SYRUP OF FIGS FOR A CHILD'S BOWELS It is cruel to force nauseating, harsh physic into a sick child. k back at your childhood days. smember the “dose” mother insisted - castor oll, calomel, cathartics. How you hated them, how you fought against taking them, With our children it's different. Mothers who cling to the old form of physic simply don't realize what they do. The children's revolt is well-found- injured by them If your child's stomach, liver and bowels need cleansing, give only deli clous “California Syrup of Figs." Its of mothers keep this harmless “fruit laxative” handy; row. of “California Syrup of Figs,” which on each bottle. Adv. Her Preference, and go to war, and his wife was ob jecting. “But, darling,” he argued, were killed, just think how would be to be the widow of a hero.” “Oh, no, Wilfred,” pleaded the young wife earnestly, a familiar proverb: “I dead Fon." Judge. They slop the : Congh Drops sto p coughs quickly, ant remedy—5¢ at all good Druggists. A pleas- usually be induced to title. a row than a mustache, he LP S. TN Allen's Ha ir Color LI Never Fails to give beautiful color to GRAY HAIR More than a half century of success. If your dealer hasn't it, send §1.00 and a large bottle will be sent you by parcel post. MRS. S. A. ALLEN, 55 Barclay St., NewYork Renews Your Youthful Appearance of Constipation Can quickly be overcome by ache, Dizzi- Bess and Indigestion. Shey dates Suiy. SHALL PUL SL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature | few Fora, i a A 5 SSIS SA Coughs and Colds quickly relieved by the use of Hale’sHoney Of Horehound and Tar Contains no opium nor anything injurious. ————— Bid by druggtets. Geta Bottle T 25c. The Reliable Remedy for lumbago, gout and RHEUMATISM GETS AT THE JOINTS FROM THE INSIDB For sale by all druggists 0 LEGISLATURE Delayed Action on Important Measures the Cause. NEW PARDON BOARD MEETS a ——— Refuses To Save One Man Condemned To Die—Holds Up Three Other Executions — Governor For New Child Labor Bill. Harrisburg.—Speculation as to the islature has Legislative Fas thoroughly reviewed only one ministration bill- ition-—-and has considered bor bill, mitted Plans the wor interes virtually stopped. The Committee on Legislation Ad. workmen's cotipen- a calld la A local option bill Is in com- made for the submission of n's compensation plan to State, will and there out the weeks at least a pamphlet through take a few If this is action on Lae done bill sure. can be no until after April 1. hat all will not be peace has already made itself A sharp contest is expected on large number of the measures, ciaily if the Governor endeavors to the letter. The first bill to be defeated in House this session was the measure to permit judges to suspend jall sen- found in civil cases such as trespass, Walter Franklin declared aside the sixty years and could be voked to set frec pe nalicious Mr. the set rons on ier verdiets to have pris ms thr to pay We bh ils adie ir nde d i y on ‘age optional was 94 noes The House ¢ on to Invite Mr. Lip sponsor of the taft phia, t, deciaring the Act with the Ju to 74 aves, 4 wncturred in the ex-President Taft to ad- esed the Legislature on Fhe House passed finally Enabling first-class to adjoining municipali dee The vote resolu water Amending Philadelphia port with Federal laws through th hips roing The appropriation bill for the Penitentiary was introduced into House by Mr. Richards, Philadel It ealls for $3284 846.85, includ ing $10.000 for general repairs The borough code was from committee by Mr. McViear, who stated that being made for a hearing. The civil service and other departments in cities was also {tee ern Alle- in police third The bill to ereate the th Dauphin county was optometry bills wero posiponed. The I'he House adjourned Among the bills introduced were: Thomas, Luzerne sentatives of fraternal bodies of per no known relatives, Stern, Philadelphia-—-Amending antl law by providing for sum- Blackburn, Bedford-—-Requiring ap- marriage licenses to pre ent certificates of freedom from cor: tain transmissible disease. Maurer, Berks— Regulating of compressed alr machinery and estab lishing safely provisions. MeCaig, Allegheny Providing method of eonnecting city highways with county roads and regulating con. druction and maintenance, Rothenberger, Berks -— Appropriay ing $1,506,000 to pay balance due sec end class township under township road act for 1814. MeViear, Allegheny Reorganizing the Division of Distribution of Public Documents, Heftorman, Philadelphis— Amonding act relative to collection of collateral inheritance tax so that the Register of Wills only shall employ and fix com- pensation of attorneys. The present uct gives the Auditor General certain powers in regard to attorneys. Fretz, Bucks—Introduced a bill to authorize municipalition to appropriate annually to public non-sectarian 1} braries an amount not exceeding one mill on the dollar of taxable property when a gift or bequest exceeding $20. 