THE CENTRE REPORTER. ISSUED (WEEKLY. CENTRE HALL - - PENN’A. THURSDAY, JULY 2 1914 SMITH & BAILEY . . . . « Proprietors 8. W.SMITH . .". « . . . Editor 3 d EDWARD E. BAILEY { §oSiness Ranager Entered at the Post Office in Centre Hall as Becond Class mail matter, TERMS. —The terms of subscription to the Re- porter are one and one-half dollars per year ADVERTISING RATES-—Display advertise ment of ten or more inches, for three or wore in sertions, ten cents per inch for each issue . Dis play advertising oconpying less space than ten inches and for less than three insertions, from fifteen to twenty-five cents per inch for each issue, according to composition. Minimum charge seventy-five cents, Local notices accompanying display advertis- ing five cents per line for each insertion; other- wise, eight cents per line, minimum charge, twenty-tive cents, Legal notices, (wenty cents per line for three fusertions, wad ten cents per line for each ad- ditional insertion. DEMOCRATIC TICKET. United States Senator A. MITCHELL PALMER, Monroe County. Governor VANCE C. McCORMICK, Dauphin County. Lieutenant Governor WILLIAM T. CREASY, Columbia County. Secretary of Internal Affairs GEORGE H. ROWLEY, Mercer County. Representatives at Large in Congress ROBERT 8. BRIGHT, Philadelphia County. MARTIN JENNINGS CATON, Allegheny Co. LUTHER B. SEIBERT, Potter County. JOHN SMITH SHIRLEY, Clarion County. Representative fn Congress, 21st ‘District WILLIAM E. TOBIAS, Clearfield County. Senator in the General Asvembly 34th District WILLIAM H. PATTERSON, Cearfleld Co. Representative in the General Asse mbly, Centre County DAVID W. MILLER, Fergusou Township. Member of State Commiilee W. D. ZERBY County Chairman ARTHUR B. LEE CHURCH APPOINTMENTS Lutheran—July 5th: Tusseyviile, morniog; Centre Hall, afternoon; Spring Mills, evening July 12: morning ; Georges Valley, afternoon ; Centre Hall, Servic.s by Dr. L. L Sieber, general secretary and lecturer of the Lutheran Temperance commitliee of the General Synod, and has for his subjects, * That Goring Ox," "Goats and Camels,” ** Shooting Upthe Court.” Give him a good audience.—By order of Joint Council, T."M. Gramley, president, Union, evenirg United Evaogelical-Lemont, morning : Lin den Hall, afternoon ; Centre Hall, evening, patri otic address Union, 12 Reformed Spring Mills, morning: afternoon ; Centre Hall, evening. For July Centre Hall, morning ; Tusseyville, afternoon, Presbyterian Cert-e Hall, morning. The Wenther. Readings of the thermometer are made dally at 5 p. m., aod indicate the highest and lowest soints reached during the preceding swenty-four Hours. JUNE you; ug vjMoug sou uy {Iwjujwy Lwp jo INOvINY) i Wednesday, 24 Thursday, 5 Friday, 26 Saturday, 27 Sunday, 28 Monday, 29 N Tuesday, 0 i F means fair; C means cloudy; FPF C partly cloudy, LOUA LS, Mra, P. McManus and son Frederick of Harrisburg attended the personal property sale of the late Mra. Bara Tressler, in Potter township. Mrs. Mary Bhoop just returned from a five weeks’ visit to her son near Harrisburg, and now declares she will be at home to all her friends the re mainder of the summer. Bhe enjoyed her visit very much, bu*, after all, home is such a delightful place that ghe ls quite hsppy to be here again, Otto and Margaret Strobmeler, son and daughter respectively of Julius Btrobmeler of Philadelphia were ar- rivala in Centre Hall Tuesiay after. noon and are guests of their uncle, H. G. Btrobmeier, the marble dealer, The Philadelphia Mr. Btrohmeler le an upholsterer, and like most Germans is making good in the states, The scarcitycf help Irduced W, W Bpsrgler to belp bie reightor, Will fam Btorer,totzkein bksy. He wee firet contented fo drive the four bores hitched to the sy wegen to which a bey losder wes stiscked, Lut finally he wae lured to the wagon where hay was being loaded in the most approved wey. While busily engaged in tak- log esre of his portion of the work, the wagon lurched and Mr, Bpangler was thrown to the ground. The in- juries were slight, but sufficient to deter him from longer performing that kind of work, The resignation of William B. Fied- ler ae 8 member of the borough coun. cll caused a vacancy that wea filled by electing D. A. Boozer a councilman, The selection is generally approved, ss Mr. Bor zw Is the type «f citizen this paper has long advocated should fill theee places, For some reason, during the past year, the actions of the eoun- cil have been more to the interest of the taxpayers, petty personal matters not haviog been permitted to Interfere in the administration of public affal » Nosattempt is