a ————————— ———————— i — - DEMOURATIO sARIFF LAW, Wilson's Ideas on —~Underwaod aad porters, Pa'mer Nirong Through the action of the R-opresentatives with regard to the nw tariff bill prepared by the and Means Committes, the country is assured of the early tarifl revision down ward, by the D:moeratic and by President ginee his election. The remarkable which the Democrats iu widely and honest just as promised N ational Wilson platforn before al unanimity the representing such States and teres!s, have act of the bill, ae in item for free wool cartificate of the jus! It iz a's? an «Xpressio of tha liberal and gpirit of the Dewoc H. ue, If the Palmer, b en followed have b en ope: go many diversfi=d iu «d on varion 1 the approval of the Inst BECLIOT week, Is adviea chairm tings eWspaper porters and ¢orres| tents, but as it they learn of «¢ taker, so that th i formed as Mr. Palmer has won the re very imports public is y what ia being shiip, even of those who goma of the tariff changes the Wa:s and Me which he is a member and Mr. Uaderwood 8 gisteace that t sere shall ba oppos 1118 chairs debate on the bill in that member changes to sugues’, or the Ca every who any a‘gt heard. This is of the Democracy, the spiri manifest d bs Preaids his political 80 Uaderwood, ci very ¢€ ivities airman and Means Committee of the tariff bill now u tioo. It ist? predictions of Dameceratie § tives in Con niver agree wou 'd fulfill As was sal from Washington, New Yuk World, has the ¢ backit iia spirit th ¥ L Inafw 3 Democratic Ocu ity € airman : Kiwport is sli right. He manipt the machingry when Centre co wou the greatest Democratic i+ bad in many years, and he ! not beome ind Mi a taken idea that freed to givaup Lis caus 3 yaad Pennsylvania sre ' . Fhe one thing the boasts in Lolog a straight that there are others. The Dimocrat, the honest politician, not sulk when he ia called on to down oul of offices and go to work with the eommoa herd to eleva'e others If this is done tho efficiency of Mr, Kimport as a eranty chairman will pot be questioned by his prisent ae sai'ant, ——————— i A — A Chace for Fatare Bigstaows, elraight will A gold medal to the school boy or girl between the ages of 10 and 15 who writes the beet comp wition, not to ex- ¢el 800 words, on the repair and msinlenance of earth roads, is fo be awarded by Logan Waller Page, Direclor, OfMice of Pablic Roads, Ualted States Department of Agricul ture, Washington, D. C. Al positions must be submitted to Mr Page before May 15, 1913, and the medal will be awarded as soon there after sas the compositions can be gra- ded. The composition may be based on knowledge gained from books or other sources, but po quotations should be made, ————— I — ———— It bas been well proven that Mill heim is not a good field fur a roo! table. The Journal announces that the party who conducted the pool tables there for gome time became dis gueted with the place and left for pastures uew, com FIGUTING THE SALOON, Enter Remorfstrances Against Every Lb. © nae in Saiyder Coauty, Hearing Nat. urdsy, Eno uraged by Judge Albert W recent action of reducing | the retail 1 gquor licenses to six in Uuoion ¢ouaty, the anti-saloon element {in Boyder eounty hss completed its | plans to wage a vigorous fight in the ¥ cense court here next Saturday. Former Judge McClure will lead the | ttle for temperance ele- A blanket remonstrance against and distillers’ the wholesale, retail es has been filed, be natrapces sgainst all old and new CALLS, i nly-three retail, threa wholesale {aud one distiflet’s applications will be | scted on by the eosurt Raturday. i 1 lewperance element is encour i's «florts by the peon aud his associates dr che, in re his way some would be refused, do Johnson and ta candidate in the person rer, editor of the MeClure Plain Dealer, for Lhe intend to Judge banch, I'he temperance people {0 Rive u the have {fice of dge on the no-license platform, coiste Judge Keller will try at time for repomiuation the Baker will likely ticket, on ubiecaln LICKS ya parly pen to ty of liquor per- ia Hast of are the civil noinirg to NORTHERN OONFERENUE, Seasions will be Held at Spring Mills April 28.30 The Northern Conference of the Evangelicnl Lutheran Church of the Central Pennsylvania Bynod will meet in 8t. