Will Erect New Dwelling, F. Kryder Frank purchaeod home from John H, Weber, erect & dwelling house on it. The $350 mmm——————— “ Dry” Forces Fighting 1a Unloo County. The Anti-Baloon League Yost sotive in its organization he past week to create public senti- ment tending to close the two hotels in Lewisburg and one in Laurelton, for which places the applications for license will be heard tomorrow ( Fri- day ) before Judge Johnson and As- gociates Rowe and Dic fIenderfer. The forces of the ‘dry’ element in the county held a meeting in the Sun- day-school room of the Reformed church, The meeting was attended by delegates from different sections of the county, and three sessions were held, morning, afternoon and evening. Rev. W. M, Rearick of Mifflinburg is chairman of the league, and Prof Bromley Buiich of Lewisburg the sec- retary. The chairman stated that the purpose of the meeting was to have the court close the bars of the few re- maining hotels, and make the county absolutely dry. ee ctl eee has Denths of Lentre Countians, John 8, Fisher died in Jewell City, Kansas, at the age of eighty-tbree years. He was born in Centre county, Henry J. Rothrock, a well known farmer of Bpriog township, died of paralysis, aged sevenly-one years. Edward L. Rishel, a native of Belle. onte, died in Pittsburgh of galloping tuberculosis, sged thirty years. He was buried at Bellefonte. John A, Waguer, a unique character jn Bellefonte, died aa a result of a paralytic stroke, aged sixty-four years. Mra Rachsel Aun Yeager died near Bellefonte, of a complication of dis- esses, aged sixty-gix years, Mrs. John D. HSourbeek Bellefonte, of poeumonia, one years, Mrs, Julia Kessiogsr died at Belle- fonte of aged sixty-five years, died in aged six. paralysis, i fp Ap February February is the shortest month of the year, but sfier all some mighty important events happened within the twenty-eight days allotted to it for three cut of every four years, For | instance, the second is ground hog day, | Lincoln was born on the 12:h, the 14:h is 8t. Valentine's day, the editor of | the Reporter was born on the Ils, Washington on the twenty-second, as well as a lot of other Georges in this Spring Mills. Ralph Bhook is delivering mall thie week for Frank Me _lelian. Hhoo to work at the carpenter trade College were callers saturday : Mrs. Hasan Hanna and son { spent Bunday st Asronsburg. D. Long are on friends on | David MecQool and J. to their rooms Mra, Susan Viethorn returned to her home at Manorville, Baturday mornp- irg. Elmer Ripka lost a horse on Mon- day. Mrs. Sarah Gales of Penn mother of Mrs. H. F. Rossman, taken seriously ill on Thursday night was removed to the Rossman home on Saturday where she is con- valescing. The roads have been in a bad condi tion owing to the bed of ice, and sever- al sceldents have occurred, On Batur- day night William Musser of Bober brought a sledload of people to the revival service in the Evangelical hurch., When opposite A. C. Dun. led swung sround and upset, The the Hall, Was Bhe Ce lap’s the throwing all the occupants out found in shed at the Paradise chureh. Carl Meyer, John Meyer, team rau away snd was a four-year-old son of bad a thrilling experi: ence in a coasting accident last week Mr. Meyer lives in wes! end of the Bibby House. The little lad, imitat- ing the older boys, waa coasting on s small hill in his father’s yard, when the sled got his control went cut through the yard gste apd OVEer the beyond and dashed embankment, fifteen feet high, landing on the public road Except for a few scratches the boy was not hurt. an lant ft Linden Hall J. B, Miller of Rock Springs epent a few days here last week Miss Irene Ross, who has been sick with tonsilitie, is able to be around again, James M, in Bellefonte lvin Johns igh west where he will be Ross transacted business Mor YE DAY (dav. to employed on s expects EO farm next summer. One of R 134 horses was badly k (Farbrick’s big bay ieked another It required a dozsn siitchies to close the wound. C. T. Fquiers of Philadelphia spent a few days here the beginning of the by DOrse, ii il A and Mrs, Claode Wert on Monday. ttle son ese to the home of Mr . commuupity. In addition to these the following noted persons were also born | in Februsry : Barsh Flower Adams, | Susan B. Anthony, Li Hang Chang, | Dwight L. Moody, Cardinal Newman, | Horace Gresley, Adslina Patti, Thom- as A. Edison, Ellen Terry and Margs- ret Sangster. Biman ft nasser LOCALS