amare THE Foy os TR Ser GE SE PES RG Sel CENTRE REPORTER ISSUED WEEKLY, B. WW. 51TH, Editor and Proprietor Entered at the Post Oftice in Centre Hall as Second Class mall matter, Centre Harr, . . , Penna. Om 27, THURSDAY, JUNE 1912 CHURCH APPOINTMENTS. Presbyterian—Centre Hall, morning, Reformed—Tussey ville, morning ; Centre Hall Hall, morning; Georges n ; Union, evening, Hill, vangelical mornin itle, afternoon ; Egy Linden lall, evening, day service Spruce & Mills, evening. Com- DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. R GENERAL—Robert E. LY (BK. B Greanawalt DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET. LES James Gleason, Houtzdale URE ~Robert M. Foster. State LOCALS, Preaching services at Pine Btump, Sunday afterncon at 3 o'clock, Miss Anna Spangler is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Busanpa Bpangler in Centre Hall, Mrs. J. 8B. Getchell and son Wendell, of Youogwood, are at the home . Ge 8 parents in Centre Hall of chell livery worthy cause—and they are } ous—deserves a share in the ht and the practical sympathy ¢ who are able to help. Mr, and Mrs, Jonas Bible, of Centre |, spent a few days with Mr. and re. Harry E. Bible, of Altoona, and re very much pleased with their Tip. The Potter township school board tal Tusseyville yesterday (Wednes- afternoon, but their work was completed early to enough be ried in these columns, Lewistown, was io Centre Hall Monday, He posts prospects good oun the farm he is 7, and that he has a team regu- larly engaged in hauling sand for the HBurnbam works, in Burris, of near re- worki: wil. ii niog mill, ana Miss Tillie K asked t 0 those who their dil all in to save f the destruction of the planing Burgess John J. Bower has issued a clamation in behalf of a safe and celebration of the Fourth of July reworks of all kinds, down to the gq uib and torpedo, are forbidden to be exploded within the borough limits of Bellefonte, AM ra HIRE. R. H. Reeves, of Paulsboro, New Jersey, advertises the Van Val- zah farm, west of Ceatre Hall, at private She is now the guest of Lizzie Jacobs, in Centre Hall, will be pleased to sale, is, where she meet progpective buyers, A Mre, Kate Conley and Miss Rebecca Derstine have planned to go to Free port, Illinois, on Monday, for an ign- fiuite stay. Mrs, Conley will visit her gon, James K., and Miss Derstine will be at the home of her brother, Jacob Derstine, who has been a resi. \ dent of Freeport for many years, Mr. and Mrs, David Hooley, of Mich. igan, Miss Fannie Hooley and Stephen Hooley, of Belleville, were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bwabb, io Centre Hall, on Monday, Toney were gchool mates of Mr, Bwabb at Belle INany years ago. From here they went to Pennsylvania Btate Col- lege. The trip was made in an auto Viiie Jerome H. Auman, sccom- panied by three ciidren, ot Phoenix- ville, was at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, George W. Bradford, for two weeke, Bhe returned to her home Wednesday, Mrs. Auman tells the Reporter that crops sre very good in thal scctiou, there having been much more rain there than here during the past few weeks, | Bellefonte has a fair representation al the Baltimore convention, Be. sides Delegate Kurtz, N. B, Spangler, J. K. Johuston, Frank Naginey, Sher- Ml A.B, Lee, John Noll, W, G, Rug- kle, P, Gray Meek, W. D. Zby, and HB. D. Gellig are helping to nominate & winning candidate. Spring Mills js Fepreseuted by W., M. Grove, Grover Walker, J. A. Wagner, and William Hiover., Howard sent Mr, Weber, Fhe Keystone Gazette makes this reference to the milkmen of Belje- foute: Three Bellefonte dairymen were recently caught in the net of agent Banzhofl, of Altoona, represent ing the pure food department of Peunseylvavis, and as a sequel at hearing before Justice of the Peace W. H. Musser last Friday morning one of the trio paid a fine of $50 00 and costs, because both his milk aud cream was below the state standard. The two others were each fined $25 00 and costs for milk below the standard, Agent Banzbofl collected the samples from daitymen io this vicinity daring the latter part of May, Femme ——————————— Te p——————— ———— BEITER KOADY Hutte Made ©. FP Long Manager of Hosa Improvements Feiween Old Fort and Milihelm Work Now Being Done, The old turnpike between Old Fort and Millheim is being improved un- der the supervision of the State High- way Department, C, P. Long, the Spring Mills merchant and man of aflairs, being