American homes. free if you mention this Made only by Mrs. SWIG Hair Color Restorer s Renews Your Youthful Appearanc YAGER'S LINIMENT SOME ABBREVIATED TESTIMONY “My wife was eo crippled with Rheumatism that she conld hardly walk Aftorteyi every thing else without getting any reliof | was per sanded to try Yager s Linlment. The first ben tle acted Hke a charm and afforded fmmediate relief, and after using 3 bottles she was on. tirely well." THOS. MOORE, Profit, Va Large Bottles, 25¢., nt ail dealers Prepared by GILBERT BRIS. & CO. Inc, Baltimore, Md. The Old Home Prescription that is pleasant to take and sure to help, is Hale’s Honey Of Horehound and Tar Stops coughs and relieves colds. Contains no optum nor anything injurious, All Droggists, Pike's Toothache Drops Step it | —————————— et ———— Perils of Bathing. nothing I enjoy mors eplashing about in the ocean.’ “I once got a nasty cut that wa ‘How did it happen?” I slapped a tomato can There's OUR OWN DRUGGIST WILL TELL YOU Used in 100,000 for bowe! com. Trial bottle Cholera Infantum., Best and Separation of Races Was Not Rapid Process. last 50 years clearly indicate that the process. The inhabitants of the valley, though immigrants have rived among them, show clearly per- sistence of the old years. The permanence of human types has been also shown in Amer ica, and a human skeleton of Yansing, Kan. found at a depth of 23 feet in a probably dates back 12,000 years The men of England of 5,000 years REYSTONE STATE ed From Here and There. Dead Man's Employers Gives $500 To Widow—8nowslide Buries Boys Sleeping In Bed. result of a fire in the suburhs of Mt blocks and gutted another, causing logs of $15,000. The fire originated in occupied by Peter the entire jus- house, Haleavieh Edward Wilson, A Theodore occupied and Paul declared that his audiences had rep resentatives of the men of the Derby- cave, in America the red In dian preserves the form of men who lived before the last gfacial invasion, and the predynastic Egyptian survives in tribes on the Red sea. Geometrical Staircase. W hat is believed to be the first geo staircase ever built of part of the “Caracol con just been completed in Los Angeles in the tecture and is constructed entirely of The tower is 125 center the ger i congisting of 160 concrete high In the stairway is i 24 inches in diameter and feet mount Unlike including ing to a height of 120 geometrical staircases, 8t. Paul 118 staircase mall of f for rooms one in & cathedral in Lon occupies only the being or Me part tower, space fairly large ize floors Of ch of the geven Popular Byes and Granulated Eyelids: No Smarting ut Eye comfort. Write for Book of mail Free. Marine Byes Hemedy Cs « Chicago Some men succeed by chances with the other fellow Coinage. fifteenth century a there able to turn ir thie colner, of might be or sixty coins whom but : hy 3 a day, a result to inadequate {o cope with the vast treasure, iver from was ft coining state coining g=g- Ae ff. France, 1557 England, 1561, reign of Elizabeth. After ses eral trials and abandonmeénts the mill established perma press were than to try to live it down. Don't worry—unless a salary for so doing. you can draw fancy A Doubtful Frame of Mind. Do you believe in unpreparedness war as a powerful influence ‘ar +OF ! high-grade cigarettes? cigarette. “ Distinctively Individual’ vour dealer, we will be pleas three packages pos on r Address Fatima Degt., 212 Fifth Ave., that this yyw hms the § f “I'm not about that,” replied Senator Sorghum. “I can’t see any evi effect that no monarchs would have the heart to shoot up ai unarmed nation Sure dence to the MESMERIZED A Poisonous Drug Still Freely Used Many people are brought up to be lieve that coffee is a necessity of life and the strong hold that the drug caffeine, In coffee bas on the sys even when one realizes its injurious effects. A lady writes: years; it “I had used coffee seemed one of the ne of life. A few months ago ing, became