here made to cast re. flections on Mr, Fledler, tte council man who resigned because of his ab. sence from Centrq Hall every week day. Now for an administration of wiir're where a dollar buys a dollar's worth, aud vo favors shown, Missionary Meeting. The Woman's Foreign Miss lonary Boclety of the Presbytery of Hunting. don held a district meeting in the Presbyterian church of Centre Hall on Tuesday. Representatives were pres- ent from Stale College, Lemont, Bpring Mills, Falrtbrook and Centre Hall and also Presbyterial «fMicers from Altoona and Warriors Mark and a missionary from China, Rev. C. KE. Patton, Miss Emma McCoy opened the morning session with prayer, readirg of ecripture, and a bymp by the choir Mrs. Frank W. Gardoer of State Col. lege, who spent three yeara in Porto Rico with her husband who was rent to the island by the U B. Govirnment to establish and euperintend an sgii cultural experiment statior, gave » very interesting description of condi- tions in the island, showing very clear. ly the great need of Protestant mission ary work in this possession of Lhe U.B8. Mra. Horace Bmith of Altoons led a conference on Biudy Classea, The session was brought to a close with an address by Rev. CC, E' Patton on the growth of tte Chinese church in numbers, liberality and pointing cut the great need of work: re, and the irresistable tendency toward union amoung both missionaries and converts The revolution in China is a revolu- tion of view point, avd hence is chapg- ing everything In the afternoon, Mrs William I Thompson presiding, the session was opened with devotional services con- ducted by Mre, William Thompson of Lemont. Miss Mary Magee of Al toons then made a report on the Bi ecial Assembly at Pittsburg. hen followed a triologue by Cath- arine Kable, Gesrtiude Ruule and Helen Foster, Miss Eliz beth Find ley gave messages from cur missior- aries and Mise 8 BR Lowrie + poke of the ** Year Before Us V After devolional by the pastor the address of the ever: ing was given by Mr. Pattion. H spoke of the Evange'istie work | which the great sim ia 1 raise up a sell supporting, sf props gating sod self government el urch, fp rervice conduc’ed Chios in felhiire Ltountinue ¥ cule, The Centre County Association o Philadelphia, numbering 450 mem bers, held ite eloveuth avpual picnic saturday afternoon and evening » Belmont Mansion, Epeeches in praises of Centre ¢ unt} were made by Congressman J. Wash ington logue and by Charles R Kuriz, newly sppoluled susveyor the port of Philadelphia. Mr. Kuriz dis'ribu ted alphabetical lists of name of Centre county people liviog in anc about Philadelphia, I'a D Garman, tl e president of th sssociation, pointed ou: with prid. that there was no race suicide among Centre county families, and that esc) of the names in the printed list reall) represented four or five people whe were eligible to membership The Centre county people are eves found of recounting the many publi oFcia’'s their home district ba furnished the state snd country. Five governors of Pennsylvania came fron Centre county. They were Willian Bigler, 1852 ; William F Packer, 15858 Avdrew G. Curtin, 1861; James A. Beaver, 1887, and Daniel H. Hastings, 1865, The cfMcers of the Philadelphia as sociation, besides President Garman, are: Warner Underwood, first vies president ; Willism 8. Fant, second vice president ; J, C. C, Beale, secre tary, and B. Gray Mattern, tressure~. OR MP PHOBIA. Drowning Ulaims Four, Three young men aud a boy lost thei lives by drowniog duriog the past week, ore of the guartetie being a former resident of Boalsborg, and mention of whose death appears elec. where, and three in adj ining cours ties, While bathirg in the Lewistown Narrows on Mondsy éWenirg, Joseph Wolfe, 22, a prospeclive bridegroom, met his death in twenty fiet of water, An attack of cramp was the possible cause, Lloyd Bhoemaker, a lad of eight years, lost his life while swimming in the Bo:quebanns “iver vear Lock Haven, Iate Halarday afternoon. His cries for help were taken by his chume to be in fun and they faile! to go to his rescre until too late, The other desth by drowning is that of the young man st Penpsylvavis Furnsce, nentioned elsewhere, 3 C—O Nittany Forance Nola, The Nittany Furnaes, the oldest in Centre county, with all its cquipment, 206 mcres of land and valuable ore rights, wes sold at sesignes’s sale st Bellefonte, Baturday, for $23 000 The entire property was purchased by F L Crosley of New York, for the bene fit of the bouduolders. The plant hes been Idle for four years. snd wil probably be dismantled at an