The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, August 27, 1914, Image 8

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John Bright spent Bunday in Mill-
heim. :
Miss Marion Eisenhauer spent Bun-
day at State College.
* Mrs. James 8. Weaver, who is unde
the doctor's care, is improving slowly.
fe James Corman, an old war veteran
of Rebersburg, spent Monday with his
cousin, Mrs. Emma Hess.
Miss Nellie Burd returned from a
trip to Altoona, spending some time
with her cousin there,
Mrs, George McKay, nee Philips, and
her little daughter Florence, of Phila-
delphia are guests of her mother,
© Mrs. Perry McKinney of Potters
Mills was entertained at the home of
Mr. and Mra, A. B. Btover,
Miss Bue Lenker and sister, Mrs,
Hou-er and two daughters, Edith and
Catherine, of Bellefonte, spent a day
in Millbeim.
Misses Marion Adams and Estella
Musser of Wolfs Chapel are Lock
Haven visitors where they will take in
the aeroplane flight,
Mr, and Mrs. O. P. Adams sutoed in
their Overland with their daughter
Marion and son William to spend the
day with bis sister at Btate College.
es Mre,. E. A, Bower and sister, Mrs,
. W. Bower, are at present spending
a few days with their brother, George
Bright, at Centre Oak.
Philip Eisenhauer and Arthur
Weaver who are both employed at
State College, working sat the car-
penter trade, spent Bunday at their
Mr. and Mrs, Walter Orwig and
gone, Harold and Kermit, took 1n the
great Union county picnic snd spent
the Sabbath with Mr, Orwig’s parents
at Hartleton,
W. OC. Miogle of Akron, Ohio, ar-
rived in town Saturday afternoon to
pay his apnpual visit to his parents,
His wife bad been in Aaronsburg for
three weeks or more.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Meyer and
children of Bellefonte and Mrs. Me
Manaway end daughter Helen of
Millbeim were the gue-te of Mr, and
Mrs. James Roushe over Bundsy.
Buick car, took his parents, Mr.
the lady's mother, Mrs,
ing in their car, brought
Miller and Lis daughter, Mrs.
Jordon aud
from hebersburg ope day last week,
and spent a short time with Mrs
Emaline Hess and Mrs, M, J. Deshler,
aunts of Mrs. Jordon.
David fummes and Kurtz Weiser
and family of Altoous, Mrs Kate
Yordy and daughter of Shamokin,
Mra, O' Niel and daughter of Williams-
port, Crarles Bummers of State Col-
legs, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Weiser sud
daughter of Millheim, were the guests
of Mrs, Anuvle Summers at the oid
bomestead inst week,
—————— A ———
The Y. P. C. A. met in their new
ball on Surday evening.
Walter Hostermsan from State Col-
lege spent Sunday at home,
D. K Fye and sister SBophrons from
Millheimu spent Bunday in this sec jon.
Westher dry, making it hard plow-
ing and also is a little bard on the
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Bmith spent
Sunday afternoon with W, N. Iigen
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Stover from Co-
burp epent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs
Harry Frank nberger,
t. Mrs. Blanche Brungard and chil
dren from Smulton spent a week in
this section with her friends.
The children surely er joyed the sport
and of course the refreshments are one
of the things of the day.
Mrs. Deltz and son Russell from
Btate College spent a week with her
sister, Mrs. B, G,. Grove.
Rev. B. F. Bieber, one of our former
pastors, favored us with the Harvest
Home services at the Union Bunday.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Gardner Grove bad
a grand turnout at the pieni¢c on their
lawn for their Bunday-school classes
Mra, Eras Wise spent last week st
Harrisburg with ber husband. Mr,
Wise is a mail sgent on thé rallroan
at that pleesa,
Mr, snd Mre, Calvin Weaver and
children, also Mr. and Mrs, J. W.
Rachau from down Brush Valley
epent runday with Osea COC, Homan
and family,
I'he Misses Mildred and Ethel Long
are spending some time at Port Ma.
tilda ; from there they go to Altoona
to spend the rest of their vacation at
the home of J. B. White,
Kathryn BSinkabine visited at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John Bow-
man Sunday.