more that impaired, wreck. “I was weak and nervous, had sick as did the hotel of Stephen Homlack Employes of the Diamond mine of the lackawanna at Seran into which miners were hurled 300 feet to death from a lift in which they were descending to work, declared that the mine carriage had Company, thirteen i the this de minced no to the employes becauge of They fell out condition words in laying the accident negligence of company whose duty it was to keep the lift In repair floor meet loard, At the annual ing of the Phoenixville School it was decided that dancing would be permitted in the auditorium of the new high school at proper school functions until ten o'clock This determination was reached only after one of most xciting sessions of the board also resulted in the resignation of John 8. Winchester ge f th board reorganization after a hitter contest the which secrelary « check for five hundred dollars A came as an acceptable Christmas Mrs. Annie May Saul widow of George Saul, her with five small was emploved by ent to of town who died week and left Mr. Saul gilk dyeing company, enefit of {ts fifteen hun took out the largest in policy ever issued, for $3,500 one it as soon name got on the pay roll last hildren. whi for the t red emploves last summer surance 006, every to share in an Mis taymond and Robert laubach, of Emaus, hs of being snowed their home Am the experience while niatu from the roof of the home of John H Frankenfield, a through a second floor Laubach home and It was only after culty that the lade were able themselves ont asleep at that fell under re snpowelide neighbor poured window of the covered bed considerable dim to dig the That of the freight train were not minding their business and are equally responsible for the ac cident was the text of a statement of Superintendent W. H., Keffer. of the Reading Rallway, following a thorough investigation of the wreck at Royers. ford. which caused the deaths of twe and seriously injured two the entire erew firemen Chamber of Com annual meeting elected officers President Lamley: vice-presidents, A I. H. Yeager James P Hunsicker, George F. Breining: seere fary, Harry I. Koch: treasurer, Harvey E. Bohner: trustees, Max Hess, John N. Lawfer. John FF. Fre: Tr Hersh, 1 Anewalt The merce at the following Pdgar J Samuels Allentown its George ewis I. Robert Argher., eight vears of Treverton. was going an errand when he noticed a telephone wire that had been blown down by the storm suspended over a high voltage trolley wire. The boy picked it up and a 500 volt current shot through hie body burning his hand to a crisp. He was removed in a critical condition to the on life, his health. and bought a package rections for making earefully, and loveliest rich-looking and tasting “1 gained five as many weeks, and strong in feel respect, and now well every i ———— husband's and he can woman, My has left him, anything” Name given by Postum Ce. Battle Creek, Mich. Read “The Road Wellville,” in pkgs. Postum comes in two forms: Regular Postum-—muet be boiled 16¢ and 285c packages, Instant Postum-—is a soluble pow. der. A teaspoonful dissolves quickly in a cup of hot water and, with eream and zigar, makes a delicious bever age Instantly, 20c and 50 tins. The cost per cup of both kinds is about the same. “There's a Reason” for Postum, ~g80ld by Grocers now eat well Nicholas Demidfo, a wealthy eon tractor, of Minersville, was shot four Instantly killed She says he came shot at her three times as she lay tn bed. She seized a pistol she had taken to shoot her and fired four shots both nursing Austrian, Siivotich is a stabbed arm Ing the result of the Russian's nries Becaupe the drinking water of Nor of the 30,000 people there refrain from drinking it. Many of those who did indulge are 111 William Rosenberry, of Altoona, pleaded guilty at Chambersburg te shooting a deer with horns less than two inches long. He was fined $100 and the costa which amounted