THE CENTRE REPORTER. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1914 C—O A 5 DEATHS, Ill Just Settled With the Insurance Companies Now ! Now! Now ! HERR’S DEPARTMENT STORE'S Great Fire Sale! Began Friday, December 4th Ask those who wear a smile, about the bargains we're offering, Such a slaughter- ing of prices has never been heard of in the history of Centre county. We're turning them away contented and happy. Everything as advertised. Goods almost being given away, Come and get your share, A force of fifteen extra salespeople are on hand ready to wait on you, We need the money ; you need the Bargains ; don’t let this op- portunity go by. Read some of the items herein advertised : Men’s Suits Ladies’ Suits Men's $20 Michael Stern Suits, 50 Ladies’ Suits, regular price $12 fire sale price - - - - - . to $15, lire sale price - - - - Men's $12,50 all-wool Suits, wor- 100 Ladies’ & Misses’ Coats, steds and serges ; guaranteed; at Regular price $10 to $15; at - Men’s $15.00 Suits, pure wool, 125 Caracul Fur Coats, latest latest models, guaranteed wear, at models, regular price $12 to $15, Men's Styleplus Suits, ($17.00 the world over.) The greatest value Ladies” Dress Skirts in up-to-date latest model suits, 50 Dress Skirts. venblar $2.00 & 5.00 FireSaleprice -. : - .» « Big Line CHRISTMAS GOODS now on display at my store. Make your selection while I have the as- sortments. Come early and avoid the rush of the last few days before Christmas. We can wait on you with more satisfaction. Rev, Dr, Isaac P. Neft paseed away at his home near Biglerville, Mifflin county, on Friday, November 27, aged eighty-one years and ten months. Rev, Neff, a son of John and Cath. arine Durst Neff of Penns Valley, was born January 24, 1833 “He was the fourth youngest of a fainily of seven. teen children, nine sons and eight daughters, all of whom grew to ma- tarity and the Rev. was the last of the family to be called by death. Hie early life, op until the sage of twenty-one was spent on the farm and his days ut echool until he bdeame of age were very few. In 1854-1855 he at- tended preparatory school at Pennsyl- vania College and six months in 1856 at Dickinson Seminary, at William: sport. He then taught a term of school and in 1857 began the study of medicine, graduating from Jefferson Medical College in March, 1859. He located in the lower end of Penns Val ley, where he practiced medicine with success for eight years, During all this time he felt thst he was called to be a minister of the goepel, hence he studied theology at Gettysburg Seminary, but because of lack of funds, his stay at this institu- tion was short and in 1867 he received adinterum license from the Juniata Conference of the Bynod of Central Pennsylvania. In 1868 he received a call and be- came pastor of the Liberty Charge of the Lutheran church in Tioga county; He later served the Montoursville and Bouth Williamsport charge for seven years, finishing two fine church build. ings. He then served the Minersville charge for twenty-one months and the Bhenandoah Mission for eighteen gaonths. In the Blain charge, which he served for seven years, he bail three fine brick churches. In 1890 he went to Middleburg and from 1891 t« 1893 assisted in erecting the Lutheran church at that place. From 1895 to 1888 be served the Milroy charge From 1868 to 1902 he served the Knox- dale charge in Jefferson county, re. signing in March 1902 on account of failing health, Dr. Neff was united in marriage to Miss Mary J., daughter of Jacob and Eve Wolf in July, 1862, To this union was born five children, His wife died January, 1893, and he wes again married in 1899 to Arcus L. Bwartzel of Milroy, who survives him. a His body was taken to the home cf his daughter in Middleburg where the funeral services were held, interment being made in the Glendale cemetery at that place, Me ALL KINDS of CANDIES 10 cents to 50 cents a lb. CHINA WARE (Strong) 10 and 25-cent Line Special only at this great Fire Sale 11,98 THE OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME i ’ 200 Men's Overcoats Regular price $10 & $12. Special Fire Sale Price Only HANDKERCHIEFS 5, 10 and 25-cent Line regular $7.00 and 5.00, Fire Sale price - - - - A 11 y } Sail-WiH LI Tres8es J Sweaters Men’s $5 & $6 Sweaters, the best on the pp, . ‘3p ees] market ;: Fire Sale Men’s Pure Wool Sw FE) OH 4 { r DJ. LD, AM & i. 50) 3 All Wool Fire Sale price . - - - - $4.98 All Kinds FRUITS, NUTS, Etc., at best prices. price - - - 3.98 + * Men’s Raincoats $6.00, 7.00, 8.00 Values : fully guaranteed. eaters, reg. price all sizes, fire Sale price - 100 Boys’ Overcoats Regular price $6.00 and 7.00. Fire Saleprice - . . . . . . 50 Children’s Suits tegular price $3, 3.50 : Sizes 10 to 18 Underwear FireSaleprice -* . . . . . 