SNAPSHOTS AT STATE NEWS All Pennsyivania Gleaned for Items of Interest. REPORTS ABOUT CROPS GOOD Farmers Busy in Every Locality— Churches Rairing Funds for Many Worthy Objects——Iitems of Busi = ness “nd Pleasure that Interest. In three months Lancaster County pald $1,000 bounty on weasles, Automobiles are reaping a harvest during the trolley strike that has tied up Hazleton lines. Tamaquas new Water Commission hag appointed E. R. Reeser, superin- tendent, 1 Congressman Rothermel recom- mended Claude E. Desch to be the new postmaster at Macungie. has Thirty-three foreigners were granted naturalization papers and 22 were re. fused by Judge Scott at Easton. W. J. Welliver, of Kipp's Run, near Berwick, has lost his fourth cow by hydrophobia. Altoona’'s Mayor has arrested eight citizens for fallure ered sidewalks, to clean snow-cov- is idering and Catawissa Council cons gelling the municipal light plant, bids are being received. Arthur Jackson, newly wed, was ground to death under a Dagoha & Highland Railroad engine at Wilcox, near Kane Peter Medvie, a farmer near Spring- town, lost two va of which were stric while being driven. iable horses, both with paralysis One of Easton's Revolution: ings, in which George once slept, is to be repiate ern business building Barber s Chunk Judge Laird H in court at Mauch plying for r Hi interviews censes would be tolerated Form Robert sealer Chester. Commissioner of Highways Watson has been weigh measure appointed of iy OL Pd for be Six applications liquor at Coatesville will made spring: Hotel Coatesvil Grand, Speakms * Hotel an le, ers John B : ve Publication rd automi without perm in iffeur, paid a colored ch in jail, then of $25 and costs, at We days $ gb i Hes xr 1 Mrs. Le Vood, town, has an na John n appointed in tha off} 1 Lhe glice Foo J the new Controller, in at West Ch Sunbi flagman, when he slipped while to board the caboose of 8S. V. Martz, of sylvania Railroad at Nis tempting train o or was Frank Ermey and Charles Cop farmers of Lower Saucon, town, while returning to were severely injured horse ran away “re near Hell their homes when thelr * : re vaiey Harvey Mover, cf Cent : 1 with steal arrested at Easton, charged ing a gold ring from W. H. Bowers, a elvil war veteran; but he escaped at the City Hall . The South Bethlehem School Board made arrangements to borrow $40,000 with which to purchase land in the contre of the city for a modern high school, Policemen B. Lucas and A. Shiner have resigned from the South Bethle. hem police force to accept positions in the Police Department of the Lehigh coke piant, near Hellertown. Judge CGroman in the Allentown Court introduced an innovation by ap pointing T. Frank Lynr as permanent assistant tipstaff and FF B. Miller as permanent attendant on the Grand Jury. The Eureka Athletic Club, of East: | on, presented a silver loving cup to | Dewey Ettinger, of Bangor, In recog. | nition of his services as football coach. The banner for the largest attend. | ance of subordinate granges was! awarded to Valley Grange, at the meet | ing of Pomona Grange, Columbia Coun- | ty, in Millville, Mayor James GG. Harvey has recom- mended to Council that Hazleton doo tors be permitted to exceed the auto mobile speed limit at their own dis cretion. RT JAPANESE ARE NOW ON GUARD Landed From Cruiser to Protect the Legation. SEVERAL SIGNIFICANT MOVES Reported That the Mexican Rebels’ Attack Upon Tampicd Is About To Be Renewed-—A Great Battie Also Expected At Mazatlan. Washington. — The Japanese have landed an armed guard from their bat tle cruiser ldzuma for the protection of the Mikado's legation at Mexico City. Confirmation of this informa. tion sent out “report” was tained at the Navy Department. government has been advised step by Charge d’Affaires nessy, but no explanation has fered by the Japanese either directly or through the Japanese ambassador at Washington The Incident known cause of anxiety to the Navy departments, branches of the government bear the brunt of our rel with Mexico as well as with the foreign powers, whose Interests Whether or not the the day are predicted upon this secret move both and significant Plans are under way to withdraw all the the Ph the ob This the as a of O'Shaugh heen of. government to be the State, War and the three in great whicl must ations are involved developments of they are interesting marines from lippines and Hawaiian The are to be stationed at San Die Fila Both striking dis of Islands ‘al points are Mexico a and Pensacola within tance Twelve Battleships. Anothe: started Cruz. the battleship, the orders for 12 battle two cruisers under This first secret places class and already in } L Mexican wats der orders for that ing from suc! gervice a fleet |Rpproxima GIRL RAISES $20 TO 350 Does Land.Office Business In Bogus 3 An i ha i 1 to 2540 hill » they are readily