THE CENTRE REPORTER. | THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1914 UENTRE OAK Weather fine in this section, and in a fer days you will see the plow on bonrd The Y. W. O. A. will meet with Miss Bartges on Bunday evening, April 12th Peter Hockman from Zion is spend- ing a few days with his daughter, Mre, B. G. Grove. D. J. Vooada started bis lime stack with a fall force of help, Henry Homan as foreman, Thomas Iigen from Bugar Valley spent a few days with his son Wallace and family. While here he took very sick but is better again, Mrs. R. P. Campbell and son Will. jam P. have returned home from Williamsport after visiting with Mrs Campbell’s parents for a week. On Monday evening an er joyable surprise party was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. O. C. Homan in honor of Mr. Homan’s thirty-sixth birthday Mr. Homan received an aim chair for a present. The evenivrg wae spent ip a pleasant social way and at a season able hour the guests were served with refreshments. The evening came tos close too soon for all present. After wishing Mr. Homan many moe such happy birthdays all returned to their homes, Those present were as fol Jows : Mr. and Mrr, Emavuel Eung ard, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Homan, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Bbreckengost, Mr, and Mrs. D J. Vonads, Mr. and Mrs H. E. Fye, Mr. and Mrs. W. D Bartges, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Rishel, Mr. and Mrs, H. B. Frankenberger, Mr. and Mrs. Psul D. Bwab, Misses Msud Me: ker, Greece Fye, Jennie Bartges, Barah Risbel, Mary Franken- berger, Baral Frankenberger, Anns Bariges, Messrs. Edward Ralph and Ernest Homap, John B. Fraokeo- berger, Charles IL. Frankeuberger, Archie Eupgard, Marlin Shrecken gost, Earl Vonads, Harry Bartger, Albert Bartgee, Lawrence Meeker, Bruce Meeker, Ralph Rachsu, REBERSBURG Mrs. M. Gilbert and Mre. J. B Kreasmer are on the sick list at pres ent. ¢ Mrs Lester Mionich and son Stover are spending this week at Bellefont and State College. BE A. M. Blerly of Williamsport moved to the Blerly home a short distance south of this place, Miss Eva Meyer, who was visiting relatives for the past two months ir different parts of this state, bas re turned to this place, A bath cutfit is being placed in the Reformoed par.onsge at this place G. P. Garret is doirg the plumbing work. Mr. Harbsuch apd fsmily moved to this place from Lock Haven lass week. Mr. Harbsuch is a carpenter by trade and works at Renovo, Harry Hubler ia the happiest mar in town at present, Hesays it is the sweetest little girl on earth, Of couise, it is the first in his family. Mr. Byers of Unlon county, who purchased the Noll -mill property situated a short distance north west of this place, moved there last Thursday George Miller, familisrly known ip this vicinity ss * Fatty’? Miller while helping Charles Blerly to move, fell fromm a wagon and fractured his am between the wrist and elbow, J. W. Cerlin is dispoeing of his stock at reduced prices. Mr, Carlin will quit the mercantile business ip the pear future, and another party whose name is as ygt not made public will be hie successor, Thomas Auman moved his barber shop frcm his residence (eo 8&8 small building a short distance west of hie dwelling house. The resson Mr Auman made this change was on ac count of the serious lllpess of his wife Centre Mills, Paul Shsfler is on the sick list, H. E. Wolf of Bpring Bank pur- chased a team of horses. Mrs. Emerick returned home after nursing her son at State College for a week, Mr, and Mrs. John Bhuilz of Bpring Bank attended a sale at Rebersburg Batarday, Adam Relish moved from Zion to the farm hv purchased from Harry Miller, Roy Bwartz ettended the gradua. tiou exercises a! Hublersburg last Thursday evening. Mrs. UG. V. Godshall of Byracuse, New York, is visitiog ber parents, Mr, and Mrs, J. A. Kline, at this place, Harry Miller moved to the farm of Mr. Vonads, sbove Madisonburg, last Tuesday. Those who helped him to move were Mr, and Mrs. Bhafler, Paul and Mary Bhafter, Arthur Cummings, Mr. and Mre. J. A. Kline, Fred Meese, Mr. and Mre. John Shuliz, Mr. and Mrs. George Wise, Mise Emerick, Walter Walker, Joseph Corman, Mr. and ‘Mrs. Wolf and. sons, George Shafter, Chas. Miller, Mr, and Mrs. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Yonada, William Stump, Ira Bhal'z, Roy Held, The Williamsport h totally destroyed yed by fire ee The A is $80,000 buildiog was to have been abandoned’ this summer for a new 421,500 structure, ' \ MAY TERM OF COURT, Opens Third Monday of Month for Session of Two Weeks~The Jurors The May term of court opens on the third Monday of that month for a term of two weeks. The jurors—grand and petit, drawn for the two weeks are named below : GRAND JURORS D. A. McDowell, merchant, Walker B. E. Bharer, farmer, Harvls Benner Wilson, farmer, Half-moon Martin Copeland, Ianborer, Rush Archie Allison, merchant, Bellefonte H. D, Kennedy, Ianborer, Philipsburg Frank Houser, farmer, Spring OC. A. Henney, farmer, Gregg M. M. Keller, farmer, Potter John N. Lane, gentleman, Bellefonte Jerry Glenn, merchant, Boggs E. I. Gillen, merchant, Bellefo® te Sumner Miller, farmer, Ferguson A.J. Gephart, farmer, Millheim William ©. Shay, farmer, Howard Ralph Louder, merchant, College J. F, Lutz, laborer, Centre Hall Walter Cohen, manager, Bellefonte Christ Beezer, farmer, Boggs C. K. Essington, laborer, Milesburg Jacob Bechdel, farmer, Curtin J. J. Tressler, farmer, College W. E. Keen, teacher, Millhelm Andrew Hasstuger, farmer, College TRAVERSE JURORS —~ FIRST WEEK A M. Vall, laborer, Philipsburg W. H. Lingle, farmer, Potter Clyde E. Thomas, electric MJ Yearick, farn Fred Henry, laborer, South Philipsburg ian, State College boro er, Haines Tradalers of Heat Eriate B. Irish ot al to tenet of land in Raa! John o. Turner el Andrews, tree! of land in Hu $4,000 i F. Mills Alexander et ux to Ervin | 4, Bennett, tract of land in Union | twp. y tep,. $10. gE tn ton twp, | $1,900. i C. A. Miller et ux to J. W. Henezey et al, tract of lapd in Biate College $8 000 Margaret Joseph E, Unionville, WwW. O. Dau Marz, tract © $2 800 John A, Hunter Br. et al to George W. Elder's Exre , tract of land in Half Moon twp. $12 355 68 Harry B. Wolf et ux to Charles Orndorf, tract « f land in Halpes twp $300, Jennie E. Johoston Miller, tract of land in Liberty $1 050 John P. Taylor to Bamuel , Hoy tract of land in Polter twp, $13 G00 George Eckley to Psul Eckley et al, | tract of land in Benner twp. $1 350 F. HK Musser ex. to W, G. Runkle, tract of land in Gregg twp. §50 F. B. Musser ¢x. to W, G. Ruukls tisct of lard in Gregg twp. $5 500 al of eXre fo land in Brogger et Brugger, tract $1,000 herty et ox to land in College N. B twp John 5 twp fo i | i i i Ira Shultz, farmer, Milos R. H. Reed, farmer, Patton Alonzo Sche laborer, Liberty cmerick, salesman, Centre Hall + farmer, Walker lel Krader, gentieman, Penn J. T. Stewart, laborer, Rash W. E. Frank, carpenter, Rush nex ievensting z laborer, Ferguson iarvey, manager, Philipsburg Ww. B Hall UsCar Bi H.P. Zert Joseph Leathers, far h Wade, Jr, laborer, Bnow Shoe Ed. Sweelwood, lat J: seph Beckenbach William Crawford, Wallace Geary, | an Lyon, ls ge B. Hal: ¢ George Jordon, laborer, Potle Albert Shaft j r, wa ker John Morrison. laborer, A. 8 Cross, clerk, Rush Irvin Smith, Daniel Garner, farmer, Ferguson W.C, From, cle James Galbmaith, Andre P. L. Gilber Ed. Nolan, en Homer Decker, fa William Rich H. B. Parsons, carpenter James Nolan, firer Samuel Hoy, far Joseph Swires, for