fHE CENTRE ts REPORTER. aE 'HURSDAY, OC10BER 24, 1912 | LODALS, Prof, and Mrs, C. F. Bhaw were in Centre Hall from Saturday until Mon- day. The Reporter readers will get anoth. er issue of this paper this month, mak- ing five for October, Beginning of this week Clayton Homan went to Altoona and Martine. burg. He made the trip on a motor- cycle, Alexander W. Kennedy, of Sandy Ridge, has been appointed annual as- seasor of Rush township, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Wm, H. Twigg. Mra. C, H, Meyer, of Reedsville, ac- companied Mr. and Mra. J. W. Me- Cormick as far south as Baltimore, where she is jeceiving treatment for her eyes, and Mrs J. J. QGlenn and of Huntsdale, arrived in Centre Hall last week, Rev. Glenn is on his vseation, (and is spending the time in varicus parts of Centre county, Mr. and Mrs. Hollingsworth and Mrs. Mitchel, of Mill Hall, and Al- bert Miller, of Lewistown, were in Centre Hall on Funday to be with their brother, Dick Miller, who is seriously ill here. ; Rev. children, Mrs. Lewis of Grunnpell, Iowa, and Mrs. John Hess, of Pine Grove Mille, sre visiting at the home of their brother, Hon, Leonard Rhone, in Centre Hall, They will remain for several weeks. The Lock Haven aviation exhibi- ti was witnessed by Mr, and Mrs, B. F. Eeish, Miss Nips Blick, Mr. and Mrs. James Fetterolf, and Bruce Ar vey in addition to those mentioned in the last issue of the Reporter, Next Wednesday Miss Jennie Et. ters, dsughter of Fuperintendent D Q. Etters, of Btate College, and H. H Davis, of Wilkes Barre, will be united in marrisge, The ceremony will be at gix o'clock in the evening. Mason, Tbe Lewistown district is having a siege of typhoid fever, scarlet fever, and diphtheria. Beveral schools have Yeagertown, last week, had nive cases of typhoid fever, and one death had occurred. Heveral deaths also occurred from diphtheria, Rev. F. W. Barry, on Monday, went to Pittsburg to lock after some real estute belonging to the Barry fam ily. He will return to Bellefonte on Toursday, where Le to perforin a marriage ceremony, aod or the following dey he will come home, The Fpring Mills hotel has been greatly improved since the present Landlord, Moses Btover, is iu charge, and just last week a New York firm installed an scetylene lighting plant that is giving entire satisfaction, All portions of the hostelry can now be lighted by simply a tu.n of the button, Robert Gibson { arimer, formerly of Bellefonte, was arrested in Boston, Mass, charges of forgery and embez- zlivg forty thousand dollars, as prefer- red Ly the police of Winnipeg, Mani. toba, where he had been in the suto- mobile business for six months prior to his disappearance sbout two months ago, Mr. Rudy, of Harrisburg, an artist who devotes the whole of his time to frescolog churches, met the repair committee of the local Lutheran cburch on Monday evening, and pre- sented sketches of work suited for the Lutheran church at Centre Hall, Mr Rudy is now frescoing the Lutheran church in Boalsburg, Sheriff A, B. Les was a caller at thie office on Monday on bis return from a business trip down Penns Valley, The sheriff related that a Collegetown- ship constable caught a Fox and landed him in the county jail, but after being there a day or two he was released and now has the freedom of the world. Fox was employed on the sewage plant at State College, got filled with bocze and became too noisy. been closed, is scheduled A Pine Grove Mills correspondent makes this mention: Mr. and Mrs, i. C. Henderson, accompanied by the former's father, J. P. Henderson, and mother, are motoring in their Max. well car to Gettysburg and Antietam. The elder Henderson participated in the battle of Antietam, having been a member of the One Hundred and Twenty fith P. V. I., which engaged in the corflict at the Dunker church. Thomas L. Emitb, of Biate College, wes in Centre Hall on Monday and made fiual arrangements to take over the business conducted for more than forty years by J. A, Reesman, and the Istter part of this week will come here and take personal charge of it, and at that time will be ready to do all kinds of work in his line. Mr, Bmith is a practical tinper, and is scqusinted with every detail of the tinpiog busi ness, : This personal is taken from the atchman : G. W. Potter, one of Pot- ter township's most progressive farm- ers, with his son Boyd, were Belle fonte visitors on Tuesaday. Mr, Potter feels highly elated over his late crops, Ont of a farm from which a harvest of but s little over one hundred bushels of wheat were gathered in 10911, he harvested almost six hundred bushels in 1912, with other crops in propor tion, ' Harris township y Me, and Mra, George Keller, of Stale College, pent Bunday st Boalsburg, | Mrs. Jerry Stover, of Farmers Mills, | is visiting at the Reformed parsonage. George Mayer and family, of State College, spent Bunday afternoon at the Blue epring. Rev, B, CO. Btover and elder J. A, Decker wre attending Bynod at Leban- on this week, Mr. and Mre. IL. Mothersbaugh at- | tended the funeral of Mra. Camp, at | Lewistown on Monday. Ex. Bherift CUyrus wife, of Centre Hall, afternoon at Boalsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Houtz, Martha and Myrtle Houtz, and Mrs. E BE Brown, spent afew days with relatives | a’. Kylertown, { Miss Annie Lohr visited from Sal. urday until Tuesday with her sister, Mre. Ella Bpriogle and family, at] Lock Haven. | Mr. and Mrs. Edward Riley are | spending this week with relatives, at | Petersburg, Altoona, and other parts of | Blsir county, i Dr. D. F. Bowersox and dsughter, | Mrs. Barah Weaver, of Woll’s Chapel, | speut a day with their uocle Henry | Frederick. | Mrs. Orin Grove, of Red Hill, who is visiting at her former home at Ce- dar Creek, attended service in the Re formed church on SBuuday. Guy Wieland sud same of his class. mates from BState College were to Ithaca, New York, to witness the ball game between State College and Cor nell, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Kuhn spent Sunday afternoon with the latter's sis. ter, Mrs. Foster Sharer, who met with a very serious accident on Baturdasy evening. Calvin Riley, of nesr Pelersburg, had the misfortune of falling from a foot log, which resulted in the dislozation of one of his shoulders. The ocearred on Friday. Andrew Gettig, of Braddock, made 8 hasty trip to Boalsburg on Monday He left two of his children, Lawre and Sarab Katherine, to spend a few | weeks with relatives at Boalsburg, { At a baptismul service held in the | Reformed church on Sunday the fol- lowing ebildren were baptized : Agnes | Louvan Lucss, Jave Irene Ross, Fred. | Bohn, William Linn Mothers William Alvert Rtickel. Brungart and gpent Bundsy | accident | i { 7ee § erick basugh, Kari Daniel, a child of Mr. sud Mrs Daniel Colyer, aged one year -and five | dave, was nid to reat in cemetery at Boslaburg on Tuesday forenoon : vice wes held in the Reformed church, emnducted by Rav, 8B. CC, the Bare | Htover, | The women of the civie club are re- | quested to meet at the home of Mrs for the purpose of making some sar | rangements for the Halloe'en masque. | rade social, to be held in Boal’s hall on | Ti ursday evening, October Slat, ! Birthday parties Isst week : On | Friday evening st the HN. Harro | bome, in bonor was six years old noon Mrs. J nn Gil the little folks whi the H { their son Ler On Baturday entertsined home | their years ¥ who gerign » met at their birthday of Was seven ag Ceejebirate daughter Sarah who old. Mrs. Jessia Bharp and two litt girls departed Tuesday of week for her home at Btesmboat, Colorado “he waa called to her former home at shingietown in Mareh on seecount of the illuess of her mother, Mra. Wm, Hoover, remaining there since her death which occurred the latter part of June, James Bearson, one of the oldest cit izepa in this neighborhood, living about two ! Boalsburg, ie fant ¢ {0 0 miles east of who was stricken with paralysis more than a year ago, spent a day in Boals burg where he was the guest of Mrs E. E Brown, This was ouly the] srcond time that he was away from his home since he suffered the stroke, His son's wife, Mre, George BSearson, sccompanied him, We are pleased to mention that through the kindness snd generosity of T. D. Bosl, a band nsmed * The Theodore Davis Bos! Band"! waa or. ganized in Boslebhurg on Thursday eve. ning. Ibe meeting was held io the Boal ball. The officers elected were : President, Edward Riley ;: vies pres dent, George E. Meyer ; secretary, Howsrd Bricker ; treasurer, J. M Wieland ; instruciors, J. M., Wieland and J. H. Jacobs, Mr. Boal purchased the instruments, seventeen pieces. Linden Hall. Mr. and Mra. W. 8B, Williams, of Juniata, were guests at the Ross home over HFunday. Max Hess, a jow peddier, was taken sick suddenly on Mondsy at the James I. Ross home. Mr. and Mrs. Curtin Masser stopped oft here on their way home from a vacation spent in Reading snd Harris burg, to spend a few days with Mr, Mu wer’s sister, Mra. J. H. Ross They lefi for their Altoona home on Friday. 