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran church, at Spring Mills, Monday, f'ueeday and Wednesday, April 28th, 20th, and 30:h, The officers of the body sre Rev. B. F. Bieber, president ; Rev. Jacob Diehl, secretary and Rev. W. M. Rearick, treasurer. CLERICAL ROLL ee Miffiinburg . Selinsgrove ~ New Berlin Mifflinburg West Milton Balsburg Centre Hall Lock Haven Asronsburg Bebersburg a salons Fine Grove Mills Hartleton shellburg ~-MONDAY EVENING by the President, Rev. B. TUESDAY MORNING stoy Spangler f 43 r ' if the Cause of DD, M. D. Geesey. sermon, Rey UESDAY AFTERNOON rest hor hye ¢ rotherhoods Harry A. re ! Le ESDAY EVENING M. Gram ley WEDNESDAY MORNING Arthur Harris Rev. H. L. Gemstmyer Centre Centre | Hiroad | ve, National | achment exeCu- Meyer J. Liaco.a ve vi. Peuna ciment, vey va. John P. Harrie, yer va. A, J. Graham mortgage. District enna. Railroad Uo. tre pa a, John Nolsu vs atrick Flanagan Fa ale, Ggebit fa sur Howard Twp Behool ve va, John G Eby “arah A, Homan va. J. H Neber and OC. P. Loug, | eh {i Andrew J, Uook vs, ard Etats, ai, fa. sur and 8. E Lrespaes, Martha H. mortgages, i ve, J. W. Lukens E tate, to revive Judgems nt. 1 L. Bhivey va. sate. Hievenson Lumber Co. vs. same. Wm. Ritter Lumber Co. vs, same, Frank Perks va, sam, Pittsburg Door and Sash Co. | Bane, Johu Hirst ve, same, Lillie (3, Reeder va, Bellefoute Academy, scl fa. sur, mortgage, i 1 § Og James Pusamore Kitate V8. omissions Defi sltion of Gambling. Io speaking to the vwnoers of slot machines, Julge Harry Alvin Hall, in tho Ridgeway court, said that any device “where you did not get the game value for your mouey each time’ was a gambling device aud conprary to the law Hia position is weil taken, There is much patty gambliog tolerated, that ought to bs iquashel, Tue voting contest is another evil thal should be abolished, Is purpose is to avid the gambling laws, ————— SAP, (3 svernor Tener has g'gned the bill enacting into a law a prohibition to #h00t turtle dove, plover, blackbirds or killdeer., The penalty for violation of the Iaw is ten dollars on each bird killed, The law contains a provieo that blackbirds may be killed by own ers of property wh ereon they may be caught destroying eggs or young of WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON ¢ Saaday-Bchoo Rev WEDNESDAY EVENING Rev. J. 1. Slonecyphier. Rov. M. J. Rose Rev, Jacol ——r——— Hebersburg. B. Kreamer, who was on the sick ot for the past few weeks, is vp and ui sgaio. Earnest Harry has returved from the Lock Haven hospital where he received treatment for an ingrown Loe nail, J. W. Harter bas at present the painters and paper hangers employed on the interior of bis lenement house Rebersburg. Edwin Guisewite wili in the near future begin bousekeepiug in one of . Li Gramliey's tenement houses al the extreme east of town. Tuose of this place who attended the funeral on Bunday of John Ester- lie, at Logautou, were : Mr. and Mrs. Bair and Mr. and Mrs. Guise- ili Ben Win wile, Wallace Krider is piping the waler to Na barn. Mr, Kreider will have a very busy summer, a8 he will make extensive repairs on his property which adjoins the postoffice, Fliss Breon has turned to be a lume berman, He quite recently bought a valuable tract of timber fom CC. H. Amull, and ou Mouday he put a force of meu st peeling bark. Mr. Eisen huth, of Coburn, will place his saw, mili on the tract and convert the timber into lumber, Hou. C. L. Gramley quite recently purchased a 1913 model Ford auto, and is learning to operate it. The way he autoed through the streets of Rebers- burg on Saturday the lookers-on con- ciuded he was marking out the line of a stake snd rider feuce, with a few extra curves that could not be put into it when a thirteen foot rail was used, During the past week, the liberal spirited people of Rebersburg assisted by a few persons in the country near by, built a concre.e walk a distance of over six hundred feet. The walk be- gine st the Reformed church and leads along a portion of the Ualon cemetery. The improvement will prove a great convenience and the efforts of those who are responsible for it will be ap- preciated, An extension of the walk for a hundred snd fifty feet would give better satisfaction, and make the improvement complete. Probably