L. L. Smith has srcured the agenvy | for the King and on Wednesday received his demonstrat- ing car, Edward R. Benson, Democratic candidate for congress at the primaries last spring, was appointed postmaster in Mt, Jewett, McKean county, by President Wilson, Ivy W. Bartges, who during the past few years had been in Ohio, purchased the Ezra Finkle property on Long avenue, in Bpring Mills, and will occupy it after April 1st, stutlomobile, Plapning and doing all the work himself, E G. Moyer, the new post. master at Rickersburg, Berks county, hss erected 8 one-story office building, costing $300, poet Huntingdon county, now dry, has three applicants for liquor licenses. The temperance people are busy with remonstrances, and in Huntingdon county remonstrances count, Mr, Arnold of the Central Lyceum Bureau, Harrisburg, writes to the Lecture Course Committee that he is trying to fix a date for Col. Bain to gppear at Centre Hall. He sdds that the Colopei’s time, about two bun. dred nights a year on the platform, is much sought after and that it will re- quire some waneuveriog to fix a date for him, ————— YT ——— The Stute Board of Public Charities is Jendiog ite approval in the effort to have the state legislature pass the bill introduced by Representstive Bho- walter appropristing $675,000 for the building and maintenance of the Home for Feeble Minded Women of Child-Bearing Age, to be bullt in Hartley township, west of Laurelton The officers of the board met at Phil adeiphia Tuesaday, when the matter was considered, The . state iostitu- tions are crowded with inmates, and it is impossible to properly care for them. The new institution ls intend. ed to care for those females whose mente] faculties sre sii bily derang- ed, and segregate them at the pro posed village where with proper treatment their Yecovery might be hastened, —————— ST ————— Our Mr. Wilson, down at Washing. ton, is not willing '0 cede to Koglend that she fa the whole p sh when she UENTHRE OAK Wilbur Lucas is buying up cattle. Wilbor can certainly find them sll 0. k. Mr (Gaorga W. Long and laughter Mary aspen iday st Madi fa ds or and Mrs 2 13 Miss Mary Homan spant Randay with her friend, Miss Veata Yearick, Miss Belle Meoker spent a few days Milton ¥sradford, who housed with a bad cold. Harry Frankenbarger took a sled load of women to the home cof John W. Zby on Thursday where a quiit- ing party was held. Of cowmirse they report & graud dinper and all took part in that, Mies Carrie Bartges is up spent Buunday with her friend, Carrie Osman at Peon Hell, wp . CENTRE MILLS Mr. and Mra. Rossman of Ziegler ville, Mifflin county, visited Mr. and Mrs. Levi Blump, at SBpring Bank, recently. Chas, Coble’s children have re covered from the messles and the quarantine has been lifted. Prof, J. V. Godahsll, wife and little gon of Syracuse, N. Y., Mrs, Csnn snd three children of Altoona, Mr. and Mra Neese of Hartletor, were visitors Inst week st the home of J. A, Kline, Henry Moyer of Tuesey ville visited his dsughter, Mrs. Cummings, Sanday. J. N. Moyer and wife of Hebersburg pont Bundsy at the home of George Wise Bigler Shsflor has again lemsed the Bierly farm fron its new owner, Heury Btouner, ————— A LTD The view Judge Telford holds on the license question will oblige all Indiana county residents who wish to “ take sumtin '’ to go to Glenn Camp- beil, in the northern part of the coun- ty, 8s at that point is the only licensed houss in the county. Indisoa, the county seat, has not been dry in nine. teen years, It is really strange how president judges Interpret the license jaws. If you know Yhe attitude of a judge on the rum business you can guess preity nearly his decieions at the leense court, JOBN DELKER'Y ELK, {Continued from previous page.) And old John Decker, his chinbeard now snow white, looking proudly at his crumbling trophy, in the afternoon light says, * It was just about this time of day when I saw him in the stubblefield over yonder, It seems only yesterday. 