HOLDING EGS IN COLD STORAGE Speculators Control Market, Says Commissioner Foust SELL AS FRESH Record of Ten Million Dozen to Be Released December 1st, After Eight Months. (Special Harrisburg Correspondence.) Harrisburg.—Dairy and Food Com missioner James Foust declared that 90 per cent of the 10,000,000 dozen or more eggs in cold are April eggs, and that, if they are to be sold, they must be released by December 1. Fresh eggs are selling in the of the State from 45 cents a dozen, and the commissioner is of the belief if the cold storage eggs are released, there will be a sud- den drop. “The speculators and gamb- lers in in the price drop hours,” he said, millions of in storage. It would wisdom for them for 1 stored as storage glorage cities to 53 that, the State 10 per “if they egEs can cent in release the eggs now held be the part to get the eggs to d beyond the e dozens of of now, proposs eclare ev eht-mionth for food. The and stored egg Hmit cold other here have furnished our plete reports, and we know just where the and when the time egEs clared cannot must « alternative ‘not alable y % 1 +4 ir LT men in Philadelphia cities eEES Are with