THE CENTRE REPORTER. ISSUED WEEKLY, CENTRE HALL - PENN’A. THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1914, SMITH & BAILEY S. W. SMITH . Proprietors . Editor Local Editor and Business is Flanager Entered at the Post Office in Centre Hall as econd Class mail matter, EDWARD E. BAILEY TERMS. —The terms of subscription to the Re- porter are one and one-half dollars per year, ADVERTISING RATES-Display advertise ment of ten or more inches, for three or more in naftiond, ten cents per inch for each issue. Dis fact advertising occupying less space than ten ne aches sud for less than three insertions, from fleen to twenty-five cents por inch for each fines according to composition, Minimum charge seventy-five cents, Local notices accompanying display advertis- ing five cents per line for each insertion ; other- wise, eight cents per line, minimum charge, twenty- ve cents, Legal notices, twenty cents por line for three insertions, and ten cents per line for each ad- ditional insertion. DEMOCRATIC TICKET. United States Senator A. MITCHELL PALMER, Monroe County. Governor McCORMICK, Danphin County. Lieutenant Governor WILLIAM T. CREABY, Columbia County. Secretary of Internal Affairs WILLIAM MecNAIR, Allegheny County. Representatives at Large i ROBERT 8. BRIGHT, Philadelphia County. MARTIN JENNINGS CATON, Allegheny Co. LUTHER B. SEIBERT, Potter County. JOHN SMITH SHIRLEY, Clarion County. Rep caenlalive 218 District WILLIAM E. TOBIAS, Clearfield County. Senalor in District WILLIAM H. id Co. Representativ ¢ 4 DAVID WwW, Member of W. D. ZERBY VANCE C, n Congress in Comore ¢ General Asewembly tA PATTERSON, Clearfle the General Age MILLER, Fergusou Township. nbly, Centre County Stale Commilier County Chairman ARTHUR B. LEE CHURCH APPOINTMENTS. Presbyterian—Centre Hall, morning. Reformed Union, morning afternoon ; Centre Hall, evening Lutheran, August 16.7 Centre Hall, afternoon ; Services by Rev, J. M. Rearick. spring Tussey ville Spring Mil Lutheran, August 23. Harvest Home services by Rev, B. F. Bieber : Union, morning Valley, afternoon. August 30-Centre morning ; Tusseyville, afternoon ; Spring evening. Georges Hall Mills, The Weather. Readings of the thermometer are made dally at 5 p m., and indicate the highest and lowest ints reached during the preceding wwenty-four Ours, =F | —2 | WYNH 190M] [rej sous Lwp jo nowy) | soyouy ug Wednesday, 5 | Thursday, ¢ Friday, 7 Saturday, 5 Sunday, 9 Monday, 10 Tuesday, 11 F means fair; © PC partly cloudy, means cloudy; means LOCALS Mrs. Alfred Durst, who bas been in a rather serious condition, is pot im- proving. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Harshbarger of Altoona are guests of Mr, and Mrs. Clyde Bradford. D. W. Bradford is having bathroom fixtures installed in his home. Joseph Runkle of Bellefonte has the work in charge. Miss Anna Hayes of Watsontown, from Friday until Monday, was the guest of her friend, Mise Mary D. Potter. Miss Hayes took “the six weeks teachers’ course at State Col- lege. Three days of picnicin Centre Hall this week. Wedpesday the United Evangelical church assembled in pie- nic array on Grange Park; today ( Thursday ) is Lutheran Day, snd tomorrow ( Friday ) the Presbyterians and Methodists will picnic at the same place, Mr. and Mrs, Edward Nearhood and family of Pittsburgh passed through Centre Hall Monday on their way home after having spent a short time with relatives in Penns and Brush Valleys. Mr. Nearhood holds a position as traveling salesman for a shoe house, A cable message was received on Sunday, August 9th, from H, D. W, Eopglish and family who have been marooned in Vienna, Austria, of their safe arrival in Gurich, Switzerland, Mr. Evoglish requested that two thou- sand dollars in gold be sent him at once, so that he may be enabled to get home with his party of five persous who are touring in his aato car, Mrs, John G. King of Centre Hall and Mrs, W. Morris Furey are sisters of Mr, Eoglish. In February, 1885, J. Henry Keller and family left Centre Hall for Kansas, and a few weeks ago Chatles C. Keller, a son, made his first trip to the old home, He lives in Kansas City, Kan. sna, and is a machinist, and during the latter years gave his time to the construction of sutomobiles, While in Centre county he is makiog bis headquarters with his sister Mrs, Ezra Tredeler, of Btate College. While in Centre Hall he called Lo see the chums of his youth and the many friends of the Keller family. - BOALSBURG ITEMS. What People Are Doing in Harris Township's | Frincipal Burg, as Reported by the Reo porter's Faithful Correspondent, R. R. Wolf of Greensburg spent last week in Boalsburg., Psul Rupp made a business trip to Buflalo, New York. Andrew Gettig and family of Brad: dock spent a short time in town, Reuben Btuart of Bellevue Station is spending his vacation in