The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, November 19, 1914, Image 4

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Entered at the Post office in Centre Hall Yl
socond Class mail matter,
TERMS.~The terms of subscription to the Re-
porter are one and one-half dollars per year
ADVERTISING RATES-Display advertise
ment of ten or more inches, for three or more in
sertions, ten cents per iuch for each issue. Dis
pla advertising occupying less space than ten
inches and for less than three insertions, from
fifteen to twenty-five cents per inch for each
issue, according to composition. Minimum
charge seventy-five cents,
Local notices accompanying display advertis-
ing five cents per line for each insertion; other-
wise, eight cents per line, minimum charge,
twenty-five cents,
Legal notices, twenty cents per line for three
insertions, and ten cents per line for each ad-
ditional insertion.
Presbyterian—Centre Hall, morning.
Reformed Spring Mills, morning ;
afternoon ; Centre Hall, evening.
United Evangelical-Lemont, morning: Lin-
den Hall, afternoon; Centre Hall, evening.
Rev. H. A. Benfer, D. D,, will preach and ad.
minister Holy Communion at each appointment
Dr. Benfer will also preac h at Egg Hil gH Ty
evening and at Tusseyviile Saturday even
The Weather,
Readings of the thermometer are made dally at
6 p.m. and indicate the highest and lowest
sints reached during the preceding vwenty-four
Wednesday, 11
Thursday, 12
Friday, 13
Baturday, 14
Sunday, 15
Monday, 16
Tuesday, 17
F means fair; C means cloudy; P C means
partly cloudy.
Miss Orpha Gramley of Spring Mills
was 8 guest at the Bartholomew bome
on Tuesday.
Samuel Shoop was down from Btate
College, Tuesday, to ciose bis home
for the winter.
Misses Stella and Esther Raymond
of Boalsburg were guests of Miss Mary
Whiteman on Thursday.
The Pink Label will appear next
week. If you want your label to look
real good to the printer you will know
what to do.
William Snyder lost a 200-1b. porker
beginning of this week, It was one
of two hogs he intended butchering
in a suort time.
Mrs Charles Mothersbaugh of
Boalsburg snd Mrs. Earl Ross of near
State College were guests at the Henry
E. Homan home on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W, Wolf of Aarons
burg attended the meeting of Pomona
Grange at Centre Hall, Wednesday,
making the trip in their Buick car.
Miss Anna Kuhn, daughter of Mr,
and Mrs, J. C. Kubo of Old Fort, un-
derwent an operation for appendicitis
at the Bellefonte hospital last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Biakslee apd
son Russell, and Miss DeArmond, of
DuBois were entertained for a short
time Saturday at the home of Mrs.
Blakslee’s niece, Mrs. F. H. Foss,
The body of Catharine Keene, a
little child who died at Pleasant Gap
last July, was disinterred and taken
by F. V. Goodbart to Northumb-r-
land for reburial, on Wednesday. The
trip was made in C. 85, Brungarl's
Mr. Kessler, the Millheim clothier,
made a second trip to New York re-
cently to purchase the very latest and
best in wearing apparel, and this ex-
cellent display of dependable mer-
chandise will be shown tomorrow
( Friday ). Do pot miss it. ndv,
Mrs. M. E. Btrobm will close her
home in a few weeks snd go to
Phillipsburg, New Jersey, where she
will spend the winter, as has been her
custom for the past several years,
with her daughter, Mrs. L. B, P.
Rev. Isasc Heckman of Bunbury
was in Centre Hall the guest of Mr,
and Mrs. G. L. Goodhart Monday and
Tuesday, having come here in quest of
horee flesh, Rev, Heckman was pas-
tor of the local Methodist church
about twenty years sgo, but is now not
serving a charge. He was greeted by
many of his former parishioners.
Prof. and Mrs. W. A. Krise received
the happy announcement that a dear
baby girl arrived at the home of their
son, W. 8B. Krise, In Johnstown,
Thursday, The grandparents were
especially proud of their new grand-
daughter because of the fact that the
children born to this union have now
reached into the double figures—10,
Mr. M. Murray Balsam, manager of
Herr's Department Store, will leave
Millheima Tuesday, November 23d,
for New York and Philadelphia where
he will spend a week or so purchasing
winter apparel, This invitation has
been ¢xtended him by the various
wholesale houses who have egreed to
furnieh bim with the best in their
line at very low prices; hence the
reason for the second trip this fall,
We wish him a eafe journey and
/ mpeedy return, adv,
Wednesday morning at 7:30 o'clock
death claimed one of Pleasant Gap’s
oldest and most highly respected citi-
zens when Henry N. Twitmire suc-
cumbed to a complication of diseases
after being confined to bed for only
two weeks, He wasseventy-two years
of age. Funeral services will be held
Friday morning in the Methodist
church in Pleasant Gap and burial
will be made in the Zion cemetery.
