LOCALS Monday was Columbus Day, a legal holiday. Mrs. Ralph E, Dinges continues to improve from her severe illness. Mrs, B. M. Boon returned to her home in New Haven, Connéeticut, Baturday, where she will remain for an indifioite time. Another rain of almost a half inch fell Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, bringing the fall for tue pest week above the inch-and-a-half mark. Mrs. John Btuart and grandson John Gilliland were guests of Mrs, Elizabeth Jacobs and at the Mrs, lesne Bmith home, on Bunday. The Christian Endeavor Bociety of the Presbyterian church held a busi- 1288 meeting and sociable at the home of Mise Grace Bmith on Tuesday evening. J. T, Potter suffe ed from an attack of ptomsine poisoning a few nights ago and for a few hours was in terrible agony, requiring the services of a physician. Mies Edith Bankey of Potters Mills gpent a few days with Miss Florence Rhone beginning of this week and on Tuesday left for Mill Hall where she will be the guest of a friend, Miss Bghe Krider. . H. Bierly, the Rebersburg lum- per rp, and force of workmen, on Menday began lumbering on the Bloom tract west of town, The trees along the Brush Valley road were cut, Hammord dairy feed is a well balavced ready ration that has twice the nutriment found in bran, It is a great milk producer and where once used is vever replaced by any other feed. —Sold by Weber, Centre Hall. The Adams Express company’s office at the Bellefonte Central station at State College was robbed early Thursday morning of last week. A number of prekages were stolen, but little cash. It is thought that local celebrities figured in the robbery. Centre Hall had just a touch of the dementia that seized a million or more fans in the two big eastern cities dur- ing the playing of the world’s baseball series between the Athletics and Bos- ton. Athletic sentiment prevailed but not all were imbued with the ** I am for Pecneylvania’ spirit, Today ( Thureday ) the season opens DKA SHS, Bamuel H, Orwig, E:q., of Harris. burg, who with Mrs. Orwig spent nearly three weeks In Centre Hall dur- ing the summer, died Friday evening atl the home of his brother-in-law, Dr. R. G. H. Hayes, of Bellefonte, A brief service in his memory was con- ducted by Dr. Geo. E, Hawes of Belle- fonte, Rev. W, H, Bebuyler of Centre Hall, and Rev, Mr. Sprague of Belle- fonte, Bunday at 5 p, m. Interment was made on Monday at Mifflinburg He leaves a widow but no children. His age was seventy-eight years. After a lengthy illness covering a period of several years, Daniel D. Haldeman, a well known resident of Altoona died at his home Tresday of last week. Death was caused by spinal disesse. He was a carpenter by trade but had been unable to work since 1908 He was born in Lemont, 9, 1851, and was the son of Jo Eliza Haldeman, His wife and nine children survive Two brothers and a sister slso survive —John and Grant Haldeman, both of Bellefonte, and Mrs, E. Jackson of Htate College. November n aud Aaronsburg, Mr. and Mrs. Ebon Bower from Bellefonte were entertained at the home of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mr«, E. A. Bower, Mrs. T. U. Stevenson from Lock Haven and Rev. and Mrs. Kerlin from Cheney, Kansas, were entertained by Mrs. K. Emma Hess and Mrs. E. J. Deshler, sunts of the ladies, Walter Orwig’s family areall able to be about again, Mr, and Mrs. John Goodman and child from Lewistown are visiting at Woodward with the former's parents. Mrs. T. C. Weaver returned from her trip to York and Harrisburg very much pleased. Mr. and Mrs. Will Weaver and their little baby from Akron, Ohio, arrived on Friday and will spend a short time with the former's father. Edwin Btump’s son from Altoona came to help pick his father’s apples which be has in great abundance. Charles