A ALLIES PUSH AHEAD BUT ATHEAVY GOST HH They Get Across the German Lines of Communication. Reports of Big Servian Victories Deprecated. (Latest Summary.) Defeat of the south wing of the Rus slan Army in West Galicia is an- nounced at Vienna. The announce ment states that the Russians, defeat ed in a battle at Limonovo, were com pelled to retreat, and that the Aus trians are pursuing. Continued successes by the Servians against the Austrians are reported NOMIRAL VON SPEE WITH FLAGSHIP TMPPED London.—The Russian official state! ment announces that the German at tacks at Mlawa have been repulsed and that the Russian troops by a coun ter attack gained considerable ground. Seven German attacks on Lowicz were repulsed and great losses were inflict ed on the Kaiser's troops. The state. from Nish, but a semi-official state ment at Vienna, while admitting the retirement of the Austrian right wing ment adds that the Russian offensive south of Cracow continues and tha! 2,000 prisoners have been taken. The official statements given out in says the Servian claims are exag Eerated. The Russian General Staff an nounce: “In the Mlawa region we have brought our offensive to a guccessfu’ eonclusion on the whole front.” Capture of 11,000 prisoners by Ger man troops which successfully stormed several Russian positions in North Poland is announced at Berlin. German attacks at the two extremes of the Allies’ front—one northeast of Ypres, in Belgium, and the other at Aspach, in Alsace—are announced by the French War Office, which save the attacks were repulsed Important gains by the Allies are claimed, In a communication from the French War Office, to have been made in the woods of La Pretre An attack by the French over a la: front by the way of Cirey is reported from German headquarters. The state ment says the French lost 600 prison ers and many killed and wounded this engagement. Italy has made a demand key for public satisfaction lation of the Italian Hodeida. The Dresden, man warship which has survived the battle off the Falkland Islands, is re ported to have arrived at Punta Arenas, on the Strait of Magellan ge cruiser the only Ger GOVERNMENT IN PARIS French President, Parliament and Cabinet Return From Bordeaux Paris.— With the return t from Bordeaux of President I the members of the Cabinet and P Hament and the diplomatic newed precautions have to protect the city from tile aviators A Cabinet was held the Palace of the Elysee, the first to meet here since September 3. on which date the lef Bordeaux when the invaders within 20 miles of the capital The utmost cheerfulness prevailed at the gession 8 singular contrast to the intense anxiety shown at the last previous meeting In Paris Four hundred thousand o 19 and 20 years. forming the class of 1915, went into training in military in struction camps and barracks through- out France. Having had preliminary driils at home, they will bs for the spring campaign } Services of prayer for the soldiers | in the field are being held daily ir churches throughout France These Bervices are attended by extraor dinarily large numbers of families of the men at the front Paris O CINCArs ar OIPE Tre been taken by raids hoe council at m Government t for wers youths f ready BELGIAN RESERVISTS CALLED Consuls Throughout United fssue Summons St All Belgian reservists in St. Louis belonging to the classes of 1899 to 1913, inclusive, were called to the colors by the Belgian Consul here Similar calls are being by Belgian consuls in American eity. Those belonging to the class of 1914, which is comprised of youths now 18 years old, also were instructed | to communicate with the Consul. The | Comsul has further asked that all Bel. ! glans in this district between the ages of 18 and 20 communicate with him as pOON as possible States Louis sent out every 30,000 HORSES FOR GERMANY. Dallas Also Hears 12,000 Mules Are Negotiated For, Dallas, Texas Negotiations for the purchase of 30,000 horses and 12.000 | mules, which it is said are to be ment to Germany, are under way in Texas, | According to an announcement her It was stated that the animals be shipped from this State to Genoa, ? io | ! Italy, but local dealers ex pressed the | i are belief that they would be forwarded from there to Germany it wag said | European agents would gpend $3,000 i 000 for Texas horses and mules, } KING PETER GOES TO FRONT. Led By Him, Servians Take Firmer | Stand Against Austrians. London. King Peter of Servia, who has been ill for many months. has assumed command of the Servian Army and, gxoording to a Nish report, has checked the advance of the Aus. trians, infifcting heavy losses on them. The Austrian reply to this is that “the occupation of Belgrade necessitates the regrouping of our troops.” Paris again report gains by the Allies at numerous points on the battle front. The Germans occupied part of a line of trenches in a flerce attack on Ypres, but a short time later the Allies recap- tured the lost ground. The occupation also announced. War Office reports pro- and successful at lines the French is The German in Flanders