n, J. I. Henry, ¢ 10r, Hy ston . ¥. Yothers, Sarat per, Hustor eure G. Parker, florist, Philip J. 1. Gray, farmer, Half-moon J.E Hatter, merchant, Pe W. T. Fitager raid, Llacksmith, Belle Reuben D ¢ton, laborer, Rush CL. Beck — tr, Miles Arthur Budinger, cle W. D. Strunk, far R.G Wi nday, ner, Snow Sho tate College boro. farmer, Walker er, Howard Josep boro, rer, Potter farmer, Miles aborer, Spring armer, Potter laborer, Haines rk, State College boro aborer, Harris w Col miner, Rush ards, laborer, Huston . Patton whurg dfonte um b rk, Snow hoe boro ner, Walker ms, farmer, Hustos TRAVERSE JURORS James Mel Harry Green, druggist, Be A. E Eckley, laborer, Stow Shoe boro, w..D oO Brien, book - keeps Albert Walton, clerk, Ph Geos Re Harseer, blacksmit} Samuel Harpeter, farmer, Ferg John 8 ok, farmer, Spring A. C. Williams, agent, Philipsburg A. J. Switzer, carpenter, Spring Irvin Scantling, plasterer, Liberty H. O. Pletcher, farmer, Liborty J. W, Blair, farmer, Paton H. 8 Stuart, merchant, Rush Peter A. Breon, laborer, Millheim William Ward, carpenter, Ferguson B. F. Lockard, drayman, Spring Howard Zerby, bricklayer, State College boro. Jesse Lovg, laborer, Gregw Clark Herman, plasterer, State College boro. At hur Brown, laborer, Bellefonte more Craig, farmer, Huston Robert Fry, painter, Bellefonte Frank Lannon, farmer, Union William Quick, farm¥er, Bnow Ehoe H. R. Royer, barber, Spring W. H. Long, miller, Howard boro William Grove, farmer, College Alonzo Henderson, clerk, Howard bora, W. M. Lucas, carpenter, Cartin William Feidler, carpenter, Contre Hall Frank C Croyle, blacksmith, Philipsburg Harry Shawley, janitor, State College boro, C. Lo A. Kam, tinner, Millheim Ed. A. Cross, merchant, Spring Daniel C. Harpster, farmer, Halfmoon James Heath, tenmseter, Rush N. 1 Wilson, farmer, "1alf-moon Samuel D, Elder, farmer, Ferguson Andrew Jodon, laborer, Spring A ti Cloverseed O80 Yer Uent Pare, The undersigned offers for sa'e twenty bushels of clover seed, which the Btate Agricultural Department gives a certificate of 98,9 per cent pure, This guarantees the seed to be first. class in every way. (3As. D. FRAZIER, Tussey ville, Pa. P.O Spring Mille, R. D (0.15 p'd) ~BECOND WEEK mikey, laborer, Howard boro ielonte tr, Bnow Shoe boro Yeari “HRONG OF BUYERS CONTINUED, Special Half Price Brings many Patrons to Mureay and Bitar, The people of Centre Haft and vi- cinity appreciate the great advantage Murray aod Bitner obtained for them, in getting the Dr. Howard Co, to allow the regular 50 cent size of Dr. Howard's specific, for the care of con- stipation und dyspepals, to be sold ut Lalf price, 25 cents, and have bought hundreds of bottles, Uolike ordinary medicines for core atipation and dyepepsia, the dose of Dr. Howard's specific Is reduced after a few days’ use, and the care ls soon complete and lasting. If you have not already taken ad. vantage of this chance to gel a month's medical treatment for 25 cents, be sure to call at Marray snd Bitoet's today, for they have only a W. G. Runkle to F 8B Musser, of land in Gregg twp. $5500 | WwW. G kieto IF. BR. M of lapd ip Gregg twp. $30 Miller et ux of land in Lrg Hur Heser, if Hallie twp to | Relish, Miles | $5 200 {| Thomas McCarineyetux to N. NM | McCloskey, of land in BEnow | r twp. { Margaret | yitrow, tract of land in i i | i tract trast $1000, Greg's Hele to ( Potter tw) ivae I $4 500 | Ervin 8, Bennett of sol to Joseph Witl Union f arite, treet in | $500 | BBE tract fo J in Milli srr adm? Musse-, of lavd | $355 James BK, iar! ges, tract | $3000 ux to Anng cf iand in Cen! Reish et Margaret Gregg's heirs to John A | Heckman, tract of land § $5000, in P aller Lv} ee————ar i on— “Rab: " Waddell Dead. “ Rube"? "Waddell, &1 well ra Lhe sntrie pitcher the worll has ever know: died