early date, An attempt was alan made to pel) the Nittany Valley Rallroad, a line six miles in length ; hut the highest bid received was $7000 and it was re jected, ————— A A ————— Dr. Charles Lose was made the new ptiveipal «of the Central Normal Hebonl at Lock Haven, He had been superintendent of the Willinmeport schools fur twenty years, ss . LOOALS Adaline McCUlenshan spent a week with relatives at Bellefonte, Mr. and Mrs. W, A, Magee and son Huyett of Wenonah, New Jersey, wil arrive in Centre Hall this week and will be at the Huyett home during their vacation, Messrs, B. D. Brisbin, Capt. G,. M Boal, D. A Boozer and W. Frank Bradford attendad the funeral service: of Geueral Taylor at Reedsville, Wed. pesday forenoon, The trip was made in the former's car, Thomas EE Packer, arrested for em- be zz'ement, made his second escape from the Clinton county pen on Sun day morning, He took with him John Btatton, a fellow prisoner. Th: escape was made by sawing off four of five lock bolts, Foster Ripka, for a few days las! week, visited his mother, Mre, Will iam Klioefelter, at Tasseyville, and A.C. Ripka at Centre Hill as well se other friends and relatives. He is em ployed in a large printing house ip Buflslo, N. Y. oTrains from the east the beginning of the week were late owing to the heavy traffic of school teachers on their way to State College to take the six weeks More school teachers are already enrolled than at apy previous year, the number exceeding a thousand, Mr. and Mre. FF. M. Crawford, daughter and son, Miss Grace and Francis, Jr., were in Centre Hall Tuer. day and while Mr. Crawford worked some territory In the interest of the Potter-Hoy Hardware Co, jad jes were enteriained smopg their msopy friends here, teschers’ course, the The pereonsal properly of the lats Mrs. Sarah Tressler, below Centre Hil was sold on Tuesday by the adminis trator, F.A, Carson, The it Lhe sale was large, women nitendsnos predom- iosting, sand many old linens, chins ' - ware apd trinket broug ist god i pt Fe \ liuchpio boggy In running order, srobebly the only one in this set , Og Cult Mra, urg, was struck, k try, sold for thirty five o¢ Lavioa mpanogle, + Lill cked dows an over on Moudsy aliernoon by witomobi'e driven by J. Z teilwood, Bhe hurried to pokpital where R was found that had recived a concuseion of the bain Lhe when she fell. Her ican ORD, the sls was the result of striking her hed on Tick pavement condition ls regarded as sericua Cleveland Mitterling Is Hmping I $ his right leg as the result of an silach hy a dog while buying ecattie in the of Linden Hail, Hsturdsy Miiterlivg entered the premises by way of the gale vicinily Mr. farm when » wach dog, f Ising before ti © GOOF, Aros tem its lethargy and eptiogicg at hin knee of his cueh fastened its teath in the and held oa long e fl sh The sud po scricus (flects sre anticipated, Mra H. B. Bpangler Liinoie, children right leg the inches, tear the lengihh cof severa wound was osnler ae of Park Ridge, sccompanied by her tl Dorolhy Bo Virgiula, snd her sister, Miss Wilkivson, were arrivals in Are ‘William, Anns f entre Halli on Monday sfiernoon sud for » few days will bs gues's of Mrs, let's sister-in-law, Uertruds Spangler. They will then go to Pot ters Mille sud spend (he reminder of thelr three weeks’ vacstion at the bome of the ladies’ parents, Mr, and Mra. John Wilkivson, This is Ana Wilkinson's vieit Iilinols Spang Miss Ni jaw firat home ros & Herman Math of York City eye to Uentre Hall on Monudsy sad i+ at present being entertained st the Heporter home, Mr Muth retail mest market on Bedford street, and does a thriving businesa He is ales interested in resl having recently erscted several private bouss in Brooklyn, and also owns lots in New York Cily. He i« a German, and when he came to New York he had but the proverbial thirty cents, plus six cents, in his pocke's. By close application to business Le sc. quired means and pleo became sn In. fluentisl ¢it'zan io bis district fe is an uncle of the Balleye who make their home with the editor of this paper, ———— ——— LETTER FROW URC RIUER, Cnicaco, I, June 20th, 1914, since biecomiug an eight years ago, New condaole s calnte, Editor Reporter ; We are hayiog very cool weather here, only once in a while we get a hot day and then we very nearly rosst. The busin ss in general is very quiet, having had a brick strike for three or four months which put the building line to the bad, but as the strike is now tettled they are gel’'ing busy. Some of the builders have cancelled their permits so there will not te ne much building na