WILY aco] he lookout not on t Mander Nabbed While Decoy Package. Pa ii box Washin ind a ms in a and grasped a decoy § ton roili package hers officers, Domink italian workmar 5 arrested and hurried before ristra Black (reco. a Hand wealthy letters to Ita an mer 1 dwarned them to be on the have toll the Black during the past few vears paid to STEAM VESSEL THROUGH CANAL Crane Boat Passes In Course Of Dredg ing Operations, The first the was Colon * passed through Panama Canal Wednesday. It the Alexander Lavalley, a crane boat, and carried no passengers. It had been operating on the Atlantic side and gradually made its way through during the course ol dredging operations. gleam vesse Rev. Billy Sunday Vs. Bar Tenders. Pittsburgh, Pa.-—-When Rev. Billy Sunday came here recently to “clean up Pittsburgh,” the Bar Tenders union grew excited and offered £5.00( for the privilege of having its busi ness secretary debate with the evan “Who ia get ting the coin-—Billy SBunday or us?" WANTED DOG BURIED WITH MER, Woman Took Poison and Left a Note About Pet-—Will Recover, Portland, Me. A note directing that the body of her pet dog should no be touched until the arrival of an un with her, was discovered in the hon of Mrs. Eunive KE. Dodge after she ha been found partially overcome bb chloroform fumes. Mra. Dodge, wh is the widow of Dr. Rudolph L. Dodgy, will recover. MA, Kin 4 HAVE Af FOG 7 want - (Copyright) MORE MARINES 10 THE WARSHIPS Numbers Doubled on War Ves- sels Off Mexico. ' MR. DANIELS EXPLA NS MOVE | Both Federals and Rebels For a Series Of General i ments All As Far East As Tampico. Preparing Engage- Along the Border in the Panam: irdered to join the American war ff the east coast of Mexico tually will aboard double with the ¥ Way ind to Gulfport ed menda was iss redid Qe a In order larger Com yarn sh ipa at Minnesota Was to the State Department in » contending factions in be ration for a i ii taking a breath series of gagements a along the far which are Tampico on $e east as expected to ¢ de Fn Of he latest 8 and corthern Mexico repo ita in the i federals at Laredo here the Nuevo with their stitutionalints umition and another attack. busy pick igthening dofs I are wait for amn lines for AND MRS. SAYRE IN PARIS, Are the and Mrs. Pari Mr Sayre, who Walter H in london and rived here Thursday. American Embassy, They Herrick. have heen the guests of ador Mrs. Page, the where they Mrs. Myron T. Herrick. The first ré ception of the season was in progress it the embassy when they arrived, but dr. and Mrs. Sayre decided to forego the pleasure of meeting the large com- any of diplomats and Americans pres. ent. It is understood they will remain in Paris until January 20 MURDERS A DEPUTY SHERIFF, Deckhand On Steamer Berkshire Is Arrested In Philadelphia. Philadelphia When the steamship Berkshire, from Jacksonville and avannah, arrived here Benjamin Pope, a negro deckhand, was arrested #1 suspicion in connection with the urder of Peter A. Johnson, a deputy heriff of Jacksonville. The arrest as made by request of Florida au thorities, who asked for the appre ension of Oscar Harris, alias Dugger Harris, SAE THE (18ST ory Tug 4 POEM | | | rons | A Rk | To DAY ay 2 i vi REY | 7 MONUMENT FOR GEN. JACKSON Nashville Would Honor the Hero of New Orleans. | THE BATTLE 99 YEARS AGO. At Banquet Held In Tennessee City Was Started To Build a Mililon-Dollar Movement Memorial. Andrew Jac New Orleans the UU Poss vs ' Dang NO SUGAR COMPROMISE Trial Of Trust Dissolution Resumed Suit To Be PREPARING TO RECEIVE EARL. To Give Him Welcome vg Washington Warm an de for arl of Kintora Anglo American Peace On Thursday the Earl will be ti of the British Amba In the t seador at lunclieon evening be will be the guest of honor at a i or attended by repre gentative men in the business and offi cial fe of Was On Friday the Sex Sate neton of will receive in his honor at on evening and Brya Pan-American Ur reiary £ sup irs the Building DREW SLIPS FOR FORTUNE. Springfield (Ohio) Heirs Split $4,000, C00 Estate That Way. Ohio of Drawing 2 box was divide the Ross FP among his The heirs could not Springfield, num slips used to of the late estate owner, out real the property and the drawing was made, Biography Of Great Evangelist. Winona Lake, Ind.-—While Billy Sunday, the noted evangelist, resting here recently, after a slrenuous campaign in Johnstown, Pa., be received word that the new biography, "The Spectacular Career of Rev. Billy Sunday,” was off the press. It is the work of T. T. Frank enberg and the evangelist save it is a truthful account of his life Rev THAW HEARINGS END. Commission To Report On His Sanity in Few Days. Concord, N. H.