. a gun MAKE A CROSS (X) IN THE S TO VOTE. QUARE TO THE RIGHT OF FOR WHOM YO! Uniwd States Senator. (Vote for One) . Henry Budd, Philadelphia County M A. Mitchell Palmer, onroe County ——— bpp ——-— Governor. (Vite tor One) Yance C. McCormick a Mich IR Licuter ant Governor Columbia { MN'CORMICK'S CLANS, Right On Labor—Enthusiastically Supp ried Every Movement to 'mprove Agricaltural Conditions—~Aided in the Establishme: t of Folitical Reform, the before people in cInen'sa No candidale Vv “ of strevgth ss Vance OC, Mel te for Govern years has combined go mis mick, Democratic candida His position in favor of the demand of Isbor ia koown of and hax been testifi-d to by 1 than the dept W ilson’a Wi Treasurer of Workers, one of the great Ist sders in Ameriea, .at pay Wi ~ecreiary of esnined, wf nedly £0 Yen the | nwnt { ternatio untry «t and m at wl Vance everythli proved not pection with the farming tusiness, his liberal and enthusiastic support of McCormick's interest in g that pertains to farmers is only by his own sciive con oy every movement designed to improve sgricultural conditions and methods, work #8 8 Trustee of tut by the long by bis sciive Pennp Btate College, and powerful campaign he waged lest year to prevent the Penrose machive from fastening upon the fa mers of the Htaie sn extravagant and corrupt sys- tem of highway maragement which would have prevented for years an economical and efficient improvement of the roads of Lhe Biate. As a public spirited citizen, paper owner philanthropist, has contributed a8 ouch ss any msn in Pennsylvania daring the last ten years to the upbuilding of the pro- gressive political sentiment, the eradi- cation of political abuses, and Lhe eatablishment of political reforms. As a former Mayor of Harrisburg he displayed administrative ability of the very highest order, and caused that city to enter upon an era of im- provement which has made it one of the cleanest, most besutiful and most hesithfol cities in the State, Hia recent political career has been signalized by the most intelligent and the most earnest efforts toward plac. ing the Democratic Party upon a Ligh plane of freedom, independence, hon- ¢sty and progreasiveness, A man with such claims is worthy of the support of every good citizen. Vote for Vance MeCormick in Democratic primaries on May 19th, MA Sd LOUVALS Alpha Portland Cement, the high water mark of quality. A fresh car. news } anda ne the Bartholomew of Al Maturday Mr.and Mm. Ed, L. and daughter, Mary « toona ut home from until Mondsy. felen were Uaion Siation, Pittsburgh, step will be taken at Philadelphis, New York and Baltimore stations. In turning a somersauit, Harab, Representatives At Large in Congress {Viste for Four } Philadelphia County Allegheny Co Hair Counmy Lehigh County Cramlurd County RYAN AND HIS CHURCH The Public Ledger S+yvs Ryan, a Catholic, Dragged the Rel gious Question inta the Compaign The following editorial appeared in Ledger : ublic Ledger does not be e Philadelphia Public eve Ite | that Mr Hyan should be pominated by the Democerets for Governor, but il this copeiusion hreugh " The that this churge was made is the most hing not resched ‘bigotry mera ¢ unfortunste part of Mr Ryan's facy, and is Lhe FEympatby that bir candidacy has intr to the campaign the de 7 of religion, which has be omoted by hia SUPP yan bimeelfl has not been He hss acted any opposition to hin gious pirsjiuaice same unforlun: when he candidate solicitor, time Ledger supported his candidacy, = way to pro- election ; succes BRR Was a at which nd sought in every possible when Mr. Byap thanked mote his # crowned ita «fTorts, Was among those he Pubilc Ledger for Lis behalf Mr. Byan in tha! esmpsign embar. rssaed his supporters by his supersen who warmly IL PerViICes 1 sitiveness snd his unforiunate disposi tion to drsg the religious questi n inte It ia Bp most de pioral le litical of religion, sud Mr. Rysn the campaign. 