20 Pretty Rooms in this BOOK —don’t you want to see them? Peep into other people's new homes and get the latest ideas for your ean decorating. Our book tells about the FREE Color Plans our expert designers will send you for any rooms vou wish to decorate. You will be glad to know more about The Beautiful Wall Tint txpensive modern Bomes though M coms far less than wall paper or pant Kalsomine colors appear harsh snd crude beside the soft-hued Alabastine tints Goes furthest on the walls and ls ecastest to use. Full direc Bona on every package—simpiy mix with cold water and put on. Does not chip prel or rub off. 16 Besutifel Colors and ~— With our Color Plans you can easly have the most artistic home in your weighborhood. Send for our FREE BOOK Full § bh. pkg White S0¢ Regular Tints $5 Alabastine Company §2 Groove Road, Grand Rapids, Wich, few York City, Desk 2. 105 Water SL AND XODAK KODAKS SUPPLIES Write for catalogues and literature We Do Developing and Printin Mall orders given prompt attention ROLLER OPTICAL CO. BALTIMORE, MO THIS IS TRE ONLY COLLEGE giving Individual, Fractical Instruction. The bright Sud Dt can master Sho rthand niwoorihree moni hs This isabsoivtely impossible by any other method CALVERT BUSINESS COLLEGE, Inc Est. 1904. 20 W, Lexington St., Baltimore At TL wh W. N. U,, BALTIMORE, NO. 13-1912. does not destroy virtue, not bestow it Yriar Poverty does wealth the test of time d Tea reileves liver, vubles, A remedy that has stood Is worth trying Kidney and stomach tr (rarfle All of That. “Who is Nat Goodwin? “He's the center on marriage team.” the All-America SU-P AL 11A ticles VE free sb MERCH ver th ANDISE BOOK NO ree thousand ar re ef given chr e of over five necessities Ww 'n Ow ( Fisrwmit Most of 'Em Do, “You certainly started with fine prospects Your credit was good ev ervywhere in town “That's why | failed Perpetual Worth, ‘Why was it you never married again. Aunt Sallle inquired Mrs McClane of an old colored woman In West Virginia ‘Deed, Mise Ellie,” replied the old woman earnestly, “dat daid niggers wuth moah to me dan a live one. | gits a pension Me Lippincotes Possibly Willing to Assist at It. At a little party John T. McCutech eon consented to do a [ittle impromp tu chaik talking, with the presiden tial possibilities for his subject Me Cutcheon had made several hits. One of the party, chuckling, leaned over to another, a Democrat “Pretty good, isn't it?” he asked "What do you think of his execution? “1 think it would be a darned good thing,” replied the Democrat Frame-Up. One day Freddie and his sister sneaked surreptitiously iuto the pan try on a foraging expedition The only good things eat they could find were some cookies and a bow! of whipped cream “let's take the cookies” sister, “I'd rather have the cookies my- gell,” replied Freddie, ‘but If we took them we'd be sure to get caught The only safe thing to do Is to take the tream and then shut the cat up in the pantry’ out to gaid his \ Something Extra Good For Breakfast, Lunch or Supper— Post Toasties Served direct from pack- age with cream. Surprises Pleases Satisfies “The Memory Lingers”’ Sold by Grocers. ———— \ NATION BURES Last Chapter in Historic Trag- edy of the Maine. President Taft Delivers a Glowing Eulogy and Chaplain Chidwick Makes a Beautiful Address— The Last Salute. Washington.-- The American nation Saturday wrote the final chapter of the tragedy of the Maine and paid its full of tribute the heroes who sacrificed on the altar of patriotism 14 vears ago. With a wealth of bones of 67 unidentified dead rected from the harbor of Havana were consigned by a reverent republic to the soll of Arlington Na tional be mingled with the dust of hallowed dead President Taft both hot er offic measur to were the resur- sentiment sacred Cemetery, to the country’s Cabinet, and all the and his Congress the did homage to 1ses of ernment set the oth als of Gov aside the day and remains Meld In City. observances at service heid front of the State, War and ding This was attended