THE CENTRE REPORTER. THURSDAY, MARCH 1014. The County’ 8 ‘Debt, If the reader will glance at the financial statement of Centre county be will see at the close of the state ment that the total indebtedness of the county is $38 540 82, which means that during the two years the present board of county commissioners have been in charge of the aflairs eof the county, the indebtedness bas been decreased from $189 505 84 io 1912 to $38 540 82, on January 6, 1914, a re. duction of indebtedness smounting to $101,001 02 in the two years. The increase in millage for which the present board of commissioners iw responsible yielded not over $25 000 per year. Deducting this there is yet s balarce ot $50,000 due on account of the introduction of strict business methceds. The fluances of the county indicate that if it were possible to cal! in the court house bonds, the entire in- debtedness of the county could be wiped out within two years. Bat these bonds cannot be paid at present, and this . will no doubt lead the county commissioners to again reduce the millage. RECAPITULATION b Total indebtedness of the County— 1912 1913, ; 1914 z . 8,040.82 : $ January 1, 186,506 Si January 1, January 1, Total 80.699 22 reduction of indebtedness in two Fears... cee. ——— AAAI Live Graoge Meeting, '% Washington Grapge, sat State Col- lege, held a live meeting on Baturdsy a which eighteen new members wers admitted, three of whom were mem- bers of the faculty of the Home Economics and Domestic Beience de partment of Pennsylvahia Btate Col lege. ‘The first and sec pd degrees were conferred, the team being that of the Washington Grapge, with Jobn 8. Dole in the cbairss Worthy Mee ter. During the addresses were made by Prof. C. R. Nefl of Centre Hall, Dean Watis and Prof McDowell, the latter with Pennpeylvaria Mate Prior 10 the regular held in the Auditorium open session was held largely attended and proved to be one of the greatest interest to those gather ed there. ————— $101,001.02 gession two ¢© He ge range wesslor at Biate which $i wk Superintendents’ Terms Expire, Unde: the pew school code super intendents of county schools will te elected this year for a term of four years. The triennial convention «of school directors becomes 8 thiog of the pest, The directors will the county seats of the several counties, on the first Tuesday of May, 1914, and the county superintendent will be elected to serve from the first Monday of Jupe 1914, uptil the first Monday of May, 1918 Thereafter the school directors’ convention in all count will be beld on the second Tuesday of April, 1918, and on the same day of every 4th year and by a mejority vole of those present a person duly qual- ified will be elected ns superintendent of schools. ———— I Ar — Contre Mills, Arthur Cammiogs bad a very sick horse last week, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Miller visited friends in Rebersburg Bunday, Mrs. Emerick visited friends HBiate College last week. Bigler Bchaeffer made a business trip to Georges Valley last week, Mrs. Harvey Limbert has recovered from a recent iliness sufficiently to be about sgsin, Prof. Elmer Blerly of Chattanoogs, Tennesse, visited his farm at this place, Mrs, Boavely of Bpring Mills, spent several days with her sister Mrs, Lizzie Hasmsenplug last week, A sled load of ladies from Madison- burg were entertained recently sat a quiliivg party at the home of Mr. Krebs, Mr. Relish snd Mr. Best of Nittary Valley, who anticipate moving into our community this month, have been haulisg farm implements and honse. hold goods to their respective farms recently. AI M5 APIA Woodward, A. C, Blifers spending some time in Liverpool, N. Y. Mrs. Jane Decker of Asronsburg ie visiting her sister, Mrs. James Vonada, Miss Florence Btineling of New York is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Boyer. Dr. Gramley of Mifflinburg was a guest at the home of Mrs. Daniel Btover Baturday sod Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Treaster were to Laurelton Monday to visit the lady’s father Bolomon Vonada who is fll. Messre, H. O Kledler, N. L. Barner, M. O. Btover snd J. C. Musser sttend- ed a horse sale io Union county., Mon- convene in jen al F. P. Guisewite and family, J. W. Gulsewite and family spent the Hab. bath with the gentleruen’s mother, Mrs. Win. Glantz, —————— A ABM The wizard of the guitar will render some