lest wesk of tube culosis. The “ Rabe" WeH BD {dol of the fans [ many yeam, and saw when a member of the pitching stefl of the Philadelphia ** Athletica ”’ A $10 000 arm and i potable With sil that, the a grentes! ss most eco biases hn his best das a ten cent her were his most prosscesions, It we often said, nationsl dp A lo Co E WERE NEVER BETTER FQUIPPED TO MEET ALL THE RE- \W QUIREME NTS for the comfortable and complete outfitting of every portion of your home. The varied selection, splendid character, and moderate prices of these goods entitles them to more than ordinary consideration, Bedroom Suits in Quartered Oak or Plain Oak, in polish finish or d.l] rubbed finish, and can be had in cither 3 or 7 pieces. Iron Beds all grades and prices. Mattresses from best grades Carpets and Rugs- We are making a special sale of carpets and rugs, The can be had in I grain or any of the Brussels, and any size. The small profit asked by us is the bes it sein agent we can find, Give your attention if need ar thing in rie floor covering line, you [inoleums- Inlaid and printed. These are high-grade goods and are sold at most moderate prices, “White” line of Wash Machines Sold with power mach a guara ntee s, Hand, motor or une - of five year just as you wish, F. V. GOODHART CENTRE HALL OPEN ALL THE TIME BELL PHONE gsme is better for bia baving lived POTVFIST OV LINO HINO ED RIOR # To All Our Customers For Spring Sewing Shirtings, Ginghams, coes, Percales. Tick Pillow Casing and Tubing, Jleached and Unbleached Sheetings 9-4 wide, 40-inch Muslin for Sheets, Nain- sook, Longecloth and Cam- briecs. Cali- 18, White goods all the new weaves. Embroideries, Val. and Torchon Laces at a bargain. FRESH BREAD Schmidt's [Harrisburg] Fresh Bread every Tuesday and Friday. Come to see us, H. F. Rossman SPRING MILLS, PA. 0000 50000 0CS 20000002080 ‘WALLPAPER The undersigned has taken the agency to sell PPV OPOVOVPPVIVIRPIPE0VVVREVV sw Nr POCO BERPvews PEP Vows VOBBT VOPR Hr. ene QO S000 ROBDRRBVRRE PT HHI ORBBT VRE AE It will be worth your while. You will find all the latest colors and materials in our Suits, Coats and Dresses and every style is an individual one. Our men’s and boys’ department is brimfull of the latest novelties in Suitings, Hats, Caps and Ties. Weare sure we can supply your needs with just what you are looking for. Kessler’s Department Store “The Home of Good Merchandise” MILLHEIM, PA. wall paper, for one of the —— oldest and most reliable wall paper manufacturers in the country. Anyone in need of wall paper will do well to Look These Samples FE TENCE BUILDING -The undersigned are prepared 10 do ali kinds of fence build ing. either hy the day or contmet -0. M. COONEY and J, W. WEAVER, Spring Mills, D. 4 Bell’ phone 84-14, Uolyer, {olipd) The smile of a hypoerite is very similar to the laugh of a hyena or the tears of 5 crocodile. Hair Vigor MOMXTV Toot hae NCMXIV Over and get the Un. usually Low Prices they are Sold at and for those that do not wish to hapg their own pa- per and have no one to do 80, I have arranged with a reliable and efficient paper hanger to do the work, at a reasonable price. JOHN SNAVELY SPRING M'LLS, PA. [I Summer Normal SPRING MILLS HIGH SCHOOL Offers two Courses INSURANCE "Consult us before placing ' your risks H. Bartholomew & Son Centre Hall, Pa, COURSE A. Teachers’ course complste—review of all branches required for provisional certificate. Tution ( $5.00) eight dollars, COURSE B. Grammar or intermediate course, same as above except that 10 algebra or civil government will be given. Tution ( $5.00) five dollars. | TERM OF EIGHT WEEKS. OPENS APRIL 13. No Discounts or Rebate s to any. W. R. JONES, Aes B., ( Prin, ) SPRING MILLS, PENN, Mention Contre Reparte When Writing, EA SAAS Sie ins wr A AS A A BA