tacks on the Allies of the Argonne. give In northern Flanders to be progressing The Servians continue to pursue retreating Austrians, according to an statement given out in Nish. The Austrians have thousands of men and are harassed by the SBervians, are pressing back on Belgrade. to the east The offen. is reported the 1081 who the enemy British Ad a cable from Vi cretary of the iritish sqquad- the naval battle killed and four dispatch or wounded. of 2, in wounde the BAYS, The G men, a The German ceeded in reaching Artillery role from Alene (+eTman Warsaw, sistance by the : m the fighting line : we depended uj forces i in on despite ¢ Russians miles Franc nth aun At ircular ROT tretehes ! ' Ir Yi ¥ ie nussians 0 be reported nothing is given out from Vienn: about the lefeats in Servia 200,000 MEN LOST IN BATTLE FOR POSSESSION OF LODZ. hundred thougand estimate, have fall near Lodz. estimates region Says the don —~Two at the 1. men, low est en in the battles The the at the com- officers Jourse Gazetle casualties in th thousand, and among ed German is one hundred percentage of manders and comm! particularly high These costimates fifty-five mile battle No ae loss, BHC is based on the front around Lodz. available for hundred the are figures of losses are remainder three mile line along which at times, fighting has been as desperate in char acter as that at the more central point of the of contact. Berlin Encouraged. Berlin. An army headquartie statement says In Northern man troops are the retreating enemy the east and to the south of Lodz. Besides the extraordinarily large and san- guinary losses reported, the Rus sians have lost about 1.500 pris. oners and sixteen cannon with ammunition carts, Much encouragement has rived here from the recent Russian reports, which are considered much lesz confident in tone than former'y If an investment of Warsaw should result the operations, military men say it will deprive Rus sia of a most important centre of rail way communications and : place the Russians in position 8 the Ger pursuing Poland closely 0 been de from present a serious NO CHRISTMAS WAR TRUCE. Russia Declines to Accept Plan Pro. posed by the Pope. Berlin, (by wireless to Sayville, N Y.) ~The proposal of Pope Benedict for a truce among the warring nations during the Christmas holidays is sald by the Official Press Bureau to have been declined by Russia. The “ress Bureau previously an nounced that Germany was willing to | agree to a Christmas truce, provided the other nations at war gave their ranent, | GOES DOWN WHEN FLEET IS The that under § ich london nounced squadron A Aves d AUTH British German Vice-Admiral von Spee, wh sank the cruiser Good Hope and Monmouth off Chilean coast on November 1, was dc feated by a British fleet under Rear Admiral Sir Frederick Sturdee off tis Falkland Islands in the Atian tic. Three German vessels, the flag ship Scharnhorst, the Gneisenay and Leipzig, were sent to The Admiralty report follows At 7:30 a. m., on the 8th of De- cember, the Scharnhorst, the the South the the bottom Gnelge. nau, Nurnberg, Leipzig and Dres den were sighted off the Falkland Island: a Britdsh squadron under Rear Admiral! 8ir Frederic Sturde An urse flying von Spee; by K ed, in Sci action follow of which the warn he flag of Admiral Gnelsenau ane sunk. Dresden and made off, following Two colilers Rear Admiral that the Brit few in irvivors we; Le the fhe Leipzig were The Nurnberg the action. the were also captured Sturdee reports asualitie number and that some xi s were very LrDelsenay The fight anc Was § (Chile made of irnhorst »OTINAT Ginelsenau Spee's flax The withdrew Géman cruiser ’ forimm oy Ton 1¥ ch the Falkland make her islands an escape in Dresden, e the iritish warships under "rederick Vice Admiral were cruisers § it, senau and detached units Engli hunted down the ir criisers the Nurnberg to the This information was contained in a British Official Leipzig ig and cont bottom statement of the Press Bureau RUSSIANS IN FULL RETREAT IN HUNGARY, BUDAPEST SAYS An official CAVE London) issued here Budapest (via communication The enemy wi of Saros and Miemplin verywhere In full 10 entered the countie in Hungary are o reireat Our in Galician points. Oniy two or munities in Hungarian territory fire in the hands of the enemy. iready several LOK p= territory fire a at reqs Om a i PITH OF THE WAR NEWS ail fe LFA IRR HER SIRE a HAO mI ea, which for several days appeared to be making steady progress in their ed checks, says the official from Russian headquarters, | GOETHALS CALLS FOR WARSHIPS Wants Destroyers Sent to Canal Zone. —————————— WIRELESS MAY BE CAUSE Has Had Trouble Preserving Neutrality the Zone. Washington, D. C bas requested that destrovers be sent In explanation of the need for naval vessels there was included in the message. A reply asking for this explanation was sent at epecifie once neutrality of the Many and it is thought Goethals has found unable k of thelr plants within the threc-mile information Wa the vicinity, Colonel are in possible himself che lo ee limit to to ships at. sea