THE CENTRE REPORTER. ISSUED WEEKLY. CENTRE HALL - - PENN’A. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1915 SMITH & BAILEY , . . Proprietors S. W.SMITH . . . . . «. Editor { Local Editor and EDWARD E. BAILEY Bees Tonner Entered at the Post Office in Centre Hall as second Class mall matter, TERMS, —The terms of subscription to the Re porter are one and one-half dollars per year ADVERTISING RATES—Display advertise ment of ten or more inches, for three or more in portions, ten cents per inch for each issue. Dis lay advertising occupying less space than ten nohes and for less than three insertions, from fifteen to twenty-five cents per inch for each issue, according to composition, Minimum | charge seventy-five cents, Local notices accompanying ing five cents per line for eac wise, eight cents per line, twenty-five cents, Legal notices, twenty cents per line for three insertions, and ten cents per line for each ad- ditional insertion. display advertis- insertion ; other- minimum charge, - i CHURCH APPOINTMENTS | Presbyterian—Centre Hall, morring and even ing. United Evangelical—Lemont, morn Lin- den Hall, afternoon ; Centre Hall ever . | Reformed Union, morning ; ternoon ; Centre Hall, evening, Spring Mills, Luatheran—Centre Hall, morning ; afternoon ; Tusseyville, evening, POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS, We are authorized to announces that James E, Harter of Penn township is a candidate for the office of County Treasurer, on ti ticket, subject to the rules governi Election. LOCALS Dr. McClary, the humorist, is billed for March 18th, He ia counted the “ fanniest’” man on the stage. The county auditors have finished their work and the report of the finan. cial condition of the county will be published next week. Prof. W. R. Jones, principal of Gregg township's public schools, will open a Bummer Normal at Spring Mills, April 25th, His advertisement appears in this issue. Monday sud was accompanied home by Mrs. Meyer who underwent an op- eration there several weeks ago. Her condition is excellent. The county board of Commissioners appointed N. T. Krebs of Pine Grove Mills to finish the work of the late A Luckenbach, as mercantile appraiser, The appointment was made Tuesaday. Miss Margaret Goodhart entertained a number of her friends at her home on Saturday afternoon, Refresh- ments were served. The following were present : Mrs, C. M. Arney, Mrs. Badie Bushman, Mrs. Abner Alex. ander, Mrs. Harvey H. Mark, Mrs F. W. Bradford, and Mrs. D. W, Bradford. Perry W. Breon, who advertised his farm stock and implements for sale March 9, has called off the sale Chas. D. Bartholomew will purchase Mr. Breon’s stock and implements at appraisement, and wi’l leave them on the farm, which be owns, and which will be tenanled by Emmet Brooks after Mr. Breon moves to State Col- lege. W. RB. Camp, who for a number of years was a resident of Centre Hall and while here engaged in the under- taking and furnitore business and is similarly engaged now in Tyrone, ls _ reported to the Reporter as having recently removed to new business quarters, that from the point of mod- ern equipment Is not surpassed io Central Pennsylvania. Mr, Camp occupies two floors of a building recently erected by a secret order, and was built with a view of especially accommodating a business such as Mr, Camp conducts. Merchant C. F. Emery, on Tuesday, ricelved a letter purporting to have come from a Canadian law firm, gent ly breaking the news that a relative living on the Pacific coast had died and that he had been made the sole heir to an estate of large proportions, The attorneys, afjer giving more de- tails, suggested that the whole matter be referred to some reliable law firm who could easily convert the property into cash. The letter closed with the