THE CENTRE REPORTER © THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1918 DEATHS The following death notice is re- printed from the Orangeville (Illidois) Courier : Capt. W. J Reitzell died at his home in Freeport last Baturday af ternoon after an illness of several years. The funeral was held Mon- day afternoon from his late bome. Capt. Reitzell was born in Rebers- burg, Pa., January 19, 1835 He came to Stephenson county in 1840. At the opening of the war he enlisted in the Company B, 46th regiment, Ulinois Volunteer Infantry. At the clo e of the war he was brevetted msjr by President Johnson, On October 17th, 1865, he was united in marriage to Miss Basan Hershey, of Lancaster township, who survives him. Nine children were born to them: Allie M., at home ; Mra. J. B. Barmore, of Orangeville; John J, who died in childhood ; Harry W., of Pasadena, California; Mrs. F. L Boggs and Wilbur H., of Cbiesgo ; Mrs. F. E. Dillon, of Los Angeles, California; Mrs, F. M, Gund, of Free- port, and Frank A., of Greenfield, Mass. William E. Miller, a member of the firm of John H. Miller's Bons, grain dealers, died Thursday of last week, at his’ home in Tyrone. While Mr, Miller had been seriously ill for some tinue of a complication of diseases, his death came as a great shock to his fami'y and friends. Mr, Miller was of a gtiet and u 1a=su nirg dispowition, s good | ushaud sud a kind lat! er Wiliism E M ler was the +on of the lata John H. M l:r, d. ceased, and Napcy K. Bottoif Miller. He was b rn at Pice Grove Mills forty-six years ago last February. When a young man he moved to Petersburg and io 1888 located in Tyrone. Twen- ty three years sgn be wa: united in marriage to Miss Grace Chamberlain, who with the following children mourn the death of husband and father: Fred, Robert D., Jessie and Marian. He is also survived by his mother apd the followirg brothers and sisters: John K , Charles O , Mies Blanche, of Tyrorve, exd Mrs. W. A. Krebs, of Ebeneburg, . William Randolph, sged six months, son of Mr, and Mrs. George H. Hz], of Greensturg, died at that place The body was brought to Pleasant Gap for interment. Deaths of Centre Countians, Ralph Spicer, sged twelve, son of Mr. apd Mrs. Anpdrew Spicer, ip Benner township. John Guiser, in Walker townekip aged seventy-three years. Mrs. Henry Emel, at the Forge, “aged forty two years and six monthe. Edna, daughter of Mr. apd Mre, Joseph H. Dunkle, of Nittany, sged ten years. fp fp tl BS Rebersburg. Mifllin Moyer and family, of Centre Hall, spent last Baturday and Bunday with relatives at this place, W. J. Carlin, Eq. is at present sfllicted with the sutomobile fever, and we would advise some auto sg:n! to come and preecribe for him. Mrs. Harry Musser has returned from her visit to Philadelphies, Bhe was accompanied home by her hus band, who is employed in the Quaker City. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Miopich and 8on Btover were to Aaronsburg on Wednesday to attend the funeral of Mr. Mionich’s grand-mother, Mrs. Brlomon Winkleblech, . Quite a number of the farmers in this section in their haste to com- plete oats seeding, overheated their horses. The weather was warm and this had much to do in causing the faithful animals to suffer, H. K. Emull, the blackemith, has placed a lot of mason stoues on his building lot which adjiins the school lot. Mr, Bmaull, some time ago, bought a blacksmith shop at Wolfs Htore, and will in the near future tear it down, snd bsul the lumber to this place sud use it to buill a dwelling honge for himeelf, Victor Walker, the mail carrier, quite recenily had several men em- ployed at his own expense to remove the loose stones from the public road which leads from Rebersburg to Cen- tre Mills, The public roads have been greatly neglected during the pest year, and If this continues there is reason to fear there-will be trouble In the future for some one, ————— So ————— Rein set in on Saturday night, and contivued throughout Bunday, Mon. day aud Tuesday. The total preefipi- tation was a little less than two ibches, making the total for the month 244 inches. Much of the oate and barley was sown during last week, and the rain will be beneficial to this ss well as that sown earlier. The olover and Rrasses are aleo growing more rapidly since tbe rains, and the wheat fleids continue to look more promising ss the days go by. Farmers are well along with their work, and ss soon as the furp'us moisture is carried off, - 3 Ee JULIET'S BALCONY. It Looks Just as It Did When Romeo Wooed the Sweet Veroncse. This was the home of the Capulets, from whom descended Juliet, for whom so many kind hearts bave wept ud of whom the poets have sung You read the words on a tablet by the of on tall and slender gray house in a quiet street of Verona. A few steps farther on the busy life of the old city Is centered in the market place and in the one or two that lead from It You stand in front of the lightly built