by President and Vice-President, f White and hig associates on the bench the Supreme members of both houses of gil officers of both branches military and members diplomatic Father Chidwick Eloquent, Chaplain Bayard, of the navy, of fered prayer and then Chaplain Chid wick spoke from a full heart Before him a half mile of cortege that contained all that was mortal of the men to whom he had administered spiritually more than 14 ago His eves were wet when he began “For the of a people the advancement and own country.” he said, gave up their lives, this sacrif| we see before us was made we thank we pent forth our sol diers, not with vengeance in their hearts but the feeling of hu manity and justice, to right the wrong “We have placed n responsibility for the tragedy, and thank God for that We wish evervthing good for the nation with which we fre now at peace and whose prosperity we desire Nevertheless, the ship was an altar and the men who perished a sacrifice Services Before the graves a solemn the south Navy Bu the Chief Justice the was on of Court, Congress, of the the service of COTrpe. stretched Years and of our ald new glory these heroed ce that Today God with President Delivers Eulogy. A sharp patter of hail began to fall President Taft, bareheaded walked to the front of the platform “We meet to pay appropriate honor to the memory of the first of the coun. gave up their in our Spain. 1 do not mean by this to charge responsibility to the Bpanish Government for the explo sion of Maine, but that the tragedy was part of the causes which led up to the Spanish War 70 one familiar with the circumstances can now doubt. That war Ameri can can feal proud of because it was fought without a single selfizh instinct and was prompted by the most altruistic motives Beginning with a seif-denying ordinance with respect to Cuba, we were forced into tude taking over the Philippines and our course in those reflected the highest credit purposes and civilization “These, our honored dead, hurled inte eternity without when try 8 sons who lives war with the every of the for victory. But they were on duty vhen they went down, they wore the uniforms their beloved country: and they are to be classed wall to the fore in that long list of whose steadfastness and courage have given the American Navy of the navies of the world that the honors of war, possible solemnity in all cluded are in mistakable tone and sign the deep and lasting gratitude of a nation martyred defenders.” PARAGUAYAN REBELS WIN, Battles. Buenos Ayres, Argentina. The vie the Paraguayan Government troops at Asuncion is complete. More than 600 the battle Pena has taken refuge at President Pedro the Uru SIX DIE FROM GAS. in Critical Condition. Norwalk, O.--8ix Inmates of the ty Infirmary were found dead and eight are unconscious and in a critical condition from gas asphyxiation. They were found when another inmate sought to enter the room in which the 14 men slept. A broken valve in the engine room just below flooded the sleeping room with gas. : f Relieves and Rests Teething Bables Mrs. Burton Gary, Toledo, Ohlo writes that she has given Kopp's Baby's Friend to her bables when teething; finds it gives them rest with out making them gleep. Invaluable tc mothers, Three sizes, ide, 60c., at druggists or sent Co by mall on request, Ought to Be All Right, Mr. Bacon—Bomething wrong this hash this morning, dear Mrs Bacon—Why? “1 don’t know. It needs “I can't think what it can be everything ! could find’ Wrnpertant to , Motihtors Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that it Bears the A ror direct York, fa with something I put in Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria The Result, Mrs, Howard--Did you give Johnny an unbreakable toy? Mrs. Barker—Yes, but the trouble is that he has broken everything else with it.