Mr. Twitmire was born in Zion but at
an early age moved with his parents
to Pleasant Gap where he has lived
continuously. At the outbreak of the
war of the rebellion he enlisted in the
cause of the north and served his
country during the entire period of
hostilities. After the war he returned
home and engaged in the wagon mak-
ing and cabinet making trade, In
which work he was engaged up until
a short time before his fatal sickness.
Burviving him are his wife, who be-
fore marriage was Miss Miley Brooks,
and the following children: Mrs. J,
Abner Noll, Mrs. W. H. Noll, Mrs.
Hairy Hile, Mis. Jared Ebey, Mrs,
Ward Bbc wers, of Pleasant Gap ; Mrs.
James Corl, Chicago; Miss Mary, at
home ; Harry, Pitcairn. All the chil-
dren were at the bedside of their father
when the death angel came, The fol-
lowing brothers acd sisters also sur-
vive: Dr. John Twitmire, Bharps-
ville; Mrs. Mary Bchreffler, Pitts.
burgh ; Mrs, Bamuel Decker, Belle-
fonte; Edward Twitmire, Beattle,
Washington ; Harvey Twitmire,
burgh ; Jared Twitmir, Illinois,
of his twin sister, Mrs. C. B.
sixty-four years
Mr. Packer, who for a
years was a wholesale lumber desler,
waa born In Howard and was the son
of John P. Packer and Sarah Llewelyn
Packer. After attending the
schools of his home
the West Chester Military Academy st
West Chester, where he
He went to Pittsburgh
years ago and entered the lumber busi.
which he continued till
Murringe Gloonses,
Aaron Bmall, Altoona
Goldie Rpearman, Philipsburg
Ward BR Confer, Howard
Delthie A. Yarnell, Howard
KE. C, Albright, Millheim
Emma E. Dunkle, Millheim
Roy H. Coxey, Boalsburg
Ruth Koch, Boalsburg
John A. Carter, Mill Hall
Anna E, Banpduskey, Jersey Bhore
Blair Rice, Bellefonte
Flora Dunkleberger, Pleasant Gap
Fred K. Houser, Bellefonte
Catharine Mongad, Bellefonte
Jacob W, Brickley, Howard
Gertrude Packer, Howard
Ernest R. Kuepp, Bandy Ridge
Ida Vaughn, Bandy Ridge
Loy R. Clark, Btorms'own
Elva Campbell, Julian
Arthur E. Adams, Philipsburg
Edith shontz, Phillipsburg
Our farmers are
C., O. Mallory is confined to his
house with a severe spell of sickness
Charles Bi-rly, =
point of death.
Mr. and Mrs. Ammen Hazel re’ urn.
ed from their western trip,
Qur mountains
doing their fall
r., is lying at the
hunters aud game seems to be plenti-
George Day bus found employment
home of Fame
uel Blerly.
The Bell telephone line quit
Mra. J. K. M
ver vacated her house
ed lumber yards in Harrisburg and
Philadelphia. He sold out all ‘his
business interests about four years ago
and retired from sctive life. Tnree
children survive.
Mrs. Mariah George, familiarly
known as * Polly” dled st
ber home in Aaropsturg Monday
afternoon at four o'clock, after a
week's illness with consumption, aged
seventy-four years and eight months,
Funersl services will be held in the
United Evangelical church Friday
morning and interment will follow in
the cemetery at Aasronsburg, Rev. W.
H. Brown officiating, Bhe was =a
widow. No children survive, and
only brother, pamely, Henry
Frantz of Bunbury.
Samuel Alters, a retired farmer liv.
ing about a mile west of Coburn, died
Saturday of locomotor ataxis, at the
sge of sixty-three years and eight
months, Fuveral services were held
at his late home Tuesday and
ment was ma de in the Faliview ceme
tery, Millheim, Rev. W, Donat of the
Reformed church cfliciating. Besides
his wife he leaves two sons, both at
Ray Knecht, a senior in Penpsyl-
vania State College, died Toeeday cf
last week at his home in Lock Haven,
of typhoid fever,
a— Bl —
Uulon Thank«giving Services,
Union Thavksgiving services will
be held in the Evangelical church at
Centre Hall, st 10:30 8 m , and in the
Reformed church st Bpring Mille. at
730 p m, on Thsunkegiviog Day.
