————— SAAS MAA SUFFERED AWFUL PAINS For Sixteen Years. Restored To Health by Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound. Moretown. Vermont. —““1 was trou bled with pains and irregularities for sixteen years, and was thin, weak and nervous. When 1 would lie down it would seem as if 1 was going right down out of sight into some dark hole, and the window cur- tains had faces that would peek out at me, and when [ was out of doors it weuld seem as if something was going to hap- pen. My blood was poor, my eircula- tion was so bad I would be like a dead person at times. I had female weak- ness badly, my abdomen was sore and I kad awful pains. “1 took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- ble Compound and used the Sanative Wash and they certainly did wonders for me. My troubles disappeared and I am able to work hard everyday.” — Mrs, W. F. SAWYER, River View Farm, More- town, Vermont. Another Case, Gifford, Jowa.—*“1 was troubled with female weakness, also with displace- ment, I bad very severe and steady headache, also pain in back and was very thin and tired all the time. I com- menced taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and I am cured of these troubles. 1] eannot praise your medicine too highly." —Mrs, INA Mille SLAGLE, Gifford, Jowa. THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY, Not Na2 N.S THERAPION [7% tals with Breat success, CURES CHRON] WEAKNESS. pa a & VIM, KIDNEY, Ds EASES, § 1 ER NX RUGGISTS or MAL W, PEEKMAN ST. NEW YORK t R FREE nox 70 | Co YERSTOCK RD, Hamesiean, 1 as EE (TASTELESS) PORMOF pa rr Io SING BEE THAT TRADE MARKED WwW BRIT. GOVT. STAMP AFFIXED TO ALL GEN ® WRITE ¥ ANE Food Strike. We n Important to Wothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that it Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Modern Method. Maud Edith Maud—That the woman of dances like a « Judge it? position ACHY FEELINGS, PAIN and all Malarious IN LIimns indications removed by Elixir Babek, that well known rem- edy for all such diseases “lI have taken up the three bottles of your ‘Elixir Babek, and have not felt #0 well and entirely free from pain in limbs for five years.”"-—Mra. E. Higgins, Jacksonville, Fila. Elixir Babek 50 cents, all dru by Parcels Post prepald from ski & Co., Washington, D. gists or Lloczew- Dilemma. having won't neither “My dear, live with “But nore American father to us Balty- DOES You n HE AD ACHE? Try Hicks’ CAPUDINE. [t's liquid — pleas ant to take effects immediate good to prevent Bick Headaches snd Nervous Headaches alae, Your money back if not satisfied. 10c., 25¢. and Be. at medwine stores. Adv, His Answer, Arry must bave 1 the haughty © other com- fie mon He won't, answered the game of nll er SaikoOv Foley Kidney Pilis Succeed because they are a good honest med- icine that cannot help but heal kid- neyandbladderailmentsand urinary irregularities, if they are once taken into the system. Try them now for positive and permanent help. Make the Liver Do its Duty oe CARTER’S LITTLE LIVER PILLS gently but firmly coms, pel a lazy liver to Qo its duty. Cures Con. stipation, In. digestion, Sick Headache, and Distress After Eating. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature A, Soilet preparation of merit, Fark 10 eradicate dandruf, Color - 0 NEW LAWS OF General Assembly of 1913 As Approved by the Governor 423. of dec dent No. Where the ost gists of single tenement $5,000, ¥ ate con valued at over ithin one year to the prop his widow may and the title then vests in her absolutely, Nc. 424, Repeals an vhs law in regard to court fees in Al county, Pay excess erty lets 1¢ ghe ny Relat of €8 tats of Regis COunlitie ontainiz No. 428. in ities of Hou ) sdiction © regulating ation and main- tenements, tors. Bion vi AE Ped No. 429. poli eman ted for appoint { take ths RAE auning quali were of from whi ted, ial ir Limits nile, ox, orked to fifteen cohol for operated Distilleries ind: purpe without a license Nao. for the naintenance and 1strial 440. vides supery gtruction, No. 441, a number of No. 443, mber of state hig? No. 444, compens inspectors of the ation of county weights and and measures, city No. 445, Makes it unlawful to measures, or to offer for package falsely marked as to number, quantity weight or of production or manufacture, weights of fruits, false any kind, place Fixes grains and other use sale No. 448, Corporations may increase capital of sharea, Life of corporation limited twenty years, No. 447, To protect the alth and lives of employees operating emery wheels by requiring blowers. January 1, 1914, No. 448, the liabilities and rights of persons becoming sureties for smother, No. 449, » Mortgage Loans by Banks. Fixes the amount which banks may loan on real estate as onefourth of capital, surplus and profits In addi tion to the amount of time deposits. No. 450, Relates to indebtedness of cities of the first class, No. 481. Allows cities of first class to pro- | wed with the work for which debt | { been waiting cash has for authorized without realization ponds. No. 452, The “perscoal registration” plying to cities of the first ond only. No. 453. election collect poll reg on act and ap BOC. class officlal— taxes in istration for to district Provides a registrar election one each | day EN On + No. 454, Election of Senators. Candidates for U. 8S. Senator sh nominated the year preceding piration of term, voted for in the ular and returns certified to the secretary of State, who turn is certify the totals to the Governor, duty it is to issue a election to candidats highest number of votes, the Governor appoints until the vacancy be filled regular all ex- reg: he way in to whose certificate of the receiving the of vacand y hold In case to cau y election, No. 455. law prov insurance No. 456. art jury at a iding for ap agents iu cities of No. 457. primary No. 458. new Hw, 471 alend; for meat 1 firat irKets clases No. 472 istrat er nouses in ion AW, No. 473. . 