1 brought him down with one shot.” And as we drive away, we almost feel as if we were living in those grand days, and in our mind's eye, we can see must run ap the Stars and Stripes to gave her bacon from the Kalrer's gu! J ols, actors in the nt of the times Indians, ciks, panthers, wolves. settlers, all going « yor the unseen mountains. ¢ THE EMANCIPATION OF MEY i { { Conitnued from first page. ) whether Fhe {tion of a noble and true life, { freedom (constitutional ) of 1776 {ment., The freedom obtained in | wae that which emancipated tha sis i within our horder lines The freedom we long sud pray is that | which touches every heart and home, | And when we shall {truth as we ought to know 1563 vi t *y demon of intemperance, and erjoy liberty of conscience, heart, body, and #oul to do the Master's will, “The slavery of drink is viler and more destructive of humanity than the bondage of the negroe, and ought possible for deliverance of those who are cured with ite bondage beesuse of ignorancs or appetite, Let the notle work of knowledge the draughts of perfect liberty, which shall guarantee neither a slave, por = drunkard to be found within this great nation.” ei Methodist Confer: nes to Meg! ut Shamokin, of tli Methodist Hhamokin reacy g of the delegates The forty-seventh aession Central Pennsylvania ference will ba held March and preparations o COL at I sre al ander way for the entertal hundreds of ministers and vill attend this sesrion. of dis this who The terms two strict superine. that the H. distriet. tendents wilt expire Year, of Rav. Emory M, of Williamsport district, and Rev, B. Mosser, of the Whether those two jatora will of superintendant Neither ribia present that places, which sopetinmes occurs at Loe Hlevens, Juniata well know the jg ! n min. sitions known, sp polo Lone fig! rine ty aisirict, but continue in is for not is ®i on ti r possihle they may exchange expiration of the six years’ term of district superintendent, It ia reported that there msny en pre to Le anges in lmporiant pastorateos this yesr. A number of m who heve scrved for over five vears at heir present sppoiniments are ified, sec roiling to dame rumor, iiate to i A RPHANE COURT BALF Co’ : See me for best prices on all sizes of WATER PIPES -also- PUMPS and REPAIRS | Everything in the Plumb- ing Line—bathroom fix- tures, etc., at lowest prices. S. J. ROWE Centre Hall, Pa. S00708009090080 Geo 00000000 A few more Bed Blan- kets and Horse Blan- kets, for cold weather, Heavy Hose Good Warm Sweaters Heavy Gloves Heavy Wool Shirts A few Heavy Caps Dress Goods for Dresses Coat Suits, Ete. Working SCHMIDT'S BREAD three times a week; Tues day, Thursday and Saturday. This Store Will Close Every Wednesday Evening at Six O'clock H. F. Rossman SPRING MILLS, PA. | 0099000000008 0099900005 COOP RORORRODRRDRCORR VNR ROEBDOD RRR 9000000000008 00CNVUCOEBBVPBV Tere DOERR ORR ROR ERROR YTD #0 1998700000000 AR YOUN TIO OS HH ADVERTISEMENTS HOUSE AND LOT FOIL Ferguson Potter homestead WEIBLY, 187 North Bpring St SALY HORSE FOR FALE Dark Bay Homg olght vears old, svelghs about 180 3 vorker wherever hitched, Fi nutomobliies, Apply to C, A, Mills, Pa. arioss of LOBT~0On January 30th, a where between the hom and Hate Finder Dorothy E. Gestan, Woman's 22 { lege, Pa. KO College, CHOICE BHOATS FOR SALE. —Twent | for sale. —W. F, COLYER, C:ntre Hall, { ‘phone, | FOR BALE Brush Valley, acres fine growing timber spring water, Cash or easy GRAMLEY, Millhelm, Pa TWO GOOD HORSES FOR BALE roan horse, 1250 1ba,, will mare, 11 years old, w anywhere, good bugg ! a reasonable fHgure Writ BURKHOLDER, Centre Hil, Mills, Pa., R. D. 4 Small farm payments hs 1500 ibs; OF a, cr wuURT PROCLAMATION, Sone’ Whereas the Honorable Elis 1. Forty-ninth Judicial District, ounty of Centre, having wearing date the 28th day to me directed for holding = as, Orphans Court, Court Oyer and 1 ¥. in Bellefonte, nd to commence on th 1 MONDAY OF Fi lay of Fel issued his Of § rier ar: ruary, outinug Notice is hereby given ute, Jar CYRUS BRUNUART JUSTICE OF THE VFEACE CENTRE HAI FO INL Send to The R. T Fas Sereen. Rochester. N,V. the musulataren maser and ey will gladly furmid you, free & 33 page bewliint w= ¢ ewer s Paglond wet ru poy £ tw yowrs hie en perientee rains and He efecto Sor vol ad wbd by A. E. KERLIN and SON CENTRE MALL, PA, p'd ah _—mm Aine office will have thelr sales registered under this head FREE of charge. To all others the is one dollar, the notice to 1un untill date of sale, FRIDAY, FEBUARY 20th, at 1 o'clock, J. Rupkie, agent, will sell household Runkle, in the Boe posters H WEDNESDAY, MARCH SRD -H. 1 will make sale of farm stock and impicmenis THURSDAY, MARCH 4TH, at ten o'clock A. M., J. W. Gobble, in Georges Valley, will sell four horses, six mil cows, five heifers, three bulls, fuil line of iarm implements, cic. L. ¥. Hayes, anectiones FRIDAY, MARCH 5, one mile north of Tus seyville, by George F¥. Potter; horses, cattle, hogs, implements, ete, TUESDAY, MARCH 