fHE CENTRE RFPORATER. ADAY, AUGLS! 22 DEATHS C. F, Emery, of Centre Hall, died at his home at Cowan, Union county, Death was due to typhoid fever, Interment was made Wednesday morning at Lincoln chapel. Had Mr. Emery lived until next Sunday he would have been six- ty-one years old. Mr, Emery was a farmer by occupa- tion. He was twice married, his see- 0d wife surviving him, as do also six children by his first wife, who died in 1554. The children are Charles F., Centre Hall ; Irvin, Mszeppa Harry, Beavertown, all engaged in the mercantile business, and Martin, a Laurelton ; Mrs, Frank sckenberg, Burnham ; Mrs. Monroe Knepper, Elysburg; Mrs. Bamuel Sholter, Glen Iron, Mr. Emery and family, of Centre all, attended the funeral. Sunday evening, farmer at H H Wiliiam T. Johnson, a well known cer of the liver, from which be had the past six months, He wai about sixty-five years of age, Joh was a plasterer by tion, an honest and industrious man and one who was well known and es- teemed throughout this entire com- munity. °rurviving him sre his wife and three namely : Mrs. Bhatt, of Boalsburg ; Mrs. Knapp, of Curwensville, and Miss BSarab, at } The funeral was held Fri- day, burial in the cemetery at Pleas- ant Gap, . 4 of OC. suflered nson daughters, me on father editor of the died suldeunly at New Jersey the hast of a large family of southerners on both his father's anim de aod the only one to eapui3 the Ualon cause, having join- Zouaves, One Hundred Fourteenth regiment, at the cutbreak of the war aud served over three years in Company B. But member of the company survives and he was able to attend the funeral, Nicholas Meginney, zinney-Hood, Times, in Paluyra, dscensed was eze ither’s ai ’ ed Collis one Jane Wells, following a pulmonary trouble, Mrs. Mary ' ph Wel wife of lingering died Is, a8 with rday it the family home at Point ceased, who was aged thirty. four months and sixteen rn near Boynton, in Rush wnehip., the was & daughter of the Jonathan Walker, deceased, A d five children survive, years, faye, was be and an Jane widow died at her home in Al- Her nsme wos Mary J. Carner and she was born in Centre county on March 3d, hence was past seventy-five years of sge. The latter part of her life was gpeutin Altoona. Her hugesnd died twelve years ago but surviving her are five sons, one daughter, one brother and two siaters, Mrs. Mary of Geesey, J in Cleesey, 1a of senility maiden 1837, Scns fy Rebersburg. Jacob Bower, sn aged gentleman of Coburp, is at present aj warning io town irs. Hees, of Lock Haven, ia st present visitiog st the home of James Corman. kobert Parke, of Bunbury, who was Visiting at this place returned home 0: Fridsy. Prof. Aumsn Weaver and family are at present circulating among their many friends io this place. The late rains have caused the farme- ers a great deal of extra work in stor- ing their osts and barley crops, lev. Holley, of Greensburg, presch. ed an interesting sermon on Bunday morning in the Reformed church st this place. Randel and Mary Beir, both of Al- toona, are at present visitors at this place at the home of their grandfath- er, William Bair. Oo Friday Mrs. Maude Leach ship- ped her household goods to Wilkes Barre. Mr, Leach is employed at that place, and they wiil begin house. keeping there, fhe Centre County Oil and Gas Company, which leased several thous snd acres of land io this vicinity, will this week begin to prospect for oil on the Jacob Kephart farm situated a short distance north west of town. William Weaver, who is employed in Pittsburg, bad the misfortune to fracture the bone inoue of his Arms, aud not being able to work came to Rebersburg in company with his fam. ily. Tobey are at the home of Mr. and Mre, Calvin Weaver, Tois coming Saturday will be the great day for Rebersburg. Elaborate preparations are being made for the fiftieth anniversary aad reunion of Company A, 145th Regiment, which will be held ln Long's woods, a short distence west of this place, Heveral bands have been engaged, to furnish music for the ocomsion, Geperal James A. Beaver and Col. H. 8, Tay- lor, both of Bellefonte, will make sp. propriate addresses. Everybody is In. vited to come sud participate in the velebration, DEMOCRACY MUST BE People Trust It, Says Woodrow Wilson, and It Must Make Good. Sea Girt, N. J.