THE CENTRE REPORTER THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1913 Ne Coloring an Oleomargarine, The proposed law permitting color- ing of oleomargarine in imitation of butter was defaated in the House by 145 nays to 42 yeas, Its defeat was 80 overwhelming that there is no like- lihood of any attempts to resusoitate it, It is entirely dead for this session. The farmer element in the legislature, and many members from the cities, opposad the bill on the ground that the real effact of coloriag oleo would be to deceive the people into buying it for butter. ———— fp ————— Charch Rededication, Services of rededication will be held in Zion Lutheran church, Boalsburg, on Sunday, May 11th, at 10 c'clock a. m. Tbe sermon will be preached by Rev. C. T. Aikens, D. D, Presi. dent Susquehanna University, Belins Grove. Evening services at 7:45, Rev, L. Stoy Spangler, the newly elected pastor at Pine Grove Mills. The publicis cordially invited to all these services. THE PASTOR. s———— oo ———————— ~~” Sharpe-Krise, Misa Lois Kriss, daughter of W. B, Krige, and J. Frank Sharpe, a drug- gist, both of Johnstown, were married in the woman's parlor of the Presby- terian church in that eity, Thureday evening of Inst week. The bride is a of Prof, sod Hall, granddaughter A. Krise, frequently e where of Centre : y vine, “ou Nn cise emo Sigoed Moh w's Pension Bi, Govertor Tee i mother's Fe! bi ghar dened moihor claim Lene fit the law ezch © “8 sud now r widow can ue in law, of fiom five v hom will the governor. tt —— OAL S Much coro wil Valley this week, The Centre County Pomona Grange will at Uqolonville, Thursday, 22ad inst. Mra. W. A. Krise aud Mrs. W. 8B Blick attended the funeral of Mra John Sterrett, at Milroy, last week. Miss Esther O:man, of Btate Col- lege, was Lhe guest for several days of Miss Breon, in Centre Hall She came here for the Magee-Huyett welding. meet Besse H. Homan, east of Centre Hall, has had sickness among his horses, as many as three at one time requiring attention. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McCormick, of Bpring Mills, bave moved to Bunbury, where Mr, McCormick is a fireman on the Pennsy. Hoe is getting along nice ly, and soon hopes to have a steady run. Mrs. Jennie H. Bpringer and son Walter have moved from Millbeim to Akron, Ohio. Mr, and Mrs. Guy Springer accompanied them to their new home, returning the latter part of last week. Monsignor Fisher, of Philadelphia, is spending several days this week at Zion with his brother, Dr. Philip B Fisher, prior to sailing for Rome, Monsignor Fisher will be accompanied abroad by his little niece, Miss Mary Fisher, of Fayette county. Mies Bertha Myers. wss taken the Bellefonte hoepital on Saturday morning suffering from ptomaine poisoning, caused by eating lobaters, she ia getting along nicely, and her early recovery is looked for, Mies Myers is a traived purse, a graduate from a New York hoepital, Charles R, Kuriz, editor of the Centre Democrat, accompanied by his mother and A. C. Derr, associate edi- tor of the Democrat, were in Centre Hall on Monday. Mr. Knriz came here to attend a meeting of tLe stock holders of Lhe Centre Hall water com- pany. While in town they paid their reepecls to the Reporter. The frequency Grange Arcadia ls being used for entertainments has aroused Hon. Leonard Rbone to sgi- tate better seatirg for it. At the play given by tbe graduating olass of the Centre Hall High School, Mr Rhone informed the writer that it was his Intention of takiog up the matter of better and larger rceating capacity with trustees of the hall, Oe of the improvements Mr. Rhone has in mind is to ralee the rear seals, This will be very desirable and will be greatly sppreciated by those who regularly attend entertainments there, The