humorous and catehy songs minstrel show, Grange Arcadia, March 19. : roi conti werwl MG HUNTINGUON DRY, COURT RULING, Applioations for Licenses Refused; Li, quor Men May Appeal, President Judge Joseph M, Woods and Associates W, B. MeCartby and E. M. Beers refused applications of the five retailers and two wholesalers to sell liguor in Huntingdon county, thelr decleiors being unanimous. No opinion was filed with the decision, Accordingly Huntingdon, Aprill, will join the dry counties of Pennsayl- vania, sn the decree is regarded as » final triumph for the temperance or- ganizations, The bilter campaign had its inception shortly after the chureh fire of March 17, 1910, when four drunken minors applied the torch starting flimes which csused property loss of $135 000 Bince then temperance factions have been uu tiring in their ¢florte to tuake Hunt. ingdon a dry county. Frederick L. Orlady, counsel for liquor applicants, take ap- peal to the superior eourt in an effort have court decision re versed, If the reversal is pot secured, hotel proprietors say they will their hostelries, the will to the local close ————————— db —— Celebrated T4'h Birthday. The geventy- fourth birthday of Mrs David Glasgow wes made the occasion of a social at tl of her daughter, Mrs. George B:arsonu. Tne aveniug in a delightfu manner, and Lhe refreshments being Before leaving Glasgow was wished the return many birthdays T present Mr David Glasgow and ehildr n Willi Marion, and Mary ; Robart Mis Bathurs: and and Matslesn Johpeon, Mr. Harshbarger and e¢, Ralph and Beriba ; LeRoy ard J. WwW. Keller daughter Irene event # home was spent 8 Mrs bli 4 guests stroog feature, future ne were these : and Mrs fn Glasgow, Walter and Best son Mrs, James children { isd James Fearson, Mre., Reifsns Mis Willism Mre, John © Mr. and Mrs 0 Rufus, at. MiiN. and ath der eran, Mr. and Jan sharer and obi LeRoy : Mr and Mom Helen M i arper, Mrs en Neral 8, E anid YW . Bruce, Ioy( er L " ar i Br « Mr and | Danie! Cals and childr i Rath, and daughter Mrs. William Commings ane children Carrie, C Allce : Mr and Mma and Mre, Charles (Fence, a1 Mr. and Mra Keller Marga, et Mr and haries, Av goer, ard Mr Verus, n Stump, Mr, Mre bn, Grove and Mrs Elaborate Teles Wa ¢ fT Ns ri Nearson, ant Ku HNearsnn, lie r Weaver, (reorge refresh ments were served, —— i CENIRE OAK Miss Lettie Hachasu is spending » few weeks with Emanuel Eangard, Miss Mildred Long is attending high school at Bpriog Mills Herbert Gob Spring Mills Funday Harry Franken BY 4 the 3 le of spent with berger, The Reuben Wert al. tended sand everything brought good prices. The Misa ning. Mr. snd Me. lewis Blover and grandeon Kermit from Coburn spent Bunday with D. J. Vonada, B C. Vonads of Woodward spent Sundsy with bis parents, Mr. sand Mra. D. J. Emanuel Eungard’s sale on Thurs day will be a very large ome; don't forget date, March 12th, Amos Dunkie ia spending some time in this community visiting friends sid scquaintiances, Mre. Maude Mark spent 8 week with Henry Mark. While there she fixed op her patt of the house and has it ready to go to housekeeping. Mr. and Mrs, Daniel Zzigler of State College are spending some time with Howard F, Weaver, Mra. Weaver ia not improving very fast. Miex Orpha Brasucht of Coburn se companied Miss Jennie Bartges to her home on Friday and spent Bundey st the Bartges home Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Smith of Mill heim spent Bunday with Harry Frankenberger. Elmer always keeps the bright side of everything on top. Miss Mary and John Frankeoberger spent Baturday and Sunday with their uncle (3. W. Frankenberger at Mil’. heim. They also attended the New Minister play af the town ball, Mili heim, and ware well pleased with it. The movings for March 17th in this section : Emanuel Eungsrd into his home on Bridge street, Farmers Mills ; Oscar Homan from Brush Valley onto the farm vaoated by Mr. Eupgard ; Mr, Weaver from Asronsburg onto the Frank M, Fisher farm, vacated by Mr. Homan. ——— AM WP George McCormick of Potters Mills, on Tuesaday afternoon, weat to Foran. ton te attend the faneral services of Mise Reuna Bhires, daughter of Mr, and Mra. M. Hhires, formerly a resi: dent of Potters Milla A brief account of the death of Miss Bhires appears in thin jarve. AI AA ABA Ever been to the oily ? Hear anole Bill Billikens report of his first, Jas and only tedp to the