—Harper's Bazar Instead of liquid antiseptics, tablets and peroxide, for tollet and medicinal uses, many people prefer Paxtine, which is cheaper and better, At drug gists, 25¢ a box or sent postpaid on re ceipt of price by The Paxton Toilet Co., Boston, Mass The Way to Win Bronson—What's the make love to a girl? Dawson—The Then she'll thin. best way to poesible it Puck WOrst way you mean TO DRIVE Dy T MALARIA ND Bi IL it Take the a d Sandar § CHILL TOUNK The formula is showing fourm, and ¢ nu peupic snd children, W conta Ur THE SYSTEM ES AST Bi. BN8 You nid o piainiy tissimply Queinise ang Ir wl oWectunl | ww w print ru. For grows Yesterday we cheerfully two metallic of ours who could it alone! chipped In er a friend “take a drink or men to help int let TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROM( Quinipe Tablets Druggista refund money if it fails to cure. BW GRUY ES signatore ls ob each box. Ba led when him that he did IL A man is apt $0 rat’ p leap year girl she can make him b to get proposes 1o elieve Mra. Whnalow's Boothing Syrrop for Children teething. softens the gums infamma Lion, allays pain, cures wind colic, 3e a bolls reduces Political economy may but political liberality about election time be all right counts for more For constipation use 3 Garfield Tea is composed of ed herbs only. remedy ¥ eect paturs carviul At all Srugeiares Keep your troubles to yourself and they will not expand : Relieves Backache Instantly Sloan's Liniment is a great remedy for backache It penctrates and relieves the pain instantly-—no rub- bing heckticy == Just lay it on lightly, Here's Proof. “1 had my back hurt in the Boer We end in Sam Francisco ten years sgo | was bit by a street car in the same piace. I tried all kinds of du; pe without pec coms. Two weeks age 1 saw your Ha de ment in & drog store and got a bettie to try. The firnt application cansed instant relief, and now except for a liste stifle sess, | am almost well.” FLETCHER NORMAN, Whittier, Cail SLOANS LINIMENT is the best remedy for rheumatism, neuralgia, sore throat and sprains. Miss E. Rim of Brooklyn, NY. writes: “Sloan's Liniment is the best for rheumatism. | have used six bot. thes of it and it is grand.® Sold by all Dealers. Price, 25c¢., 50c., and $1.00. BEAUTIFUL EYE BROWSand LASHES Now possible for every one to posess thisone supreme touch of beauty; with almost no ex. pense and one minute work daily to apnly Marvelous improvement in 30 dass soc for six months’ treatment, more than you will need. Harmless; sure; you will be de lighted with results. Send wor. This adver NATIONAL EYE CLINIC Suite 6, 1508 LaSalle Avenue, Chicago, m LEA EA hs gd Pest Cong Tastes Good Use BQ in time. Bold by "FOR COUCHS A | COMMERCIAL Neekly Review w of Traia and Market Reports. R. G. of rade savas: Dun & Co's weekly review tedly ment, ‘Business activity undoub widening, while business alike in industrial, nancial circles, more optimistic. This voiced In the reports from all The best exhibit the dry goods and jron and trades, and these trades are go funda- mental to general business prosperity that their market improvement is especially significant.” Bradstreet's says: is gent mercantile and fi is becoming distinetly betterment 1s leading by is made gleel “Reports reflect dual characteristics limited retail trade and road sales because of inclement weather over a wide area, but liberal wholesale and jobbing business has taken in the leading centres. St light, hence constant purchasing neces Bary “Wheat, including exports from the United States and Canada for the week aggregate 2,432,066 bushels, against 1.888.227 bushels and 1.885478 year “Corn exports for the +00 st 2.247.368 b n 1,853,031 bushels in been ocks are is flour G 1 last week bushels this week last week are X34 bushels, ushels week agai ast and 1511." Wholesale Marzets N i WwW NO < YORK Wheat red, 104'%c el 106.