50¢ Fleece 14 Fire Sale price - 1.98 A 1'g 1 ! . wy - 3 Men 8 Sh.ot) sweaters, 98 DON’T FAIL TO GIVE US A CALL. 1 3 r is 1 . ir Yer n Boys’ $2.00 Pure Wool 8 weaters, at - 98¢c 125 Ladies” All Wool Sweaters. all sizes 1.48 il owes “ ry lay } oy } 2 Pop all colors, regular $J and $4, sale price -lined Underwear, sale price $1.50 Pure Wool Underwear, sale price 500 pr. Men's heavy cotton Socks, price 400 Handkerchiefs for Men : red. blue and white. Regular 10c kind - - J Furs--All Colors i Some New Arrivals For Fall CAPS and SHOES Caps just arrived and are a handsome lot. A variety to suit the most particular dresser. They are all well made of good materials and are handsome enough to wear for “dress”. See them on display in our windows. You will want one, we are sure. They are priced right, Shoes for Men, Women and Children. Don’t go anywhere else for your Fall foot wea until you see our good line. We carry a line that will please those who give particular at- tention to that part of their dress. Come in to-day, KREAMER & SON CENTRE HALL, PA. E Thuredsy forenoon at eleven o’clock the angel of death came stealthily into the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Cummings who 1eside four miles west of Centre Hall and claimed little Alice, the youngest of the family, aged four years, ten mouths and twenty-seven days, after an illness of less than week with tonsilitis. Bhe was exceptionally bright and cheery and loved by all who knew her, i« Funeral services were held at 1:30 Baturday in the Lutheran church at Tusseyville, Rev. Stover of the Re- formed church of Boalsburg officiat- ing. uw Bhe leaves to mourn her loss her father, mother, two sisters, Carrie and Verna, and one brother, Charles, all at home, The family take this opportunity to thank all neighbors and friends who #0 kiudly assisted during their be- reavement, fa Matt, 19:14. Baffer the little chil dren to come unto me for of such is the kingdom of heaven. One little lamb is In the upper fold, From heat of summer and from winter's cold, { Safe from earth's troubles and its dreams un- true, One little lamb is waiting for you, One precious child whose little pattering feet With holy prophets tread the golden street, Or wander ever "mid blest Eden's bowers, Walting your coming through the golden hours. One little lamb from every sorrow free, Through year of unending eternity, From heat of summer and from winter's cold, Is waiting for you in the upper fold, Coons, Foxes, Blue Bear and Minks : all AT HALF PRICE Children’s Coats Regular price $3 to $6. 600 Canvas Gloves, reg. price 10c, at 350 pr. Men’s all-wool Socks, regular 35¢ kind ; Fire Sale price - - - Men’s $1.50 & 2.00 Flannel Shirts, all pure wool ; Fire Sale price - - - " : Sale price Men’s regular 50¢c Work Shirts, Fire Saleprice - -» . . . . . Men's Trousers 300 Pr. $2 and $3 Trousers - - . 200 Pr. 34, $5, $6 Trousers, now - - 100 Pr. $1.50 Trousers, fire sale price - THE BARGAIN HOUSE 1 H E RR’S Department Store MILLHEIM, PA. Men’s 50c Ties, 33¢ ; Men’s 25¢ Ties . Men’s $1 Rubbers, all sizes . - Women’s 75¢ Rubbers, all sizes . Children’s 60¢ Rubbers, all sizes - - 1.48 2.98 69¢ Xe [HE BARGAIN HOUSE I ———————————— RT — Tusseyville ! atu Mr and Mrs. Foster Frazier of near Spring Mills assisted John Horner in| butchering on Friday. i Revival services in Zion churet. are growing in interest snd attend ance | under the direction of Rev. Blerly’, W. G. Runkle, E+q, of Bellefonte | snd Mies Laura Rankle of Centre ¥ Bamuel F, Mayes died at Granville, Mifflin county, aged almost seventy years. He was born at Pine Grove Mills, but for the lmet thirty years lived in Mifflin county, He enlisted in troop F, First Penn. Cavalry, un- der Gen. John P., Taylor. In the great battle on the left of Petersburg he lost his left leg and was discharged on disability. Beveral children survive. Fine Glenn Flouring Mills Burned, ! Early Baturday morning the flour. ing mills at Pine Glenn, Bratton township, Mifflin county, were totally destroyed entailing a loss of over $6. 000, $3000 having just recently been spent in placing new machinery, There was but $1800 insurance. The fire is supposed to have been caused by an overheated jourmal, The property is that of 0. G. Uorbin of Granville, representative-elect from Mifflin county. —————————— ‘ And de Brewer's big hosses can’t ran over me!” Oan you honestly make this expression, or are you under he hoof pow ? Hall were Fuoday visitors at the Runkle homestead, Mrs. Frank Musser and son Clar- ence of Pann Hall, and Hugh Runkle of Zion, spent Monday at the home of their brother, James Runkle, where they assisted in butchering. The busiest place in this section is Hwariz's store, where, because of the reduced prices on all goods, people are coming in sutomobiles and other ve bicles from all parts of the county. Centre Mills, Mr. Harter of Zion visited Mrs, Hassenplug, Bunday. Luther Behaefler is oc nfined to the house with rheumatism, Grandfather Beheeffer returned last Eaturday from a visit in Georges Val. ey. Mr, and Mre. Adam Relish entertain. ed a number of friends from Zion over Sunday. Norman Emerick and Mr. Miller visited the former's mother, Mrs, Em- erick, over Bunday. Arthur G, Commings attended the faneral of his brother's child near Centre Hall Batorday, Mrs. Annie Cann and her children of Altoona visited her paronts, Mr, sud Mrs, J. A. Klie, over Sunday, and Ranges that has done service for these many years Our Coal Oil Heaters and Cookers (that make ne odor) are making satisfied buyers, T. L. SMITH CENTRE HALL, PA, LADIES’ “"FITZEZY” SHOES will cure corns] SOLD ONLY AT YEAGER’S SHOE STORE BELLEFONTE