006 has bean made to establish a fibrary on condition that” it be main tained by the mopaicipaiilty, sis Pardon Board Meets. Harrigborg.-—~The new State Board of Pardons refused to recommend oom- mutation of the death geutence of one man and deferred action op three sthers, It was the first meeting and the bearings lasted until nightfall. Action on enses was as follows: Nicolo Mondollo, first degree mur der, Fayette, refused commutation, under sentence to be electrocuted in week of April B, Gregario Rizzato, first degree mur der, Philadelphia, and Andrew Mail nowski, Allegheny, first degree mur wer, held under advisement 1a NEW YORK.--Wheat—8pot weak, No. 2 red, 168¢c; No. 2 hard, 169¢c, all rail, ¢ 1 f, track, export; No. 1 North toba, 166% c | f Buffalo. Future weak: May, 166%, Corn—No. 2 yellow, 88%¢ c 1 f to arrive. Butter—Creamery, extras, 92 score, 82% @33c; creamery, higher scoring, 33% @34; firsts, 30Q32; seconds, 27Q i packing stock, current make, No. 2 20% @21. @26%; extra firsts, @25; reconde, 24@24%; State, Penn. sylvania and nearby hennery whites. fine to fancy, 34; do, gathered whites, Cheese-—State, 17%ec; State whole milk, do, average whole milk, averago fancy, 15% Dressed Poultry—Western 17@21¢; fresh fowl, keys, 14@022% Poultry -— Weak; 15% 16; fowls, @16. 14% 4G 18%; tur Jdve PHILADELPHIA —Wheat-- in export elevator, No. 2 £1.5791.81; Duluth, $1.64@ 1.69; ern, $1624 1.66, Corn—No. 2 yellow, steamer, yello No. 1 Northern new, $1084 Yc No. 3 yellow w, new, 81@G83%¢c sample, new, T4@77c; new, cob, per seventy pounds, SE@86c,; for car lots in export spot and February, 80 gteamer, 8M @T78%c; No, 8, sland. white, Oatg—No ard white, 8315 84r Butler 2 white, 65065634; 64G64%e; No. 3 - Western solid - packed fancy special, 36c; extra, axtra firsts, 326 33c; firsts, 30Q 27¢28¢c; nearby prints average extra, 36c; firsts seconds, 28@28¢; lobbing 34c; alc; seconds, 31@G33¢: dozen: nearby Went Eggs--Nearby extra, 28c per firsts, $7.80 per standard case; current receipts, $7.65 per case; orn, extra firsts, $7.80 per case; do do $7.65 per case; Southern, $7.50 fancy. candied and fresh eggs, G85 per case: selected, . jobbing, at 31 16@1%7¢; old chickens, soft siagey, 130 15@17¢ per pair, 45@ pigeons, old young, Live Pouitry—Fowls, 11@¢12¢; sted, 15@18¢; ducks, 16@17%7¢c; guineas, as to quality, turkeys, 148 17c: pair, 22@25¢; do do, T@ 15 do do, gEeene No. 2 161; steam BALTIMORE. Sy heat - Western, 165c: No. No, 2 red, 156. Corn—8Spot and February, red, Standard white, 62 G62% 2 rye. Western, 3 do, $1.3151.32; No. 4 do bag lots of nearby rye, $1G1.14. Hay--No. 1 timothy, $15619.50; 2 do, $18431850G; No. 3 do, 316@17; light clover mixed, $18@ 18.050; clover mixed, $17.560@18;: No. 2 $15.50@16.50; choice clover, 19.50; do, $15@16.50; No. 3, <0, 51150014; sample hay, as to kind, condition, $10@13. Straw-—No. 1 straight rye, 13.50; No. 2 do, $12.50; No. 1 tang rye, $10@11; No. 2 do, $8.50@9; 1 wheat, $8: No. oat, $0.50@ 10; No. Butter-—Creamery, fancy, creamery, choice, 31932; good, 20G 20; creamery. prints, 35; creamery, blocks, 32034; 22923; rolls, 216232; Virginia, rolls, Eggs nearby firsts, 260; 25: West Virginia Southern firsts, 23. Dressed Poultry—Turkeys—Cholce, 200: fair to good, 18@19; rough and poor, 13@14. Chickens — Choice, young, 17@18c; old and mixed, 16@ 17; old roosters, 11. Ducks, 16@18¢. Geeee— Nearby, 16@16¢; Western and Southern, 13@14. Capons—7 Ibs and over, 20@2ic; medium, 18@19; small and slips, 15616. Dressed Hogs ~~ Choice Western Maryland and Pennsylvania light weights, T%Os,; heavyw lights, smooth, T@7%; stags, sows ana rough weights, SW @%c; choles medium stock, 566; heavy, old boars, 5Q6. Onts 623, @63¢c; 3 white, Rye-—No. No. $1.30@1.31; No. 2 do, $8@8.50. Lreamery, 339 Ohio, rolls, 20021. ~ Western firsts, 24Q firsts, 24025; Live Stock CHICAGO. —~ Hogs — Bulk, $656Q 8.656; Heht, $6.40806.70; mixed, 36.450 6.72%; heavy, $8.30@6.65; rough, $6.26 @640; pigs, $65@6.60. Cattle Native steers, $5.4508.70; Western, $4809 7.30; cows and heifers, $3.166G 7.75; calves, $7G10.26 Sheep--Bheep, $6.2687. yearlings, $7.0G7.75; lambs, $6.8068.25, BLA KANBAS CITY, MO.