Rev. W, H. Williams will preach the
sermon on this occasion, The offer.
ings at there services will be for the
benefit of the hospital at Bellefonte,
A cordial invitation is extended to
the public to be present at these ger-
vices, and thus comply with the re.
quest of the president of the United
Htates and the government of Peon-
syivania, and also show their grati.
tude to Almighty God.
R. R. JoNgs,
Hee'y Ministerial Ase’n.
———— A ——————
At the Lutheran parsonage, in
Bellefonte, Wednesday of last week,
by Rev. W. M, B. Glandidbg, Roy
Coxey and Mss Ruth Koch, both of
Boslsburg, were united in marriage,
They immediately began housekeep-
ing In the James Poorman home
where they will live temporarily, or
until Mr. and Mrs. Poorman return
from their trip to the west, The best
wishes of their numerous friends go
with them for a long and happy wed-
ded lie,
————— AAA AP D——
Reporter Reglater
F. A, McClintie, Leonard Wilson, Linden Hall
Mra. Perry, McKinney, Potters Mills
Mrs, Geo, R, Mock Philipsburg
Mrs. J. C, Rossman, Centre Hall
J. H. Ishier, Bpring Mills
T. A. Bradley, Harrisburg
Minnie A. Bausman, Millersville
Christ Yoder, A. J, Crotzer, Belleville
Mrs C. W. Woll, Asronsburg
Wilson (ole, wh ) Wi
# employed at
Huntingdon county, is
looking after the
Butchering is all the go at this place
here are large
and crocks full of liver worst now ip
the larder,
The clase-color scrap between ti
iors of our high
Herealing towards (1!
Iast, The juniors won out and suc-
eded in burping the seniors’ colors
Last Bunday morning when Mrs
George Crouse went out to feed her
fattening hogs she
find one of them
The oil prospectors are meetiog
with quite a lot of difficulties
probing mother earth. They are a
present down 355 feet aud sre still
lying in the stable
pounding away on solid rock
(George Haines has rented
to MceClellen Wert, who will
there next spring. Mr. Br
tenant, will movi
Valley on a farm near Woila
Jasper Brungart farm and Csl
er, the present
will this comiog spring
Weber has rented
tenant on the farm,
make sale of
his farm stock and move to this town
where he bought a home,
~3 Réporter ad
Brings result
Spring wills,
Thera ave atl] a few cases of mensles,
Males are quite pumgerous this fall:
Qiite a number of people
Mtate College on Friday nnd Bata Y.
P. J. Leitzell of Belvidere ; 14d.,
came east to attend the
Mra. J. D
funeral of his
Long, left on
Thomas Caldwell of
plant in Dr, H. B,
it’s residence,
Mrs, OC. OC. Cummings sccompanied
Lewisburg on
where she expects to
with her daughter, Mre,
— bate —
Georges Vallay.
Min, Ida Ripks vicited Mrs. Rose
Lingle last Saturday.
H, LL. Immel
the home of Bamuel Lingle
Mra. James Barger ja spending
week at Centre Hill at the
ber son, Maynard Li. Barger,
Frank Mishler returned to hie home
in Johnstown, Wed eaday, niter
spending 8 week with FF. M. A
The infant daughter of
was buried lset Bunday sat
tain emery
leeward Ips
made 8 busin
Monday at
spent last
home of
I¥ you want to buy or
sell property in or near
Centre Hall consult Chas,
D. Bartholomew, before
I have several fine
ings now on my
Chas. D. Bartholomew
Women and Children.
a Car-
+ and consider for a moment what a great
sales afford,
+ in at our display windows and see a
to what we have to say about the
For the
Thanksgiving we're making a special-
Underwear, Gloves, Trous-
in style and quality,
trifle above
You can’t fool
a great
¢'re continuing to sell at a
L incoln Qnce saf ’
all the
time.” Experience is
1 .
err the nerecoriy
’ {f 1
can it sc the neces SLY Ol 100i-
you 1 get “ that and more ”
in a visit to—
good materials and
They are priced
Women and Children.
for your Fall footwear
We carry a line
a a i