members of the graduating class of the Centre Hall High School and the principal, Prof. ©. R. Nefl, and several others in the under classes snd former students, were at State College on Friday, Those who visit ed the Btate’s institution were these: Misses Verna Rowe, Haszil Emery, Jennie Btahl, Ruth Bmith, Rath Lambert, Mary Dinges, Anos Reariok, Carrie Bweetwood, Helen Luse, Laura Mitterliog, Nios Blick, Mecars. Henry Mitterling, George Harter, James . Keller, James Lingle, Bruce Btahl, ~ William Bailey, Esrl Lambert, Will fam Relah, Willlam Bradford, and George Booser. to / THE TOMB OF JONAH. Said to Be In a Moaauo Adjoining the Site of Nineveh. of Nineveh is per But adjoining the western The site almost feetly ley el. wall two huge mounds concealing the palaces of the of Assyria. The lower or southern mound are greatest kings is occupied by a mosque and a village of considerable size. Its name Is Nebi Yunus, I'rophet Jonah, for in the mosque is the tomb in which Jonah {0 hua o° heen birried. The ape bh Is uncertain, vet probably from or the is sald of the tom it dates proj HOW visit it 1 rode of the to the moszque, nud, the of the mounted and entered the mos A crowd of excited mi rounded me {'o a pri that 1 had Jenah, I made rewarded. lowed the s805 way long nfler 0 However red iet’s thine, a | red, S00 i afar. steep, from up the Pr villnge amazement native i qui } cone to see the grave « 1d wish a motion of it underst Lemovi presi There Le po and said that the tom yond 1 wished to enter 1 from whi but fur too sa However, have been perm ming look onl ! int into wns the hh the tomb i i the place was considered red for my profane feet Bis rooin be seen, the few Christians who ttedd to see aiteh gli i sma v A CITY OF CHANGE. . Once on the Soncoast, Is Now Located Far Inland, He Loved His Teacher. Tescher- Well, 1 can you tell “repent § OILY, meaning of Tommy -—1 don't know, sir. Teur Weil, i" I ft prirse and got locked up: wouldn't 1 me the hor RUPPOC stole repent? Tommy No, sir canght you. You'd Le sorry they London Tit-Bits, It Happened In Boston, Yisitor- Put me off at the next cor ner, please, conductor, Conductor Madam, 1 shouldn't like to do that; bul I will stop the car and help you get off. Jwlge, Equally So. Jack-1 tell you when you get around the proposing point with a girl the gugpense Is awful, Tom Well, and | how ahout the expense?~Boston Tran script, To be thrown upon one's resources fs to be east Into the lap of fortune. Beujamin Franklin, AIA Rebargburg. Henry Btytzer is at present engaged thia vicinity. Thie week the farmers in this tion are very busy getiing ready snd planting corn, The cherry crop in this eeetion will be small ne the frost killed much of the fruit while in blossom, Ww. Mioniech and family, &f Asronsburg, spent last Funday at this plece with Lester Minnich. Mr, and Mrs, Walker, Pittsburg, are at present visiting relatives in Rebersburg, Laet week Dr. H. GG. runabout auto off on Orvis of traded a horse and buggy to a party at Tyleraville, Last Thureday Edwin Guistwite moved into ope of Prof, Gramley’s tenement beouses in the eastern part of town, [Last Thursday Lee Weber lost = valuable cow by death. The animal committed suicide by hsvging while tied in the stable, During the past week shade trees were planted all slong eastern side of the Unlon cemetery at thie ploce by the citiz ns of the town, Miss Maud Hosterman, of Aarons- burg, epené the past week at place at the home of Bamuel Gepbart, w he re gh * WHS Krape the this employed a8 a seam- glrees, The Counts tion Bunday-school eonvep- held at thie plac in the on last Monday Latheran churel Mandav.eeh f 2 Biover from | pinful bat 1 Lam the runaway hic ey remained farmer who wes was not jpjurcd, i | COURT PROCLAMATION { i the