city by Mr. Wil cox-—minaivel ahow, Grange Aroadis, March 19 S———————————————— Don't throw away your old cheats when Geary can make ‘em like new wt pale waa well Y. WW. 0 Hhreckengost on A. will meet with Sunday eve ¥ Ton sda. SHE RIE FS SALE of the BELLEFONTE FURNACE COI. PANY'S PROPERTY, m— By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Centre County, Penn’a., and to me di- rected, there will be exposed to publie sale at the Court House, in the Borough of Bellefonte, on FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 1914, at 1 o'clock p. m, the following scribed real estate, to wit: All those several messuages, tenements and tracts of land and properties situate in the County of Centre, State of Penn- sylvania, bounded and described as fol lows: Tract No. 1 situate in Spring Town. ship, Centre County aforesaid, begin ning at a point in the public road lead ing from Bellefonte to the village of Coleville: thence along said public road North 24 degrees East, 17 perches; thence along other lands formerly of the estate of William A. Thomas, de- ceased, South 16 degrees East 76% nerches to lands of John Gland, et al.; thence by the latter South 70 degrees West 41 perches to land formerly of John Gerbrick and others; thence North 2 degrees West 48% perches to lands formerly the Public Road; thence North 20 degrees E ast 4834 perches to the place of beginning, contai ning 1914 acres and 62 perches net measure together with all r the Blast Furnace, Bid } Machinery in and upon rtenant to said deseribed tract (excepting ther however, acre conveyed by John g E. Conroy}, the { he ing the same , Kurt Zz by to sad de- NLL VE, cout, above prop dated delle dead > Su Bart d 5 gmpany. oe Being all and ng Township, { urnace y ‘ that certain tract of af na lan county of GReribed nement al a post, Jenn Tru perch INES, stoes, to 1 WF raed Road North perches 10 perche wy iliam to y Central BIODE gis fonte £ oni tas 258 &: thence grees stones pe Ie hes degre o8 10 perches to stones Thoma wmas A, Shoem aker r Furnace by r ist, A. D, Rit in Patton yr conveyed by Co. 1887 tuate Town ‘ounty, Pennsylvania, and : Red: Bank Mine of the Furnace Co. consisting of following several purparts, namely: Purpart No 1, all that certain parcel or tract of land situate in Patton Town ship, Cet County, bounded and scribed as follows: Beginning at a pine stump on line of lands being mined upon by Carnegie Brothers & Limited nee Bouth 60 degrees West 24 2/10 perches fo a post; thence by other lands of Moses Thompson North 30 degrees West 121 2/10 perches to a post; thence by lands of Matterns North 54% degrees 17 1/10 perches to a post by stone; thence by land of John Hieks South “Bi degrees East 14 7/10 perches to a post; and thence North degrees Ii 4/10 perches to a post; thence by lands of Abraham Hicks and first men. tioned lands South 28% degrees East 108 3/10 perches to the place of begin ning, containing 10 acres and 31 perches net measure; being part of a larger tract of land surveyed. on warrant of John Thompson, and the same tract which John 1. Thompson by deed dated Decem ber 20th, 1887, and recorded in Centre County in Deed Book No. 54, page 345, granted and conveyed to the said Belle fonte Furnage Co, and in which Moses Thompson et al, by deed dated Decem- ber 20th, 1887, recorded in Centre Coun. ty in Deed Book No. 56, page 156, also released their rights to ‘said Bellefonte Furnaee Co. Purpart No. 2, being all that certain mesEnage, tenement and tract of land in Patton Township, bounded and de- scribed ns follows: Beginning at a stone; thence by land of Moses Thomp- son Bouth 0 degrees East 65 2/10 perches to stones; theses by lagd of samo North 6434 degrees East 0 vhes to a stone; thence by land of William Hearson, Mrs, A. lowry, Henry laowry and John Bottorf North 28 degrees West #9 perches to stones; thence by land of John Bottorf North 644 degrees East 9 perches fo § post; thence by land of John B, Mattern a. George Mattern North 28 degrees h to a ne, eg ust i rae - Wess 80 5/50 Mattern Bouth 5414 shot | perches to a stone; thenee by land of degrees East “Abraham Hicks South 28 J2 6/10 perches to a post; thence by land of same South 41% degrees West 8 perch. 