The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, September 10, 1914, Image 8

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£. Thomas Grove is painting the prop-
erty owned by him and tenanted by
Milton Bradford.
Miss Alice Boon returned to her
home in New Haven, Connecticut,
Saturday, where she will attend the
public schools.
Mrs. 8. G. Bmull of Altoona is visit-
ing at the homes of Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde Bradford and Mr, and Mrs
James Smetzler,
Mrs. Mary E. Christine of Elysburg
came to the home of her daughter,
Mrs. T. L. Moore, on Wednesday, and
will remain here for a while.
Harold Breon, oldest eon of Mr. and
Mrs. George E. Breon, is improving
from a sicknesa which a few days ago
threatened to develop into pneamonia
Mm J. 8B.
Youngwood, from
Ssturdsy were guesis of
chell’s parents, Ex-sherifl and
Cyrus Bruogart,
Mrs. John I. Olewine, dsughter
Adaline and son Harrie, and Mr. and
Mrs. Willism Beodtorf of Bellefonte
spent a short time Monpday at tbe
Brisbin home,
The large saw mill owned by W. O,
Rearick at Lombard, Kentucky, was
recently destroyed by fire, Fhe lose
of the will was complete but it wae
fully covered by insurance.
& Mrs. Charles M. Arvey spd dsughe
ter, Mies Mable, reiurned Monday
from a week’s visit in Alicona and
Pittsturgh, At the former place cl ey
stopped st the home of Mrs. James
Herring ard in the Smoky City they
were entertained at the bowe of Mr,
nd Mre. Jobn F Mullen, They wert
much pleased with their first trip to
western Penveyivania,
Getebell sand son of
Wednesday unth
Mrs. Qet-
g Vietor lores eame to Centre Ha
Friday [rom
where he had supervision of two bup-
dred and fifty ehildren who ei joyed
seven weeks of country lie ss guisis
of the New York Tritune, Mr. Jones
has been in this work for several years,
On Wednesday he went to Lancaster
where he will commence his second
year in the semivary.
Twenty-five Masons of different
lodges in the valley paid a visit to Lhe
La Belle lodge at Jersey store, Friday
night, most of the members traveling
in automobiles. ‘Those from Centre
Hall who attended were : Mesars, D
J. Meyer, D. A. Boozer, Bsmuel Bbhoop,
I. M. Arney, F. W. Bradford, C. W
Boczer, Dr. J. R, G. Allison, W. W
Harpster., Spring Mills was repre-
gented by H. F. Rossman, Frank
Fisher, Dr. H. 8. Brauent, J. C. Con-
do and Boyd Hsz-l. From Millheim
were vv. 8. Bhelion, Mr. Hoflman, E
W. Msuck and Charles Cass. Coburp
gent W, L. Cawpbell, Fred Malone,
apd J. W. Harter, From Asrons-
burg were J. W, Foster, Rev. D. M. Gee-
sey and Dr. Andrew Mus-er. State Col-
lege was represented by James Bmith
Samuel B. Davie, Ee:q,, of Kavsas
City, Misecuri, was entertained by
Mise Annie Bible, a cousin, for a few
days this week. Mr. and Mrs. Davis
and two sone, both atlorueye, arrived
jo New York from Parie on Sunday,
and while the remainder of the family
stayed in that city with a dsughter of
Mr. Davie} tbe head of the family
came to Centre county to look over the
scenes of his youth, When a boy of
ten, Mr. Davie, with his father, Jumes
Davis, lived in a tepement house ob
the Bible farm, aud also lived on the
Alexander farm at Earlystown. Fifty
eight years ago the elder Davisand his
wife, nee Fusan Bitoer, weut to lows,
and fioslly to Kansas. When the son
grew to manhood he took up the jaw
profession, ard as an atlorney wes
successful and sccumulisted a fortune
He is row living retired. The ole
haunts of more than sa ball eentury
ago brought back many fond rec live.
tions of that day.
Transfers of Heal Estate
Ellen M. Stuart et al to John W,
Hubler, treet of Jand in State College
boro. $7,000
Wm. 1. Minnieh et ux to Clara M
Hall, tract of land in Walker twp
Andrew Liytle et ux to Masry Harp
ster, trict of land in College twp
A drew Lytle et ux to Willism H
Haurpster, tract of land in College twp
Arthur B, Lee Sheriff to Mrs, H E
Msuck, tract of land io Walker twp
Daniel Robb et ux to George F.