-~Hoge- Bulk, $645@0.05; heavy, $6.40@8.66; pack: ers and butchers’, $6.46@8.505; light, V8A46 06.00: pigs. $5.05096.60. I A A A SWS 5 15 I A spell of cold, damp’ weather is always followed by a fine erop of kid- ney troubles and backache. Colds and chills damage tke kid- neys. Other troubles common to win- ter weather are just as bad. Grip, ton- silitis, quiney, pneumonia or any other by overloading the blood with poisons. The kidneys get worn, weak and in- flamed trying to work it off. It isn’t hard to strengthen weak kidneys though, if you act quickly. At the first sign of backache, dizzy spells, headaches, loss of weight, nerv- ousness, depression and painful, irreg- ular kidney action, start using Doan’s Kidney Pills. Rest the kidneys by gimple eating, avoidance of overwork and worry, and getting more rest and sleep. A milk diet is fine. This sensible treatment should bring quick benefit and prevent geri. ous kidney diseases like dropsy. gravel and Bright's disease, Clip this advertisement and maf! it of Doan's Kidney Pills, the best rec Loery Picture Tells e Story” ““ I'd be all right only for my back.’ ommended kidney remedy in the world. You'll decide it worth a tris), when you read this enthusiastic tesfl. mony. Doctor Gave Him Up Health All Run Down From Ravages of Kidney Disease £ OC Welse, 109 Virginia Ave, Camber. land, Md, seys: 1 was in a desperate plite of health The doctar, after giving 9 everything he knew cf, sald he couldn't Liglp me and advised me 40 go to a hospital This, I wouldn't do, So=ever. My back wie a constant sche snd I couldn't sleep » wasn't able Lo eat much and my whole body + was psinful. ] bed a most annoying biid- der trouble The kidney secretions were highly colored and deposited sediment, ye. sembiing brick-dust, Mf allowed to stand B/ lost weight stesdily i gave up bope of ever being cured and the way I was sul. fering told me thet 1 couldn't live Jong. Finally 1 learned of Doan's Kidney Pills and I decided to try them After 1 hod takes 8 few doses 1 felt betior. 1 began to pich up in strength and the pals gradusily lef . I kept on veing Doan's Kidney Pills snd was cured. For the pssst ten years § haven't had the slightest trouble.” [1]. KIDNEY) 2 ad ——— Campaign Against. Tubercuiosis Will Shortly Have a New and im. portant Ally. A new campaign for closer tion with labor unions and other groups of workingmen {8 anno by National Association for Study and Prev A committee has with Dr. Theodore B. of the Chicago Tube: form immediate and future nembers of the comm Gompers, president of the Federation of Labor, Washiogton; George W. Perkins, secretary of the international Cigarmakers’ union, Chi cago; John Mitchell of the New slate compensation commission, York: Austin of the B the been Sachs, president culosgis institute, slate action. ttee are Bamuel Other New Garretson, president rotherhood of Railway Con 5, lowa: liam Charles White, medical director sf the Tuberculosis league of Pitts burgh, and Dr. David R. Lyman, super intendent of the Gaylord Farm sapat rium, Wallingford, As the first step in the ¢ gpecial health bulletin pared for the labor papers be sent out monthly in with members of the bor Press bureau. ductors, Cedar Rapid Conn. ampalign has been pre and will co-operation international La Up to Mother, The mother of thirteen-yearold generous nature returned from The other day Page school wit the an Well, that's a very nice subject,” replied Page's mother. “Yes, but, mother,” the little girl “what ere you going to say about it?" She Went, “See how | can count, mamma.” sald Kitty, “There's my right foot That's one. There's my left foot. That's two. Two and one make three Three feet make a yard, and | want to go out and play In it.” Too Much to Bear. Friend—Why are you erying, Bobby? Bobby—Ma whipped me because my and then washed It Judge. — A It's the high spots that knock out BSA — THE DOCTOR'S WIFE Agrees With Him About Food. A trained nurse says: “In the prac tice of my profession I have found so food that I unhesitatingly recommend it to all my patients. “It is delicate and pleasing to the palate (an essential in food for the sick) and can be adapted to all ages, being softened with milk or cream for babies or the aged