Stover and son Edgar, who are emuployed at tate College, came home to haul their grain to market. for the killing of squirrels, and quail, Bix squirrels, ants, and tan quail are the limit for a| day’s kill. DMapoy local hunters will take to the mountain early in the morning, where squirrels and pheas. ants are reported quite numerous. pheasants | five pheas-! Tueaday of next week Miss Florence Rhooe will leave for an extended trip | through the middle west states. Bhe will visit relatives Illinois, Towa, Missouri and Kansas, The greater part of the time will spent in Wichita, Kansas, where her aunt, Mrs. I. A. Bankey, lives. Misa Rhone €X De gone until the Christmas | 1, Or later. in ba Cc 8 lo be BERE0T Domer 8. Ishler was an arrival in Centre Hall, Tuesday, from Washing- tor, D.C, and will return on Friday, accompanied by Mrs, Ishler and their baby , who been spending several weeks with her parents, Mr. Me. D. Geiss Wagner, Mr Ishler is in the employ of the Civil Heivice Commission Exsminiog Board in the National capital, #01 have snd All the sons and daughters of Mrs, Catharine Bitoer atlended her funers) on Saturday. The six sous tenderly carried the mother to uer last resting piace in the cemetery connected with Bt. Paul's church, bvelow Penn Hall A grandson, Dr. J. Frank Meyer of Washington, D. OC, also attended the funeral, When he received the notice of the death he was In DesMoives, Iowa business conn ected with the department of the National Govern- ment with whieh he is connected, A sor, Davie!, whose home in Hast. ings, Nebraska, was aleo away from home when the mess«ge of the death was received, but was located in Da- kota, where he and a son-in-law were looking over land belobging to the latter. on ' ia EE i — Court News, Samuel Markowi'z recovered $1659 d tmages for land taken by the P. R R. Co, from the farms formerly owned by John T. Fowler. « Catharine A. Mulholiand obtained s verdict of $325 32 against M, D. Kelley and Matthew Shaddock for cuttirg timbir on her land in Burnside town- ship. The verdict is subject to a point of nw, Harry and Foster, sons of Luey Me. Cullongh of Spring tow whip, charged by her as being ive wwrigible, eo nmilted to a house of refuge Comm. va. J. H Decker, prosecuted by James Fehofield, George Waite snd M. L Emerick ; continued Comm. ve. Archey Helsler ; with malicious mischief; Albert LL. Peters, nold county to pay the costs, Marringe Licenses, Lloyd C. Harter, Nittany Gertrude Confer, Howard John C. Bhearer, Clarence Badie Lorrab, Snow Shoe, \ AI PAIRS, Trespass notices, printed on heavy card board—the kind that will stand the weather—for sale at this office, were charged prosecu or prossed and Mrs. Leo Hain from Bunbury came her parents, Mr. and Mrs Harvey Crouse, Rev. Beiber preached a fipe perapce sermon in the church Sunday morning. Hamuel Troxel from Plainfield, and his friend, are entertained by his sister, Mra. Harvey Crouse, Toomass Hull, who is employed at State College, ss carpenter, is home for a few weeks to put up his winter apples and pears, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Jackson, from Madisonburg were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mra. John Darst, Mr, aud Mrs. Clarence Musser and their three bright little girls, Rath, susan and Paulioe, were the guests of | Mrs. Musser’'s parents, Mr. and Mre. Robert Hsackenburg, of Bmuliton on sunday. Mr. and Mre, Earl Wert and their little son, from Philadelphia, are pay- ing their aonual visit to Mr. Wert’s mother, Mra. J. J. Feidler. emt —— Tusseyville Apple butter makiog i= all the go now, Charles Miller, the owner of the cider press, is busy every Tueeday and Friday. Rev. D 8B. Kortz from Rockwood preached in the Union church Bunday evening. Mr. and Mra. John Horner