47 heads of he reg Permits cities of fir uty to sign departments authorize warrants for pay roll No. 474, Appropriates $60,000 to the Hospital for maintenance, No. 478. Appropriates 235.000 to pital, at Punxsutawney, i tenance, st class to dep- Altoona Adrian Hos. for main. No. 476. Appropriates $200,000 to Allegheny General Hospital, at Pittsburgh, for maintenance, No. 477. Appropriates 315000 to Franklin City Hospital for maintenance, Nos. 496 te 505, Inclusive. Appropriations for hospital { tenance: i$ 3.000 to Canonsburg pital. $19.400 to Carbon dale Hoapital, £20,000 to Chester Co, Hospital, t Chester, | $50,000 to Children's Homeopathic Hos | pital, Philadelphia, {$10,000 to City Hospital, Washington, | $20,500 to Chambersburg Hospital, 1 $20,000 to Charity Hospital, Norris town, £37,000 to Charlerol- Monessen Hospital, $44,000 to Chester Hospital, | $45,000 to Children's Hospital, i burgh. main General Hos West Pitts | | i ALL T0 HELP IN GOOD WORK Ald of Everyone interested in Fight Against Ravages of Tuberculosis is Assured, labor unions, fra Charches, schools, © the number of 200,000 at in the National been workers of the country Fourth \ :rculosis day, which has ignated for December 7, an announcement by the Natoinal As sociation for the Study and Preven tion of Tuberculozis The movement will be furthered throughout the coun try by more than 1,000 anti-tuberculo gis societies working through various organizations and the National association Personal appeals will be made to clergymen, principale and leaders of organizations irging to aside a definite during the receding or week following for state gchool various get week | them time the a lecture December 7, on tuberculosis ECZEMA ON HEAD AND FACE Ww Va three weeks the head { pimple #® like blisters rus them f and Reedy, when Ima on ut in “My old ba by the boy cece broke looked water would per EOL. have OOK face. It they and 1 His hair wo from raw his vhody said he more his hair came 14 iG any hair. As the sores, spread out The bre (ing out itched so badly to keep gloves on his hands to keep him from scrate} face It CAH (£34 I couldn't rest sight it bur: and 80 badly “He was and he got ded to try Ir cured ag ‘AK that we had itched nth treat ng H mr VOTrse 1 deci Ointment and + niment se! » world Cay ’ p. Ekin Book. Addres ra, Dept. 1, Pos i wg ACL 8 post. Adv. GlLaCUra, ton KEY WAS UNDER DOOR MAT important information for Which Con ductor of Indianapolis Car Meld the Passengers. voles Then ( the this time lie looked har thor other the mor naistent around and saw going off the switch, w eLill Car ith Br waving excitedly Was arou King that the ¢ stopt veld the off wom i this umm notorman thir Wag urgent, Charlie jumped line for mother She met him wanted to the mat at the And Charlie conductor and caught © cheers of the other dianapolis News soQ by and, ne and be Car nd made a the d the at or “1 just that key is under back door!” she yelled jumped off, waved at his ie car id the passengers —In- EBAY an Hun brace up because bracers Some ne they take too many men ver BIG GAME CARTRIDGES The time of all others when reliable cartridges are invaluable is in big-game hunting. A miss-fire, an inaccurate cartridge, or one having poor penetration may mean the loss of a coveted trophy or even injury to the hunter. Winchester, the W brand of cartridges, smokeless or black powder, can always be relied on to be sure fire, accurate, and to have speed and penetration. You can help MAKE YOUR HUNT A SUCCESS BY USING THEM. h $3.00 00 $3.50 50 $4.00 $4.50 AND $5.00 \ SHOES | FOR MEN AND WOMEN £88 Dest Boys’ Shoes In the World $2.00, $2.50 ana §3.0C FEGAN BURINEES IN 1876 } ON S875 CAPITAL NOW THE LARGEST MAREE Orgs 80 & J4.00 BEOES IX THE WORLD Ask your degler to show you ta W.L Douglas $2.50, $4.00 and $4.50 shoes, Just ax good in style, fit and wear as other makes costing R600 10 £7.00 only difference is the pr Shoes In all leathers, styles and shapes 1d suit everrbody If you conld visit W_L. Bouglss large factories 8t Brockton, Mass, and see for rourselfl how carefully W. LL. Douglas shoes are made, you would then understand why they are warranted to fit better, look better, hold their shape and than any other make for the price re t oh 2 tt order diver From the fa ire very sem Betas baer ‘ minlog iw f the al & vic by Fa free w rite hh Hilustrated 1% show i w 1 ry ¥ all, a BAYS INGHEY O80 ¥ wn. WW. 1. onc): “e TARE mO t "eur 201 Spwrd Brest, Brockton. Nass SURSTITTUTYE iter a You want Have 1t handy if want re rit ra ind t ar re a fant ni t Pest for bow t * { Freer babies dav o #13 25 cents. Mi Cru 5 in iriai bottie free JERETOWN, aX, Hac ALL WANT TO NAME THE BABY Advice Heaped in Protu ers of Big <2: Gardens of the gex presidential appell BOOTIE wh 1¢ of 31 mantic the ar start wit? Jungle shame A revers Magazine Know Him? Noknob wear that Proving it, worth much Mer women No Yes fARY To EB are #such they «1 he of mer the best policy away from eats. food than ter A breakfast dish of Grape- Nuts and cream is the regular morning custom of a mighty host who know the value of nght food. Bein partially redigested, uts is ickly converted into strength for rod brain— the power to. “do things.” “There's a Reason” ine ore you Mn, unk é but