0 introduce oto the q 16st ion and his friends have been exceedingly igetioss and ill-advised to bring in of chureh in for th name ithe connpeetion with hia race & Liove tained, there is no opposition te Ryan in any quarter because he Catholie that gaestion wou'd never thought of hed it not been foreed the issue by his supporters is member of the chureh, have beer I own paper in ita attitude toward Mr Ryan, ifor it wes as fully aware, when it or, it is today, of his religious affiliations I'he Fablie Ledger does not believe Mr. BRysn is fitted by temperament or political association to be the nominee for Governor. I: believes it would prove a catastrophe for the Democratic party if he should be Chis newspaper regards Mr, capable lawyer, an el quent an the nomines i¥An as s sneaker, » patriotic cit zn ; but be can be sll this and be entirely for the im- portant position to which he sepires, Since he has been City Solicitor he has been nofortunste suough to come into violent cot fl et with slmost every i public cfMiziail at the City Hall, He ie utsaited sged three years, daughter of Mr. and | *Upereensitive, cxoitable and quickly Mrs. A. O Hosterman of Penn town- | 8roused to suger ; he lacks poise snd ship, fell in such » manuer that she | bsisnce, and for this reason is dis broke one of the bones in her right | qualified for the Governorahip arm. Whether of Mr. Ryan's seeking or } i ‘ : 3 f i ! . Mrs. Auna Btevepson of Millheim ok She fact Feltiniue 1nat iis snug is nursing Mre, KE. E Bailey. She y pp Asi iy ale iy malotaived by the discredited win haa had large experience in that work, | > the Le rig party, whose Pe p ' and is quite skilled se 8 nuree. This > mskes the fifty-second mother she has | partissu allinnce with the Penrose ma- chine marks one of the blackest and taken care of since becoming a widow. | moat unfortuaate epoctia in the polit. The tuilding boom at Miute College | feal histo y of Pevuneylvania, The is not all confined to the erection of | Democratic party fell into disrepute in college buildings with state funde, but | Pennsylvania notll it became & 1 egli- over seventy-five private houses aud | ine factor on secount of low intrigue busio ces places are now under construe: | i,q corrupt manipulation at the hands tion, Biste Uolicge 14 coming to its) oo row discredited bosses who bad » own, | mecret aillance with the lowest and Fravk D. O'Rellly and others have | worst siemens of the Republican ma- an opiion ou the Lock Haven Dally chine, Between them they produced Democrat, sud are now conducting | the horrid record of wunigipal mise the editorisl aud news peges. Io government and State scaudals which their sunouncement iv is made clear | have blemished tie history of our city that the Democrat will stand with the | aud commonwenith. 1eorganizen — with Wilson, Palmer! Two Years ago through the patriotie kd MeCormwick, ndesvors aud coursge, Senator in the General Assembly, 34th District (Yolo for Une) W. M. Cronister, Centre County William HW. Patterson Clearfield County. ve in the General , Centre County Represen Assem Twp. Centre ¢ hey Fergusor umy Member of State Committee, 14th District IX Centre County gh, Contre Coun County Chairman, Centre County » energy and ability of a band of sire Democratie with of patriols ecord of the y Gieg usted bi-parlissn coleria Hing themselves D tiie Frys nived ¢ ffon War inde {4 poli icing ithe f il a SF 3 Wt) Organi ha Democratio party I fnean th Z9T8 ALG & fihe lutriguers manipulators discredited boss who brought diegr Row up y deca I he Fi 1 » persousily is el Or is RCLIVE In minstlion would nean viet - spi Fr m Chivago From Ch the g Ww ae aler, writes Lhe icagn resi oily irenoble, & porter tb tyidedtl » middie west, J war (ia tie I odo mpi id 19:4k £1 {3 fow Ew $ ALECICRED LF wi A? dF Reporter fron May 1914 116. 