the manager and is super- intending the improvements, The first work done was to remove all the loose stones from the roadbed, not by casting them to one side but carting them to convenient places where later they will be erushed and instead of being a nuisance will become of service in road making. The road was divided into sections, sud almost before the public knew what was be ing done, the stones had been removed, [0 some sections as many as six loads, equal to twelve tons, were gathered within mile. In day sixty-two pails were picked up by the Io many places the road- one-half one workmen, ways had become the dumps of all kinds of refuse, and it will that the removal of nails, glass, ete, will tend to lessen the risk of driviog well as be seen the highway with horses as with When it re. membered that the work between the two points Old Fort and Mill heim-—-was done witbin three days, it n that workmen automobiles, 8 named can readily be se the were under good management, The next work to be done is lo properly grade the roadbed, out breakers aud others, filling in short breakers and The spli cutiing some lowering mud holes, «log drag will be used in such places where the work can be done with it, and hed from the causing mud in wet # BO18 sg0 tions the ground wa in dry seasons, will be rem the road is shaped u cruihe Ps used to ion Lo stone will be rm It is the intent eonvenient polats slo; no too greal distance ™ s! ¥ $ hauls, A838 BL i i apari, to now Hie long road will be used, and accounted who hauled those crushed. Uaotil the ia the farms along the route are sumed, there will be no The § Mesara, (#¢ i h eral othe Is. § {HUATITYIDR. i AF, 4 id Myers, in company last Thursday i ’ boned { instructed b | 3 | COlcing, an i freschies Lhe mi») of road give o ig the work and is endeavori Very i 18 fora his duties in such a manner as will be gratifying to the state lic, and the land owners adjoiniog the route being improved, the pub- ———— A rs Masser Conde John F. Musser, of Millheim, and Miss Ella V. Condo, of Spring Mills, were united in day, at the home of the bride's sister, Mra. H. N. Meyer, in Bellefont Rev. W. D. Aaronsburg The groom is the senior in the Isrriage, on MNaiur- Donat, of firms of A. OC. Musset's Bons, granite dealers, in Millheim, and is one of that town's progressive and tic citizens. Ibe bride is the daughter of J. C. Condo, the Penn Hall earrisge build- er, and has for several successful school teacher. The young couple omitted the wed- ding trip, and at once went to Milk heim where they have al.eady come menced houskeeping,. The a qusint. ances of both bride and groom jin the Reporter in extending the best wishes for everything that is good, A A ——— Water Notice energ been years a All persons are cautioned against using water from the borough plant for any except necessary purposes. Hpriokling streets, watering gardens, and all waste of water, forbidden It is also requested that all leaks in pipes and nydrants te repaired at once, It is the intention to enforce these regulations, and vo exceptions will be made, is Tue Borovent Couscin June 26, 1912, i dont Marriage idoonses, Jesse Hudson, Philipsburg Margaret Bensmore, Philipsburg Roy Keeler, Bellefonte Laura Minemyer, Bellefonte John F, Musser, Millheim Ella V. Condo, Penn Hall Eri Blegal, Miles Twp. Bessie Davis, Philipsburg James Wilson, Port Matilda Anna Laird, Port Matilda Wm. Neidigh, Philipsburg’ Hannah Brownhill, Philipsburg George Reese, Hannsh Mary Bennett, Port Matilda A ——— Farmors Institutes, The commitiee to select places for Farmers Iostitutes next winter met ip Bellefonte on Tuesday, and decided the institutes should go to Bpring Mills, Port Matilda snd Philipsburg. The time for holding the meetings will be fixed by Mr. Martin, director of institutes, Progress Grange will hold a regular meeting Saturday evening, TL RS Nr SE SSR ht Harris 1ownship. Alvin B, Meyers, of Altoona, Sunday at Boalsburg, Mrs Idward Bellers, of Oak is visiting at Pittsburg. Misses Katharine Stamm and Rupp are visiting in Altoona, spent Hall, Ruth dren are visiting at Bellefonte. A. E Gingerich and C, W, Corl Run on Saturday, Mrs. (Dr ) Bmith, of Altoons, with relatives in this place, Mrs, Alice MeGirk and Miss Etta, of Altoona, are with relatives at Boalsbarg. Mr. aud Mrs, J, M, several of thelr children epent © with relatives at Arche Bprings, M inses Kuaup larger, of Mtate College, were Abbi Fr uest Virgle and at