—Woodrew Wilson at the “Little White House’ at Sea Girt is daily ealled upom to demonstrate his ability as a ready speaker. There is not a day passes but what he meets various delegations who call to assure him of their support. In speaking of political machines to the Brookliym Democratic ner Willson sald, “Machines are but an organization may be very es sential, For instance, I have been surrounded by aa organization here in New Jersey while doing my best work a machine uses its political opportu. wities for the selfish ends of its mem. bers. Ne members of our organization would ever think of doing that, Pub lic opinion in New Jersey has drawn the distinction. It has killed the ma- chines, and it is going 0 keep the or ganization going “It seems to me that we are stand ing in the presence of some high er than allegiance to the Democratic party. The country has been disap pointed in the Republican party, and {t is turning to the Democratie party Phat party is willing to show the way toward those things which be realized. “Some gentlemen seem to find it easy to make personalities out of poll tics, but it seems to me that whenever that Is done politics is debased “Men who are in search are now resorting to the Democratic party, because, for my I d know wher they ect the results, The count thing must of reform own 11 #42 Wii: lure is service not e else ex] re ing the strength and ity of a part is united united party, and the that the Democratic "3 ny me more genuine pleasure than to re ceive such greetings from men #8y who have at lanst tested my ties Because at close range and If you will enough to vouclf for me perhaps rost of the country will be credulous of your report “1 have spent a great dea! since I became governor of New Jer se) fending y charac supposed in the old hoard of guardians state, that digposed to give the most trusts of the country welcome in quali known me 1 you have your ter days, when was in charge « 1 ware all of oO: the You mounopo New Jersey “New Jersey mother of trusts and questionable f spend my time outside New sur.ng the people of the Union that had not been sy digg tivn of the people there were ¢ ert undertaken party in th ter Independently 1 of Republicans in the state “New Jersey is progressive, Unite i have here merely a delightful of the people of the United Stat “Now, these people are 1 destroying anything, but thes oR setling everything in are bent upon justice: ¥y are upon seeing to it that the people iu general are partners the govern ment, as [I was trying sther day And t} Dem is now placed vader a pecul pon gibility. It has to prove that it is the worthy instrument of that zeal on the part of the people of the 1 States. If it does not prove it now it will never be given another chance to prove it No party that un. faithfcl io that ideal will ever again be trusted by the people of America And therefore we are standing at a turning point in our politics. We must make good or go out of business. In the vernacular, it 1s a case of ‘put up or shut up,” because words are going to be discounted. Nothing will be hon- ored except the actual carrying out of such programs as sensible men may unite In for the common benefit.” was known as the a4 very troublesome wnd | 1 JOETEOY Amy the t or tt faul he dispos of New Jersey ti ain gentlen carry the Republican iminis 1K and file on who } to kets and to a af tha air pox 3 States ia prog the af to she eo fan w the party ar rest rit nited proves JUSTMENT. We are servants of the peo ple, the whole people. The na- tiom has been unnecessarily, un. reasonably at war with itself. Interest has clashed with inter. est when there were common principles of right and of fair dealing which might and should have bound them all together, not as rivals, but as partners As the servants of all we are bound to undertake the great duty of accommodation and ad. justment.