DEATHS, Saturday afternoon at about four o'clock Millheim lost one of its best citizens and the Lutheran church one of it strongeet supporters in the death vJsohn H, B. Hartman, He was ill tui for half an hour, and death was dus lo great excitement occasioned by the partial destruction by fire of the Iivangelical parsonage, which was lo- Caled a short distance from the Hart- tun foundry plant, Mr. Hartman belonged to the local fire company and wus u plugman, and it was while he w sandéavoring toopen a plug that « Lecame 1] and was obliged to seek He was taken to his home | in a half hour death came, Mr. Hartman was a son of R. B, lertman, and with his father wae ¢ignged in operating the foundry plant until the death of the latter, w vu the mother took her husband’s rresl. Upon the death of the nicther, the subject of this sketeh con- i:d the foundry business until his He was twice married, The fist wife was Mise Erma Wert, to wv iom ore daughter, Mre, W., L. Searm, Baltimore, was born, Tre ‘oud wife survives, Before marriage #'ic was Miss Barah Wise, and her firet husband Charles Musser, f sir, Hartman was aged ¢aff, Dine monthe, one day. Inter- ent was made on Wednesday morn- inv, and the funeral was conducted by }.ev. D. M. Geesey, and attended by Lt: « Knights of the Golden Eagles and Ww codman, refuge, nei il Cenlh, ——— Nannie K., wife of George T. Mil. LOUALS Buy lots, name your price,’ easy terms, a liberal discount for cash, Nearly three-quarters of an inch of rain fell Thursday of last week, The corn was especially benefited, Miss Helen Luse will enter the training school for nurses at the Belle: fonte hospital aud will begin her schooling next Monday, Mrs. Willlam H., Ler, who makes her home with her daughter, Mrs, Miller, at Colyer, is improving after baving undergone a rather serious illness, There were a large number of people in town Baturday night, and autos were parked in various sections of town, and every hitching post on the street and in the alleys had one or more horses hitched to it, James Bmith, the Btate College hardware dealer, came to Centre Hall from Bellefonte with Sheriff A. B Lee on Monday afternoon, and re. mained here over night, He attended meeting of the Masonic 3y the way of blowing the horn committee who investigated would fiald The plot is a de- of red clover in this section, Howard of Mrs. Miss Grace Bmith, on Mr. and Anu automobile party from In the party were and Mra WX RN RN BR BRERA we A — — i Tn “ NEWS OF 18580, | a ——— dois Woodward. Notes Taken From Flies of The Centro | Harry Bheesley loft for Milton last Reporter of Thirty-four Yenrs Ago, | week where he will be employed, January 29th—8imon Harper, of | Paul Kerstetter and family spent . | Hat anil iv al tia 5 0 Bellefonte, hae purchased the new | attinday and Sunday at the home of 4 a oh. io irecle | 0, 2, | brick house erected by J. O, Deininger, Mrs. Mosser of Ambler spant a dav on Church street in this place, at|jast week with her friend Mrs, Harry $1500, Wolfe. Bteam sawmills nre getting rather Mr. and Mra. A. B. Meyer frow K ¥ . : numerous In this valley, and we fear | Coburn visited with the lady’s parents ' 0 F the timber will be cleaned out too on Bunday . soon I'he Bunday-school of the Evan ho : gelieal Association church will have I'he musical convention at Spring Children’s Day services Bunday, Juue Mills, Inst week, was a success, not. | 21st, withstanding the unfavorable weather, Memorial services will be held Hun- The concert was attended by a crowd. | 18y afternoon, Rev, (Geesey the Luth- a Orar ni sle } i" 7 ed house on Fridsy night, and the|°™®D minister of Aaronsburg, will 18ic was first-class, The committee Bake un address, : met > WAS IL-Cifns, : Of } nt iit , Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miller and and leader deserve credit for the BUCCORA, randson, Glenn Walker and Mise Stella Btemm from Rebersburg spent A free lecture on penmanship will be delivered in the school house, at