statement that the aunt's chief regret was that he ( Mr. Emery) was not at her bedsida to perferm a service writ. ten in illustrations on the reverse side of the letter. If you can strike the lc. eal merchant when he is in the proper humor and has a bit of spare time, you may induce him to permit you to read # document that for a brief time made the old aupt—before the page was turned—quite kissable, Monday evening forty four members of the Masonic fraternity initiated the new rooms of the local order, on the second floor of the bank building, by holding an informal gathering in honor of George Washington Hoster- man, secretary of Old Fort lodge, whose birthday falls on the same day as that of our country’s first citizen. Refreshments were served. Among those present the following were from adistance : Messers J. W. McCormick, Columbia, 8B, OU; John M. Otto, Williamsport; Julian Fleming, Col- umbus, Ohio; Dr, P. H. Dale, J, ©. Bmith, F, M. Tairence, State College ; J. H. Roms, F, E. Wieland, F, Pp, Ishler, Linden Hall ; BR. P. Campbell, Penns Cave; Rev. D. M. Geesey, A. B. Musser, J. W. Foster, Asronsburg ; A. J. Gephsrt, L. W. Biover, Dr. John Hardenburg, L. A. Kass, W. 8. Shel don, Millhelm ; W. T, Harter, W. L. Campbell, F, J. Malone, Coburn, FEBRUARY COURT, Court Opened Monday Morning--WMarlion i Township Farmer Foreman of Grand | Jury, i Court convened on Mondsy morning at ten o'clock, and after hearing mo- | tions and petitions the constables of | the several districts of the county made | their quarterly report, The Grand | Jury was called and sworn, and George | M. Harter, -farmer of Marion town | ship, selected ns foreman. | The first waa NBylvanua | Moyer, who lives at Tylereviile, It appears Moyer, at the December court, | plead guilty to an assault on his wile; sentence suspended, Later threats his wife, lives with a daughter in Moyer required furnish peace bail in the sum of $500 The civil list for both first second week was gone and the following cases disposed Albor Baney va. J. T. being ap appeal, eettled. onge called he! who Miles | {ol WHE made pains now township, Was the and | over of : Beckwith, rook Blate snd Brick Co, v , eontioued Wilbur H. Wining va. iis ptony i mn G g an action in Llreapns fore Court. I'he case of Arthur H, Hagy 6 ard, in- of not whilg plowing, was guilty. Hs annoyed by a 2 , and Yi 2 vq in a verdi« gyurd, num. retail ber of school children fe older boys, place sof the The pre tended asssull tock Rush township. Commonwea Hall waa charged with having stolen a a buggy | - ' r iroyer ol th robe and raincoat from longing to A. A, Bel On issulpg a weit gearch burg. the articles were found caboore of a freight 11s had found them near a he secures walter every he had pot been Lo night the articles were st did not have them locked uj ] } RWAD them Of Lai Was B ¥ rendered a verdict of not pay the coals va. Thomss Hardy, ed for nou-support of children ; prose ger of the gulity, Comm cator William Woods, overs poor of Rush township 1 final disposition of the case, for farnishing liquor ; Harold D. Cowher; defendant gailty and was remanded invesligation, The Taylor-Bubb case, sa the Re porter goes to press, is on trial, This case is an wppesl from the justice's decision snd was conticoed [from December court, to jail for —— A A ————————— Mrs MoUlelinn Dend As the Reporler goes Wed. pesday sfiernoon, word the death of Mrs E'iz2a the home of her daughter, Mra HL W Frantz, at Earlystown, An extended police wili appear next week, lo press, ia Met received ef LOCALS Mrs. 8. W. Buoith is spending a week in Philipsburg as the guest of ter, Mrs. . Ray Morgan, Robert Meyer of Altoona is howe for a few days losee his mother who just returned from the Fhiladelphis hospital, her sis There will be services in the