dwelling, and you look ut the slim balcony of wood fron which bent the form of the radiant girl whose undying love = has the ages. It Is an autumn diy. and within the rail of the narrow frauework some one has plac ed red flowers in tall green pots. A curtain nt the little window moves in the breeze, and you expect at any ment to see the dainty form of Juliet appenr and to hear a rippling fuugh fall from her lips A wonmnp steps from the room be vond., through the open window and stands to listen. She has a ¢hild In her arms, and he claps bis hands, laughing and crowing, no doubt just as the beloved Veronese did centuries ago The mother hushes him, for she is In tently listening to the market cries. In the midst of that everyday HUfe walks the immortal Jullet.—Loadon Telegraph side streets forward tory echoed down mo POWER OF THE SUN. if Man Could Only Utilize It In a Per- fect Heat Engine. The i received on heat of the sun ole earth's surface u ruys of the sun, minthematioal discrepancy of results at researchers in many world, on plains and on tops of the | to which scieatific be carried And this great force during millions of yea the nb tides, rat world for Winds, Satsllites of Saturn, Photometri studies principal iH Gut Berlin. indicate a previous con ers that sever these satellites moon in kee toward the revolve od Tet! gg ix © kel nam mani: the » two prin are to one another A sim i made concer: theory is that Tethys YHSOHROS formy of a lon cipal h in the ratio sugeesiion ha been axes of whic « e to two variations of ite the shape of the asteroid Eros, whi i ex hil great ita HKewise light, orbit around according i the position in sun.—Harper's Keep the Armholes Down. ft is strunge that not one person in a thousand knows how fo help a man on with his coat ora lady with her jacket ‘They all make the mistake of holding the garment too high, especial They lift it so that a man nearly dislocates his arm reach ing for it. The more futilely he grabs and claws and lurches for it the higher they hold it until would have to get on a pair of stilts to find the armhole. The proper Why. hold the coat so that the arm holes are as low down as the man's waist, tnking enre to keep the skirt of the garment off the floor, of course, If there fs any struggle to find the last armhole, drop it still lower Never raige it Drop it until bis band slips into it naturally. iy fhe List sleeve the wretched victim way? AAA Emily Bronte. G. K Chesterton has added his meed of praise to Emily Bronte, the woman writer, who of ull others Las perhaps won most uastinted praise from men A splendid creature Chesterton calls the author of “Wuthering Heights” and the book itself be finds likewise splendid “But there is nothing human about it. It might have been written by an eagle.” A Perfect Defense, “Ram, dear,” usked Mrs. Prouty, who bad been away from home the greater part of July and August, “what Is the matter with the garden?” “1 don't know,” answered Sam hom Spunky Retort, Mrs. Peck-Henry, why did you felgn sleep Inst night when | was talk: ing to you?! [lenry--My dear, 1 did not felgn sleep, though 1 fal would have slept. Judge, In the true life of the Individual each day Is the beginniug of the new year, ~ Jurdon con fields will be golten remdy for ~ Laundry will go out from bis offies LOUALS, | It is just developing that it even | requires some forethought and ekill to | build a good road. R M. Cordon, of Bloomsburg, a men of experience as a funeral diree- | tor, is aseociated with Harry N, Koch, | at State College, in the undertaking | busineas, The supreme court set aside the verdict of the lower court which gave | Misa Lillie Dale judgement in the sum of $1800 against the executors of the estate of the late George Dale, F. E. Brown, the stock dealer at 3-ook Park, near Lewisburg, is a loser of a good safe that was blown to picces by yeggmen the other night There was no money in the safe, The eccunty commissioners have awarded the contract for building the | new reivforced bridge over Elk creek, | on the Peters road ino Miliheim, to the | Curwensville Construction company The contract price is $2390 Hemuel Durst sold 8 bunch of nice fat cattle to a Mill Hall butcher, The cattle were all grown by Mr. Durst, and be thinks they proved profitable to him, The price pald was eeven aud one half cents per pound, Robert Meyer is guffering from =a light attack of typhoid beirg cared for in the Altoona City Hospital. His father, Prof P. H Meyer, and Clayton Homan, visited the trip ip fever, and is him on Bunday, making the formet’s car, Prof, John Piice Jackson, dean of the echool of ergineering, at Penne sylveriv Bate College, bss been slated by Governor Tener gs chief of The sniary of the department of labor, new pos iti n carries with it a £5 000 per snpom, Dr. sud Mra. H. 8. Brauch! KL, P org F314} ' ¢ A t Mebie of pring iile, were In Mrs Mis OW ' daggliter former estales ant Gephart Is mak- the build