Locust [Grove farm Saturday an Sunday. William Stover, Mrs. and Girant day with Mrs. Reuben Page Linden Hall, A Ruth Wieland depsried i ’ f . thursday where she ital to ' Charle Mra, 14 city hosp Harriso: Joxey and daughter sunday with rel ds and daug 11 rat ile A0Y OF ia unt Miss Mary Wo +] aged len Years @ of Mr, and Mrs. Ed Fe el, Of Howard, was buried in tl & urg cemetery on Balurday noun, services being held ia formed church conducted by C. Btovar Ihe Childrew’s Day service hel the Lutheran chureh 3. The priaicly decorated with 1 Bla on Sunday le caurch Ww. lH a pri flywers Leg was ag interesting. Mrs. Heury Myers, of Alexandria ' Mr, Mrs. Clement { he Boalsburg on Bune and Dale, © He LURETY ile, Day service and gpent a part of the day with attended t at reels lives in town, Mr. and Mee, L. grandehildren Rachel and Mothersbaugh, of Williamsport wi Mothersbaogh and and George doth attended a surpriss ¢ given a v i" iam rabaugh and birthday tr Mire Amanda Mothersbeugh ning, hor 3 Saturday Evie at near Lewont, Spring Mills PF WAR Basity, J. Best Krape and friend, « fonte, visited Mr, and Mrs, G, over Bunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Allison and Dr. and Mrs. Braucht were to Biate Qcl- lege on Buuday. Mr. and Mra, I J. Zabler are spend. jog a week with thelr daughter, Mrs. Charles Grenoble, of Yeagertown, Zottle Bros, purchased a saw mill from CO. P, Loug and willuse it in re- building their mill at Centre Hall, Grover Walker, J. A. Wagner, Wm. M. Grove and Wm. Blover sre atiend. ing the Damoceratic convention at Baltimore, Miss Jennie Decker, one of the Bell exchange operators, was married on Monday evening to Emerson Welsef, of Altoona, p Read the Reporter. Belles Kirg of C. EE SRA I ris SRE gains at Long's, Goods say there are plenty of good bar- ENT we have an excellent line for all Low Prices in Hardware 8c 3 whe Horse Shoe Nails, - Ib. Wire Nails - - - Ib, Full Line Staple Hardware. American wire Fence, 8 wires high, - 25c¢ per rod Also other Fencing on hand, Ask us about prices. SPRING MILLS, PA. per, "I've al which does 1 the sales. seated in the re. ~Exchange A Feat With the Feet. lace a cork upon the floor. ure four lengths [ your foot and, standing at th : attempt with one foot to kick the cork over and recover position (both feet togeth er) so that the foot that does the kick. ing does not touch the floor il it has returned to its mate, The efforts of any one trying to maintain an equilib. i ruin in this stunt will | arouse considerable mirth~—Woman's | World. Meas from it § GIRinnce, £ Eis ry performing That Held Him, A Yankee clinched his heated argu- ment with an Englishman as to the relative size of the Thames and Mis | slsslppl by saying: | "Why, look bere, mister, there ain't | enough water in the whole of the Thames to make n gargle for the mouth | of the Missiesippi.” i Husbands, i “The majority of husbands complain | that thelr hands are always in their | pockets” “They do, do they? Then why don’t they find there the letters they have forgotten to mall for thelr wives?'- Baltimore American. ZETTLE BROS., Proprictors E wish to announce that although our plant burned on the night of the 13th, we are pre- pared to furnish the trade with a large variety of building material. We have several car loads of window sash, doors, siding, flooring, glass, wainscoting, surfaced yellow pine, molding, plastering lath, and rough timber in stock or in transit, and will be pleased to supply the trade. Our loss was total, having had no insurance, and we therefore respectfully solicit the patron- of the public. fo relneild he th cverything in the Y 4 plant, and en- elecr eis ir § FYLLRT { Fat yoeiei ii building ling ZETTLE BROS., Centre Hall, a ouncement: The Furniture Store and Undertaking Establishment of L, G. Rearick, in Centre Hall, having been purchased by the under- signed, he respectfully solicits the continued patronage of his former customers, as well as all others, T he equipment in all lines is complete, and all g on hand in best of condition. A DISCOUNT OF SIX PER CENT. WILL BE ALLOWED ON ALL CASH PURCHASES, and goods have already been marked at prices that defy competition, All goods delivered free of charge, We have had large experience in the un- dertaking business and as a funeral director, which can only be demonstrated by trial, We kindly ask that you come to see us. We want your business and want to form your aogquainfance, J. TIBBITTS, Centre Hall