Knarr, 2 tructe of land in Liverty twp
W. CO. Kresmeretux to H C. Rob
binson, tract of land in Milesburg boro.
$75. .
George B., MoCullough et ux to
James M, McCullough, tract of land ib
Milesburg boro. $100
B. E, Stamm et ux to Grant Houser,
tract of land in College twp. $1,600.
Catherine J. Reese to Klizabeth
Reese, 8 tracts of land in Taylor twp.
$1 00,
Davis W. Gummo to Carrie J. Gum.
mo, tract of Innd in Patton tap. $400,
John D. Miller Tress, to Commis-
slopers Centre Co.. tract of land ip
Sonow Bhoe twp. $312
John Hamilton et ux to J. Wilmer
Henzey, tract of land in College twp,
Hannah E Grove to William Som
Mrs Barsh Bhreffler, widow of the
of her daughter, Mrs, Anos Barnard,
at Mill Hall, Bunday. She was eigh-
ty-three years of age and last May
suffered a stroke of paralysis, from the
effects of which she never fully re-
covered, The body was shipped to
Pleasant Gap Wednesday and funeral
church, the following ministers of-
ficiating : Rev. Ilgenfriiz of Mill Hall,
Rev, D. J. From of Pleasant Gap, and
Rev, D A. Sower, a former pastor at
Pleasant Gap. Ioterment followed in
the Lutheran cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. Burefllar lived in
Pleagant Gap a number of years ago,
where Mr. Bhrefflar was engeged in
carpet weaving.
about ten years ago and
Hall to live with her daughter. Bur.
viving her are the following children :
John, of Mill Hall; Fred and Charles,
of Bellefonte ; (3
and Mrs. Anna Barnard, of Mill Hall,
One sister, Mrs. Joanna Krieder, o
Mill Hall, also survives
Decessed was an aunt of Mrs, David
Kerr of Centre Hall,
Following an illness of two weeks’
duration, John B.
for the past two years al
Beaver, employed
the Sehmitt
house, Altoona, died Bunday morning
at the Altoona hospital of a compli-
superinduced by
He was admitted to the in-
cation of diseases,
stitution on Friday last and gradually
declined until death claimed hin.
The deceassad ARrons-
was un-
was born al
burg, August 12, 15888, and
married, He is sarvived by these
Mra Frances
Mra. Vera Au
Catnarine Calhoun, Mrs
brothers and sisters :
Ruasler, of Altoons ;
randt, Mra
Miss Muy
Fr aK, of Axe
Beaver, sll of
ff shamoRkio ;
Lnurs, of State College ;
Funeral ssivicea were held at 2:30
o'clock Wednesday afternovon, follow.
ed by interment at Milroy.
s————— ——————
Pleasant Gap.
Ray Noll, son of W. H Noll
to Valparai:o enllege, on the 15th lost
, will go
Bruce Baney is all smiles sines that
baby came to his home on Bunday.
Mr. and Mra, snd Mr
McMillen made a trip to Penns Cave
on Labor day.
Harry Eckenroth and
took in the Labor day picnic at
ters Park
J. C. Mulfioger haa
his recent iliness, and js able to walk
lady friend
recovered from
{ Countinued at foot of next enlgmn
Notes Taken From Flies of The OC ntre
Reporter of Thirty-four Years Ago
September 2nd. —A. B, Kerlin of Pot.
ter township has united with Messrs.
F.anciscus and Woods in the proposed
establishment of a new sxe factory.
It will be located st Cold Bprings,
west of Tyrone.
A son of John Weaver of near Cen-
tre Hall was burt by a rocket striking
him on the forehead while in the
Hancock torchlight parade at Belle.
fonte, on the eve of 24th.
The largest potatoes tous far, this
summer, is a lot sent to this office by
Jacob Harpster, He pronounces
Hancock potatoes, and they
are fine, large, #u-
September 9th.—~The seventh annual
near Centre all, Thureday, Bept., 16
It will be a 'arge affair.