Sunday with the gentleman’a sister Centre Hall, Thursday evening, 29, by A A IA Tusseyvilie wv, Barry preached hig sermon Munday afternoon. The United Evangelicals will hold their snnual Children’s dav service next Bunday evening, June 14th, William: and George Bwariz sta- dents at the Naequehanos University, “elinegrove, esme home just Friday on their summer vacation, Mr. and Mrs, John lee snd Orvis, and Miss Crawford of Colevilie, spent a short time Fundasy with the family « f Mr. and Mrs, John H, Horn. er. They made the trip In their big Franklin car, After the pretty wedding of William Heckman, and Mise Ruth Rossman, farewell “On the bride and groom left for a three weeks' wedding tour to Lagess'er, Ocean Grove and other points They have the best wishes of their many friends, Sugar-coated and all vegetable, only one pill at bedtime. pation, bilious headache, Ayer’'s Pills. Sold for 60 years. Ask Your Doctor. c pres Le AWE sss fe Giet on Lesthers Brothers free for the big lot sale. train ¥ Mra. R. M, Wolfe, Prof. C. Bauer, of the Bellefonte Academy, Centre Hall is musical convention, srranging for » Hingers from a distance will be entertained free. D. Wion of near Centre Hall to Nittany Valley next spring. There is talk of Hez Krumrine of Spring Mills, erecting a new tan-yard a short distance below Centre Hall, Ia a letter from Bpricg Mills to the Reporter anent INOVeE 0 musical tion the following are classed the conven among the good singers at the musicale : Cen. tre Hall-Prof. Lowell M. ar o aieyer, Misses Carrie Lawyers, Auna Keller, Bitner, Bi Durst, Mrs, Al Ada Aggie Murray, Moye slsburg-—Miss Lizzie Charles r, Grove, Amanda Myers, A, Kresmer, H. Siuart, ler, died at her home, west of Pine Grove Mills, after a lopg illness of | ¢ c~250d was a consistent member of the | t 1 utbersn church from her youth, ft Fle was a daughter jaly 29, 1855, Her mother died when | rie was but a child, and grandfather |, was married to George T. Miller and|, jesided at the well known Miller home ail her married life. Five children | lesred their union: toons; Linie Brown, of Chiesago; Margaret Robinson and Clara Bath- urst, of Tyrone; Mary at home. D. 1. Meek, of Altoona, and Bigler Meek «f Patton, are her brothers, Mrs. Ross (+illespie of Altoona, is a half sister. interment was made at Pine Grove Mills. Rev. Li. B. Spangler officiated, € Mrs, Barah Arnold Tressler died at the home of her niece, Mrs, William Bower, on Bunday evening at about o'clceck. Bhe was past r+ old, but up to a week previous « wag in good physical sand ments], ndition, and no one thought her}; ««¢ on life #0 pearly terminated, be began failing the Bunday before t death, and was cared for by Mrs. | sud Treaster until Wednesday, | n she was taken to the Bower ET It is thought she suffered a t arniytic stroke that affect d her mind ex well as her body. Mra. Treesler was the daughter of tie late Fredrick Arnold, and for vents lived near Centre Hill on the j ace where her parents spent many of uv sears of their life, “re. Eliza A. McKinney of Chicago, nels, is a half sister of the deceased, vrment was made at Tusseyville on eilvesday morning. C a, I i y Mrs. Rebecca Winkleblech of near V codward died Bunday night, aged soul seventy-seven years. Bhe was widow of the laste Jeremish W, i. kleblech, and daughter of [saish bm. There gurvive her one uzhter, Mrs, Cyrus Meyer, and three toi», William, Edward and John, all vf «oburn, Interment will be made thi (Thursday ) forenoon at Asrons bug. ii % }e ¢ A ———— AI Mr a EA. PRESBYTERIANS AGAINST BOOZE, t hiengo Body Takes Most Had eal Action on Qaestion—Ulabs Hig, Among the resolutions passed by the General Assembly of the Presby- I rian church at its recent session in C vieago are the following : Uhat any minister or member of the I cesbyterian Church, U 8. A, who is # member of avy club or sssociation licensed to sell and does sell intoxicat- Ing liquors to its own members or to others, should resign from