SNAPSHOTS AT STATE NEWS items of Interest. ———— Farmers Busy In Churches Rairing Funds for Many Worthy Objects—Items of Busi ness “nd Pleasure that Interest. Warrants are out at Hazleton charg. ing Harry Thompson, of Augusta, Ga., with bigamy. In an effort to close all Mt. Carmel business places on Sunday a petition was signed by 17 of the most inent merchants. prom- House, a licensed seeking a The owners of the Luzer Hazleton, which has been saloon for 60 years, are not license this time. ne new car Raflway be In a few days the shop of the Reading pany at St. Clair will occupancy. repair Com- for ready A freight car on the Reading Rall way jumped the track near McAuley, ran along the 200 yards, then jumped back on the track. ties Pleading guilty to forgeries on which he got $900, C. D. Meckley, of Milton, was sent from Lewisburg to the Es ern Penitentiary for three years t has 2 ranted an appli merge the Reading — the Ch er of Of Judge En cation for a Board of Trads Commerce. dliel ami The Ninth the Reading has res ireet finishing r if Company ,Reading, and 59 men Iron ope umed rations, are benefited. Stricken with heart working in his barn, Wil farmer minutes Linfield, near LOAT The ted of paper towels in Norristown In place of those used befors hibitory law is $300 stima cost for substitution schools the pro Aon ircum- Sicher's tree E. Matz, of tree bearing fruit H a 14 Inches in « H. § aroun Topton, ha ference, has lemons A pipe ania Railroad Thomas £0 badly bursting in {} ‘enns viv shops, scalded Sylvester, a night watchman afterward The annnu Bucks Coun of Public Cl} daily cost for 28 cents, Director nia Odd Fel bury have mestic science and industrial th «} Lie Sq s» Central Orphanage decided 14 int Pennsyl near Sune va- 14 W's roduace do- work in Q00: Reading during to 857.1 ar caused careless and fire io year hem The amounted were match ue last 327. of tl by 160 hy with flues. Frank Schultz, 17 f Read ing, who money from a dealer's cash box at the Reading market house, was fined $10 and sent to the Hunting don Reformatory. years old, ¢ took Barber, colored, ed by Judge Endlich the peniten. tiary for from five years for being discovered under a woman's bed in a Reading hotel Leroy was sentend to two to During a heavy wind storm in Down. ingtown the cupola on the Central Presbyterian Church was blown from its position and, turning upside down, of the edifice, doing much damage. C. Y. Donnell, of Ofl City, apples of the Ben Davis a perfect state of preservation, were grown by F. W. his farm in Oakland township, Venan- go County, in 1912. The which these specimens were variety, In Stevenson. several farms in Londonderry, and Conewago townships to M. shey was a paper so yellow with age a8 to be almost illegible! The was dated 1787 and was for a certain ‘tract that was then known as “Lon. don Derry” township. Elght pounds 11 shillings was the consideration in the transaction. Derry John T. Flick and Car! Squire have the job of cutting logs at the Berry ompany camp, on Little Tionesta Creek, and have upward of 125,000 feet cut, but are just now considerably handicapped by the deep snow. Malin Brown, of Pocopaon township, Delaware County, has a pack of bea ble hounds almost as large as a pack for fox hunting, although they do not chase the latter animal. A couple of days ago he took an account of stock and discovered that he is due to pay tax for 11 of the animals. [BILL T0 AMEND THE SHERMAN LAW ye Restraint “In Any Degree” llle- gal Under Stanley Measure. ABOLISHES “RULEOF REASON” Kentucky Congressman introduces Anti-Trust Amendment After a Conference With Presi. dent, Washington.