1] were a little alsck last winter. but of Mav | § $ vw an y May, 1 ime Lhe fopening improved. epring business aloo greatly ———————— CENTEE OAK Bussell Grove is able to be around i again, The Y. P. 0. A, will meet with Miss Hachsu on Baudsy evening. Smith Nittany jepent Sunday with [esse Smith Dr. Lieb is ere {ment shed | Meeker, King fiom Valley ting a large fmple- on his farm for Mr. { Mr. and Mra. [saae Bmith are able ito be arcund, Mr, Smith #stema to have quite a time of IL. Mra. Wilbur Lucas and Mrs. Edith Vonada epent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace ligen, Lota of rain; grass and grain is growiog fine. The farmers are ke t back somewhat with the spring or ps Qaite 8 number took at Washiogton or in tunday, those from this vicinity were ; Jas Grove, Guyer Grove, Wm E. | Harry CC, Musser, Merrill Hagen, { Arob Hagen, Mr, and Mrs. H. M Wert, Wilbur Lucsa, Johe' Long, Mrs, | B. F. Grenoble, Miss Lizzie Wert, Af PA ——— Traasters of Heal Estate James 8B, Weaver ot ux to Adsm F. Heckman, tract of land in Potter twp, $20 T. E Griestet ux to J. W. Bruss, tract of land in Unionville. $450 Elizabeth Kerr et bar to Elizabeth E. Baer, tract of land in Rush twp. $1,100, Barah E Foreman et bar to John H. Thompson, tract of land iu Gregg twp, $1,100. H. OU. Thompson et ux to John Thomas, tract of land in Taylor twp, $400 H. OC. Thompson et ux to John Thomas, tract of land in Taylor twp, $205 Samuel EK, Weber to John H. Web er, tract of Jand in Centre Hall $3,048 33. Pollip H. Meyer et ux to John H. Weber, tract of land in Centre Hall, $2 800 John H. Ocblson ot al ta Willis M. Bwiorf, premises in Bellefonte, P Musser, { i : | i i | { { eee GRUPPO vv UOOBQD GBATVOVICBURO0 ON BEV VEE® ve DER D sen seRvecooOeBOOYe SEPVAF PRIA INT ORORDH 0: $092 0 220 OBR BBV EL OT DBE ATR EERE GRRE RR «ut/R1 PRUCLAMAITIUN, Whereas the Honorab! t Judes of the Court th $y Nn otuly o Hie cnn, ( iinrier Ler i for the entre f 4 THB 0L VODPOD EDOES entre Hall Poultry Yards 0 @ | ~ Single Comb White Leghorns exclusively The stock that has 3 quality by 3 actual test " Eggs now for sale $ ll Sell at Oncs, 20 Incubators & Brooders, at a Great Sacrifice, =~ Ww Chas. D. Bartholomew CENTRE HALL P BERL OBBDOOGBAORL ISRO eS PRQorneQe sgeieeae To All Our Customers + H. F. Rossman SPRING THLLS, PA. BER L000ICROQRNIGRES RTOS | ; Washington EDUCATIONAL AND PLEASURE TOUR June 9 to 12. $12.55 trom Centre Hall ¥ 1014, § yg ar raise # aireet via Rogal $7.05 Round Trip transportation only t Ball nore y 1% ¢ ext A Pew DAVID » Ticket Age iD Re ALES TNT PENNSYLVANIA RR. SO000CP0 OPP Ui 0000 OOOO 60 Colonies 0 Bees For Sale open The undersigned offers for sale sixty colonies of bees, all in extra good con- dition, Price $5 and $6.00. Must be sold before the close of May, WM. REIBER, COLYER, PA. PO SPRING M LLS, PA. POPP ICIOPINOGRRURIVRL PG : BRBOINO2C BG CROCROBD Are Seer00essecasR anne 0000000 CLT ORRE RIE rBBES CIO CSE £7 | RR IIR Rs oe gm] SPRING GOODS y Spring Dress Goods in all the vae- ry { 3 Oi 7 2 have a large assortment ‘ iatopiale «+ AH oes "A TY ret ious materials ; all new and modcer- ately priced. SHOES FOR SPRING WEAR Ex via de over the best lasts and built to give service, KREAMER & SON CENTRE HALI A. ARSE RE EY [> “§ ; Gm — my pe “ REIN ASSAY ST LOH I IIR at IB S703 TE ES Rv I —————— I. TE - a i i — - wt - ¥ | THE RED CROSS RANGE | for BEST BAKING A i "il & i A EM a aa ln RC Aste § x Gaia id v 5 vr f 1 th a large as- OTIONS, DRY eT I , Bo, ” UST returned from the « r f ment of the latest GOODS, GROCERIES A 5 er 1 SC x got a4 ’ © nt Fancy Silk Messaline, from 45cts. to $1.00 per yd. Crepe Cloth from 12 cts. to 25 cts. per yd. Fancy wv Table Damask Cloth from 30 cts. to $1.00 per yd. TICKINGS, MUSLINS, PECAYS, and GINGHAMS at the lowest pr Don’t fail to see the New Spring S PERCALES, ices, for the best goods. les ty we have a large selection, C. F. ET1ERY LADIES’ “FITZEZY” SHOES will cure corns! SOLD ONLY AT YEAGER'’S SHOE STORE BELLEFONTE