Boalsburg, George Garberic with his little son from Lancaster visited his parents, Mrs. Julia Williams of Lemont is a guest ot the howe of CO, W, Corl this week, Mes, N. W, Mayer, with her daugh- ter Rosella, made a short td Aaronsgburg. Mies Mabel Myers enjoyed a week with relatives and associates in the Mountain City. Alvin B. Myers and family of Jeck- sonville, Florida, arrived at Boalsburg on Mond»y. viait spent 4 few days at the Elmer Hou'z home, H. M. Hosterman was an « day visitor at Huntingdon. ver Bune A vumber of families from this com- munity enjoyed a day in the Meadows, Mra. W. A, Miss Gussie spent Saturday at foute, Misses Nellie and Annie Holler of Pittsburg were visitors at the Mothersbaugh home, Mr, and Mre. James Wert ¢ burg visited at the home daughter, Mre. David Bohn. Prof, and Mrs, J. M, daughters, - Winona are visitors from Bedford. Misses Emma and Grace Beavertown are spending this the home of their aunt, Mrs, Zechman, George and Harry Murray and dsughter Lie of Giarbric and ana f J F Iabiler to Philadelphia and mada = trip in a eck. OLUEr places the eastern part of the state ¢ his country by having the at half mast at his bomwe Monday Tuesday. Mr. and Mra. A. and Mrs, L. Mot the Dale reunion at Oak Hall urday, and W. Dale hersbsugh attended on Hal with n, from R. B. Mrs, Charles Ross, Emeline and Harriso were visitors at the home, Mrs. Ida Jertha and H“ny vd n der 8 Isabel fro: Hall were puests at the 8. J. home the latier part of last week, Rev, and Mra, 8. CU, ding with relatives and asec set county, dence. HB. J. Wagner and family, Goheen and family, Mr. and F. Kimport, sud Mrs and her little Harold, sattended Fleisher reunion sat Thursday Mr. and Mra, F. Jones, Jones, Dr. Harvey Jones, and Grace Denning of Kylertown visited with Mrs. E. E. Brown and other relatives in this locality the early part of the week. Au old home picaie will be given by the residents of Bosleburgand vicinity in McFarlane’'s Grove, Thursday, August 27th, All are invited to come and bring their bgekets. The band will have a festival in Boal hall io the evening. Mre. Susanna Ishler and daughter Mise Della, Frank Ishler, Mr. and Mrs. P. 8. Ishler and Mr, snd Mrs Harry Ishler, and Mr, and Mrs George Rowe attended the funersl of W. A Ishler at Bellefonte last Wed- nesday. Mrs, M. A. Woods returned on Mon- day from a stay of six weeks at the Dr. T. O. home at Bradford where she had the oversight of the house while the doctor and some of the family were camping with a fish. ing party in Canada, Htover and sor Elwood sre sper ciates in Bomer- their former place of resi- Matihew Mra. Kenneth and the McClellap- DOys (zlenn —————— A a CENTRE OAR Weather fine ; oata all cut; some of the farmers are plowing for seeding. The Breon people had their first annusl picoie on the Penns Cave lawn Baturday ; all report a nice time. Mr. Meeker and family spent Hatur. day evening with Mr. snd Mrs. Harry Frankenberger, Mra. Ada Long has goue to Altoona tospend a few days with friends, Her husband is employed in that city as 8 painter. Mr. and Mrs. W, F. Rishel are spending this week at Phoenixville with the former's sister, Mrs. Brad. ford, Mr. and Mrs. B. Gardoer Grove will hold their annual picnic for their Bunday-school classes on the Grove lawn this coming Saturday. Don't forget it, boys and girls, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Breon and chil. dren, Lena and Theodore left for Al toons Monday, the children having ppent their vacation in this section with their uncles and aunts. Paul Hettinger from Altoona return. ed to his home after spending his six weeks’ vacation with bisuncle H, B Frankeberger, Appouncament from Herr, for Naw oar fall fexpet to leave ina fow He Pi iada York and Baltimor~'0 and winter clothing for mon, women, misses and children. We expect to have the largest and most up-to-date stock In men, women’s, misses, and children’s apparel this town ever wit. nessed. All our pring and Bummer stock is pretty well clesned up ; every thing will be new for Fall and Winter, days the eastern « Iphin, jen HERR'S DEPARTMENT BTORE, Millhelmn, Pa. —— inl ess m— AsrOons8buvrg., Mr. aud Mra, F. Poreey returned to their New York City home, Mre, John Krape and baby spent a few days in Hanbury with her coun, Mrs. Leo Hain, Painters O. P, Adams and Edward Fehl will do their next work at Bpeer Breon's, in Penn townehip Mr. and Mrs. Har Ilelabsugh and two little girls moved their house- Altoona, vey hold goods to Roselane, Fhe thermometer con inues Lo regls- iety-five daily, drop in tex ter from Rome rain ture. Aulomohbilist B Miss Alice J. Bright inter, Mra. W, ninety to nls but no pera. Vonada the home Bitner, te ok of atl , to 13, A , Funday Misa ege are bel William and Mra Harvey Musser Akron, Ohlo, we iia brot Maater and Kreamer of Htat r entertained by