it THE CENTRE REPORTER. ISSUED WEEKLY. CENTRE HALL - - PENN’A. THURSDAY, 10SEPTEMBER , 1914 SMITH & BAILEY S. W, SMITH . Proprietors Editor { Loca! Editor and EDWARD E. BAILEY { Business Manager Entered at the Post Office In Centre Hall as econd Class mail matter, CHURCH APPOINTMENTS. Presby cetian.-Centre Hall, morning. United Evangelical Lemont, morning; Lin den Hall, afternoon, Reformed Mills afternoon ; Union, morning. Centre Hall, Spring evening. Marriage ulcenser, Wm. D Heaton, Altoona Ethel M. Beam, Altoona Guy A. Bhuey, Btate College Della M. Peters, Filmore Frank E. Reish, Oak Hall Mary H. Korman, Oak Hall Gilbert W, Bmith, Bellefonte Lucy A. Stott, Flemington Samuel! E Poorman, Howard Clara K. Thompson, Howard Edward Everhart, Bellefonte Carri« Temple, Bellefonte Charles Miller, Penn Twp. Maude Stover, Aaronchurg Earl Couch, Btate College Pearl Pearce, Huntingdon ——————— A AY A ———————— LOOALS The W. C. T. U. will meat in their hall Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o’elock. The demsrd for advertising compels the omission in this the Democratic ticket and report Mr. sod Mrs. Edward A. Smith Germantown ure guests at the home of the former's sister, Mrs (Dr. ) A. J Lieb, Rev. R Babel sccomps: led Victor Jones Space issue of weather 0 R, Jones snd Miss Florenes tn the ode BOALSBURG ITEMS. What People Are Doing in Harris Township's Principal Burg, as Reported by the Re- porter’s Faithial Correspondent, Miss Lillian Koch of Bellefonte speat two weeks at Boalsburg. Mr. and Mrs Adam Zigler of State College spent Sunday at Boalsburg, Ira Rishel and Harry Ishler had new porches built to their reside: ves, Lloyd Worrell and son Fred of Mil- roy made a short visit to Boalsburg. Griffith Lytle of Doups., Kansas, visited at the home of D. W. Myers last week. A son wan born to (George Maothersbaugh, Beptember Z2ad, Mre. Charles Kubo and Miss Btella Raymond spent saturday afternoon at Ntate College Harvest Home service will be held in the Lutheran church ou Sunday at 10 o'clock. Prof. K H. Myers, with hia family, departed on Tuesday for their home at Newark, New Jersey, (George Houtz, Walter Ludwig, C. W. Corl and A. E. Gingerich were at Philipsburg for the big cay. Mra. Dr. T. O Glenn with her chil- dren from Bradford, were visitors st the home of Mrs. M. A. Woods, Miss Nellie and Katharine Gettig of Altoona epjoyed last week with rela- tives in Boalsburg and vicinity, Carroll Worrell of Milroy who spent a month with relatives at Bosalsourg returned to his home on Monday. A. A. Dale of Bellefontejspent some time at the home of his brother A, M. Dale, The public schools of our township op-ned on Monday. The enrollment of the scnools at Boalsburg was as fol. lows : high school, 26 ; grammar, 31; primary, 35, Dr. Bamuel Woods of South Sharon, | who bas been ino a hospital for some tise, is now at his former home at Boalsburg, with the hope of regsiniog strength, George Jack of Iowa and sister Mra Grace Hall were the guests of Mrs George Boal last week. Their father Jobn Jack was formerly from Bosls Mr. and Mra, Wednesday Lewistown Wednesday, making trip in the former's car Miss Eliza Moore, spending tne greater part of the few vears in Harrishurg, fa spendin week in Centra Hall, and will return 1 to the city this week, who has been BEALE Br on Grange Park, will have on sale all groceries needed for camwp- ers, also oysters, fresh bread, Fenn Btate ice eresm, popcorn. peapuis candies, ete. Call at bis headquarters tr ay gRer, Mr. Tobiss. Demcerstic candidate for congress, will be at Grange Park pext week It will be vis first visit to Penns Valley, and he is looking for- ward to the tour here with no little pleasure, In the obituary of Daniel G Moth. ersbasugh, Inset week, the sage of the young msn was given sa twenty.