4 Mra. Chai ls Weaver and son, Boyd, spent » few days last week with the formet’s son, Clarence Weaver, at Bandy Ridge. On her return she brought with her little Mildred Weaver, who will spend a few weeks with her grandparents. I ——— A sm — Stylish HMoadwenr, The headwear, for the young, mid- dle-aged and the older ladies, found at our millinery store is stylish, Every pattern is selected from the newest stocks in the largest wholesale houses in Philadelphia. There are no Isat season’s hold-overi—avery plece new, stylish, up-to-date, Our prices are as low as the lowest. You will not find fsult with the price when you ones sce the goods, Give usa call; no trouble to show goode. Buy if you like, but cote Lo see us, Mrs Joux T. Now, Pleasant Gap, Pa, i — Here le » woman who speaks from personal knowledge and long expers fence, viz. , Mrs, P. H. Brogan, of Wile son, Pa., who says, *' I know from ex- perience that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is far superior to any other, For croup there is nothing that excels Tho pr clam 1 ioe edd under the election laws | Bherifl A. B. Lee appears in this issue. read the proclamation with sieelion a8 to learn who the candidates are for the various cflices to be filled; standard bearers of the Demoeratie, Republican, Prohibition, Ball Moose, Iudustrialiste and the electors partly. representing mofo mst Don’t go the wvoling without first having atadied the ballot into on A ballot, sample as easy for anyone, £ if HL Be xX vole, careful where your $ Ou The Reporter believes your mark is in the found the hand side of the ballot. * Democratie,” on ref mt——— Aaronsburg, Miss Msz'e Foster went to burg. al Osceola Mills. Misa Ruth Crouse visited living in Oceola Mills and Altoona. J. E Lenker, of few days with his place. Lemont, mother spent in i Bamuel Gephart and family, bersburg, spent the Sabbath home of Ralph Btover, at i { tre Hall, visited at the lam Guisewite Mra. Nora Bailey, visited her father. Chas duys | week, Mra Mary Motter and Altoona, visited former's brother, E Mr.and Mra ren, of near home of Bower, a few aut daughter, st the home of A. Ntuamp Nweapney and Mi #ix ehild Mpring is, apant ar. Mra, M after an nt friends living : Migs Mabel] 3 woh visited brother-in-law inday. John Detwil ¢ Burd retn faf 4 {eed yt Rigte ¢ ary Bry SHee « ner - Mr. and Mrs ox yvarren Winkileblech Paul wmpnrt, visits nd Mra. A.B John Hosterman sand heim, ent Sunday at f Miover and | smnily, id at the home lover Bl 14 “4 Mir YY I and Mrs su fae with friends in Centre Hall, Gilleard ie ployed sal AK: Arthur Weaver g Milla, spent Mr. and Mrs will Ciilleard of Ry rit the week her seni it Mr. and Mrs Chas, Woodward, and M Rebersburg, visited (irorge Weaver. Ira Gramley of Mi heim, parent Mru o, ir fis Mra Jennie, guesis al Weaver on Nat Dr. D. F. Be Mrs. Thom: with the § erick, living Re Vv W gone to J w here Mrs Mr which convenes at Loban the aay versox and Weaver, nent enry " s rmet’an in Boalshurg, Donat sand stown, Lebanon Donat’s father and reside Donat will atten an Henry Bhell and wife, and Mrs. Wm Culp, of od, were welcomes puesta at the home of A. B. Blover, Eq , over Sunday, Prof. W_ F, Zeigler, forme:ly of (his place, but now of Msdisonburg, was asked to tell the people of Asronsburg of some of the good things be heard while attending the State Sunday. school Couventicon held at Philadel phis. He kindly consented, and on Hunday morning after the different Bunday-schools were dismissed, a large and atten'ive sudience assem. bled in the sudience room in the Lutheran church, and there had the pleasure to listen to one of the beat re. porta that could have been given. The sudience was very much pleased and greatly benefited by what they heard, - Woodward. John Kepner, of Tamaqua, is spend. ing some time in town, John Haines left