Presby- terian church wpext HSabbath, both morning and eveuing, Prof John 7. Marshroan of State College will preach on each occasion, Mr. and Mis J. B. Getchell and son of Youngwood arrived st the Bruogart horae the latter part of inel week, Mr, Getehell returned on Tuesday” bul his family will rerunin here for a short time, Ip — oo —— FLANS DEATH BLOW TO LIQUOR BUSINESS. Prohibition Party Uengrersman-sleet De. scribes Proposed Laws to Withdraw Al Goveromenti 'retection. Charles HEH. Randall, Prohibition party Congressman-elect from Cali fornia, in an address to prohibitionists in Baltimore anvounced that it is to be proposed in the next Congress (hat the Foleral Government shall with. draw from the liquor business all the facilities which are under the Govern. ment’s control or ownership, Four proposed laws are Lelng prepared, he said, as follows : Federal liquor license receipts to be issued only w holders of valid licenses already granted by local authorities in the Blatea, The United Bates manila to be closed to use by the liquor interests for any purpose whatever, thus preventing their advertising in newspapira, The United States to probibit inter. stale comunerce in liquor and its ime portation. Waste of food products to be stopped by prohioiiing their transformstion into aleohiolie liquors. I I f —— The quartet of the Pennsylvania Htate College Glee sand Mandolin clubs bas been booked for two long trips During the KE wter vacation they will travel over the Hante Fe lines the Pacific coast, where a series of concerts will be given In the Pennsylvania building at the Papamwe-Pacific ex. position. Immediately after the com. mencement exercises in Juve the qusrtet will leave on its second trip sucrose the Isthmus of Panama, Walle in the esual zone fonsestte will te given for government employes at Y, M. C. A, Qerdquartors and io many camps, so iy DEATIS Mre. Margaret Keller died op day morning st the home i M KE. Mothersbaugh, | Bhe was born at Boalshurg, September | 8, 1828, her age being ninety-one years, | five month parents were RBhenst ’ Her itharine and sixteen dave. K were George and orger. There of the Bhene! several of t children em died in infaney t Orie { 1 i to David Hhe was v 18442 IIATI is Boalsturg, July 21st, { £1 18 Lis married | lonlst rg and Ok H moved on a fears they move iil and in 1864 near Bell Later loalsburg led her husbs retired Jif the des cured Ju home wi daughter the mot dd Pale teven children ;: one daughter M Ralbarive March 29, 1888, sud Willian died in August, 10 JO BUITVIN i IF ate 1 i morning health and manhood In early taken into full communion wilh fa el ® ed a consistent member throu April 10, 1878, Le Ji Dannley a Pipe M by {rove st iile, The greater part of their t her bome Rev pnie L Koser married jife wae spent in i Isbuirg aod vie By of for a period of fi I sa soliv upatic Lie Ww He children : is surviv (es as farm Deal B oulah at home sigiere. Philly and one wood fod. ; Mre, Willing Funeral forenoon. Lily x James n Pails will be Mrs. Eliz Housh, Henry Roush, died at Lhe hom danghler, Mra. J H. Det Hall, seventy-four years with which she had st For he was in a bed lant held apailll wiley, Centre Mouday uight, Death woes catised f iA" by gangrene, fered for (hires years preceding ber death ten dave ip Fu tl a PARRY wae will be late Dit Heckhman's comelery R R. Jones offic less condition and Fi Luisi perl se1vices morning at her me and wi | be made in at Penn Hall, Bev, ating. Mr. and Mrs. Roush, about nine yiars ago, moved from Fenn Hall to the Detwiler home snd ii wae tere that Mr. Roush died, about three youra ago. Burviviog sre the follo ing children: 18. Perry iB J. H. #iler, Centre Hail; Mrs. Carrie shook, Bpring Mills; J W. Roush, Asrousiurg; Mrs. Irv Wesver, Haloba Dora Houab, Lock Haven