-nive years. His correct sage was on ly twen- ty-three years and wsimost eleven months. Mrs. Margaret Rote, who had spendirg a month or more with her gister, Mrs. Susan Geary, returned to the home of ber daughter at Winfield on Friday, upon bearing of severe sickness in that family. been will ba on Encamp- The biggest flower that Haxhibition ’ at the Grange ment and Fair wili be a Penn Rowe, to be exhibited vy Republican CUounoty Chairman Harris—hat is, provided a frost dou’t nip it in trazsportation. Mrs Pearl Barger snd three ob! dren, snd Miss Margaret Kreitzer sutoed from Lewistown Bunday to the home of the ladies’ sister, Mrs Harry McClenaban. The former re- turned the same day, but Miss Kreit- zer will remain until after the Grange fair. Mrs B. M. Boon, who a few weeks ago went to Rockford, Illinois, to take care of her aunt, Mre. Belle Lindley, during a spell of tliness, returned to Centre Hall Wednesday, sccompanied by her sunt who has sgain fully re. covered hier health, Harry C. Reish, for several year tenant on the Conley farm east of Centre Hall, will succeed George Er- hard sa tenant on the W. Frank Brad. ford farm, at Old Fort, Farming will be resumed on the Old Fort farm in partnership in stock, A #on was born to Mr. and Mrs George Erhard, at Old Fort, on Tues day, ans. he is reported to be as flue es gilk. The youth wiil be taken with the family to Nebrssks, next spring, where it appears Mc. Erhard will cast his lot, and engsge in farming on & more extensive scale, Sherift A. B. Lee, Democratic coun- ty chairman, was in Centre Hall on Wednesday in the interest of the Democratic party. While here he completed arrangements for the Demo- eratic headquarters on Grange Park, which will be the center of Demooratic activity during the Grange Encsmp- ment snd Fair, Rev. W. H. Echuyler, Ph. D., and Rev. R R. Jones attended an execu tive meeting of the County Hahbath School Association, beld in the Y. M, C. A. building at Bellefonte, on Tues day. The meeting was full of interest and extensive plans were formulated for bringing sbout better results in the Buoday-schools of the county. WM Mrs. Lucy Heoney and father, J. O Deininger, and Wilbur Henney, Ralph Henney, and John Kresmer mace an suto trip to New Bloomfield to the bowe of Mrs. Henney's sister, Mrs. J. E. Stuart, on Saturday. The return trip wes made Bunday, but Mr. Deininger did pot sccompany the party, but will remain for an indefinite time with bis dsughter. Although eighty-four years of age he experienced A number of homes in Centre Hall have been made more modern during the summer by the addition of bath room fixtures. 8, J. Rowe had the work in charge In esch cese snd among the pumber who now ev joy this convenience are ;: Mrs. Rebecca Mur. ray, Miss Anos Bible, M. I. Emerick, H. KE. Homan, Mm. J. H. Lamberts property, occupled by F, J. MeClellsn, and J, G. Dsuberman, Mrs. Lizzie Jacobs will have a complete bathroom outfit installed in a few weeks, burg, th« oldest sou of George Jack. iall’s hustand is in the Philip- ; #he spent 8 year there and hige vistitivg tn dif fled Sinles, Ir» een | Awopg the relatives and sssociates ois a digiance who attended the { fuperal of Daniel Mothersbaugh on Fiiday were D. K. Mothersbaugh of Willismaport, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben i Stuart and David Btoart of Beilevas i, Mra Mary Motbersbasugh of Henovo, Miss Amanda Mothersbaugh, Samuel Gievn apd family, and Mr and Mrs. Charles Feglemmnn of Le. mouvt, Mr. sud Mrs, George Keller, Mr. sod Mr. B F. Homap;, W. U. Meyer snd Mr, sud Mrs Harry Koch of Sists Mr. and Mrs. John Kemp and sop, sod Mrs, Kessler of Milroy, Mr, and Mrs. D. sunbury, ar. sod Mrs James Roush of Asronsburg, Mr. and Mme. B. dH. Rosstosn of Millbeim, Mr. and Mrs J. D Neese of Spring Mills, Mr, and Mra. I O. Campbell! and Mrs. George Koch sud son of Peonsslvania Fur. nace, David HKhioesmith sod dsugh ter Bessie of Beuner towusbip, Mrs John Musser, Mrs. Belle Ott and Mre. Wm. Rbinesmith of Beile- foute, Mr. and Mrs. Epbreim Keller, Mre. Pusan Kel Mr. acd Mpre M.ooa K ineaud Mr. and Mrs. Joh erick of (ap, Mr. sand Earl Ross, and Charles Hors