LA AU RR BAR SA ERTS MAY es Polaoned Eatlng Candy, Almost two weeks ago, Miss Mabel Zerby, daughter of (George Ziorby, of Colyer, became violently ill after eat- ing candy purchased by her father, Her condition became such that a physician was summoned, who found Miss Zerby, who is aged eighteen or twenty years, in a semi-unconscious condition, After several days treat. ment her condition began to improve, and now she is practically free from all effects of the poison. Just how the poison got into the eandy, or whether or not the candy itself was poisoned, the attending physician is not attempting to answer, but since her illness followed almost immediate. ly after partaking of the sweets, it is presumed that the poison was taken with it. *—— The sawyer Fiat Robbed, Mr. and Mrs. William Lawyer, in Bt. Louis, were recently robbed by two men who had taken rooms in the Lawyer flat. The robbery was com- mitted while Mrs, Lawyer was with her husband in the restaurant on the first floor. Amobng other things car- ried away was $400 worth of jewelry, $40 worth of willow plumes, and a note on a bank for $760. Mrs. Law- yer saw the men leaving the house at about eight o'clock carrying two small suit She and st once began an investigation, and made a report to the police, but nothing eould be found of the robbers. Mr. Lawyer is a brother of Mrs. D. W. Bradford, in Centre Hall, and his many acquaintances here will sy mpa- thize with him in his loss, a — cases, became suspicious, Argument Conrt Mouday Judge Alvin Hall will hold argu- ment court in Bellefonte on Monday, Among the cases to be argued is that of James Witmer, ——————— a ——— LUCALS, Read Kessler's “Mid-Summer Sale,” advertised in this issue, L Goodhart has recovered sufficiently to Former Commissioner George on the stre The K. hinder ne D Mra John the be els again, McCormick $ 0). t ari R yd atl Standard a and one-half Foreman, Centre Hall. Hosterman and BOND Bre home of the former's father, Dr. G. W. Hosterman, in Cen- tre Hall. Former "Squire Houseman is 'receiv- ing medical sttention, although not He bas not been even cents ar Sil. RI 0 confined to bed, in good health for some months Miss Ella Neese, daughter of James Reese w Rock re. cently underwent an operation for ap- 10 lives at View, pendicitis, nicely 7 D.J. Murray, who h // ill for some weeks, snd [is getling alopg very aa been quite # able to #it on the i front porch again and greet his old ac- | (quaintances, He is the oldest citizen in Centre Hall. Lightning struek and harned many buildings in various paris of the slate Iu of barns of elee York county a large number were burned as a result trical storms. Why pay bigh priesa for a twine of the O K. McCormick Standard at sev- en and one-half cents, Centre Hell Mra. C. E. Zuigler, of Bpring Mills, gold her residence Decker for the of $1500. Mr and Mra Zigler expect to locate in Lock Haven, E ery erop report published by the National of Agriculiure since the beginniog of July, has indi- eated Letter crop ennditions thau the one preceding it. Misses Fibel Bhsfler and Edna Royer, of Al'oona, are gnesta of Mr and Mra. 8. D Barris, grandparents o* the former Centre Hall and Polteras Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bitoer, of Pitts- burg, by their daughter, are at the home of the fo-m- er’s parents at Centre Hall, Mr. Bit- ner ia the city editor of the Pittsburg Press ’ Mra. Elizabeth Lingle is seriously ill st the home of her daughter, Mra. J. Q A Kennedy, west of Centre Hall, Bhe is now in her eighty-wixth year, and there are little prospects for her recovery, James H. Potter, the sen’or member of the Potter-Hoy Hardware Come pany, in Bellefonte, who has been suffering from intestinal trouble, is improving but continues to be con- fined to bed, H. J. Lember(, who during the past | few years remodeled and greatly im- proved his dwelling house on East Church street, contemplates moving to Bellefonte with the view of giving hia children the benefit of the eduoca- tional advantages offered by the ecademy, to Colonel consideration Department e seenmpaniad it i A \ An electrical storm of a rather gevere character visited Port Matilda Mon- day afternonn, striking the large barn of Dr, H. H. Harshibarger and burn. jong the same to the ground, All the contents of the barn were destroyed, A horse was sb badly burned that it had to be shot, Mrs. P. McManus, of Harrisburg recently was in Potter township visit ber brother, William Bowe Bhe came to the country to obtain th advantages of the lower prices o country produce, and in this way th bigh has con of | viog in her family heou macerially lessened, * DEATHS Mrs, Barahi Barnhart, widow of Nicholas Barnhart, died at her home at Oak Hall on Baturday, aged sixty- five