to $20.86. AREIING ws | — NEW YORK regular; No. 2 124c¢, all rail, « Northern Duluth, 1 ern Manitoba, 123'%4e ¢ | f Buffalo arrive, Futures were without transac tions, December, 122; May, 120% Corn—8pot easy; No. 2 vellow, 72 ¢ if to arrive; Argentine prime nominal, delivered. utter Ladles, current make, firsts 22% @23c; seconds, 21% @22 Cheege~—8tate, whole milk specials, 16@16% cc; do, 16. State, whole milk, whites speciale, 18, @ 10% col ir hard, Wheat red and No. 2 i f track export ney “~ Spot held whites, rol fresh do ored, 1634 Eggs State, Pennsylvania and near by, gathered browns and mixed colors I5@ 42 Live chickens turkeys, Western 12@ 13% and 1434 turkeys Steady ( fowls Poultry 11012 11@1z2 Western roasting chickens fresh 1234 @17 Dressed dull weal @1x 126120 fowls Car 81 t po PHILADELPHIA Wheat #, in export elevator $1.140 1.17 $1250%@128%: No $1.18@1.2: Western, 12 NO. 2 yellow ne oe, N00 res December NO 1 Duluth and Northern - red Western Rye--No. 2 and location, $1.05 lots, a8 to quality bushel old, x1 1a ot to quality, 68€ R71Q f8¢ @l per Corn ar vellow q 1 1d. RR Kl Ye Oia, Sle ‘iC, steamer new, vellow an pew, cob, per 70 pounds No. 2 white, 54@ 54 %¢ rm enn - 3 or rs a WJ stand ite, (Ian ard, white, 6215 & 53 Cheege York chi New cream earlier 16¢ current make, ch Crean air kime, 8@12¢ receipts 15%; EOOC ioe York 14% @ 15c ies New to Live Poultr Fowls, roosters, 10¢ ng to qua i16e Roane BALTIMORE ot and Decem 2 Western P1.1¢ No $1.09@1.10; @1.07; No. 2 $1154 ¢ No. 4, do, $1 $1.0461 1.05: bag lots of nearby, as to quality, 55c G31 02 No. 1 $20; No. 2. do light 2. do nearby Hay timothy $17.50@ 18 mixed, No. 2, do, $15@ 16.50 $ISGIRE0: No. 1. de $18@17;: cho $20; No. 2 $12@14.50 straight rye, $146 213@ 13.506: No 1 $10@11; No do, $8.50 1 wheat, $8: No. 2. do. $7@ No. 1 £5 Krag 1n No ES@R.50 Butter. creamery, 326 3%: \cream 30@31. creamery, prints, 23 creamery, blocks, 32@ 34%: ladle 1@22. Maryland and Pennsylvania ollie, 21622; Ohlo, rolls, 20621: West irginia, rolle, 2021; storepacked. 19G 20; Maryland, Virginia and Penn- sylvania dairy prints. 20821 Eggs Maryland, Pennsylvania Western firsts, West Virginia firsts, 24 3° clover 2I1T50@18: No. 2. $2050; No. 1 do, $16@17.50: Neo. 2. Straw--No i 1450 No. 2 tangled rve % No Ml - ra, i .0U; do, ce do clover, do. do oat do Creamery choire, fanera anew MG good, 5 1% 8, ar. . arf 35; Southern firsts Live Poultry-—Chickene, old hens. 4 Ibs and over. 13¢; do. old hens, small to medium, 12; do. old roosters. 9: do. young, smooth and fat, 12; do, young. rough and poor. 12 Ducks, muscovy 2 Ibs and over, 13¢: do, Perking .2 Ibe and over, 14; do, puddle Ibs and over, 13. do, smalier, 12: do. Indian 12 nearby, l4e; do and Southern, 126012 Pigeons, young, per pair, 20¢: do, old per pair, 20. Guinea fowl, young, 1% ibs and over, each, 5c. do. smaller each, 25. Turkeys, young, 8 Ibs snd do, smaller, 14@15: do Geoae old. 15@G16 Dressed Hogs Choice lightweights. Gig @10c,; do medium weights, do, 0@ 81%. do heavyweights, do, 8: boars and rough stock, do, 6G 7 Live Stock CHICAGO Hogs -- Bulk, $655@ mixed, $6.406G 7: heavy, $6.35@7; rough, $6.40@6.55 Cattle-~Native steers, $5.706010.50; $5.2066.25; Inmbe, 865040 sheep Sheep, lings, $6.30 7.50: Year NEW YORK Beoves—Steers, $7.26 R60 Calves Veale, $K@12 $4.50005.28; yearlings, $405 Sheep $3.50@5.75 ; culls, $2: lambs, RW; eulle, $667. yearlings, $6.50 a7 Hogs Heavy roughs, $8.75. LIRssers to light, $7806.37. $5.9567.10; @7.25; good heavy, $7617.25. Cattle--Native heel steors, $7.508 10.96; cows and heifers, $569.25: Texas and Indian steers, $K.76@7.75: cows and heifers, $4606; native enlves, $6@ 10. Sheop « Lambe higher: mutions steady; native mutton, $4.75@6.50; $88.90; ‘yearlings, $5.6007.26. | and Aspirations, as Are Longing This Little Fable Shows, Things of Moment. A fashionable sine, passed a group of laborers at Machines, lke terrible ani Steam was hissing, as If from the mouths of a million