizona! You'll
nover get well Bere! 1 don't believe
you, anyway Everybody says Reems”
“They don't, either!™
“They do sol”
“Oh, well, it depends on the sort of
people you associate with--"
“Well, 1 don't go with a lot of fake
highbrows, anxious to show off the
French they learned in a course of les
sone by mail"
“Better than a lot of country junks
who don't know how to pronounce—"
“Oh, well, the church wasn't hurt
much, anyhow.”
“No. they say it can be repaired
How do you like my hat?™
"Heavenly! What do you think of
“Let'e."—Carclsn Wells
Woman's Home Companion.
Lets go in aud have
in The
The Diplomat.
They were on the verge of a guar
rel. The little wife—strange how
they are always “little” in cold. ua
feeling type-—was exasperate.
“You are enough to make an angel
weep!” she exclaimed.
“1 don't see tears in your eyes” he
replied, with Michiavelllan trick.
ness, and she knew with a woman's
intuition that he meant to imply that
she was celestial in texture,
Have HaAling Sith: Beautifal Eyes
Ocniiote and sleinng Deed
many rears before it was offered aa a
Domcatie Eye Medicine. Murine fg Sul Com:
Dn a Ae or I : that Ned
Ones, Tryit In your Byes and in “s Byes
No Bmarting ~ Just Kye Comfort. Buy Murine
of your Draggiel — accept no Sabstitote, and if
17 terested { Boos of the Kis Free
As Ever.
“Since the war began the women
have been taking the places of the
men on the Paris street ears.”
“Well, they'd do it here, bat the men
are too ill mannered to get up.”
It's all right to carry other people's
burdens, provided they don't put on
more airs than they can carry.
A simple vemedy against
tet Br en
So-called friends are plentiful—as
long as ycur money holds out.
d all
after every
Not a Bad Plan,
“What are you doing to allay the
in Mard Case.
That amateur farmer ie doing his
conscious philanthropist
“Nothing.” answered the unobtru-
give citizen
“What!” exclaimed the other. indig
pantly. “Have you no heart?™ i
“Yes, I bave a heart, but my means
are limited and I'm trying to allay suf.
fering at home by paying my debts.”
Don't Look Old! Try Grandmother's
Recipe to Darken and Beautify
Gray, Faded, Lifeless Hair,
Grandmother kept ber hair beautd-
fully darkened, glossy and sbundant
with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur.
Whenever her hair fell out or tock on
that dull, faded or streaked appear
ance, this simple mixture was applied
with wonderful effect. By asking at
ny drug store for “Wyeth's Sage and
Sulphur Hair Remedy,” you will get a
large bottle of this old time recipe,
ready to use, for about 50 cents. This
simple mixture can be depended upon
to restore natural color and beauty
to the hair and is splendid for dan-
druff, dry, itchy scalp and falling hair. |
A wellknown druggist says every- |
body uses Wyeth's Bage and Sulphur,
because it darkens so naturally and |
evenly that nobody can tell it has been |
applied-—it's so easy to use, too. You |
c¢imply dampen a comb or soft brush |
and draw it through your hair, taking |
one strand at a tUme. By morning |
the gray hair disappears; after an |
other application or two, it is re |
stored to its natural color and looks |
glossy, soft and abundant. Adv. }
Strange Conclusion.
“So is his wife”
Love makes the world go round, bul
revenge tries to square it
True wisdom never thinks
wiser than it really is
You won't like heavy
tobaccos after you once
try the plenty mild but
Sully satisfying taste of
FATIMA Cigarettes.
They outsell other 15¢
cigarettes by millions!
"Yes, especially the silent vote”
— a
W. N. U, BALTIMORE, NO. 10-1915.