years, two months, seven days, Her husband died at Wateontown, where they then lived, about five Years ago, dren: Mra, Annie Stone, Pittsburg : Mrs. Bertha Bridgling, Williamsport ; Mrs. John B, Reish, Boalshurg ; Mra, Grace Brown, Oak Hall, Interment was made at en Tuesday, Rev. 8B. A. Bnyder, pastor ticiating. Sn A AA AB Keporter Register Clev His Re, If you want a good, relishle binder twine, get the O. K. MeCormick Biandard at seven and one-half cents, -R. D. Foremay, Centre Hall, —— Buy it now. Chamberlain’s Colle, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is al- most certain to be needed before the summer is over. Buy it now and prepared for such an emergency, sale by ali dealers. be For PRODUCE AT STORES, LAP cossssscnsernes ie «: 0 | B 1 Ei Potatoes........ GRAIN MARKET. lot consists of — Lawns, and children, | | Ass St A oS OA MIN Mc A A SOO R65 >" NCIAL BTATEMENT nahin sel hool Board, —— 14 2 3 — THERE IS NO PLOW SUPERIOR TO THE SYRACUSE RIDING PLOW / 4 o of Lin for yeat INA Whole number of schools of Los of puplls gnrglod i 1y deine nmber acher's « N Numbeg A As mployed band] phages VoPain . aount of taxes levied for sehool Poses pur icks to the ground in stormy soil : can be well hand. } 3 pe 1 Rr | 11 4% . 3 4 tL. 11 x months moth ives no deep furrows to wash ; will throw the soil hill better than should watch During the summer ers of young children i for any unnatural looseness of the bowels, When given prompt atte tion at this time serious trouble may be avoided Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoes Is medy car wlways be depended upon. For sale by all dealers, ie up any 114 y 1s 1s poor} \ Tye xr 1 1 $ ugh to do its work, yet not clums Made for two or three horses NEW IDEA MANURE SPREADER Does its work to perfection faction, The r spreader will he new THE “OLDS” GASOLINE ENGINES There is no FARM MACHINE OR IMPLEMENT that we do not handle, HEAVY WAGONS AND BUGGIES GRASS SEED CLOVER SEED ALFALEA SEED i €] Completion of the N for life in Pennsylvania. | Domestic Science, for Busin | } « Term ; $54 for €q The Institution can be obtained J. H. & S. E. WEBER CENTRE HALL and OAK HALL STATION k w make | Kessler’s -Mid=-Summer Sale opened with success AY $62 pays for Fall & ¥ aulhs ENANHAN LENAHAN =r Penne Valley wa teh etre her bome The be and commodious, a ¥ property, BR Hpi arg cl IT-ROOM HOUSE ON CORN ‘ER LOCALS John H. Weber, whose serious itl ness was mentioned last week, is im. proving. Harry Geary, of Nawport, came to Centre Hall on Moaday and for an few days was a guest of Frank P, Genry, his brother, The Blanchards, of Bellefonte, Isst week entertained Mr, and Mrs, 8 Ww. Lords, on Nittany Moantsin, While loading hay on the Htrub'e arm, near Zion, Oliver effected by the heat and w to quit work. He ls now better, but not yet able Bun, Uniform very much to work in the size and strength are brand, at seven and one-half cents — R. D. Foreman, Centie Hall, The Zsttla Brothers, who recontl uflered the lows of their planing mil saw mill, ete, by fire, have now in | operation their new saw mill. he first work to be done will be to saw timber with which to construot buildiog In which the ms placed, Hince last spring Edward Lair, on the Keller farm esst of Centre Hall, has had a number of losses of stook, etc. The last loss was that of a cow, that a few days ago found its way to (the barn floor and fell through an | opening In the hay mow, The animal's hack was broken, and had to be killed. Jt was the most valusble cow he had on the place, VV V NOD DN D DDD DDD i | { i i i | { I i 3 | We will continue to give an unlimited number of bargains during the next FIFTEEN DAYS, in Men's, Youths’ and Boys’ Clothing, Oxfords and Shoes. Also, Misses’ & Children’s Dresses, Shirt Waists, Oxfords, etc. oom house 04 WW WNW. TN DN DV VD Thirty-ninth Annual Encampment and Exhibition of the Patrons of Husbandry of Central Penn. GRANGE PARK, CENTRE HALL, PA. In fact, we will close out all our summer merchan- dise for cost, and in some cases for less than HALF PRICE. Come and be among the first buyers, for such bargains are too great to last long. September 14 to 20, 1912 Encampment Opens Sept. 14th Exhibition Opens Sept. 16th The largest and best fair in Central Pennsylvania ; by farmers end for farmers, Twenty-eight acres are devoted to camping and exhibition purposes. Ample tent accommodations for all desiring to camp, A large display of farm stock and poultry, farm implements, fruits, cereals, and every production of farm and garden, The Pennsylvania State College will make a large display of the work of the College and State Experiment Station, ADMISSION FREE, : LEONARD RHONE, CHAIRMAN Kessler’s Department Store -MILLHEIN, PA. GEORGE GINGERIOH, GL. GOODHART, Comuitien, ¥