Mraie Duck, Clintendale ; John F. Roush, Siale College. Also these brothers and sls ters : Henry Hauck, Georges Vailey ; farael Hauck, Smuilton ; Harvey and John Heuck, Msdisonturg; Mis Harah Vonads, Centre Hall; Mrs Philip Frank, Egg Hill, Mra. Badie Heberling died st her home in Pine Grove Mills, Friday noon, from the cflecia of a paralylic strokes which she pustaloed Baturdsy a week ago Mrs Heberiing had besn in delicate hisaith for some time and only a short time ago underwent an operation at her home. Funeral ser vices were held in the Lutheran church Mouday, at eleven o'clock, and interment was made at Pine Grove Mills, Rev, L Bloy Bpaogier, sselsted by Dr. C. T. &lkevs of Belin « grove, officiating. bre, Heberilug at the time of her death was seventy-six ears and four monthe of ages, Biuce Ter girlhood days she was 8 member of the Lutheran church and practical. ly sll her life was spent in the town where she died er husband pre. coded her to the grave three years ge, Three ohildren ste liviog, nam iA Ww. $s y 'y. £00, Mrs Mies Morn, Miss Hatella A, at home; M. a J. B. Heberling, Bitte Uollege. * A wid 1: BOALSBURO Migs Katharine Weber of State Col- | Miss Bertha Boyder of Centre Hall | place, On nev 4, ££) the Bunday EVELIOE il preach a sermon on 5 neiiuglo be of Mre, Grant { of ladies st party, Ti harles enteripined her ureday, fu home at a i tty ded the Bricker, st Laura ticker » [ M Lutharis War R et joyed by sll was fitled tH "4 nsec Transfers of Heal BEsinte a HH. Lenker of wy ’ i; * i land in Mile io Wm. J Philipsturg el al {of land in LOTTO 3. Wao othrock’s | K. Phi girs to Eleanor iand in Philips. burg | Einery Hayes tr Hallie M Bellefonte ux to and in i) tiller to D. R. Poreley el ali, of of land in Heiuese twp, 7350 W. Harrison Walker, Willis CU. Witmer, tract Beoner twp. $450 wa to in lrustes, of and CYRUS BRUNGART JUSTICE OF THE PEACE CENTRE HALL, PA attend given to © with AZ Teomn Hennees © and ail office attended to promptly CERRLATOITRIEP GO PONS IRES A few more Bed Blan- kets and Horse Blan- kets, for cold weather, Heavy Hose Good Warm Sweaters Heavy Gloves Heavy Wool Shirts A few Heavy Caps Dress Goods for Dresses Coat Suits, Ete. Working SCHMIDT'S BREAD three times a week ; Tues day, Thursday and Saturday, GODS OORBOPVITUSV ODOR TUILECOOPODIRES en This Store Will Close Every Wednesday Hvening at Six O'dock - kins, H. F. Rossman SPRING MILLS, PA. C000 20009090009000000000000000000000780000 700200000080 POIELLEI00000050000000048 é ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ 4 4 THIRTY-DAY Clearance Sale HN In Men's Work and Dress SHOES 20 to 30 Per Cent. DISCOUNT on Broken Lots. Fresh Oranges and Grape Fruit York State Sour Kraut 8c. Quart FRESH OYSTERS every Friday Produce taken in exchange for Merchandise, GIVE US A CALL C. F. EMERY, Centre Hall 4 4 ¥ 4 A NEW LINE OF ercales, Ginghams and White Goods just received. goods. You before thinking Pretty pattern in colored should sec these goods of doing your sewing, KREAMER & SON CENTRE HALL, PA. “FITZEZY" SHOES will cure corns! SOLD ONLY AT EAGER’S SHOE STORE BELLEFONTE Y Bargains in Clothing HE GREATEST BARGAINS IN CLOTHING for Men, Boys and Children, You can get a Suit or Overcoat for yourself or boy, at almost any price. Everything reduced in Underwear, Trousers, Sweaters, Overalls, Shoes and Rubbers, Ladies,’ Misses’ and Children’s Coats, Suits, Dresses and Rain- coats, for less than—HALF P RICE, Reductions in UNDERWEAR Big reductions in Ladies’ and Children’s Underwear. As our stock is very large, we must scl the good at any price, so as to make room for our spring goods, Time is very short, so don’t fail to come in our place before you go any place else. . HERR’S Department Store “ THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY MILLHEIM, PA.