of Lin- den Hall spent Sunday with Mrs, Hornet's mother, Mra, Cora Bireh- field. Mr and Mre, Robert McClellan and children from Linden Hall autoed to the home of Mra. Joseph McClellan on Bunday. Mr. and Mra. Edward Wolf and son and friend, Mr. Krave, from Altoona, are spending some time with Mrs Wolf's parents, Mr. and Mrs James B.angler, Miss Sadie Lee from Colyer is ply- ing her needle among friends here this week, Mrs, Charles Geary and friends, Mr. and Mra, Reimes, from Altoona, auto- ed to the homes of John Wert and Michael Rossman Baturday. They re- turoed to their home Sunday after- noon, tem- Lutheran : Linden Hall James M. Rows has begun work on | the new house he ia building in Boats. | burg and which he will oecapy mnex:' | spring. Arber Commings rented the Mis i Harris farm now oceapied by Daniel | Klinger and will move tere next | spring. Miss Gertrude Miller of the Glades | spent a few days here fast week on her way to Rebersburg sand Wood ward where she ia visiting relstives, i Clyde Evester has charge at lhe | railroad office here while tation | agent Iahler is off on a two weeks vacation, | Mr. and Mrs. John Treassler and son William and Mrs, James Bwabb suto- ed to Huntingdon on Bonday and Price, 6 for 25¢ ; 18 for 50¢ ; postpaid. spent the day at the Peter Weber | . home, Revival Fervices, The United Evangelical snd Meth- odist churches will Lo!'d a union re- vival service at Bprucetown, beginning Bunday evening at 7:80 o'clock. eorvices. Bl mt orecmsm— Woodward. Nir. and Mrs. Robert Bmailwood of Paulsboro, N. J., are visitors at the home of the lauy’s parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. P. Ard. Mrs John Boob and baby Bara of Oil City are visiting at the home of her father-in-law, Isaiah Boob. Miss Gertrude Miller of Pennsy!- vania Furnace spent part of last week with her aunt, Mrs. BR M. Wolfe, Mr, and Mrs. Emanuel Kerstetter of Coburn spent Tuesday with their daughter, Mrs. L.. L.. Weaver, John Goodman of Lewistown spent Tuesday io town. Harris Stover and family, Miss Ger- trude Miller, snd Mrs. Wolfe and daughter spent Hunday at the home of Howard Miller in Rebersburg. Mr, and Mrs. Eby spent a day last week with their sop, John Eby, in Miliheim. Miss BHadie Walters in Mifflinburg. ——————— a ——— Coorges Valley. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Ripka and son Lloyd spent Bunday in Decker Valley at the home of John Ripka, Mr. and Mrs. George Boal epent Bundasy with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. H. Foust Mre. Frank Mishler returned to ber home in Johnstown after spending a week with her uncle, Filmore Acker- man, 8 E. Gobble ie having his house re- modeled which will add greatly to its appearance as well as making it more roomy and conveniznt, Mrs, J. C. Barger spent one day last week at Centre Hill at the home of her son, L.. Maynard Barger. Mrs. F. B., Herman of Altoons re. turned home after spending a few days with her friends here. ————— A nnn is spending somone time Traustfers of Heal Estate Hallie M Riley to Oscar W. Btover, tract of land in Harris twp, $200, Harrah OC. Confer to A. (. Confer. twp. $50, bar to tract of lsnud in Rush tract of land in Gregg Mary Louise J weph Knej per, twp. $I Emma Hlevensog et to FP 1 % anc Munson hilipsburg A. f Rush Asn ' trac: of f Cemetery $521 B. M. McGirk ot al, twp. #1 DP. LL Mtouer, $l Bertha Askey ot bar to W, in twp Carrie #! to Charles E. of in Roush Loe of tract and uate (0 Zerby T Mary M, traci of land in Millbeim boro D. Cros. by, tract of land in Philipsburg boro. $l Jonat terman, $335. wW.P terman, $5500 Harry Diehl, $1100 James K. Myers ot ux to Clifford H. Drury, tract of land in Rosh twp, 75 Elizabeth Shope, tract of §350, Uhsriea C. Btroh to Anna Piskie, tract of land in Spring