the opposition to this extension will, at some future time, yleld to the wish of the msjority, when the good work begun will be completed. Repairs, no matter for jwhat ma- chine or implement, can be had from us, and at as low a price as oan be bought for anywhere, What we do not have on hand will be ordered other birds aud graip, fruit or berries. promptly. ~~ Webet's, Centre Hall, THE APPROPRIATION BILL, The Present Totals Sand at §114,000,000 aud Mast bh: Down One Half, A count of appropriation bills before the house appropriations committee shows that they carry a total of $114,- 000,000 or within $11 000,000 of the rec- ord-breaking sum of money asked of the same committee in the session of 1911. The committee Is struggling to get the bills within the $55 000 000 or $57,000,000 which it is estimated the state will have available for use in the two years beginning June 1, The figures on the bills do not loclude the LETTER FROM BUBSURIBERS, Bev, A A Will Do Damage to Peach Urop Dear Mr. Lonclosed find $1.00 which credi Reporter. Smith ; I was very much interested published in the Reporter. an excellent young man, well, Not willing to be him classed I fear to ven Part of my but I ¢ traditional peach liar, tare an opinion, is in the peach belt, senate appropriation bills, some of branch. Chair! Kline, of the senste | and 8B. Tsylor North, of commitlee, are sented in the lower man Charles H. gommittee, the house nights trying to work allotment of cash to charities so there will an agreement the two houses on what Is to pase and no time will be lost once out. sitting uj out a scheme of | be | i J between | > erament will have to get what they received two years ago as | the committees is resolved to few, if any, increases, the increases asked for additions in the | state police for new or unorganizad | departments and for agricaltaral ex-| perts and similar educational work | will be allowed. The bill carried $31,- 500 000 last session and, as handed with the depsriment estimates year was about $40 000 000 bers of the have been at work for two we grant | Probably only | MR sub-committee in charg a3 soon as the legislature acts aflecting departments of the government it could make a report within thirty-six hours. The pro visions for the state police, agricull expansion, Lhe lsbor and industry as well as the CREAR new departmel marshals reorganization are contingent | upon the passage of those bills, which | are on their way. From present fair bill will have a hard time out of commitian both to the $500 000 appropriation start it and also to the of the fair itself, made by ithe pe gemaall fairs who indications the Inhere is opp estab The fizht ple Lier: LAVEe lined friends in commitiees, —————— ———— A Social Centre The W.C. T. U.and the Y have decided Lo make their in the Reporter buildiog a tre so far as possible. each Baturday eveniog aud sll people of Centre Hall and vicioi It will fourteen years and upwards are ine vited to come iu apd spend the even ing in resding, playiog games, cou. versation, singing, aud in any way that wili be plessant aod profitable, An organ has purchased au pisced in the room sud other furni ture provided to which it Is proposed to make additions as needed. For the opening night April 26h, some special enlertainuent will be provided, but the desire is (0 make these Balurday evenings, as a rule, io- formal, a place where the youug can spend a pleasant sod profitable hous or two, [I'he need of a social centre ie being felt more and more by com- munities; and this efforl of these or- ganizations to supply one for this peighborhood should have the hearty support of all citizzans, sr fr — been Chaopge In Game Laws, Saturday Governor ener approved a bill changliaog the law for small game in Pennsylvania. The season for squirrels and birds opens two weeks earlier than last year, Rabbits come in on the first of November, but the season has been extended two weeks, runoiog until the 3lst of December, inclusive, The kind of game and season follows : . Gray, black and fox squirrele, wild turkeys, ruffed grouse, Huugarian partridge, woodcock and Eoglish or Chinese riog-necked phessanis, from Oatober 15 to November 30, inclusive ; gray rabbit and hare froma November 1 to December 31, inclusive, Game