Ex sheriff Richard Conley died ov
last Saturday afternoos, at his home
from the eflects
of a cancer in the face,
given him considerable trouble for »
which has
number of years, Mr wHEg A
good citizen and respected by his large
circle of scquaintances. He lived near
He was seventy-one yesrs of age snd
father of John Conley of this place
Muarried—On Sept. 1st, by Rev M
N. Snhadow, John Royer and
Mary A. Boal, both of Tusseyville
{Continued from previous column )
Mra. Rena Bilger has been enler
taining a number of girl friends frow
Lewisburg, the past two weeks
Mra Boyles of Altoona Is
visiting st the home of J. N. Brooks,
at this place,
Mr. and Mrs
day visitors tou toons
R W. Null were Fun-
1 hey
veiting with Mr. Naoll's sisters,
P. Brooks and Mere
visitor at the
Mra. R P. Barnes, on Monday Mrw
Barnes will sccompany her son to Al
Paul! Keller
home of his
toona for a month's cu'ling.
John Bweeney, who has teen
is not iroproviog very fast : he
the home of bia sister, Hauden.
ia »uffering from hardening of the
liver. His home is in
City, where he was employed as check
The Lutherans in Pleasant Gap held
their Harvest Home service on run-
day at 10.30 o'clock. The sermon by
Rev. Btoneycypher on * Stir up Your
Faliow Ground, and Bow Most Among
Thoros, !’ was inspiring. The decors.
tions of potted plants, friit and flowers
were beautiful
T enn “ v ” ou - .y
Reduced fare excursion t
25 good returning u
yd Friday, 8
. Biehl 12:45 P
Lewisburg 6:00
2 to
be sold to Brook Park, Sept.
25 : will leave Mifflinburg 12:30 P. M
M. Returning special train leaves
on Thursday for Bellefonte
mers, tract of land in Unloa twp.
And that means
Most miles
comfort per mile.
no argument about it.
Call and See
that here
led the
There 1s |
The following accounts ha
passed and fled of record in the Regis
for the Inspection of heirs and legats
and all others in anywise |
presented to the Orphans
ty for confirm ation on Wednesday, the
september, ALD, 1914
1. The first and nal accour
man, administrator
of Bouth Philipsh
2. The first and
bauer and Harry N
of Adam Mayer, late of
The first and fin
der, surviving adminis
Buyder, late of Liberty t
shurg borough, deceased
The first and final »
fer, administratrix of et
late of Bellefonte boroug
Weose ed situate In Cartin township, Centre Connty
bounded and described sx follows, to wit
On the north by Curtin & Co, and others. on
the east and south iand formerly of Hess
kisah Watkirs and others, and on the west by
Curtin & Co., containing lortydour acres, and
one hundred and th Jur perches, more or
proper of Joseph B. Harputer Inte Of | ‘omy be ng known as the Mors Wath] * and K
i i WwW, ! certain mortgage recorded in Mortgage Book Ko
J. FRANK BMITH, 84, page 77, in the office of Recorder of Centre
Rigister and C. ©, County
K. The ix v and Appraiseme ut of the por
rty William Pealer, late of Gregg
, Qeceascd, as Lhe suine wis sel
Eliza Jane Pealer
os 7a ; The above appralscment has been confirmed
*< EGAL NOTICE, nisiby the Court, and if no exceptions be filed
the ely within thirty days the y
1 that there has been sp firmed atwolutely by the Court
Lucas, widow a; oo
of J. Watson Lucas, iste of Curtin township, de
censed, personal property and real estate, under
the Act of June, 1858
All those two certain tracts of land
fame will De oon
Notlee is hereby give a We ’
praised and set apart to Lillie 1
Heginter and €
The Centre Reporter §1 50 per year.
Forty-first Annual ¢
Encampment and Exhibition
Of the Patrons of Husbandry of Central Penn.
September 12 to 18. 1914
Encampment Opens Sept. 12th Exhibition Opens Sept. 14th
wo Ww
Be WW Ww
a Te We We CU Ue We WN WN WW We NN WW We WW
"A Good Oil Stove Saves
You Money in Fuel
i Ei
Of the merit of the line we will not speak, other