twp. $350, Charles CC, Htroh to Barbara Kutches, tract of land in Spring twp. $350, Charles (, Btroh to Katharine Kczir, trsct of land in Bpring twp. $300, Arthur B. Lee, Bheriff, to Emma H., MoUlain, tract of land in Belle. fonte born. $1600 W. J Nevel et ux to Isane F. ton, tract of land in Snow Ehoe $600 Grant Dunkleberger to John fith, tract of land in Spring $1000 \ ET... Beportar Register Geo. E. Homan, Millheim Mm D. F. Luse, Contre Hall C, H. Bierly, Rebersburg Mrs. J. W. Conley, Centre Hall Mr.and Mm. M. B. Hafler, Chambersburg Blaine Hanseiman, Wolfs Sto Wilbur Confer, Wolls Store Joht of land in F. Penn H os- twp han Harter to tract John F. Hos- of land in Gregg twp. Hoaterman to tract Hwabb et al to John tract of land in Harris twp. (3 Parsons to Marcella M, land in Milesburg boro. Hea. twp. Grif- twp. Market Reports, Wheat, red Corn, on cob, 70 Corn, shelled, § he — a Hay imothy, | first t grade... Hay, mized. Batter The Jury. The “gentlemen of the jury” are often accused of stupidity, but it 1s doubtful if a more pronounced case in a remote town in Malne not long since, The clerk of the court addressed the Jury: “Well, gentlemen of the jury, have “We have,” replied the foreman. “What say you?! Do you find the prisoner at the bar guilty, or not gullty ™ "We do.” “You do? Do what?” “We find the prisoner at the bar gullty or not guilty.” “But, gentlemen, » you must ex “You see, six of us finds him guilty, and six finds him not guilty.” ——— &x DMINISTRATOR'SE NOTICE. ~ Letters of administration Catharine CO. Bhook, late ship, degeased, the LArCRE estate Town on of hie 1 undemigned, persons knowl: thou selves Indebeed to the estate to make imme. the A.J BHOOK, Admin Bpring CYRUS BRUNGART JUSTICE OF THE PEACE CENTRE HALL, PA Bpecial attention given to collecting writings of all classes, including deeds, mortgages ARrecinents, ete | marriage Hoenses and hunter's loenses secured, and all ma office attended to promptly istrator, Mills 87.042 tiers pertaining octs lyr. pd DE LAVAL CREAM SEPARATOR FOR This machine is in first wd itd fon and will be sold at a bargain DGE THOMAS, spring Mills, RB D, west of Potters Mills, AL} ROOM BTOVE FOR BALE. — er, double heater, in first clas be sold cheap. Joseph Lutz, Centre Hal FOR BALE-Cy good condition. ( Pa. R.F.D 1 ¢ Wizzard « haries C. Beck amer { xf Dis, OfN, two sled i of he is New Fall and Winter Goods Dress Goods Outings Ginghams Bed Blankets Shirtings Also a Full Line of — Sweaters in all colors and styles Outing Dresses & Night Robes 0000000000902 0a00000000 2000 We also have a complete line of FRESH GROCERIES Call and see H. F. Rossman SPRING MILLS, PA. SeRIPOET R000 COP00 320 CONST VCTOCPCRR0O000 LLP ORR OO0B8R0RRO CRT PROCOOOCRRDY of charge the notice t nd FREE one dollar ATH BDAY: n.H.F ner # 1s W pring Mill OUTOBER To make room for a big line of Fall and Winter Goods DRY GOODS, SHOES, RUBBERS, Etc., I am making a 30=Day Clean Sweep Sale such as i | Big reductions in Summer Dry tr Lawns, Flaxons, | Silks, Crepes, Etc., also on all White Shoes, Men's and | Ladies’ Low Shoes, in Black and oh : odd lots of Ladies’ and Men’s Dress Shoes at HALF PRICE s this sal ~ A" pee ao to close them cut, Don’t mis oi * C. F. ET1ERY CENTRE HALL, Don’t fail to give us a call i“ Th in two minutes BEATRICE farm in this on and why it getslevery at « SAVESYOU from $25 to or & Clean Skimmin Easy Running Light Running Long Life Few Repairs { Shows Simple Method of Cleaning Discs f your milk mous spreaders. The New Ids buting on the ground, oad of these fa- barbed and smooth wire, over. Jas parts We're back of this e our own reputation: we wouldn't he Tap in 4nd see SA feepou can trast ue. yo easily it starts and how smoothly it Satisfaction Guaran- Your engine “Your That's the prine