08 to the p 5 of beginning, containing D2 pores ni perches net measure, and ted and mad rope ) Bollofonte Co ana» cd ofon urnace April 12th, A. D. 1889, and recor Cr neh in Deed Book No. a sot bhct No. 6. All that certain messunge, 3 Jemamenf a pnd tract of land situate in Rion Hom owusbip, Den Centre County, Ponn- acres Sram which rent " ry Article of | ont dated tro i Bid ae LO. East NS by mber 2rd, 1886, | rocorded in Centre Coun ty nd Book H, r 5 anid conveying the right and privilege of at least thirty acres of ground situate in Patton Township, lying. Boutheast of the tract of land leased by George Mat tern and John B. Mattern to the said George C. Potts by lease bearing said date of December 23rd, 1886, for the pur pose of mining ore with the privilege to oceupy and use the said thirty acres of ground for the purpose of erecting a mud dam thereon, and buildings and im provements eonnected with what is known as the Mattern Mine, of said George C. Potts, and which rights under #aid agreement the said George OU, Potts granted and conveyed to the Bellefonte Furnace Company by agreement dated February Oth, 1801, Traet No. 6, being all that property known as Beotin Ore Mines in Centre County, Penpsylvania, purchased by Bellefonte Furnace Company from the Casnegie BSteel Co., Limited, bounded and deseribed as follows: Purpart No. 1. All the interest in and to the the right to enter, raise, away, and wash all iron ore found in, upon or underlying of all that certain messuag: ment and tract of land situate Township of Pa County of aforesaid, bounded and deseribed as fol Beginning at a larids of Abrabam Hicks and Me I'hompson, being the Bouthwest said Abraham Hicks land: thenes other lands said Moses Thor Routh 2034 degrees East 71 perch of Pennsylvania Furnace Con + thence by line North 6 ast 157 perches to a stone West North 59 and and right, title ore rights, take and garry that ean 1 the sur :. tene in the Centre, mn: face tton, lows: stone corner on corner 01 of line lane sad 1 AE North 3414 degrees 8 5/10 4 degrees East South to to stone; thence ¥ de 1 Ogres Ea wrehes to a stone; thence ut North 63 to post; North $7 8/10 perches a slons degrees { : thence Miles DD, Gray ! 107 5/10 pereh North 56% degrees East 251 p thence by Is to stone; Aine stone » vn § yr grees We remove nachinery which they Also the right to vs ds so to § say for settlin privilege No. interest o i Mary ite of and tract : Township of Patton aforesaid ed and deseribed as follows ning at 8 White Oak corner Iatids of Miles D, Gray; thence by | formerly of Moses Thompson Nor West 70 pb to HLL ore 1 ment degrees thence ile grees perches to a stone; thence degrees East 100 8/10 pe fehes to a on the line of G. Bid thenee the land of said Biddle North 63 de grees East 64 2/10 perches to a Black Oak on line of M, D, Gray; thepee by f said M. D, Gray North 33% West 43 5/10 perches to a stone; North 056k degrees Epst 160 perches to place of beginning, containing 116 acres and 104 perches neat measure, being the game premises which Moses Thompson and wife granted and conveyed to Miles D. Gray by deed bearing date the day of Jupe, A. D. 1866, and recorded in Centre County in Deed Book F, No. 2 page 647, wherein the said Moses Thomp son reserved all the ore rights upon sa tract subject to a royalty of twelve and one-half (18%) cents per ton of twenty two hundred forty (P2400) pounds of all clean ore taken away subject neverthe. leas to the reservation and restrictions in the said deed contained as by refer. ence thereto will more fully appear. Purpart No. 3, being a tract of land conveyed to Carnegie Brothers & Co, Limited, by J. RK. Lowrie, Trustee by deed dated Jupe 83pd, 1881, recorded in Centre County in Deed Book, page 325 stone idle; along lands degrees thence § % res Handy , being situate in Patton Township, Contre County, adjoining lands of P. Lytle, et al, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a post, the com. mon corner of lands of said J. R. Lowrie and Carnegie Brothers & Co. Limited, on the compromise line established be. tween Cpptre Furnace Company and Shorh Jewart & Ba. on the bearing North 01 degrees East; thence by lands of the party of the first part North 3434 degrees West 38 8/10 BE tan post; thence North 058% degrees East 133 perches to stones; thence by lands ot Lytle South 35 degrees East 166 perches to a post; thence by other lands of the said J. R. Lowrie, Trustee, Bouth 50% de roca West 134 porches to a po thepce Er hen West 110°6 8710 perch or beginning, con. pores