such club or amociation in order to be free from tre traffic in which the club or sssocis- tion is directly engaged, Thet we recommend and advise the pr esbyteries to endorse and engage In interdenominstionsl no-ll enee spd stmilar soti-liquor campaigns where they msy be proposed to be carried on fn uncompromising and fygresaive warfare against the home-wrecking, the jril-filling and soul-destroying 1ig- vor treflie, ° That we resflirm the deliverance of 1013 forbidding the manufacture and tule of alcoholic stimulants as incon. sistent with Christian duty, god fur. ther that al] offigers and members of ounl churches be forbidden to in any way aid or abet the liquor traffic in t weigoieg of liquor applications or the presenting the same in court, Fhiey are also forbidden to rent any futlding to any person or persons for tre urpose of dispensing alcoholip 4 gu hay Bunday was a round of pleasure fo State students and their r he Old Fort hotel wes the program of | be day for & great number who were | sould pay the price for a day’s hire. No equal expenditure of money has | lone more gooa than that used for g road To the nany passing automobiles clear the view a and il Oil. in is incalculable. And B. Centre business, Sheriff A. Lee was in county snd the al several fficial days on political errands. He attended commitiee meeting BD. CO., Philadelphia, have L Lemont, on last The Leathers Brothers ar- yo and the between Coburn day of tre lot sale at State a, The olleg al about be free to rain will leave Coburn Velock and will ten all over end the sale, Over the Bellefonte ‘entral there will be a free train Fri. lay and Baturday, June 19:h and 20th. above burned who lives was badly Earnest SBtruble, For- grazsd his His body, however, was fright. young man would not Middleburg experienced one of the A terrific wind up- the A possible wreck was averted the blockade. The rain sccompany- ing the storm bordered on a deloge Newly planted corn was washed out and roads made almost impassable. The following from a distance at. tended the funeral of Mra. Mary Ripka Cloutiog, st Middleburg, acs County News ; Mr, and Mra, Thomas Decker of Milroy ; Mr. and Mrs. Ham. uel Ripka of Millheim: Chestie Tresaler of Linden Hall ; Mra. Sevilla Floray of Tusseyville ; Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Bhelly of Banbury; Mr. and Mre. A'bert Geluett and brother, Milton, of Plouts Valley ; William A, Ripka and family and Mrs, Dr. Deck. ard of Richfioid, The sunouyncement of two weeks ago that 8 convict had esgaped from the penitentiary in Henner township pat every constable on the alert and even reputable strangers were eyed with rusploion. An amusing case of mistaken Identity was revealed when the sheriff wus scouring the valley in search of the missing prisioner last week, When his efforts seemed to be all in vain he directed his car toward Bellefonte, When hall way home he received word that the gonwigt was seen near Tosseyyille, seronoly Joungs {ng slang tie roadside, aud could be taken without resistance. Turolog his ear the sheriff covered the ten miles or more in record time, only to learn that He had used considerable gasoline and tire for naught. The man io the case happened to be a elranger visitiog in that locality sag Cal. Mesers, 8B. H. MeClintock. Wagner, Mr Syracuse Walking and Rid- cla * 3) $5 . a ing Plows, and Olive: Plows Married—On ¢ Du i a Har- Harrows, Tooth Rev. and . by WwW. El] Fischer, Ramuel Alles 1.3 i On 5h, in Georges Valley, | I W. E Fi Hiram M. vor 3 1 {rr Lever Spring Spike P1Arrows, Imperial and rows, darpy Perry and Joh Dise Harrows » » Rev. chier, nston single i # sl | i usi session of Pomona Grange, | i! at Centre Hall Feliruary sth—Hereafter it ia called the and Railroad, Who cares for that change, : nly g ts 4 § innihle D L. Rhone read an addr GOUDIK puty Lhe an Steel and Wood Drum Land to Rollers Tyrove| ll! Qingl nyie be Lewisburg and , Crushers could we « ride to Tyrone on it: thai’s