expected, I have been busy for the lsst four monthe but last winter was very slow, We expect to have a good fall, The street in front of our house has Just been paved and it Laproved the street very much, I also had our house painted last month, also de corated, eo we hh vo a nice snd com fortable howe, I expect to come to Centre Hall some time in August, Will bring my wife and children. (HAs A, MITrERLING, BOALSBURG ITEMS. Wht Peop'e Are Doing in Harris Township's Friocipal Burg, as Reported by the Keo porter's Faithful Correspondent, Miss Jiflle Rishel spent last week with relatives at the Red Mill, Mrs. Ira Btover with her children of Altoona were visiting at Elmer Ishiet’s. Mrs, J. F. Z:ekmau and son spent a short time at their former home al Troxelville, Misa Gussie Murray has charge of the postoffice during the absence of Mise Wo da. ; Miss Mary Woods of Bpring Mills vieited at Boalsburg from Friday until Monday, D. K. Mothersbaugh of William: ¢port gpent the early part of the wiek at Boalsburg, Bamuel Durst and family of Earlys town were gues'a at the O W, slover home on Bunday. Pierre Boal is home from ton for his vacation was given for him, Communion services Wasehing- ; 8 house party will be held ing at 10 o'clock, The ladles’ civie club will hold thei evening, July 8rd. Florence of Centre Hall forenoon at Boalsburg, Wm. Auwiller of Yakima, was 8 visitor at the epent Wash inglon, WwW. A Murray biome last Friday. near Centre Hall where be is helping Philip Durst to make bay Mr. and Mun, OC F, Bellefonte were gues's al (Le Harrison home over Bunday, Mrs. W. E. Gettig and son Wm Henry of Altoons spent a few days with relstives in Boaleburg and vi. cinily. Mra. M, A. Woods and dsughter, Mica Rose, de parted nn Wed: euiny for pit to the Dr. T. O R. B Glenn bome at 3 len, aud Mie } ee from Jo ied ut the home of Mis schis Blewsart iElOW Who Bel nterimls Brick. rthis week Mrs Henry Reitz and Mme. R Harrison spent P, Haturdcay Mr. Nannie MoUlintock al Bpring Mills Mrs. MeClivtock is suffering with rheumatic sliments, Children's Day service in the Re il attended. T of hb flawen with formed church was we D. Bosal TOReE, contributed rome ilies aud olher choice for decorating the church, Pref E H. Myers and family of Newark, New Jersey, arrived in Bosis. burg evening, will eperd a two ne ®ith Suuday wi ere nihs fhe wade io their touriog ear. Mr. and Mra. F, W., Weber celebrat ed the thirly-third snniveraary of thel martinge Tuesday, June Zird. Part of the dey was spent at the home of thelr daughter Mrs, Charles Ross near Pin Grove Mille, they vacaliop their parenis liip wa Me and Mrs, Beuben Slusri wit) their little daughter, Mary Ei izabeth from Bellevue Station arrived at Hoals burg on Saturday. Mr. Blusrl remusio- od un few days, Mrs, and the little ght! will stay for an indeficite time, Mr. sud Mra. John Charles, My sid Mra, Grant Charles and son Eu. gene, aod Mra, Wm, Stover, were » pariy who made an auto trip io Eny- ler and Union ecunties, where they vi-ited with relatives st New Winfield and Harlleton, Amobg the relatives wlio Berlin, altended the faneral of George Young at Pinos Hall on Tuesdsy forencon were A. ( and Mra. Helen Hoan of Rial Lopgee }! Bpriog Norman Young of Mille, Mr, and Mrs. lerael Young Mr. and Mre, Wm. Young and Mr. and Mra. Wm, Brouse of Boalsburg wMre, Atasoda Haioes avd daughter Misa Cora of Woodwaed, and Mr. apd Misa. Thomas Jones with their pon Fhomas of Seotlacd, Houth Dakots, visited with the Hosterman family Mra. Heinesand Misa Cors were on their homeward way from Routh Dakota where they spel a year and a half Mies Edith Cole and sister, Mise Anus, of Luzerne county and Mire Wm. Cole with her children of State College, spent T ureday evening sat Boalsburg, The Cole sisters were formerly from Boslsburg but were ft orphans when quite young Mise Edith hea been eprgaged in teaching and daring the past term she was principal of a township high schon in Lugsrne county Mise Annas ex pects to eater the Bloomsburg Norma | in Beptember, af AS AR Gregg School Poard Wiects Teachers, Atl the regular mostiog of the Grege township school board held last week sohool teachers for the 1914-1915 school terra wera elecied. There are fourteen schools In the district bat only tescl ars for nine of thers were chosen, ow. ing partly to lack of applicants and fo rejoction of others. The vacanoies will be filled at the next meeting. The following Is a list of Grega's schools and teachers elected to tesch them Hpring Millk—High Behool, W. KR Jones; grammar, intermediate, J. LI. Gertrude Musser, Peon Hall