apd i in es, being rt of a larger et of fon a ryeyed n pursuance of a warrant bras in the name of Jacob er, Purpart No. 4, being a tract of land conveyed by Wiliam Thompech, Its and wife, and er I. Thom dea Af fas le fet, by gp hors ho Oh page|. n unty and being in tton, Centre County, at £87, situate, Township of Heotin Ore Mines, bounded and deseribed’ as follows: On the Bouth by ffround used an a public street in the village o Beotin th out, North and Kast |, other fh 8 OE the f the y sh, bel im Bt Ba as | or RR SR ERT glore frifme find thereon erected a two-story | frame stubl house, p04 tt Fd milding, Ya tenement outbuildings, Purpnrt sunge, tenement and y ed and conveyed by Frank P. Blau wife to ( p ited, by recorded 61, pag Patton bounded and ginning an of the Mouth to a post fing W wo No, B, being certain i tract of land g arnogie deed date dovon iy in Centre County in Jail, O77, si in degrees ogre thenee hy 11934 and perches £1 a tract ol f twents A TOVaiis gross ton anea and ith the party of GW Re We right; and th each and eve i. Cid of wh the ore ands BH tha part as of Ee cents for SoA po ds of are mined, el fee of part, ing John I, from lands the the fir ierly shipped in the right vested party 03 wt to the o in the he son, deceased TOGETHER with all and singular the buildings, fu machi ments, ralirpad, mining rights, passages, ways, waters, water: courses, rights, liberties, privileges, provements, hereditaments, and apy tenances whateoever thereunto belong ing, or in any wise appertaining, the reversions and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof, Seized, levied upon, taken into exe cution and p be sold as the property of the Bellefonte Furnace Company, mortgageor aod real owners, TERMS OF SALE-—Na deed will be acknowledged until the purchase money i# paid in full. re when Thomp un is irs of ruses, nery, apd mineral mpl im and ARTHUR B. LEE, Sheriff. Sheriff's office, Bellefonte, Pa. March 6, 1014. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. A A A AR SAA rs OVERCOAT FOUN } Owner can inquire UN Omvineit in charges cn this adv, the coat oan M. KE CCentre Hall JosTs FOR BALE~The undersigned pa for sale a Jot o' chest Posts Lo C nire Hail 1, nn nay oan HAY VASTED gover Su iY WERRE. Ce "entre al ; HOPSE i" TT —_ room ho Offre ART no ST ka, Coley. LB Toyaive of MRS, Iphene ol EB RNCE ERE tenoe bully BAR Me Se rh F Wid, Uolyer. ) » Ph.D. HENRY F. BITNER, A. M SCRIVENER AND CONVEYANCER ee MURRAY'S DRUG STORK, tal ¥ ing of rs quaiy— Public Sale Register, Lair shit WR a holies § : He CLinrge 1 $53 : ¥ Liss: mnie EDAY, MARCH 12, ten o'cloeh si Penns Cave, by Emanuel #, thirteen cows, jot VV ME Lamy FEW, Dells, Also 8) i the farm ny me household Nora Pre fa nod We have just received i Natlane!l Nurseries of Fentiemen rep edd Bil Kinds of ube, Trees and Seeds. They inform us 1 previous experience it is poss bie to A WRECS every week. Any one oul of ent write them for terms aud enciose lio Adv. page 250 B OR SALE at a K-22 Lute T Bpnng Mil rk Oe. large ACR ER fine land reon erect. wee and all out ings, _ ACRES, part mountain land, situate near Centre Hall thereon erveted a good house, CHAS D BARTHOLOMEW, Instance and Real Betate, Centre Hall, Pa. LO PMINIBTRATORS NOTICE~LETTERR of administration on the estate of Joves Bille, lute of Potter township, deceased, Letters of adminis tion on the above estate having been duly granted to the undersigned, they would respectfully request persons knowing themselves indebled to Lhe oslale © make im mediate payment and those Bavieg claims gains the same 0 présenl thom duly sulhen- ticated for settlement. ALICE BIBLE, HARRY E, BikLE Admin Surators Spring Mills, Pa, R.D ROT ERTY FOR SAL The undersigned offers at private mile the property known ss the Frederiek Arneid home, one mile east of Centre Hill, comprising « dwe Wing house, good bern, outbuil ings and ACRES of land, twenty eight acres clear, and about three acres with tmber 60 ; has two ap Ee orchards, and an abundance of other choke frit ; a well of good water st the house, and fences all in good repair, Also a tract of Himber land Mou tains along the p'ke, containing wo hun dred and seventy one acres. For further infor. ation inguire on EL HR A ESRLER, Spring Mills, RB Constipation Impossible a The foe to One at bedtime. Son Sars J iis. $5. Arq Oe. Ask Your mh Kos in the Seven R.D.