¢ fo bL 121%, sd vy Spot Evator tasis and afloat Northern Duluth Lorn Spot sie elevator domesti and export, “4% fo b afloat standard whi Spot n ¥ ¥ enniel » NO. 3, » y “0 -. HU nat whe and ira {hered extras, Live poultry steady fowls, 161 “ii, Dressed poultry «8c; fowin, Wes keys, 120021. PHILADELPHIA contract grade No. 2 evators, 100@ 101% Corn firm; No. Z, in 11@71% trade, 445975 Oals easier; 9G 684 Butter Wheat steady, red, in export el- export « jeva NO. 2 yellow for local No. 2 white natural, Yestern extra, firm; 31 %¢c prints extra, 32 Eggs firm; Pennsyivania firsts, f c, $6.60 per t receipts, c. $30 $6 680 receipts, { c, creamery do, 30; nearby and other case. do, curren Western firsts, f c, current per per case $6.30 Case do, case Cheese firm; fancy, 1%¢; fair poultry per New York full creams » good, 1X @ 18% fowls, 169 1%7¢ YOUng, do hickens, 166 126014; Live old TOORiers, 11@12; ducks, 16¢ 16@ 17 17; turkeys, peewee, and May, Wheat — Spot April 102} BALTIMORE March, 101%; 1047 Corn ~a oq fe Contract, 76%; white, 6814 no grade, 67%. The and March Butter Creamery, fancy, 30@G31; choice, 2%; Creamery, good, Creamery, imitation, 28; Cream prints, 31@ 32; Creamery, blocks yy ve established closing was steady April, 71% 0 po iB; Cheese—Jobbing lots, per Ib, 20 Chickens, old hens, small to medium, 18: voung, choice, 16617; do, winter. 2 ibe. and under, 18@ 20. rough, staggy and poor, 10@ 12; old roosters, 9; ducks, white Pekings, 17@ 18; mus covy, 15; puddle, 15@16; pigeons, per pair, 25@ 230; do, old, 25 @30; guinea fowl, each, 25: turkevs. choice hens, per Ib, 18619; young gobblers, 156@G 16; old toms, 12: small poor, 10 Live poultry heavy, 16¢c; do, Live Stock NEW YORK.--~Beeves: dressed beef quiet at 9@12¢c. Calves Receipts, $36 head; steady Veals, $6@10 barnyard calves nomi Dressed calves dull; 2%@16c; country dressed, 10@ 12%. Sheep and Lambs and Sheep Ewes, bucks, $3@ 3.50; $465.50; culls lambs, $66 7.80. PITTSBURGH | ply light. Choice, $7.16@ 7.56 Sheep strong: supply light. wethers, $6.26@ 5.50, culls and com lambs, $4G 7.50; to © Cattle steady; $7.70@8; sup prime, Hogs higher, Prime heavies, me diums and heavy Yorkers, $7.36G 7.40; light Yorkers, $6.75@7; pigs, 8.50; rvughs, $66 6.30, CHICAGO. Cattle, beeves, $68 80; Texas steers, $4706; Western! steers, $6.10G7; stockers and feed awe, $4006.15; cows and heifers, $2.3( @6.65; calves, $5.75@ 8.25. nm NICE, BUT NOT IN HIS LINE of “Mantes” Most urable, Only Young Man Had Other Busineea to Attend To, “I've come 10 see about the mantles, ‘0, yes goon: will room?” The young man pleased with his After awhile ma “How do? sorry to but mind if they mantles Her daught trifie too full, and own @ too long, she thought Perhaps would be good enough to see The young man sald only too delighted The twp elegant manties in the lat est style which were lying across the back of the sofa were then donned, and the young man sald he thought looked charming. Yes, perhaps a ation was required, but—Iif they would excuse him he would be glad If they would let him get on with bis work and show him the gasburn ers that were requiring mantles Why! Wasn't he 01 Jigginses? OO no! i'm glad you have come £0 vou step into the drawinz stepped; he was pleasant reception in and said trouble him tried the wag » trifie he came So would he on”? ers tier he would be fresh om Jigging & He at'endeg 0 the young man from the inday was the mis '-Reboboth 8 that inties Ras Herald company IT IS CRIMINAL TO NEGLECT THE SKIN AND HAIR ang ey only a air, and cost ninal nec sationra O# “5 erywhe Te a Bos Dept. L ton, will ire a liberal 2-page booklet scalp treatment sample of each, with on skin and Gossip. Miss Yell tries to get her We fler r Polly wieal sa) ways Dall mus! su Woma Deauty i, all | can say i# she frightfully from Insomnia # Home Companion Use Allen's Foot-Ease The anti seplic powder to be shaken into the shoes § tender, smarting, ach ing, swollen feet. It makes vomr feel easy and makes walkin Deli ight Sold Fe trial package, IL Roy, N. tired, fee: everywhere, 25. For address Allen 8. Olmsted, Memories. ‘My lad, 1 was a newsboy on ‘Aw, what cha tryin’ to downhenarted’ do SL ALKER ng a re pb how T WwW. & 1 Pa are lasy iA showing worth of —— ¢ dred articien Appeal, Stella—What is the matter? Cholly—1 wish you'd iyour fath er be's gotta