9TH. at ten Perry W. Breon, two miles west of Centre will sell farm stock and machinery, THURSDAY, MARCH 11, one o'clock, at Centre Hall, by 8. W, S8mith : Fight head of young horses, x of which are wostern glock of draft type: also, twelve or more cows, all with enives by their sides or due Ww calve. L. auctioneer, BATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13TH, atone o'clock, C. H, Yoroer, executor of Mm. Kate Horner, de i i iol of household goods at the late Hall o'clork Hall, of said decedant, in Centre Borough. See posters WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17 Fort, by Erbart and Bradford ten o'clock, st Old Live stock and MONDAY, MARCH 22, at Horner, two miles east of Linden farm stock and implements TUESDAY, MARCH Z8-A. ( Hill, el] farm stock and household ten o'clock, George Hall, will well Ripka, at Centre implements | sone goods TUESDAY, MARCH ZB at 9 A. M.~F. T, White at Ho will ix horses, nine id Guernsey ball Holstein bulls, 82 i brood sows ghosts and ckens a ine of farm bousehold goods, LF x UTH-A. F. Rote, on west of Farmers Mills line of jis. 22 fr DAY, MARCH mie n. by Arthur Gap : Will Kens, good farming {| household goods CHER al one o'clock, residence ch cows wehold goods, harp i a Tals ments and on bs H. €. ¢ east of Centre HW its, 20 head of callie, er, Deering mower, and jot of A, DMENIETRATRIXE NOTICE. - i {f administration, C. 7. A. on the estate +4 ¢ Rimet inte Howard borough egos fa the above ewisle y Lied tothe undersigned, she Hy requesi all PpormOns KDOwWIing seivos Indebind 0 the slate 10 make nme inte payment, and those having claims agains the same 10 present them duly suthenticated for seiticment wot the ees {54 MES JOB EARL, Ad ninistratrl # L409 teslameniary on isle of Centre Hall borough Ales testamentary on the above estate hav. bates Ar ¥ roguoest any persons kDowing Lied to the estate 19 make im eat and those haviog claims sgeins 1 = 0 Livaled BIBLE MUSSER, Ci 5] PPOOBVL0PRer POPPER ORL POU EGIBTER'S OTICE. The following scoour is have been exainis naamed and fled in the Hegbler's Office for Jette of the Halve and legateos creditors sil others in anywise Interested, snd will be 3 for confirmation on Wednesday, the 24th day 1915 The first and fins] secount of of Hannah A. Kesigle 1. Kegigle, 2. Roller The first and final account of Harrison Walker, Trustee, appointed 3 Orphans’ Court of Centre Conuty, Pa, in Koller, deceased, 2. Peters, The first and BOOT Frank E. Peters, Admr., of Agnes Peters, late of Bogus township, deceased, 4. Harnish, The frst and final sceount Martin Harnlsh, Ady, of &c., of Jolin M nish, inte of Bogus township, deceased Hi PFwabb The first and final sccount Myrtle 1. Bwabb, Admrx.,, of &e., of George Bwabb, late of Ferguson township, deceased 6. Pealer. The first and fioal account of Jam HOR 4 &e., of 1 “ of William Pealer, late of deceased, 7. Bobb, The first and final sccount of W F. Hail, Kxr., of &c., of Frederick Robb, ist Howard Borough, deceased 8. lear, The fire and fioal account of Hough, Admzr,, of &&., of Busannah Lear, late « Patton township, deceased, % Kauffman. The first and final scoou:r Amos Ksuflman, Exr., of &¢, of Israel Ks nfan, late of Beliefs Boro , deceased, 10. $imbert. The third and partial scoou Wm. H. Limbert, Exr. of &c. of H J deceased. 11. BStiver first and final Lioyd Stiver, Administrator, D. B, N John FP. Btiver, late of Huston deceased, 122 Riter, The firet and partial accou: Alsnson Moon, Trustee, appoigled by Orphans’ Court of Centre County of 8 Cems Fund, under the ters snd conditions and tations as set forth + will of Delis J. K inte of Liberty 1 ip, decoased i and fins] sccount of , of Join C ne own fth tof Chas, ¥. Z 8 IMIDOr « ef ROCOUT mire C. Bmith, a H H « 3 of Danie pet Hur 1 count {f Vicia Pleroe and Ms Fieroe, deceased aosount of lsasc A, of the estate of joreased, tofd K y Else, Johns! iste of M 3 final socount stratrix of &c., of Charl rw nahiip, decensed 2: final sccou of Jumes H { Gregg wow y, deceased 28. Tobias First and Sual account of J A. Hardenberg y f&e., of W, A. Tolis inte of Miilhein ough, deceased J. FRANK SMITH ¥ Regis nt © Bellefonte, Pa, J& vary Begisters Office, Buowebie00008 830090000 0ed F you want to buy or sell property in or near Centre Hall consult Chas. D. Bartholomew, before acting. I have several fine offer- ings now on my list, Chas. D. Bartholomew CENTRE HALL, PA, 0060860000000 RNR0800B0 n i