foubtedly upder- Friday everin iin thint Bujerin's ig good progress in road fog, sud thet he un siur de bis Lusiness, J, HL Weber ir dation fel wi hes laid 8 concrele cee ard scale ahed Mille, The a view of dating bimeelf and the will be be d for st Hall tuilt tire Roller be Heller acon my with casters, and §0 constiucied without the that welghirg may ne leavirg the cffice proper, and at saree time 8 the scale weight to the customers or side in dismantled, and the office pow cccupi- will become a part of the house. Ow cut The scale now age will be ed wWiar- =“uURT PROCLAMATION, Whereas the Honorable Ellis L dent Judge of the Uoturt of Cot Forty-ninth Judicial of Centre, having issued his date the 20th Orvis, non Pieas of District, consist day of March Of Quarter of the Pesce Jul Delivery, Centre, and Oyer and Ten in Bell to co efoute, for the cou mimence on the THIRD MONDAY OF MAY 19th day of M ] continue two weeks Notice is hereby given of the Peace, Aldermen, county of Centre their proper persons i of the 19th, with thelr sminations, ai things wh done and those v 10 prosecute Qa shinil be in jail Lhios there to prosecu Given unde April day of i the one hundred Bherifl's dellefonte, April 21, 1915, Office, berlain’s Cough This is gales and Remedy shown more by the in it. If you or your children trial and become acquainted good qualities, wilh You will find us : Reg rier Besides the fama Stoves and advertised for some weeks, we als have a good line of HARDWARE and « and Nails Have nal you will find « and all kinds of Repair Work. £ ié # hos J J ’ “ Jeni Lf f : I. L. SMITH CENTRE HALL ’ SC a ENDED THE COMEDY. A Telegraphic Dialogue That Closed With the “Wires” Down. Two telegraph operators were seated in an downtown cafe recently when an athletic young man and an exceeding- ly pretty girl entered. They were plac- ed at a table opposite the “key” men, were sitting side by side In a facing the girl. As is the custom of the eraft when wishing to discuss some one in a public place, telegraphed to each other, using “ry “pPeacherino, Isn't she?’ one ticked “A tree full,” came back the tapping reply. “Wonder who the sack is with her?" “Heareh up with a wren “Bet they aren't like a boob tied her.” married. me—looks it lke If they is to exhibit that map of his in court.” While the two men were enjoying a laugh over their silent joking they were surprised and somewhat alarmed to hear some more “table knife teleg- raphy.” The “peacherino” was doing it. and she did not look at all pleased, either. “You two had better look out while you are all together,” carelessly ticked her ife blade while she listened to her companion was saying. boob, as you called him, withshe divorce map, is my hus- band—safe mover by trade. He eatc fresh little boys." Someth happened to the “wires” about that and all communica- tion ceased.—Kansas City Journal ar fe acl fn 1 his snck ana time, Ladies’ Stationery i THE CENTRE REPORTER also handle the | Bell ‘phone and CENTRE HALL Cotton Voiles, Ratynettes, Ramie Cloth, Ratines, Sea Island Tissues Tub Tussah, Linen Pongee, Cotton Poplins, White Dimities and Lawns in bars and stripes. Trimmings suitable for all, Embroidery Flouncing for dresses. Ready-made DRESSES, Special Reduction in light and heavy Rubbbers ; also Shoes, Overalls and Shirts. A New Line of SHOES in Black and Tan, They should please you. Call in and look them over, * At the Station CENTRE HALL ¢ SPRING it is the samé story--swat the fy with a fly-killer bought from Bmith, the tinper. The implement Is made of wire, reserubling 8 minature broom and will Icst farever. HENRY F, BITNER, A. M , Ph. D. SCRIVENER AND CONVEYANCER Deeds, Morigages, Bonds, Wills, Leases, Con- tracts, and other legal papers carefully prepared at short notice. One year experience in lew of fice. Terms reasonable. Bell phone 174. MURRAY'S DRUG BTORE, CENTRE HALL PA ¢13-1yr, New Spring Gods We have just received a full line of Spring goods. Children’s Ready-made Dresses -—in white and colors Sizes from 1 to 4 years, prices from 25¢ to $1. Children’s, sizes 4 to 14 years, 25¢ to $1.50, Misses’, sizes 14, 16 and 18 years, $:.40 to $2, Ladies’ Linen and stripes. Work and House Dresses from $1 to $2.60 White Goods for dresses Flouncing and All-over Embroi- dery to match All Overs in Silk and Cotton, White Ecru and Cream Wide ' Laces and Insertions to match All Overs Dress Goods for Coat Suits or Full Dresses in Serges and fancy weaves Sheeting, bleached and unbleach- ed, Tubing and Casing Ready-made Sheets and Pillow Cases the fancy Come and see and we will save you money H. F. Rossman SPRING MILLS, PA, 20000000000000000000000F000002000% 0000000000000 RRRRRRRRS 0000000¢0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 : s— - et —————— FIRE, LIFE and ACCIDENT INSURANCE Consult us before placing your risks, ¥. H. Bartholomew & Son Centre Hall, Pa. 0000000000000000000000000 : IS HERE In Tan and Black the latest spring styles