REVIEW OF FOOTBALL, | One Upset After Another Startles Followers of Game. | i ! Victory of Army Over Navy Climax of Season of Gridiron Surprises How Teams Will Shape Up for Games This Fall, With the Army beating the Navy at the Polo grounds, another surprise for the football when the game ended, was registered. The midship-! men, with their brilliant record in the | early season games, were the favorites, Gut they were toppled over as Dart mouth was at the Brush stadium when | a favorite over the Indians. These two surprises were as start #¥ng to many football followers as the showing earlier in the season by Col | gate, and the showing the Tigers made against Harvard which many thought would have an easy time disposing of tho Orange and Black Then came the Cornell-Pennsylvania game, in which the Ithacans gave the average follower of the sport a jolt when they triumphed over the Quak- | 1 ers, gaining their second victory over | the Red and Blue in the long series ‘The indians paraded through the gea- son with a good record, and there are some who claim they are entitled to | otball honors in the east, but this is | the honor Harvard men are claiming | for the Crimson.. Dartmouth, too,| would have been out with a claim to! that intangible astern title had the (reen beaten the Indlans. This was the only Dartmouth defeat of the sea- SON. Gridiron dopesters, now that they can get no more surprises for a year in | football, figuring how the big teams will shape up next fall. Prince. ton and Harvard will be beter off, so | far as veleran material is concerned, | Season, are CHAMPIONS i From all accounts Yale is going constructed at New Haven to play an {mportant part again in A $190,000 rink has been findd the ice Front row, left to right: Gore, Middle row, left to right: Schiller Back row, left to fight: Ww Jr Dickey, ney Coach M Gans NPN NNSA NOMS NS SANSA SKATERS TO DECIDE HONORS World's Championship Will Be Settled in Meet at Milwaukee in March —Many to Compete. The roller races ever first profes and speed champion 1 In the history r I skating will un off in skating £ the latter Julian T. F Western Skating view palace part H is in itzgeral ARES been promoting the months, is meet 20) the loller rinks thr States the were those ton, W nati Man tEer mon ney by a popular poOpuial meet and to hel 4 34 nn th m th prize plonship is a Captain Storer of Harvard. 1. 056 June than Yale. They will men by graduation in the other hand, will J une. Captain Storer, cock will leave Harvard on day. Arn the the star Cr ley, Mahan, be left intact Captain Storer Seave the two tackle and there ubstitutes won their this Only thre who thelr "H"” will Captain Emmons w O'Brien Bri & men played on the ling mson field Bradlee and The graduation of and Hitcheoek w ns back of § Logan = posit vacant, are no who have t betitutes be HOoDey ietters in * position su have won graduated Baker, Phillips and | the lost tol be men y graduation, while : i il Princeton 1} and hil thelr loss i1 be greatly felt by the Tigers the coaches some good material and from the freshman eleven to fill thelr places Harvard may have to shift its line to fill the holes due to the graduation of Storer and Hitchcock, unless this! year's freshman tackles show up well. | Yala will Captain Ketcham, | Pendleton, Marting, Warren, Avery aud Ainsworth, played on the line Macleish, Hubbard, Arnold, Brann! and Way won their letter this year as | substitutes in the line, and the coach es belleve that they can be made into a strong set of forwards. Talbot and Carter will be the only regulars left! in Blue's line i J A have the substitutes fry i loge The back fleld will have plenty of | inaterial. Ainsworth will be the only | man to be graduated, leaving Knowles, Wilson and Guernsey in thelr old posi. tions. This trio will be reinforced by several strong men from last year's | team who were unable to play this! fall, including Pumpelly and Markle. Wheeler, last year's quarter back, will | bo the only substitute back field play- | er to be graduated Offers $10,000 for Player, Del Howard, former manager of the | Louisville team, and now manager of | the San Francisco team, announces | dthat he stands ready to give ths Chi cago National league team $10,000 for the immediate return of Outflelder Johnny Johnson, drafted by the Cubs last September. Howard is, of course, aafe in his offer, inasmuch as it would be practically impossible to get John. son, who now holds the world's reo ord for stolen bases in a single sea son, out of the major leagues. and Or woenfiuita} profess i Jennings announces that the | start to train at Gulfport Hughes Tigers will about February 5 - . ® Manager Red Dooin believes that the pennant race will be one of the toughest in National league history ® - - Georgetown ig to be on the schedule! either Harvard or the Army next! at least, Georgetown thinks of SO ABOT« » * * Harvard's varsity football be asked to refrain from players writing - ® » Frank Chance bas worked together | a pretty fair club that it is believed! will cut quite a figure in the 1814 pen | nant race - * ® i Not ons of England's five classic | races for three-year-olds this season | went to a favorite. The Oaks, at 8 to | *® * » Tracery ia coming in for all sorts of | praise from the English papers, the | Field particularly pointing out the re markable achievements of August Hel mont's horse, - . If Howard Jones declines to sérve again ut the head of the Yale gridiron warriors, it is a certainty that the posi. | tion will be offered to Frank Hinkey, the famous shadow end. Hinkey has for several seasons assisted the head coaches, i - McDonald, Odeway, Captain Heron, H. Sproul, M. Herron, W. H. Swee- Mudge, P H. Bangs, AFTER FRANK GOTCH'S CROWN Effort Being Made to Get Zbyszko, Po. lish Wrestler, to Take Part in Elimination Matches. wrestler, who an open tour offered one er made world's Zbyszko, Polish Wrestler poston prom the most fers for on Frank Gotch the aamp ' ANTIPODEAN HITS BASEBALL Australian Cricketer Severely Crit cizes American Game--Agsociat. ed