—Representative Stan ley, of Kentucky, after a conference with President Wilson, introduced an amendment to the would make illegal the monopoliza- tion or restraint of trade “in any de gree.” It is designed to eliminate the Su- preme Court in the Standard Oil case. The amendment also would invest the circuit courts of the United States with jurisdiction to restrain and pre vent violations of the act, irrespective of the Attorney-General to meet the wish of the Pres pressed in his last message Con- gress, to reduce the debatable area sur. rounding the Sherman act. Represen. tative Stanley discussed the measure ident, to corresponded with him at on the subject The Kentucky Congressman was chairman of the special committee which investigated the United States | length measure as an Administration amend ment, but believes it will be of the committees of Congress draft the legisiation fo will anti-trust The second man law supreme would amend bill and fourth sections of the Sher Stanley In Section 2, Into which the Court injected “in any that the reason.” the words nse read “Every ried, so who shall monopolize combine person or attem to monopolize or with any persons monopolize in any part of the trade among the foreign nations of a misdemeanor, and on thereof shall be punished exceeding $5,000, by ir not Year, said punishments, in the the court Discussing White unreasonable Stanley or conspire other person or to any degree Or commerce with deemed guilty tion not ent both of several States, or ghall be conyl by risonr by discretion fine or excesding one that portion 's decis whi restraint Ju to Representative had always to the d law “Many tinued, ig to ren tions in restraint iable The “in any degree” will save the any such interpret all restraints gtice ion regarded it and ecin ion however, believe” hat the effect of der this decizgion illegal only such bina of tradd as un insertion of the with the other am ation y of trade il com are reason words provisions ed from will render legal law as end and WILSON CABLES SYMPATHY. Secretary Bryan Also Sends Message Lamenting Disaster. Washington. —An exchange of cable grams between President Wilson and the Emperor of Japan over the Sakura Jima disaster was made public dent Wilson's message was as follows To His Majesty the Emperor of Japan Having learned of dented disaster that your country through and tidal wave, | beg to assure your Majesty and the Japanese people of my deep sympathy and that of the American people, WOODROW WILSON. Wilson received the fol today from Emperor Presi the unprece. "has visited earthquake President lowing reply Yoshihito: Pray accept my sincerest thanks for the sympathetic message sent by yourself and American people for the terrible disaster. RETAIL GROCERS ORGANIZE. in Pittsburgh To | Pittsburgh, Pa-—Retail grocers the Pittsburgh district met here and through Besides Allegheny county, grocers from 19 ginia joined the body. The association is capitalized at $1.000,000. DIES SUDDENLY IN CHURCH. Henry W,. Griffith, Secretary Of the Norfolk and Western, New York.--A man believed to be Henry Walten Griffith, of Philadelphia, secretary of the Norfolk and Western Railroad, died suddenly in All-Angels’ Protestant Episcopal Church, on West End avenue, Cards bearing Mr. Grif fith’s name and an Income tax receipt: made out to him furnished the means of identification. The body was re- move nonlice station. ? eppses SIA 13 | KEK on [I\M ii (Copyright. WALL OF WATER JWEEPS TOWNS pending Danger. Of Water Fiftesn Feet Sweeps Down Stony and Potomac Be Rivers, Carrying All fore It. Md wild ‘umberland Had man fore made a daybreak tl W. Va the great storage " » Schell, warning the dam of Kinia Dobbin its crur t Johnsatowr near that ! dave repeated on a The t« id Hephor was out of con of warning the iy took to the hills an amped aroun A few persons had of bonfires previou ly known danger md ana op had soug! nd imtain & #1 rue mon tions Four Feet Of Flood At Schell. The first part of the. flood Western Maryland Railway W. Va, below, where Stony river into the 3 o'clock. and flood gher than ever The reached the Schell the Potomac that point 15 feet before in near 20 miles empties about had a feet hb river; BOON geveral i the history of Schell tide not only went over railroad tracks but it swept away several stretches of track and the bed of the Western Maryland Railway Com pus ¥ In its course down stream the wall water washed away the Grant coun br idge and at Schell a large foot bridge across the Potomac river melted flood like t upon the the of ty BNOWwW Cas tide On its down Potomac river the flood struck the mining towns of Gleason, Blaine, Va.,, and