serpents. Rocks flew in every direction Torchlights There was the thunder of la The night ehift was in ful} -And the woman, glancing from the instant thought: ‘How 1 wish I had that brawny borer's strength and joy of life! How I envy him his power, his physical perfection, the wonder of his man hood, his freedom from the shackles that bind me. He ix his own master, while I am a slave the man 1 despise At iong enough by the deep chasm his engine rocked, to glance into motor as it by him And he thought “Oh, to be ia of a slave $ ie 132 14 1 the laborer paused vhere that moment the Eped like her! sure and wealth and rest! from drudgery gO 8s 1 1 chains of debt and toil, leased! io throw and daye and nights like a field of Hut in another Was gone The brighter than forgotten the other orry, the gtreteh ne flowers For Itching, Burning Skins Bathe the affected with Cuticura and hot and apply Cut finger or hand mime freely Soap water. Dry without irritation cura late mas, ns of the skin n and adults dres post-cs Boston Seizing the Advantage. What are 4 racket down the Why, we war.’ “But what are ‘ng poor little Fire Oh, fight re to you addy he's & noutr: How It Happened. did the fail? the ss’ How into cashier of get Left off speculation Methuselah had a grudge against his wives, perhaps, and kept on living to beat them out of the insurance ITs 00 DRops | { ALCOHOL~3 PER CENT | AVegetable Preparation for As - | similating the Food and Regula ting the Stomachs and Bowels of “ —— TE ————— || Promotes Digestion Cheerful- 1 | ness and Rest Contains neither Opium Morphine nor Mineral Nor NARCOTIC | Pecgpe of Old Br SAMUEL PITOHER Worm Sood . Clordiod Fug Winbroree » Klwver 0 Aperfect Remedy for Conslipa | hon. Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Worms Convulsions Feverish- ness and LOSS OF SLEEP A —— Fac Sinmle Signature of Tue CexTaun COMPANY, NEW YORK. RE EIT] - 4 5 Dosis -— bm Zag op ranted under the Food an i Exact Copy of Wrapper Cure for Thirst What do you want the ten cents asked the minister. Booze,” replied the bleary beggar, shamelessly “1 need it awful bat] — it'u jest about killin’ me” “Isn't there any way you can get rid frie™ I kin do it in a holy minute if have that dime.” Toledo Yep you'll lemme Hlade Sure Not Ill never give you up. Then there's no reason hurry ahouwt accepting you for AreYour Kidneys Weak? Do you know that rom kidney troubles are 100,000 a year in the U8 alone? That deathe from kidaey diseases have in- creased 72% Ip 20 years?! MM you wre run down, losing weight, nervous, “blue’’ and rheumatic, if you have backache, sharp pains when rlooping, dizzy spells aod uripary disorders, set quickly, if you would svoid the serious kidpey troubles Use Dosn’s Kideey Pills ere’s Bo other medicine so widely used, 80 sucoess- ful or so highly recommended. A Pennsylvania Case - J.P. Dayton, Foes Picture W. Lancaster Downingtown, Pa says: “Kidney die came bad clung me po jong thst J bad about come * t h e oon oh there was Bo hop of my being cured I bad to get several times al night to pass the kidney secretions and the pains Ir my back got so bad that I had tn quit werk When Ian's Kidney Plils were brought to my sttention. J began useing thom and 7 lsproved right 1 was soon In good health When - have used Doss's Kidney Pills since ree Las born fine ™ Get Doan’s ot Any Stove, 50c « Sex DOAN’ KIDNEY FOSTER-MILBURN CO. BUFFALO, N. Y. Make the Liver Do its Duty N ten when the fiver is 54 sway ever 1 1h CARTER’S LITTLE LIVER PILLS do it ity. Lures stipation, Ine. digestion, Sick Headache, RE and Distress After Eating. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature TRIAL BOTTLE Write for it and mention this paper. A. C. MEYER & CO. GASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Use For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA THE ORNTAUR CON ran, WRN YORE 0HE, 50¢ LILLEY PILE REMEDY 2 er rng SUC smc om ag ns A AANA 4 N. U, BALTIMORE, NO, $1-1934.