raised fo captivity aud killed within place of confinement without being released may be killed at any time and may be sold under the rules and regulations regarding the mark. ing and taggiog of game as fixed fir game in captivity. The penalty for takiog, killing or wounding is to be $10 for each squirrel or rabbit, provided that the penalty for takiog a squirrel or rabbit in any mAnHEr oxXoept by a gun is fixed at $10 instead of $50, as heretofore provided ; and $25 for each bird, with an alter native of one day in prison for each dollar of fine for the first offense, and for a second or subsequent oflense one day for each dollar in addition to the original penalty for first offense, the open J. O. Delninger became ¢ighty-three year of age ou Thursday of last week, A venture an opinion as to the Dome growers Bay them are safe ere wer shits 101e, Beth ar no A Hunters Must Pay ——————— A ——————. april Freez» The days the begioning many pleasant, summer-lik of April Baturday made 5 oi ty or $1 ra¢d \ ies Dg On aa SUL nights aii the more unwel mercury tumbled over its the lower level of the day mnignt, located at twenty-five, seven points be- tube and before morning had low the freczing line, and on © only a few degrees Ua both nighls io IOuUny night it was jess thick. ari, where there was moisture, a so froze. @ ifoz2 Lo Lhe pes of a half inch, and the « it es— Appointments to Foreigo Posts, W. Gutorie, of vania, for ambassador to Japan. Charles KR. Crave, of Chicago, for ambassador to Russia, Frederick C. Penfield, of vania, for minister (0 These selections have been mined upon by President though the nominations have been sent Lo the Senate, I ———— A A George Penusyl- Pennayl- Bpain, deters Wilson ’ not yet The principal topic being discussed in Millbeim these days is the building of a town hall, an iostitation that town is badly in need of, A propo- sition was made by Dr. G. BB, Frank, who acted president of a town meeting held to discuss the question, that no doubt will bring favorable results, Dr. Frank advocates the sale of non-interest bearing bonds, and that the hall be bulit with the pro ceeds, The bond holders are, under his plan, to have all the income of the hail until the bonds are canceled. A committee of three, consisting of Dr. Frank, 8. Ward Gramley and John H. Maize, are now cauvassiog the public spirited residents of Millhelm to ascerialn how much money can be raised under the proposed bond issue, C—O —————— In The Ladies’ World for May one story stands out from all the rest be cause of the strong buman appeal of its subject and the excellent treatment, It is called The Years Between, and the author is Prudence Poole, a uname new to magazine readers, but one which, judging by this story, should be met (requently hereafter, To be sure of a ostoh of clover, seed should be sowu early and late, Choice seed at Weber's, Centre Hall, a TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS, | HAPPENINGS OF LOCAL INTEREST i FROM ALL PARTS burg, w homas id We roads pass ADBLCIAULY Julerosl- Boale- burg lodge, 1. , Stiended meeting of evening, &i WwWIICh lie id Lae Daturday the second degree was conferred upon a class of six : Henry Hosterman, H. O. Barr, Edward Williams, William Raymond, George Hosterman, John Heitz, Al Gingerich, Hawuel Stover, David Snyder, William Slover, Jolin Wie isnd, Edward Meyer, and Charles Corl. Harry Witten, who conducted a clothing store in the Rossman store room in Centre Hall, about four years ago, was io town the latler part of last week, and concluded IL a good place to return to, provided a few other srraugements could be made, He was in Usstello at the time the Austin dam broke, and lost considers able on account of th: flood, Biace then he has been in Tyler, Clearfield county, with a brother, Rev. Bamuel Martin, pastor of the State Coliege Presbyterian church, has been elected moderator of the Hantingdon Presbytery, Hiate Cols lege was further honored by the same body by thie election of Prof. Joseph Tudor to the general assembiy which meets at Atlanta, Ga, on May 15th. Chree brauches of the ocuurch, the regular, Southern and United Presby- teriane will meet in that oily at the sane time. An effort will be made Ww lucorporate the three into one body,