Kitzmiller, the largest Maryland, lower course the out of Oakland. The sections while as far as ie known no houses No loss of life has been reported. DIES ON EVE OF WEDDINC. iR. D. Southern, Asphyxiated, New York-—Richard D and secretary Lankford, a of the | and the coroner decided mitted suicide, but later developments | cast doubt on the suicide theory. Fall | assertion of his friends and Miss Nellie Patterson, a Brooklyn society girl, whom he was to have married Satur day, that his death was accidental Mr. Lankford was 46 years old. FIRST WOMAN DIPLOMAT NAMED. Will Become Secretary Of Norwegian Legation In Mexico. London. The first woman to take up the diplomatic service as a profes. gion has just been appointed in Chris. tim, according to a dispatch publish. jed fn the Daily Mirror. She is Miss | Hy nrietta Hoegh, 27 years old, and is | to he first secretary of the Norwegian legation in Mexico. She parsed exami nations in international law and political economy two years ago. ON A ROCK IN Refugees Are Found. [RESCUED BY NAVAL CREW. They Hid In Cave Eruption and Afterwards Climbed On the Rock and Sought To Attract Attention. a During here « E Were sian Sakura ean is bay situated The has been enti 3 three miles Lhe contour th rely week did not the . but o ales 8iI0LE sailors account of noxious gases scrutiny terriffic made a heat ghore The and covered with and hb Was FOX INg 10t lava WAS bei when All hums day, tos IRuUr and no ngs was seen until | an of in moe r noticed desolation An ate ofie nething short hes 801 al Aa detact protect be ing in the alr { the shore. A heavily bundled to the heat, was landed struggle they succeeded In making their through soft warm sashes ; breast high until they reached a great rock. Sheltered behind this rock they | found 33 people, still living, but coated with thick dust and weakened by star vation and thirst. Among the Iwas a master who {with him from his school house the portrait of the Emperor: the village po liceman, who had saved the records of | the station house and the postal clerk, | with a small bag of mail waved dis from an iment of men, them from After a hard way Ie school i ! | J ALL WERE SAVEDAS SHIP WAS BREAKING Vessels Called by Wireless Locate Stranded Packet. VICTORY FOR THE WIRELESS, Mail Liner Breaking Up When Help Arrived-—Struck Granite Pinnacle While Bliz. Raging. Before Dawn zard Was Yarmouth, N, 8 from death, the Roval Mail Ig in Yar Snatched what seemed almost certain of the re snl passengers Packet mouth The which hours and crew Cobequid a harbor wireless appeals for assistance the Cobequid had first made 36 before were answered as the racked to on Trinity Rock, six miles off Port Maitland The rescue will go down in shipping annals as one of the accomplished on the Atlantic The Cobequid had begun to break up the cannonading the ter rific seas that had been merciless from time the vessel struck. Quan- of cargo covered waters as ranged alongside. coastal steamers Westport and L thelr boats and these of isdowne most notable ever Coast under of titles the the lifeboats The Cann were fi to into the SOON ment rst get small water 11 3 3 ats foliowed by the boats Gover steamer Lan glegmer Rapg of subsided cons ahannock. red and n the work rescue progres iderably riumph 0 over the BOY BURNED TO DEATH. House Destroyed By Fire While Child's Parents Were Away Md dence of Chas Hagerstowr resi v re wh 1¢ were away from vearold He TO STANDARDIZE RADIUM Federal Bureau Gets Tiny Particle For Experiments Slates, was re weighs 20 milli Only 30 grar own be in of the Bureau experiment on ki! io ay that they have ght srr rie WE BDC Measures four metals FOLLOWS MORGAN'S LEAD. John Claflin Decides To Retire From All Directorates New the dry and pr York goods firma of H ). esident of the C has des n every finan head of “laflin & hamber of withdraw ial institu {£0 Lommerce, ided to as a direc tion on whose board Mr. Claflin, in explaining sald he was oo busy to attend to the duties involved and has notified the financial institutions of which he was a director that ild decline a re tor he is member a his decizion he wot $1,000,000 TO 400 EMPLOYEES. Executors