Hor : } I. Orvis, Presi } oe Lo ion Pleas of the couristing of the dd hig precept March, 1913, rt of Common of Quarter rel fer gna Lenora ¢ f Yy O | Pleas, Orphans Court Hesslons | of the Peso yer { Jail Delivery, in B | Centre, and to commer { THIRD MO) { | being the 10th day continue two week welr proper § of the 16t! day of April I the one hund | Bherift's Office, Bellefonte, April 21, 1913, There never was a time when people appreciated the real meriis of Cham berlain’s Cough Remedy than This is own by the and voluntary from persons who have been cured by it, If children troubls us h or cold give it o trial and become acquainted its tere, gdv, ore now, increase in sales testimonials you or your ar i withac with gnod qualities, For sale by sil dea ORE r new tor in the Come fo the NEW ST } jes t ” Red Cross Stoves and Ranges adver | for { if Vy eR Vi B ) y ce of HARDWARE, : Garden Tools > and Nails Roofing and Spouting r 11 ¥inde at De fe Wael and all kinds of Repair % rk. g Vi I. L. SMITH CENTRE HALL Mc C I have taken the also bandle the Drill, De Laval Bell phone ormick S -, agency for the Mec- and Cream Separators CENTRE HALL Cotton Voiles, Ratynettes, Ramie Cloth, Ratines, Sea Island Tissues Tub Tussah, Linen Pongee, Cotton Poplins, White Dimities and Lawns in bars and stripes. Trimmings suitable for all, Embroidery Flouncing for dresses. Ready-made DRESSES. All-Overs in embroidery Special Reduction in light and heavy Rubbbers ; also Shos, Overalls and Shirts. A New Line of SHOES in Black and Tan, They should please you. Call in and look them over, and lace. At the Station CENTRE HALL { | | | | | | i - ——— We carry the best grade of writing paper—the kind that adds the touch of re- finement to social corres- pondence, Good gred= of paper ruled and unruled., Price, 5 and 10 cents. Tokio It is “ecloth-like ’ onthemarket. None better than Crepe Toilet Tissue, the most paper Made under strictly sani- | tary conditions and is more cleansing and sanitary than other known toilet Will not clog drain any paper. A large bolt for 10 cents. office of Sacrifice Men, Women and Ani- heir God of War. tive savages than the to find. Of T} y speak a iap- hat of the Ti uch as they propitiate ed or taken unted, birds, squir ped i¢f In man as : 1ing food to propitiate New York Telegram. ———— i Yaroe back is usually éalised by DERE RIGBEITHCVRGRIVOOGE OBL IGF OR0O2ANCFOOOPORIGONTRORR 0009 1000000 G0PONTO 0000S TS for whieh you will fiud nothing better Chamberlain's Liniment, For sale by sll dealers, adv, HENRY F. BITNER, A. M , Ph. D. SCRIVENER AND CONVEYANCER Deeds, Mortgages, Bonds, Wills, Leases, Con- tracts, and other legal papers carefully prepared at short notice. One your experience in law ol fice, Terms reasonable. Bell phone 1748, MURRAY'S DRUG STORE, CENTRE HALL, PA 318-1y7, New Spring Uonds We have just received a full line of Spring goods, Children’s Ready-made Dresses —in white and colors Sizes from 1 to 4 years, prices from 25¢ to $1. Children’s, sizes 4 to 14 years, 25¢ to $1.50, Misses’, sizes 14, 16 and 18 years, $1.40 to $a. Ladies’ Linen and stripes. Work and House Dresses from $1 to $2.60 White Goods for dresses Flouncing and All-over Embroi- dery to match All Overs in Silk and Cotton, White Ecru and Cream Wide Laces and Insertions to match All Overs Dress (Goods for Coat Suits or Full Dresses in Serges and fancy weaves Sheeting, bleached and unbleach- ed, Tubing and Casing Ready-made Sheets and Pillow Cases the fancy 0 ome and see and we will 4 money H. F. Rossman SPRING MILLS, PA. eS eer 0000000000000 0000 S&VEe Y¢ yo 2080 CRRCOOPOOR0000RPRONENOND PBAOOINVOOLPESNOOOSPLIRNDOONRIOY INSURANCE Consult us before placing your risks, W. H. Bartholomew & Son Centre Hall, Pa, In Tan and Black the latest spring styles