—From Woodrow Wil. son's Speech Accepting the Democratic Nomination, Wiison will make the most accessi. ble president who has ever occupied the White House. He is typically a Democratic man. —— Wilson is the best equipped man nominated for the presidency since Liucoln, George W. Perkins is sure a “bully” Progressive, AAA Rn Uentre Reporter, §1 a year, in ads " | { { i i i i i i RR WANTED : 50 WEN AND WOMEN he has Benne ¢ Vera 61 § by Muy 3&8 family Murray & Bitner the enterprising yt i t ho bh xn fou snd tak sdvantsa of the special half making on Dr specific for the of constipation and dyepepsin and get a fifty cent “dl K Pil ting Mi package al half price 25 cents, i“ 4 pi "0.84 Ho positive are they of the remar able power of this to these diseases ns an eick hes aches and liver troubles, that they agree to refund the money to apy cus tomer whom the medicine does not T 7 price offer Howard's they are celebrated cure OI SIRE WAS HE NA RBI APS: Stimular nt specific cu well quickly relieve and cure, With Dr. Howard's specific at hat you cap eat what you want fear of ill strengthens the snd have ! Aver's Sarsaparilla is stimula It d you feel better one as bad as ever the next. | There is not a droj y of alco- hol! in it. A Sarsapa- no CONBE GUE Of stomsch, gives per. ; not make the mask digestion, regulates creates appetite and worth the living. If you canvot csll at Murray & Bit ner's store send them 25 centa t y ms and they will send you a pa promptly, charges pai Murray & Bitner hav secure only a limited “Je if yw BO Real Ia Lhe you should pot deisy age of this liberal offer ti lng this week. an yer 's - You "| ! "a I ahle sACdUy, CVC Edad that y hs rom ch a medicine. 3 sf... * CHAR i= Ry rilid +» biren A | ASK this FUE derma taking advan. § YOUr aoctor all about y al wi: We poy LIAM GROVE VIUNIO Reduced Kates via For the plente, Grove, Pe., August 26 to 31 syivania Railroad will tickets to Williams Grove tions in Penvsyivania sn mois, kKimirs, mediate stat tral Railway sive, 200d | original start “eptember 0 nnsylivanis Mallrosd (rrangers’ 1 Frederic the N Ie aon WHITE OXFORDS CENTRAL STATE NOR MAL SCHOOL Fall Term Begins September 9, "12 1 MN HIOCS 9 3 Low S i White Goods GET AN EDUCATION scowl SewRLL US All Linen ~~ ed wy ~ LI S960 ' Fresh Groceries dPesOdens CENTRAL STATE NORMAL SCHOOL LOCK MAVEN PENNS CLINT! YLVY ANIA IN CO aee ed Rossman ILLS, PA hese SNgne GEORGE LSB ee & 2 PORE BS GOPD = a a "BResaea - | MARTIN'S || LENSES FREE | to every reader of this paper Farm Machinery Gasoline Engines SEND TO A.L. Matin EYE-IGHT SPE H. C. SHIRK Centre Hall, Pa. F. 0. Box Oakland, , i Over Labor Day THE SEASHORE SPECIAL 15-DAY EXCURSION ATLANTIC CITY Cape May Wildwood, Ocean City, Anglesea, Sea Isle City, Holly Beach, Avalon, Stone Harbor (New Jersey) Friday, August 30, 1912 $7.00 Round Trip $6.75 Round Trip Via Delaware River Bridge . Via Market Street Whar! From CENTRE HALL . Tickets good going on all regular trains (except Hmited expross traing) and until September 14, inclusive STOP-OVER ALLOWED AT PHILADELPHIA For tall information concerning leaving time of imine, consult time tables, small hand bills or newest Ticket Agent. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD good returning TORTI POET ROA LON ERS TRADED GOOD PLOWING Is the Foundation Stone ¢f Successful Agr culture very best plow you about, To do good plowing you need the and that is what we want to talk I... Come in and let us talk it over: it will do us both good, How shout that GANG or REV you may need, Look s of the J. goods, We will b other lines are too go Bucher & Gib Spring Tooth Harro Harrows, ERSIBELE PLOW I. CASE Ou thom + LAAN AAAs ‘ 1 ‘ "tr "ne mort into {tne merit yout, Tange 1 Jura Columbus Wagons Superior Grain Drills, Corn Planters Lime Spreaders, Pi F. E. Mayes ~ § qf 41 ’ 13111¢ IS “wh 7 OCH L f ’ cts Royster’s Fertilizers and HO Lime, SCALACIDE SPRAY] NG R. D. FOREMAN CENTRE HALL, PA. | i * REE RT RE wa te EE he Nie Emery’'s Store Always Noted for the Best Goods at Lowest Prices LOW SHOES in thaw i AVE A. Shurms, Percales. Ei Garden Seeds of all kinds, Hoes. all kinds of Haying Tools, Lawn } Give as a call. least money here, EMERY, Centre Ha Rakes, Shovels, Forks, lowers, Garden Hose. for the th Wil You will always lind ¢ aS EN a LADIES’ “FITZEZY” SHOES will cure corns! SOLD ONLY AT YEAGER'’S SHOE STORE BELLEFONTE