With convey to ald it to regulate swift naval vessels matter use of wireless Recent Activity Alarms. Reeent activity by British and Jap anese warships the vicinity of the Canal Zone, which followed the recent disaster to the British fleet under Ad has given rise to some here, although no specific porte of violations of neutrality have been received known i re as so fa: previously teports intgrrup tion from Panama have led to the be lief and warships exchangi which, if been of wireless that olliers were they bh jal nee REA OR, have not otherwise to have hindered open jection ron ore of wireless to a considerable extent w of Colonel Goethals is believed code picked up to some exient been Enge t Mes ny which disc § insed been the waters of the made a " pith of »OvVernm which of neutrality have base of of Allie fleas wishes to establ or t be the by one that a the atrol will prevent 4 ' GOLD MEDAL TO WILSON President Remembered For Aid Te “Buy.a.-Bale” Dn £* To presented 2 Cause Washingto: President Wilson was inscribed, “Neutra ognition of to the Red Cross bazaar in of a bale of cotton which he to forward the movement The by Edward P. V on behalf Senator Hoke Smith ernor Glynn and Mavor Mitehe gold d Humanity donation N¢ w medal Hy a his in res recs York bought buy-a-bale of cotton’ was presented New York including (3ov medal Ritter. of of 3a committee of Georgia 1 of New their territory toward the Bosnian ed the Austrians advancing from the north. Up to December 8 the Servians had captured about 25.000 prisoners, 115 guns of all kinds and great quanti. ties of war material and ammuni. tion. 8ix German submarines raided the Ad. miralty Harbor at Dover, England, One was declared to have been sunk by the forts and others hit. No damage was done to the British war/ ships at anchor. Berlin announced the capture of Przas. nysz, indicating that the advance on Warsaw from the north is gaining in strength, French aviators dropped sixteen bombs on Freiburg, in the Grand Duchy of Baden. Berlin claims no damage was done and complaine of the act as being “outside the range of op erations.” INDIVIDUAL SUFFRAGE WORK Plans For Campaign In Four States Are Worked Out. New York In t} campaign next year for votes for women in the States of Pennsylvania, New York. New Jer sey and Massachusetts, the work will be carried on along individual lines ex. for an interchange of speakers This decision was reached at a con ference of suffrage workers from four States The delegates said they felt sure that the question of suffrage people next Campaign Te each of the fou: in States. $1,803,923 FOR ACCIDENTS This Amount Paid Out in Five Years By Government Washington, D. CA total of $1 803.923 has been paid out by the Fed during the past five more than 14.000 of em ployes who met with accidents in the ant under the § of 1508, ac to ite The act embraces at persons, of somewhat lege than one NO MILITARY INVESTIGATION, Rules Committee. Washington. D. C military preparedness of the country was voted down by the House Rules five to three. All the Democrats voted against it NO CHRISTMAS TRUCE, Vatican Announces Failure Of Plan. Russia Opposed It. Rome. -« The Vatican authorities made public a docyment setting forth the efforts made by the Pope to obtain A truce in the European war during the Christmas season. The efforts of the Pontiff unfortunately failed, ae. cording to the Vatican announcement, “owing to the opposition of a certain power.” CARNEGIE 15 JGHINST TRUCE Unchristianlike to Stop War | Only Temporarily, HE CALLS AT WHITE HOUSE Hopes World wil After War Peace Will Very Long. Be So Horrified That Follow Before Permanent Washington, D. © Car expressed in the Andrew decided opposition European war holidays he slop again to during He declared a truce the Christmas that Jt would unchristianlike and immoral to the fighting and then begin it He added that he could not any nation which adopted suggestion was { such a eerely Mr. Carnegie meeting of the walked to and from the through young President was negie praised Mr behalf of peace. Ready To Aid In Mediation Mr. Carnegie the world would be so © the war that permanent follow He sald his tion would continue its ultimately would fro : going int gin- after attending a stitution, White House now ft The golfing Car Wilson's « Carnegie In a wm Mi fr ort out he hoped orrified said that aver would founda and that international EL BOF ne _oe work believed, arbitration all disputes He declared children khould be taught the of than brought admire and thelr Mr. ( Bn * called he settle horrors rathe; up soldiers deeds armmegic showed interest y ight {io at be gpestion to kh bs Peace We im tha he the Prezident wher megs expressed pathy EDISON PLANT BURNED Loss Put At $7,000,000, With $2 000,000 Insurance 000 reinforced were = COncr Ip posed burned out by the edifice paved laboratory tific machi superintendence Thomas A. BEdisor Were It is estimated that made 10 save this Oy men ’ thrown In all employed at battery the and women will be out of work because o about persons were the plant, but buliding main