Miss Adama at the 0. P. Adama, son Coburn and home of Mr. a week bv with ber. Mra. Dora Allison, i111 i Mrs | Coataville, sre the Mrs Thomss Hall | foriner lady with her upch Adame, Ingaon, ar DIXON'S HEALTH TALKS, HERR S DEPARTMENTS! STORE tik Huys the Commissioner of hseglith Tionns of tnvrying 1 insenpe Germs, J 5 ¢ country roads will carry every- It is the pet housewives sud thor | for tiny particle | msy be a raft! bears the minute disease pro- organisms which call On account of the busy season for farmers in this community who were unable to attend our Clean Sweep Sale, we have decided fo sirests each at ia blown about we The means by which many of our | diseasen wre tranemiited discovered to be through reonal contact or through insects Continue our Sale 15 Days Lon- | | get, to give everybody a chance | to buy at nearly Half Price to fit out the entire family in Men's, Boys, & Children’s Clothing and Footwear, Remember, 10 Days Only ! Don’t fail to come and fake this opportunity, Stock is large and prices are smashed to splinters, SAMPLES JUST ARRIVED The English-American Fall and Winter Sam- ples for tailor made Suits and Overcoats just arrived. One thousand different samples to se- lect from. We are giving 30 CENTS OFF ON EVERY DOLLAR on every suit measured here. Don’t fail to come in and look over our styles and samples; every suit guaranteed to fit and to be pure wool, REMEMBER, 30 PER CENT OFF HERR'S DEPARTMENT STORE -- Millheim well, While the ap- pingues were trape- has been digproved the investigations of modern reepoveible for epreading certaiu Experiments have shown brief exposure QO here are less sud icles of dust jaw + glables, and dust carrying introduced foto time amid the tiny part p re 1 about the tiny particles of germs are & lo result of a sufferer from io the dost of the often fi I Peppa § ‘ art s Ielac us is sp spu Hm reuion es glrepls valkes we d the iubercle the gel Nave rear? belleve thal the of amalip x and possibly puen iin tuay sizo be Lisusmiiited fo thi Dry sweeping of (Le sireele with Its wmpasnyiog ciouds of more jess ected dust, and may be or the dry sweepings uildhl s possible scu:es of the mierican o re In mar ¥ some A io id Le : Dry sweepli g and i fashi SLC #0 iowec g with tt ped dust { i ould be abollihed, ————————— ” A ——— The Patrons Bural Telephone Com. in B Fri. ny will meet ellefonte on week ay of this aa a line is still complete, them, | | . wv w Nec ear mm rat aast a aie = LADIES’ “FITZEZY’ SHOES will cure corns! We do not in- Our so white SOLD ONLY AT FAGER’S SHOE STORE BELLEFONTE ———————— Y dd Fellows Orphanage Prosperoas of the repre. Fellows’ Ho the president follow: Ata recent meeling sentatives of the Old at Fuonbury, a of the institution fog: On July 1 lowing chil dren were in 71 boys and 68 girls, a total of 189 children, Daur. ing the year there were admitied 14 children and threa were loa Hy death, On Jaly 1, last year the earoliment | was 141 children, The report of the late 8, B. Hiiliard | and H. I. Romig, assistant, shows! that there was in the general fund $11, | 640.27 ; the building fand, $1 984 64 ; the Christmas fand, $11, and the per- | manent fund, $42 The total amount of receipts was $183677 91. The bal ance now in these funda ja $2,512 04, | $7 212 54; $240 07 and $1 714.97, respec. | tively. The present assets of tha ae sociation amount to $108 732 42 and the | Habiiitica are $1 8°65 56, The pew barn | is reckoned to be worth $4,600; the main building, $40 000 and the sohool, | $20,000 while other buildings, ground, | furniture, ete, make up the rest of the | assets, The liabilities consist mainly of outstanding vouchers, me report by revealed the 1914, the fol the home : ! i { Continued from previous column, ) Mr. and Mra. Paul Bwab, and My, | and Mrs. Gardner Grove, erjoyed an | auto trip down through Brush Valley | narrows to Mifflinburg and other | pointe, retorniog by way of the Pens Valley nnrrowa, They all or joyed the | trip and say it fa a beautiful country | ae far aa they could see, No troub ° was experienced with (he oar Boyd | has his oar in firet olsen rovoing’ TH OwAaunli ah four oF aemn sorarmey order. AER bs, TWEET AE, ETI I am Leaving for New York in a few days, and while there will buy the Finest line of Wearing Apparel for Men, Women and Children that I have ever handled. This line will be the newest in every detail and will uphold our reputation of giving everyone the very best values for their money. Keep this in mind and come in to see this line when it arrives. It will certainly be worth your while. . STILL CLOSING OUT at SALES PRICES Our Semi-Annual Sale is now over, but we siill have on hand a complete line of everything, which we will continue to close out at sale prices, Come in and supply your needs at these low prices. KESSLER'S Department Store