what our people wish, Had about four sBHnOwW on Monday night, to which were added about an inch or two on Tuesday fore | leaves us to hope that | ghing yet, Mrs, Maria Snavely, of Penn town- | lanl RT ra 1 tes v rouse Black Hawk anda Star doub it i vw (Corn Pls th H row Corn Planter, either £54 inches of noon, which there will be some alel #hip, dropped dead in the yard of her ll! the of ecatebing | ROOFING some chickens to sell to 8 huckater, i Steel and Ashphalt home while in act The Tressler sawmill property Georges Valley, including 700 acres wa tn John Affe ’ - : ipgle fo $7500 in} ii of timberiand, Grove W.B Jaonh D nye ly iil anid and ; fins b fen taken serious. fertilizer a y Grain Drills OWErs, I ' : } C:.3 So 1» mbined Side Rake Tedder a 1, WARTS, ITY aia Hocking and ¥ H - Gearless, Dain Ha; John Deere y 3 ‘yy ard . ‘3 17 . wr ll + far 1 y Loaders have or will g i0T VOU. All sizes of staples and nails. BRICK, SAND and STONE in stock CEMENT A carload just received John Rishel, across the valley, raises turkeys that dress 25 pounds, Married -0On Deo Mr. FF. P. Duck, of Penn Hall, to Miss Anns M. “, REBERSBURG ’" : | Wise, of the same place, i | | Mr. Hovselman of Union o wanty ie}! 3 8t present a visitor at the home of Mr. Byers, Charles Back will leave some time this week for Illivols where he wil) visit his mother, William Carlin at painters engeged dwelling house, J. B. Kreamer has a! present the carpenters employed at remodeling some buildings on his farm. Harry Hubler is at present learning to manipulate the new Ford ear which his wife quite recently purchased. William Haines is jaat recovering from a very painful carbunele on the back of his neck, which he nursed for the past two weeks, Next Haturday evening the Odd prescnt has the al painting his Coal: [MES before you buy or sell Fellows of this place will decorsts | with appropriate ceremonies the graves | of their departed comrades, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Hmgll spent Saturday and Sanday at State Collegn They made the Strip in Mr, Smull's new Ford car. i f : 5 i C. E Zigler and family of State College autosd on Sunday t5 this plage | = snd spent the night at the home of C, H. Bmall, Adam Wolf, who attended the horee sale st Centre Hall on Friday, reiurned home with a fine team which he purchased at the sale, Lee Kidder, who left this place several weeks ago for Pitveburgh, has! tetarned home and Sayu timen are dull | and work is slack in the Smoky City Laat week one day De, Krape ar. rived at hls home at this place with a | Ford ruoabout, he having swapped hia horas and baggy on the same, Mr. Krape ls now the proad own er of two sulos, Bundey evening a cow belonging to Jaooh Winkiebleoh was killed by lightuing. The cow was in the stable | &t the time and Mr. Winkleblech did Lo. know of his loss uutll the next morning when he came to the stable where he found the animal dead and his driving horse broken loose from his fastening, Last week wos an unlucky week for Rev, Biaufler, Ko the fire place he, Rosampanied by Wallsoe Krider, lef; an jest Monday In Rev. Btaufler’s suto for Look Heven, On their WAY over the machine got balky several times aud by vosxing sud enressing the orit. ter they finally succeeded in arriving at their destinstion, “ Dext day at $1, $1.60 and $2 WHITE DRESSES at Special Reduced Prices iH FOR SATURDAY ONLY: Valves $5 ana 6. oe res $1.95 White Canvas & Nu Buck Shoes at Low Prices while on their return trig the ma chine got so stubborg that all tne coaxiog snd cargealug smounted to nothing and Uke oceupants arrived at this place on foot. A few days after. wards the Reverend had occasi on to trim some brash n to be used nen trellis SUCCESSORS TOD, J, ' for his pea vines, NIEMAN & CoO. wae leisurely awaiting the arrival of a basgbali Dine who were Lo play a game and one of the swall Hohe strack him ta ong of his eyes to be w THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU rONEY MILLHEIM, PA.