quit kickin' me aroun New York Sun For HEADACHE oka CAFPILDIND Whether from Colds, Heat, Stomach Nervous Troubles, Cap dn will relieve you It's liguid pleasant 10 take—acts immedi ately. Try IL. 100, Be ts atdrug stores tel or and 0 ce A man ix known by the keeps, and by the he ile ympany conversation There I= 00 excuse for the dee Garfield Tea ace with wasibie al every Friendship and confidence are plants of slow growth “Pink Eye Is Epidemie inthe Spring. Try Murine Eye Remedy for Reliable Relief There's room at the because somebody is alwavs coming down. top CRITICAL TIME OF WOMAN'S LIFE From 40 to 50 Years of Age. How It May Be Passed in Safety. Odd, Va:— “1 am enjoying better health than I have for 20 years, and I ro— a believe 1 can safely say now that I am a well woman, [was reared ona farm and had all kindsof heavy work to do which caused the troubles that came on me la- ter. For five years during the Change of Life 1 was not able to lift a pail of wa- ter. 1 had hemor rhages which would last for weeks and 1 was not able to sit upinbed. I suffered a great deal with my back and was so nervous I could scarcely sleep at night, and 1 did not do any housework for three years, “Now 1 can do as much work as any woman of my age in the county, hanks to the benefit 1 have received from Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound. I recommend your remedies to all suffering women.’ — Mrs. MARTHA L. HoLroway, Odd, Va. No other medicine for woman's ills has received such wide-spread and unquali- fied endorsement. We know of no other medicine which has such & record of guccess a8 has Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. For more than 80 years it has bee n the standard remedy for woman's ills. If you have the slightest doubt that Lydia E. Pinkham’s V egetas ble Compound will help vou, write to Lydia E.Pinkham Medicine Co. (confidential) Lynn, Mass, for ad- vice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, and held in strict confidence. . Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief —Permanent Cure CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS never fail. Purely vegeta. ble — act surely but gently on the liver Stop after d: nner dis- tress--cure indigestion, improve the complexion, brighten the eyes SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature Ct TYPEWRITERS All makes $25.00, $30.00, $40.00 and $50.00. First class order. CASH REGISTERS We ber, sel ond onchange. Nations (ash Regisieny, BW Leer &Co, 225 W Fayette 50. Baltimore DROPSY THEA TEI. Give guick re vhnaily remove swale fing and shor —— na few days and epiire relief in 10-4 gays 11a] treatment FREE. PR GEEERS SOS, Bex 4, stlonta, Ge, THENEWFRENCH REMEDY Xo Ne.3, Xe.3, THERAPION iim Hospitals with CARAT BUOCESS URES | PREY RLADDER DISLANES PILES. CHEONIO ULOERS a FERUPTIONS HITHER SEX Bd address spveione for FREER belies = DR LE OLERG BD. CO. BAYERETOUK RK HANPETEAD, LOXDOX thon Boave s Bronchial Troches Nothing excels this Cough is. Cough Remedy, No opiates, Sample free Jomw 1. BRown & Sox, Boston, Mass, RHEUMATISM CONQUERED .© on Dee-tona, antitoxin, the poisonous extract of Lhe bee. Absolute enre for rhetmmatism. mediate re railat I rom pin. permanent enve ~ 1 SL rer wdny TONA CRE MICAL Co, Used Pittsburg, FOR SALE 28% a IN MECKLENBURG OO, ibs a. cult » olonis! bouse, ontbidgs. bearing orohar wick ete, lent leestion GRIF) I~ hirage. . 1 a» Face mac hiner Bex 318, « AD 100 Chleage. Watson E.Coleman, Ington, DC, Books rg 1 el references. Best VOR RALE 212 A. IN HENRICO CO Va joining city of Elko: 45% a. enit.: 5 ¢. hesring trees, oi wont B x 218 PATENT Woman's Power worthy man, and her power and prest _tige the assistance of his » of thousands of women, He ments, lates, strengthens and heals. a denier ules do more work: Rose and do. doats grow better ast ® give more and better Milk and | .atter; Se 18 a) more eggs. an ail a well an lop more rapidly and keep in Corn. to Feeders and Stock Interstate SEE Associetion NEAL METHOD ET SA