-—~Hea:i nga before the commission appointed by the United States Court to determine whether the release of Harry RK. Thaw on bail would endanger public safety, were concluded here, and three members of the commission went to Boston to con. sult their colleagues. It is expected that the findings of the commission will be filed with Federal Judge Aldrich within a few days. bib VIGTORY U. 8. ..rmy Officers. The Federals Forced To Yield Because Of Lack Of Ammunition—Most Of On the American Side. Federals The its fed Ie Texas Mexican with Ojinaga, fighting forces Presidio eral evacuated army, ins ¥ renersa Mexico, after #ix houre of The triumphant rebel neral Francisco Pil. fry 2 1 in Immediately occupied the town. under Ge General Balvador Mercado Huerta's chief military crossed the Major McNames who wa commander, and surrendered to the river of United State It was Namee to the federals, whether the bulk of them had taken this whether they to points Mexico, The mostly desert with little Later seven for had become ible what Mi r Oi impos Major learn refuge gide on Or scattered in country about Ojinaga is to sustain Mercado sent of government r the escort of =a who also brought General over wagon loads unds Be wounded | ¥ eulenant personal effects he wagons were pulled out of the river and Army taken into the United States f amp Feared a Macsacre. of only a fe +f the federal at ar 3 fighting inning &t the 1 cannon and rifle hours bey w in gun lowed which in on sieped fire Genera iorals had left or man ercado there ate and their fo the Az ere ran in all Orozco, con nieers, threat PUBLICITY LAW CONSTRUED Only Bona Fide To Be Paid.For Circulation Counted. a fide genld ig over ther yuted f disposed of counter through news in other ways for by number returned arencies Conies actually paid news nis. renorting the i} MOET # the nun tO be counted WOMEN TO SIT AS JUDGES. Hear Cases Of Girls Juvenile Court. in §t. Louis Two women hb act a wh judges in the Juvenile on trial. This by Clreuit Judge Hen ignated for the work are Migs C Dunn and Mre. EC. Runge, both attaches of the Jude Hennings’ decision was of the trial of four girls who had run away The girls refused to discuss the case freely in the presence of the judge Court War a nings are women des atherine court & result from home MUNICIPAL STORE IN CHICAGO. City Plans To Sell Necessities To the Poor At Cost. Chicago. A municipal “general store,” at which persons with limited funds may purchase the necessities of Jife, probably will be established in Chicago in the near future. Council finance committee set aside $25,000 in the city’s 1914 budget for the “unem- ployed commission,” which will have charge of the city store. | TAFT 80 POUNDS LIGHTER. Weekly Review cf Trade ani Market Reports. in E———— firm; tic and Northern Futures NEW YORK.—~Wheat 2 red, 90¢ elevator dome b afloat; No. 1 o b afloat with a holiday but firm on covering and small receipts, closing a 1'4¢ higher, December, 07% July, 94%. Spot firm; new No. § yellow, f to arrive Spot NO. $100% | Duluth, were o 98% 1 th quiet rade, prices were Corn 1% ci juttes 5.5621 tabs; AQ 23°% Steady gECOnNGs, onds, Creamery “5 28%; creamery, hel Be grades, 244 lower vania and nearby hennery browns, io gathered browns and mixed colors, 6@3T Live Poultry 14%¢ fowls dressed quiet; ans, chickens, 13@ 2: keys, 18@23 PHILADELPHIA ite, In export elevator and December, 820 91 4 W ” - ‘ s red, W ‘In S70 98 Corn Ar for , A8 10 2 yellow, SE CEnE is trarenl OCR location, new, No f -~ by ellow HC, do y “ww wl 1 Penney S40 Wester irate uit nearby first: West V firsts, irginia 32 Reo ated wale higher arn nandlied exes Chickens-—{ mil to each, 40¢: Heng, per Ib, 21¢; young gobbl old toms, 18; rough and ~Sealded, undrawn, Turkeys, choice, 21 @23¢c; fair to good, 15020; h and poor, 14@ 15. Chickens, choice. young, 17@18¢c; old and mixed, 18617; old roosters, 10@ 11. Ducks, I5@17. Geese, nearby, 17018; Western and South 12015 Dressed Poultry head and feet on rou erm, Live Stock CHICAGO.~~Hogs—Bulk of sales, $7.80GP%; light, $765@7.75;: mixed, $:.70@8.05; heavy, §7.66@8.10; rough, $7660 7.75; pigs, $8.75 7.70. f.80, Cattle—Texas steers, $86.90 7.90; sami Ex-President Has Tailor "Take a Reef” in 35 Pair Of Trousers. New Haven, Conn.—Loss of weight | has compelled former President Wil-{ liam H. Taft to have his garments | modeled on less genercis lines Ha gave to a local journeyman tailor an’ order for changes to be made in 36 | pairs of trousers. Professor Taft has | reduced his weight 80 pounds and his | walst line has contracted mix Inches, | #0 that | “ow measures only 48 inches. Sheep-Native, §M.75@6.15; year linge, $6.85@7.15; lambs, native, $6.70 @8.25. KANSAS CITY. ~Hoge-—Bulk, $7.60 @786; heavy, $T85@7.00; packers and butchers’, $7.70@7.85; light, $1.50 W7.80; pigs, $6.75 7.15. Cattle—Prime fed steers, $5.4009; dressed beel steers, $7168.35; Southern steers, $6.90@8; cows, $4.50 @7; heifers, §660G9; stockers and feeders, $6.7607.50; bulls, $5@7.25; salves, $6.50Q10.76. .