With Spirit of Biluffing. fia femil ne nis LSAVO0RI A8 Di d iwved in America i se by Australian ericket a member of the team which recent United States and Cana verely critic: toured the A Sydney paper contais an inter ing of the team to Australia has just been received here Candidly tralian athlete is quoted, "I don't like baseball as play. od in America, Baseball in Australis is a fine game, played in the spirit of But that spirit is not American baseball, which is a professional game and, associated with bluffing of a character foreign the Australian and English ideas the J ua 18 in it become a need to be di of course, monay is ever to it will There t if baseball game hore is, id } i b ts American atmosphere” Growing Jealous of Baseball. Joseph Lally, of the Canadian ama Athletic union, will endeavor to tured for the use of school children which will in the future do away with the cory «that baseball was superseding the Canadian national summer game because it was so much cheaper to He will donate 13 medals for the championship team of any organized school district in Canada. SONALI SAO Chesbro Seeking Job. Jacek Chesbro, the man who invent ed the spil ball and the man who lost the American league championship for the Highlanders by a wild piteh, is again knocking at the door of base ball for a berth. He wants to be come a manager. He has applied to the Federal league for a job, | IN JURY ROOM Jurors Flee When Explosive Is Discovered in Witness’ Pocket BUSINESS WAS STOPPED Officer Forces Alex Burz to Throw Ex plosive into the Susquehanna River ~Carried as Evidence Against Brother. Alex Burz, a council Borough, room at the of dy When me explo refused to until the Burz bumped against a swinging door, one Wilke man in Swoyers the Grand barre ville entered court namite Mbers Ve they BO dynamite the ana Oli wi removed, A heavy of the juror He le on the run discovered the explosive, an nounced his discovery whi and the other juror his heels in a frantic effort of District Attorney H. the only remain, Burz River, where i iynamite 4 were quickly al “ee to get out John i the room Bigelow An wa ta Wis pers fo lled and Susquehanna officer Ken he into in against his Lrother wa few ago Xplo Burz « ied that were found about the b Was Ca to the throw Burz Case home wig forced to the the stream a dynamiti The Burz week Was 4 wilness ted a iVes dynam ar: Xplosion. Hatmaker's Will Valid. Reading. Judge Bush fon in Orphat et Fine Wine Burglar G siru I & port ave Wrecks Mill hist Mine C Seranto i hire tH roe T nrown put ol witli To Jail for Threats. York Aith hig | i four Re, Paul Welter {OAS threatening the life i loaded revol ing sd for Hertz with is § ¥ { ian Te attempted of 1 Hall timely entry of Patroln H 4 the cell prevented the Weimer received a jail suicide by hang fg coll in City ian W into room genten cide, 60 davs In will Norristown Rewards Daughter Because she good nurse housekeeper, and a great comfort him, Dr. James Mensch, one of the best-known physi cians of the Perkiomen region, willed to his daughter, Katie M. Mensch, the privilege of buying for $7,000 the homestead, contents and drug store in Pennsburg. The of his estate js divided among children and grandchil. wa and i {fo rest Deadlock on Solicitor, Coatesville, Coatesville Council is deadlocked over the selection of a Bor ough Solicitor The candidates nom inated are: A. M. Holding, of West Chester; William Tregay and W. E Greenwood, Coatesville Buys Cattle Range. hig determination to show that the best way to make a living and gros wealthy 1a from the soll, Colonel! Haw ry OC. Trexler, the Quartermaster Gen. two more large farme In North White ball township, adjoining his game park. for a cattle range. Colonel Trex. ler has long been a student of the cat tle and beef problem, and for several years has been the only farmer in Le high whe has produced beef [for slaughtering | GASTORIA «4 X¥or Infants and Children. AS IUEIA The Kind You Have == Always Bought | Bears the IN | AVegetable Preparation for As - vi | similating the Food and Reguia Signature of NY rery A —— vi Pat Co PES wh A — het d | ting the Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes Digestion, Cheerful ness and Rest Contains neither Opium Morphine nor Mineral Nor NARCOTIC Fecype of let Dr SAMUEL V7 HER Pamplin Seod - Alix Senna } ETI A < Kochelle Selly - Anise Seed + Ligpermind A Bilardenate Soda - = TE ee LT, Ft a XA - a's Worm Seed Clordiod Sugar Minbrgreen Flavor A perfect Reynedy for Constipa tion. Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Worms Convulsions Feverish- ness and LOSS OF SLEEP Use For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA mew YORE SITY. - ry ? LT od : “ED ED TEINS Fac Simule Signature of Zenit Tue Centaur COMPANY, __NEW YORK. FR ELE Doses - 35CENTS | rm 35 JGuararnteed under the Food ani Exact Copy of Wrapper. THE CENTAUR DOMERNY SNOW REALLY A BLESSING Denver Newspaper Rejoices at the Re- markable Fall of “the Beautiful’ Throughout the State This Wil Interest Mothers. Herre § Adventures of a Guide 1 hunter ponsible am Fadeless Adv Puta the hands of British On way to make a # 10 envy her Br ae of EL NL Elimination of Waste Every business man knows how difficult it is to keep the pigeon holes end drawers of his doak free from the accumulation of useless papers, Every housewife knows how difficult it is to keep her home free from the accumulation of all manner of useless things. So it is with the body, It is difficult to keep it free from the sceumuiation of waste matter. Unless the waste is promptly eliminated the machin. ery of the body soon becomes clogged. This is the beginticg of most human ills DR. PIERCE'S GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY On Teblet or Liquid Form) i Dd a prime Ca ies tl Bul Grand tn sustain Sih nous waste malter M Nature's channels, It wink Ton and women cloarheaded R «sit ln to them the health and strength of youth. Now is the time for your rejuvenstion. Bend G0 cents for a trial box of this medicine, Sir 2 eS, PEEL SI Fr, Mi EE Ss — MORE, NO. 31914,