CASIO NALLY ere comes to the writing story fron brought tion TT zine day a maga state he the writer visited the new decorations the walls the Re £ in order had He ding w ture ain i DY ur 10 Bee been recently placed on at n Robert was looking pictus; speech denls Looking IEKetl cal and the one that fired the He of the ington knew wy vi BLOories ous portraits on the walls, and after having and counci down tunda, glass, were the bat examined the old senate chamber, he led the great octagon-shaped behind y grouped and festooned, tie lags of the Massachu- regiments nothing but the bare flagetaffs of some, others mere shreds of bunting hanging in pathetic fes- toons, only a few with the colors 1 the to ro- where their plates wd Fie) artfu 1 1 petts let holes the low, wel explain about them There were two shafts, shattered and roughly a few inches below the gilded epear heads ii first Il'modu- Stopping before corner he began In lated voice to en €] “Tho began, “were two sisters married the other se two flags’ given to the who two regiment by aged to be captain, wer to off the fi YOu gee t ident the loo! “Yes, Three isitor ant sir men were killed ecarrvin # that flag at the battle of Appomattox: one would fall anoth up, and still As they exploded aver man who had ment struck shoulder by a ¢ flag as wer would snatch it carried it forward on, in the charge, a shell the head of the last caught it, and a frag. him in the arm, between elbow, cutting it off as knife. He clasped the to his breast with the ed on. At weak he they went and urgeon’s loody last turned stump s gltagprer an ie ening, sake i any lone rt? } “Well, range ending to that “1 was telling this the other day got as far as what 1 when a tall man with who w standing tpoke un returned to some visi and | ing hair, you are now sald, ‘you're right! I w A few minutes later, down corrider, the another question. “And what was the name of the ser. geant whose blood we see there? he | asked name was Plunkett,” was the “His ang “There he 1a!” ad you £ about where ‘Comrade’ he as Frank.'” as they ny as went the visitor asked wer wnger of the senate | The uniform of a came walking down the corridor. moe: Across his breast was ! sleeve ~J. B in Har roward him. pinned an empty pers Veckly WhoDx | c 25 BH Long the a circus miles hingtc ty one Was plan lay Jackson started determined Stuart 3M, 3 # fore lee {to twelve leti's throw bis cavalry, under Pape's re; the miles in at Station, a polat on raflroad connecting Pope with capital the inition lace were camped ie ammi There. too “it Was Vacant.” was not possible for Stuart to dam- the railroad to any extent or to road bridges or th gons that were there, was in advance on rainy night 1 was rid lieutenant commanding ich formed the advance suddenly saw, between ghtoning, a man run it age Me ACTres cami My com that ing wi mand terrible th the atoon wh when 1 the flashes been rece 180 two glass f toddy thereafter | captured a ron FAagoOone, un Major Thomas Hite of the regu whom I had formerly known cadet West Point. The major sald that he and lewis shall, the latter being an aide de camp of Pope and a nephew of Gener lee in one of the tents tha night that he had been working all day his quartermaster papers view of the fact, as well as tempestuous character of the t, he proposed to Marshall that ghould take a drink The whisky was brought out.” ued major, “sugar was put wes with the proper amount of wa which a liberal allowance whisky added 1 was just pour. ing the from glags to the thinking how soon the situation improved by swallowing It, I heard the of horses’ and the report of one or {wo pietol shots. 1 quickly put the glasses down, saying, ‘I belleve that is some that d « Confederate cavalry” At this point of the narrative the major paused, and after looking around, added, “Gentlemen, if you be Heve me, 1 do not know whether 1 drank than toddy or not. The ‘Rebs’ were on us so quick that Marshall and I lifted the pide of the tent and rolled down into a friendly ravine, and re mained there shivering in the drench ing rain until they rode off.” it only remains to say that Hite and Marshall did not drink the tod dies they mixed, but that they rapidly denppenred down the throats of the days of the Federal d ar army when a at were and over ang in oon the in ter, to of was todd one other, would be when noise of | Effectiveness of Largely Upon pering Tube Emy Depends of Ta- Spraying Character Whitish Lines Are Which Make Silvered Grain Oak and Other Woods. in Annual Rings. her woods, 8, but in chestn ids of tre the to be seer Fulcrum Attachment of Back. Breaking Energy Needed in Working Soil, Much of the ba required in using is expended the load from the gr fork of spade has been Inserted, means a severe strain on the shoulde and back muscles. The attach Kk bre NOTE spade oun whi + mi men A Fulcrum Attachment, AS £3 a vs 2 23 Work Da age. rchard deposit pight fiving CERE At during the day, and during that insects night; others time, The ig one of the night flying begin to deposit eggs evening, just about dusk, ues most active throughout part of the night The the other hand, is most the day, remaining wo game holds tru insects and late in the the curculio early tive during ina ve at night. reference to Fenner night, while re of night and othe PEACH SCAB AND BROWN ROT Best Fungicide Known at Present Time la Se!f.-Boiled Lime and Sulphur Mixture, The sgelibolled lime and solphur mixture is the best fungicide known at the present time for the control of peach scab and brown rot. Three ap plications are considered necessaiy for good resulta where peach scab is likely to occur. The first application is to be made Just as the calyx is be. | Ing shed from the fruits, | The second application to be made ! three weeks after the first, The third | application should be made about three weoka after the second. The | should not be applied to the fruit | within four weeks of the ripening | time, a8 the mixture may give the fruit a whitewashed appearance when | ready for market. New Type of Sp take the spray one-eighth: pressure and mist, and with is in diust LEOCeESRTY ment is thrown RpTray One « the the Means a | tha ne unded by a shield, Ye Ghee Gf ’ rpose of pre The nozzle as orig Was wrod } ros rar TICULTURAL NOTES & S Bb The United St to re fen forest service Ia an prepared forest 000 ACres nually Trees should high slope, for the too thin | Grape be planted on a soil is likely low: etl avoids nd wasted time, get a thing The time to get the apple is belo he Know what you must spray for, then do the work right. Don't expect any one spray material to be a universal remedy. When maklsg the firat application of polson for the codling moth use a The time to is when it iis there ; g worm Te gets inside every calyx With fruiting orchards, minepal fertilizers arp often of great assist ance, but an excess of nitrogen should be avoided. The pruning season quires much work, but ment must be kept In mind When the strawberries sre off the is oneit re more judg thoroughly to kill off ‘the weeds and put the soll lu fine condition. PLAGUE LESS DEADLY 8 ibercu- AJ ment ur each, wi free For COLDS ane .RIP Birks’ Cartnisg is the best remed Heves the ac # apd feverisinens our Cid and restores normsd piitions ig Me imunedieiely ’ Ai dr Gg six ALCOHO! 1 PER ( AVR tab le Pr reparation for As similating the Food and Regula tmg the Stomachs and Bowels of i A Ix Promoies] DigestionG heerful- ness and Rest Contains neither Opium Morphine nor Mincral NoT NARC COTIC Ric spw of Old , Dr SANTEL PTORER Fomphin Seed + Hix fonne = Kehoe lle Tally Amore Send + Ppromend « EC mdonale Sodm + Movm Seed Civrd md Wishrpvon id i impmw A petfect Remedy for Constipa tion. 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