plant, 7 600 as the storag« th § from Other ACTORS etreet saved. with | be poseible to than half .th Was il = something mors e employed Four firemen {io were and were niured but hur & hospital are not to be seriously HANS SCHMIDT ASKS NEW TRIAL Died Of Operation New York AE A new the bazie for a trial be granted priest who mur umuller and then threw Hud presented motion a Schmidt Anna A dismembered body into the river, | attorney Hanes her io in which set by forth that the operation and ane, was killed an was The affidavits Henry T. Cattell ian Hospital of Phila. Justin Herold. pro- | medical jurisprudence at | Decision on the | motion was reserved | the case those of Dr Presbyter delphia, and Dr fessor of TWO SAVED FROM HANGING i When Stay Arrived. Mise Two and Peter murder, were Starkville negroes, | Behien, con- | saved from i a few minutes before | for the execution, when | & slay on an appeal bond subscribed i Seals victed of i hanging hour here apt white citizens, reachtéd the sher If.’ A big crowd Kad gathered to see | the hanging, the negroes had put on cofling had been brought forming the procession to the | FIRE DESTROYS VILLAGE. dale, Mich, Vassar, Mich.—Three lives were lost in a fire which practically de stroyed the village of Owendale, near here. The dead are John Noviae, his wife and son. Their bodies were found in the ruins of their home. The property loss ie estimated at $75,000. RS AERO, MGUE LEGALITY OF GOAL TAX LAW Impost on Anthracite Product is Attacked. MUSTER IN N. G. P, HOSPITAL Farmers Among Early Auto Registry Seekers—To Admit Cattle Only For Food—Asks $2,000,000 More Mothers. Three the Fer tye iTg Harrisb is eharged wherein anthracite cos funda forth points th tax act of 1912 ig a the mental law of the by counsel for the trial of the test Dauphir County Court and after testimony was taken the Court fixed January 4 as the for argun ppeals filed by coal he (3 settlements of the Auditor General and Iressurer selected sixty They the and the Plymouth operating ir 8t. Clair gainst Slate were get coal companies ir cares in the Three a { compa fron Aldar Coal Cogn county State about were were Luzerne Coal 11 county and the Compans operating in Schuylik! It was contended by counsel for the companies that Ax is kind of commodity therefore form that legislation and required for sueh : tha Ls and red on one not un act is prelim R88 Tequ the special that n n aries in advertising were not compl with and of the of the calen It was also cor 1 of distrib: US the coal appraised was ou Stats when valued the ORE dar year for taxation tended tig meth tion of one-half of the revenue to counties producing coal was in quitable because 1 wil tf mine coal in some case Early Auto Re nnlison Applica gistry Seckers on of aute at ent at the rats tions by egistrat nobiles for 1915 are appearing the State Highway Departn of over 7 A TR nd it is expected thousand =» gistration fs and fit living papers Years ago the early ap fu ie ticed ir iral districts ing whereas a few ions came chiefly the department that by of the will leat ym the cities believed at the middle not far from 60 consider tion be 0 or be ably } r than at the same time last Year Heads Railway Men, Rafiwas annual con officers as Philadeiphian The Association Pennsylvania Street finish anda ed its tion elected here follows President, C. IL. 5 8S. Tingley, Phila Thomas A secretary, Di Execu Wright Thomas Crowles of Phila deiphia ident Wright, enry tive Gordo Cooper. Pittsburgh delphin Vice re x Wilkes-Barre M Harrisburg: Committee, bomas A Campbell York: Pittsburgh H. 3 and 71 Jones Stine, H Quarantine Raised From 14 Counties The State Live Board relieved fourteen quarantine for foot and mouth diseass leaving twenty-eight still on the list in which of cattle }« prohibited. The counties relieved are Armstrong, Bair Butler, Cambria Clarion, Clearfield. Fayette, Greene Indiana, Lawrence, Mercer, Somerset. Stock Sanitary counties fron any movement Wants Unclaimed Deposits Public. Suit to reqgiure State Banking Commissioner to require the publics tion annually of lists of unclaimed bank deposits has been started in the Dauphin County Court in behalf of Mary G. Brackney, of Pittsburgh. It is contended that the institutions de not comply with an act passed in 1847 requiring such publication To Admit Cattle Only For Food. The State Live Stock Sanitary Board har issued an order that no eatile from pointe oulside of Pennsylvania will be permitted to enter any of the counties of the State except for imme diate slaughter, This appeals to sl counties whether they are in quaran tine or not the Muster in N. G. P. Hospital, The adjutant general's department announced that field hospital No. 2 had been mustered into the National Guard at. Tacony, Philadelphia. by Major Frank D. Beary, deputy adjutant gen eral. It will be commanded by Major Fimor E. Keiser, Medical Corps. . Ask $2,000,000 More For Mothers. An increase of the State appropria tion for mothers’ pensions by at least $2,000,000 wax favored by login Iative committee of the State Feders tion of Labor.