and fam ly of Ferguson towoship, and Mr and mre. P. MH. Meyer, J H. Weber, J. QJ. A. Kenopedy, Misa Mollie Hoffer ara Miss Hattie McCoot of Ceptre Hail he services was beld in the Reformed church and wes the largest fupersl held in the etureh since it was remodeled in 1902 Kevs, BN, QO dtover and J. ¥ Bwnecypher were the officiating ministers. Several appro- priate selections were sung by the Boailsburg male giartette. [ne burial rites were tesd wy Rev. Rtover, and Prof, H C. Rotbroek and G E. Meyer of the Kuights of Malta of which the decessed was a member, + Resolution of Respect of Bear Mead. ow Uommmandry, No 416, Knights of Malta It is fitting that we pay a tribute of respect to Bir Knight Dan- fel (3 Mothersbangh, who was called “ay Heptember 1, 1914, to the land be yond from whence there is bo return and to which we all must go sooner or later, {1 Slatin College, er, (darl Pleasant Mrs e recognize in our loss and wind of our Heavenly Fa jletl | things for the good of His An t we bow to his will and wis 1 to learn the spiritual lesson which He is g Us ved, That when these carthly gone, Temptation's battle From Heaven shall down, They that bore the cross shall win a crown, never to fade Resolved, Thet we period of thin y days, ar be recorded on the records of the Commandry and a copy be sent to his widow and parents pd. Resol years are past and fought, the victory won, gently come this message drape our charter for a il that these resolutions Committea on Resolutions. lA FRUITTOWN., Mrs, Rosh Dirpery and sons Walter and haries from Reedaville are visit ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Edward Bubb of this place, Alfred Reiber and family from Johnstown are spending some time with Mr. Reibet’s parents and many other friends of this place Mre. T. J. Fieisher returned to her hore last Friday after spending a few days with her daughter at Aarons burg. Miss Apna Fobrioger from North umberisnd is spending her vacation with ber mather of this place, Mre, D HW Wert and daughter Madeline of Asonsburg spent Sunday with relatives of this place, Quite a number of young folks from this place attended the Bellefonte fair Inet week, Mre. Emma Fohringer also Edwerd Bubb are doing quite a bit of repair ing which sdds greatly to the sppear- ance of thelr homes, The preaching services which were held in the Kvaogelical church last Bunday evening was largely attended, Ashbridge Thomas of this place ls having sales of his cattle in Reedaville ne Xt Baturday. PENN HALL. The funeral of Mra. J, W. Shonk | wan largely attended by her friends | and relatives, Rev.and Mrs. D. M, Geesey dinner at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Kreamer on Bunday. Norma! Behool left on Monday, and Lock Haven. Mr.and Mrs, Irvin Zettle and chil. dren of Centre Hall were at church st thia place on Bunday morning ; every- body was glad to ses them ; it was the first time they have heen here since they moved to Centre Hall, George Bhook, who has been ing cider only once a week, will make Tuesday and Thursday of every week excepting the week of pienic—then only on Tuesday. Philip Bhook and fawily of near Madisronburg were to chure’s here on Sunday morning and took dinner with his parents, and in the afternoon Philip and bis father went to visit Joho Detwiler, near Centre Hall, There has bean s change in school his school, Mr, Royer will teach here and Katie MoCool will teach the Pike school, which Mr. Royer taught. John Albright and his lady friend, Mary Weagley, spent almost a8 week visiting the former's brothers at State Co'lege. Don’t know whether it wae their wedding trip or not. Mra. Barah Hartman of Millheim attended the funeral of Mrs. Bhook last Thursday and took dinner at the home of her son, Wallace Musser Mrs, Hartman will have sale the latter part of September and will make her home here with Mr. and Mrs, Musser, Potters Mills School opened August fair attendance, Mr. and Mre. Clifford Thomas sper t