for Renovo on Monday afternoon, where he is em- ployed, Bamuel Orndorf and family, of Co burn, spent a day Inst week with the former's mother, Mra Phoebe Wise, Irvin Smith and family and Cleve. land Vonada aud fsmily spent the Sahbath with friends in town, Qiite a ru nber of penpla from this place attended Dentist Musse:r’s sela at Asronsburg on HMaturday afternoon. Having spent six weeka with her brothers and sisters in town Mre, Amelia Williams returned to her home in Monessen this week. After spending a week with Abra. ham Treaster, Henry Treaster and daughter Misa Grace returned to their home in Heedaviile last Saturday, Mra Herbert Hosterman and ehil- dren Isabelle and Herbert returned to their home in Buffalo, N, Y., last Fri day, after spending a week at the home of C, W, Hosterman, ——— AM ————————— Georges Valley. Locust Grove preaching service was well attended. Mrs, Daniel Ripka was a guest at the home of F. W. Zsttle, on Banday, Home farmers are not by through with their fall seeding. ther late, Revival services are in progress at Paradise choreh, Mra. Hamuel Ertlo Is slowly ime proving Mbe erjoys it when her it,” For saleby sll dealers, adv, PVLEVIVCWINIVRILODOIPL LEV PODER BBL IGOR SWAKEID AND “FOR SALE ADY BALK Wing hor NANKEY, Coburn, Pa, FOR ALE} Light" 1 OVE ight Used threo seasane entre Hall, Pa, ANTED BY THE STANI EL WORKS COMPANY, B ®, chippers rers, El. WORKS « Burnham, J. W Copeland, of Dayton, ( nnd the bi wt Lhiptter before the bottle was v's cold was gone, Ia than to pay a five d¢ wetor’s bill 2 For sale by all asi » - & ENCES a } 4 if £4 Ll “ ? O £ / § ii Fa Le F { 2 . hg ¥ Ge wd lo “tonic”? increases ft cne of t What is A medici changes t to healt { Po 18 »E 3 3 A 1 ony yalcoh r about it. CC Iron Ss, pio 042, JARD URN wr and ), Pa, hin, fall that yllar denl- E A he he an ne in- hy ol. I AM IN THE ET FOR Potatoes Apples Onions CENTRE HALL, PA, es, hones A0900CO0% GROOT BRBION New Fall and jed Blankets, Cotton and Wool, in fancy Plaids Rubbers, Heavy Underwear, An Extra Fine Line of Hose you money, SPRING MILLS, PA. DEV IBUV AVN BORDON NAND W Farm Machinery Gasoline Engines Fertilizers Binder Twine Repairs for Machinery The undersigned jis pre pared to furnish anything in the above lines, at most reasonable rates, Farm machinery includes a full line of hay tools, ete, YOUR PATRONAGE IS SOLICITED. H. C. SHIRK Centre Hall, Pa, AEE 0RNt 0000080 000RR NN RRRTRARRIR00R ROR RINs BRED RRRGS Pow r | Attention, @ Seeding time is on, and the question of fertilizing will, no doubt, be carefully debated by you. I want fo call your attention to the act that I have fn stock ROYSTER FERTILIZERS. 1! you have failed to place your order in time lor lertilizer, or find that you have insufficient lor your requirements for Fall seeding, I invite you to give the Royster a trial. I have the goods here and you can drive in at your convenience and get them--the only right way lo handle lertilizer. You need not inconvenience yoursel! by hustling out at a time when you are busy with some other work to get your fertilizer out of a car. When you ‘need the lertilizer, come in, or if you are in town with a team, take some along and save an extra trip, You will not go wrong on Royster goods ; they Are founded on Merit and based on Quality. Roy- ster Fertilizers are compounded, not merely mixed, Don't delay ; come early. Ob yes, you no doubt have been thinking of doing some concrete work this Fall yet. In case you Go, you will need good cement, for you cannot make good concrete work with poor cement. For all round concrete work the ALPHA PORTLAND CEMENT stands second to none. It will make & good substantial job and color out right. I have sold lots of it and not one sack went Wrong. Try it. R. D. FOREMAN CENTRE HALL, PA. * Our word good as our bond.” w——-—— EE — ——————— I, NEW GOODS are arriv- ing daily at Emery’s store Winter Underwear for Men, Women and Children, now on hand, New Bed Blankets 65¢ to $5 per pair, Cotton and All Wool, Light and Heavy Rubbers, Shoes and Arctics. Best Makes, Lowest Prices. SHOES THAT WEAR—for everybody. GROCERIES— Always Fresh Do your trading where you get the best goods for the lowest prices. C.F. EMERY, Centre Hall LADIES’ “FITZEZY" SHOES will cure corns! SOLD ONLY AT YEAGER’S SHOE STORE BELLEFONTE k