when deficiency of teeth renders mastication impossible, For fever patients or those on liquid diet 1 find Grape-Nuts and albumen water vory nourishing and refreshing. “This recipe is my own idea and is made as follows: Soak a teaspoonful of Grape-Nuts in a glass of water for an hour, strain and serve with the beaten white of an egg and a spoonful of fruit juice for flavouring. This af. fords a great deal of nourishment that even the weakest stomach can assimi- late without any distress. “My husband is a physician and he uses Grape-Nuts himself and orders it many times for his patients, “Personally | regard a dish of Grape. Nuts with fresh or stewed fruit as the ides) breakfast for anyone--well or Rr In stomach trouble, nervous prostra tion, ete, a 10day trial of Grape-Nuts will usually work wonders toward nourishing and rebuilding and in this way ond the trouble. Name given by Postum Co. Battle Creek, Mich, book, “The Road to Wellville.” Byer read ram hone ties to ime. Fhe 33 ane appears Between Deals. : Wall Street broker who ought | audeville came across al unc h with a fresh conundr “What's the “botween driver, The be in nin. difference, gaid he, taxidermist and & taxi one of those chaps who gears taximeter up (0 the highest had had experience with but nobody « Everybody an answer, All right” you and One the said the broker stuffs you aud GRANDMA USED SAGE TEA TO DARKEN HER GRAY HAIR She Made Up a Mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur to Bring Back Color, Gloss, Thickness. Almost everyone knows that Bage Tea and Bulphur, properly compound ed, brings back the natural color and when faded, streaked also ends dandrufl, itching scalp and stops falling hair. Years ago the only way to get this mixture make it at home, which is mussy and troublesome. Nowadays, by asking at any store for "Wyeth's or gray; the famous Don't stay gray! Try #2! No one you darkened it so naturally You dampen a sponge or and draw this taking one small strand at a time, by morning the gray balr disappears, and after another ap your hair becomes beautifully dark, thick and glosry~— soft brush with it in After Years. “Beauty,” remarked the youth, “may draw us with hair.” ; “Puring the courtship, yes” re joined the bald-headed man with a | sigh, “but after marriage she is more likely to grab a handful.” The Finest Horse Liniment Is Yager's Liniment. B., L. Taft | Salem, N. J, says; “In 20 years’ ex- | perience of training horses, Yager's is | the most wonderful Liniment 1 ever | used.” For spavin, gall, sweeny, collar | bofls, wounds, ete, it has no equal | The finest external remedy for man or | : beast. Largs 25-cent dealers. Prepared by Gilbert Bros. | JOR & Co, Inc, Baltimore, Md. — Ady, | | ComSUMIRS | poetic a single His Point of View. “What is your idea of matrimony?” asked the fair mald who was still oo cupying the anxious seat. “Well,” rejoined the wise chap who | had balked at the hurdle, it's probably all right for those who haven't i worry.” The Proof Conclusive, | Sunday B8chool Teacher—What is the outward, visible sign of baptism? ha Johnny—The baby, mus, Showing It. | me that prosecuting at id in his conduct of He must have the snvictions So they say urage of hig of Nmporiant to “Wiothes : Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, aud see that i! Bears the ZT Signature of - - of » In Use For Over 80 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria —————————————— children factories 00 women and 1 the tobacco tongue has the father not guaranteed by a responsible con- cern. When you buy our roofing you et the writtenguarantee of the world's into manufactubers of roofing end buuiding papers. Buy materials that last % oxy leading product—is puaramteed $ years for 1. ply, 10 years for 2-ply and 15 years for 3-ply. We also make Jower price ced roofon, fas surfaced shingles, apere, wall boards, owut-door pai _: ne Semen; ete. Ask your desler for predocts made by ws They are reasonable in price and we stand ‘Salesmen Wanted" ne St Sander od Rursery Sock. Liberal bog: ij 58» ohtion, Bn weekly payment - Cor Compime ok: V. T. HOOD & CO. OLD DOMIMION NURSERIES DEFT. B. RICHMOND, VA, Parlor Tricks and Games 150 a hoot a — 93a I Ww. N. u. BALTIMORE, NO. s-1918, cp A or rolling Up-lands of Middle lands already under tillage. State. New virgin. fuses. oF Ample monthly rainfall, excursion rates twice a month, Hay and Live Stoel in the year. + Special AE. RICE, General laduateial