Of Altman Make Distribu. tion Of Legacies. New York About 400 employes of Altman & ( who were entitled to under the of Renjamin just received checks ag have ju more than $1.000,000. In B 0 will Altman, warship and provided with food and | drink. They explained that they had { hidden in & great cave near the shore {until the rain of ashes was over and {had then tried hour after hour to at tract attention. ARTIFICIAL DIGESTION. | Prof. Bertholet Claims To Mave Re. produced the Process. Paris. Prof. Daniel Bertholet claims i to have reproduced artificially the pro- cons of digestion by the action of the ultra-violet rays from a mercury Vapor lamp on food substances contained in a quartz vessel, SLAIN MAN'S BODY FROZEN. Search Reveals Battered Remains At Green Ridge. Seranton, Pa-The frozen body of Robert Fidiam, prominent in coal min: ing circles, was found in the Green Ridge section. The head was battered in and the circumstances pointed to a most brutal murder. Searching parties were sent after Mr. Fidiam when he falled to return home alter having been absent since Monday morning. He was 068 years old, i man foundation expect to announce the details of a profit-snaring plan for employes and gifts to charitable and educational , institutions as suggested in the will. NINE BUILDINGS DESTROYED. Flames In Troy. Troy. N. Y.- ice and coal plant of Haughnesy & Co., and eight other buildings, most of them residences. The inmates, scant belongings. The loss is estimated at $150,000, A GERMAN WOMEN WANT VOTE. Petition Asking For Suffrage Intro. duced Into Parliament. Berlin. —A petition asking that the franchise be given to women and that they be allowed to vole at the elections for the Imperial Parliament and also to sit as Deputies was introduced into the Imperial Parliament by the Cen man Woman's Suffrage Union. It was not directly rejected, but was referred to the consideration of the government without any recommendation, | COURT ORDERS GABRIEL CALL Wants Mortgage Holder of 107 Years Ago to Appear INSTRUMENT DATED 1807 Unless Jonathan Bonsall or His Heir Appears Lien on $27,000 Worth of Land Will Be Declared Forfeited ls the Decree of the Court, who 1} gal prove mortg over onsall declared paid sfied Although all trace of Bonsall has and the morigage agains propemy Chester str mill mill, Heved satisfy books a iff Heyburn Pappas, the new owner of t Cal Jag U De heir tr bi ¢ 3 the ¢ age tO spy ol and lost a plece of pls race a Main the sold fo: have been red decree nd recenty to in order the ord moriga ha issued Sher on ae appear ‘3 clare the origina ef an to default OOur Origage h Out “Back to Farm” Problem. Pottstown girls and the advice Yania, culturiets “Keep your and far rs’ wives out given by } ¢ big assemblag: the Institute of ' Union in session were most the pazzli: Ww 10 kee make of the red Card Pe yy arm to tl at Coventry Farmers Cedarville. They ing to do this, but tion with them there £ ques was ho them Shot Ag He Fires on Cops. Pittsburgh — William Smutzer, said to be an escaped convict from Indian apolia, was shot and fatally wounded in a house on the South Side, here City Detectives Charles Freebon and Albert Bebee, acting under orders from Superintendent of Police Matthews, went to the house to arrest Smulser, and when he saw them coming he opened fire, which wag returned by ths officers. Buried in Wood He Grew. Harrisburg.~~Jjohn Snyder, a farmer fn the eastern end of Dauphin County. was buried in a coffin made of wood of a walnut tree which he had planted He was 85 years of age, and when his health began to fall directed that his coffin be made of the wood of his favorite tree. Sunday Sellers Defiant. Norristown~—The assertion that the Rev. J. Eimer Saul, the new Burgess, would not hold hearings on Sunday, was made good his first Sunday in office. But the cigar stores and can- dy shops were defiantly open. Bur gess Saul was out of town, so that it could not be learned what steps he intends to take. He is sald to have declared that he will not stand for such form of gambling as “ouch” pool, and cigar stores have taken the hint and dene away with slot machines and other gambling devices,