several days in Bellefonte last week Mra. George Me ‘ormick and chil dren have returned home after several weeks’ stay in Asronsburg. An auto party of twelve young people spent last Baturdsy eveniog ip Lewistown, Mra Kate Carson is visiting her pephews and nieces at Bilate College, Jesse MeClepahan and mother and Mr. and Mrs Cliflord Thomas went to Philipsburg to see the locomotive cols ’ 31st with Mre Clayton M:Kinney and family returned to Altoona after spending the summer bere Kathryn Carson returned to her home after spendipog the summer wilh M. N Miller. Mrs. Annie Immel, who keeps house for Merchant Bmith, was oalled to her home in Bpriog Mills to care for the sick, Mr. snd Mr. F. A. Carson and deughter Hazel, scoompanied by Mr and Mrs Clifford Thomas, spent Bun- day in Tyrone, Those who attended the Bellefonte fair were: Mr. and Mra F. A. Carson, Mr. and Mrs, Morris Burkholder, Mra Wm Bweeney, Jesse MeUlenahan, sis ter Mise Cora and friend of Pittsburg, Harry and Frank Han hbsrger. Sweepers Lamps Fans, and Fixtures VDDD Y RECEPTION The Pink Labe', The Pink Label appears this week between Jupe 25 and September 7b. | error, C “+ul/RT PROCLAMATION, Whereas the Honorable | Orvis, Pr oF dent Judge of tl 10 Court of ( Forty-ninth Ju county of Centre, bearing lo me directed for i Pleas, Orphans Court of the Peace lis L ¥ ’ $ ¢ issued pre dats ¢ 6 y of August, 1] i g a Court © ! Com Quarter Sessions erminer and General | Jalil Delivery, it ¢, for the county of | Centre, and to commen fn the FO! NDAY OF BE] RTH MO "TEMBER, being or, 1914, { ont n of Beptemi of the p ence, Al county of Ce entre, their pro i r pers 1} A aminatic 1%, and those thing 10 shail t there See me for best prices on all sizes of WATER PIPES -also- PUMPS and REPAIRS | Everything in the Plumb- | ing Line—bathroom fix- | tures, etc., at lowest prices. S. J. ROWE Centre Hall, Pa, ane @glePeRUeNONO Pees v@ORe Centre Hall Poultry Yards Single Comb White Leghorns exclusively, ® "09940 Whe See The stock that has quality by actual test Eggs now for sale Will Sell at Once, 20 Incubators & Brooders, at a Great Sacrifice, Chas. D. Bartholomew CENTHE HALL, PA, 0COCCOP0P Or OPRIOROBBBRBHOOD OBL PPV CORIO BOTPOOBOROTODY ectric Go. : : : ¢aaneg bd» mee ONew A ST ROS i A AAA IU SEY ow I ———— AN ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE PUBLIC .. } os Our Fall and Winter Clothing is ready for re see ne Een RS oe ad your inspection. OUR LINE comprises the very latest in wearing Men, have apparel for Boys, Women, Misses and Children, We largest line of stylish aaa, Ea a LEE ROE selected, with great care, the clothing that has ever been put on disylay in Millheim, We want you to come in look around ; we know that you will be more than | pleased with what we are offering for this Fall and Winter, been ; Prices, too, arc as low as they have ever in fact, we are selling the same grade of clothing in many instances at a much lower figure, Our Fall and Winter Footwear is here, too : for Men and the § Queen Quality and C& E The best line of work shoes Shoes for Women, are to ] The famous Walk Over Shoes r be found here. are at Herr's. Raincoats- You'll want one for these cool evenings and We have a large assortment in all styles Women colors, for Men, nd Children. othing for School Children--in great variety RRS DEPARTMENT STORE MILLHEIM, PA. Cl H a Oe a ee ER RRS or Th | | | Js | ih BNR De BND DBD UT BB BT BBR DB BBD BBD BTW WB TT WB WB BW TW TW WW WO WW You Can Save Money on: White Canvas Shoes By Buying NOW “ - We have cut prices on our line of Ladies’ and Misses’ White Canvas Shoes. We do not in- tend to carry them over until next season, Our line is still complete, but better hurry up for they'll not last long at the prices we have put on them. Lots of warm weather yet, so white shoes will be worn for some time. Come in today. * » KREAMER & SON CENTRE HALL, PA. LADIES’ “FITZEZY SHOES will cure corns! SOLD ONLY AT YEAGER'’S SHOE STORE BELLEFONTE