Clara Condo of this place will begid
teachivg a winter term of school at
Millheim on Monday.
Cora Osman of Glen Iron, who is
going to teach Green Grove school
this winter, is here visiting a few
weeks b: fore the school opens,
Quite a few of the young folks from
sround bere had » picnic down along
Pine Creek Inet Baturday. They re-
port having had a five time,
Mrs, Lizzie Schell and ¢iildren of
Union county are spending a week
visiting at the home o
ges, Mrs. Hehell an
are sisters,
Harry Kreamer spent a fow days at
home with his psrents after returning
from his vacation in the western
states, He is at Williamsport where
he has worked for the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company for a number of
. Peon Hall and Georges Valley
crossed bats Saturday, the gawe re-
sultiog in a viglory for Penn Halli by
the one-sided score of 20 to 9. . The
batteries were : Penn Hall, Btover and
Bmith; Geor Valley, Zsttle,
Bweetwood and Gramley,
The Centre Reporter §1 50 per year,
Mre, Bartges
This is to announce that
will now supply all motor
car owners of this com-
munity with .
Tubes and Accessories
An ever growing demand for
Firestones in this locality and
every locality where quality is
appreciated has made it necessary
to establish headquarters here.
The Firestone factory=-the Larg-
est Exclusive Tire Factory in the
World—has again increased greatly
and the output has jumped 78%.
This enormous output, made under
perfect conditions, makes it
Firestones at a price
than others are forced
for tires made in less
al fact
Call ai Firestone Headquarters
Above for Biggest Tire Value
Firestone Tire & Rubber Company
Akron, Ohio—~ Branches and Dealers Everywhere
“America’s Largest Exclosive Tire ond Rim Makers"
A Good Oil Stove Saves
~ You Money in Fuel
The New Perfection oil stove enables you to cook a
meal at an expense of only two cents. Surely much cheaper
than wood or coal, and no unnecessary heat during the hot
summer months. Your heat is on or off in an instant—you
| have it when you want it and you don’t burn unnecessary
| fuel,
We invite your inspection of the two- and three-burn-
+ er New Perfection oil stoves which we have at our store.
| They are well built and absolutely safe. Not only good for
| cooking but will prove serviceable as a heater.
‘ Forty-first Annual
Encampment and Exhibition
¢ Of the Patrons of Husbandry of Central Penn.
September 12 to 18,
Rxbibiton Opens Sep, 14th
Encampment Opens Sept. 13th
The la and best fair in Central P. 1 3 s
for farmers, Eee ty : te Gevoten pniind BH by gr oebibition
purposes Ample tent accommodations for all desiring to and =
A large display of farm stock and poultry, farm implements
ctrenls nil Sioa) SF (an Mask aud poultsy. tam fui,
4. L. DHART,
D. LBA ES, |
J. B. DALE, Commiti¢e
% 7
isos Npmsariprre oS sn a PP
Mrs Maria Wagoerspent a few days
st Boaleburg the past week,
Mill, spent Thursday among friends
Mr, and Mrs,
little son returned to their home in Al-
toons Inst Wednesday.
Mrs. Manuel Cole from Dsyton,
Ohio, spent Wednesday and Thursday
smong relatives here,
Mrv, George Leo and son John snd
daughter Ruth from Lemont spent
Souday here smwong relatives,
Mrs. Adam Krumrine 1s visiting
for some time at the home of her
Hall, o
brothers, Nevin and Raymond, visited
their sunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Bwariz, from Thursday until
Mrs. Maria Wagner, Mrs. M F,
Rossman, sod the Misses Elizabeth
and Esther Bitner, returned home last
fuesday after spending a week among
relatives in Altoona,
Rev. and Mrs. ¥. W. Barry, from
Cumberland, Md., and Mr. sod Mrs,
Charles Mitterling and two children
from Chicago, Ill, visited smong
friends bere Thursday and Friday.
$28 Values at
the line.