coLps AND CHILLS BRING KIDNEY ILLS, Colds, chills and grip strain the kidneys and start backache, urinary disorders and uric acid troubles Doan's Kidney Fille are very useful in the raw spring months. They stop backache and urinary disorders, keep the kidneys well ang pre- vent colds from set- tling on the kidneys. Mrs. E. Bates, 36 Jay 8t., Y., says: started my kidney trouble and for five long weeks 1 was afraid to lie down on account of the terrible pain in my back. 1 took regularly but became no better. *A cold Then was entirely cured. 1 bave trouble with my kidneys since.” “When Your Back Is Lame, Remember the Name—DOAN'S.” &lc., Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. His Only Complaint, Senator Beveridge, at a luncheon in labor problem “Children are so plucky cheerful,” he said, "we how horribly overworked they are till it's too late—till their bodies and minds are stunted irretrievably. “l1 was once talking to a tiny errand boy at the Leight of the Christmas shopping season. He was working, | knew, 17 hours a day. As he walked sturdily along with a mountain of par cels piled on ders, | said to him: “Do you like your job” ‘Yes, sir,’ he said; ‘1 Only—' “Here he grinned up from beneath his load. “*Only I'm afraid I'm doing an au- tomobile truck out of a job” Not “That Kind. “It would save a lot of trouble,” sald # newspaper man the other day to Representative Slayden of Texas, aft er the Democratic caucus on the Henry resolution to investigate the “money trust,” "if you would allow us to attend the caucus.” “On the contrary,” replied Mr. Slay den, with a twinkle in his eve, “| thought it mould make a lot of trouble.” “Well, ierview aver?” No" answered Mr would be against my gever kiss and tell!” and like it fine at me gayly cant on it, you give me an in now that the fight is Slayden, “it principles, ay Summer Wear. Patrick worked & notoriously stingy and no chance to let the fact known Once a wag gish friend, wishing to twit him, re marked ‘Pat, i you a trad-new sul No.” said Pat, suit” “What “The for boss jnst he hear your boss just gave Lt of clothes” “only parrt of a part? gleeves Iv the vest!” That, he “Oh +} . 1 * : » na i QIURh Nothing Hard About woman marry, “must be able to blush” fel $ The said she ac lied, “lI can every time I am you." San rancisco geen anywhere wit} Chronicle ten but anothe gement k is of mana Bad luc for poor relieves *n E minutes by tary l« At Druggists we 0 ford ¢ Ban tion A sermon is either based on or a pretext a text “Pink Ese’ » nv proe mic in Lone Spring. Try Murine Eye Remedy for Rellabie Relie Some when they t truth people love to tell the bink it will hurt ALCOHOL=3 PER CENT || AVegetable Preparation for Ae. | similating the Food and Regula Le Sache and Bowe sof | Promotes Fraecior: Cheerful | ness and Rest Conlains neither Opium Morphine nor Mineral INOT NARCOTIC | Recrpe of Oled Dr SAMUEL PYTCRER Poplin Seed - Alx Senna + Focholle Salty Anire Sood + ind i Sedan Sed - Clordond Sugar | Windrgreen Flavor A ct Rerme for Cons! | Aeketh qedy fo Dar | Worms Lonvulsions hr: ness and LOSS OF SLEEP Fac Simile Signature of i } § | FR WS bt 3-4 x Liles ~~ ~ / fe Ss— THe Centaum Company, .T [BA ENTS Guaranteed under the Food am Furr TT TY 35 Doses ( ARTEMUS OUTDONE. “Who suys there are no women | humorists?" “1 don't know. “My | as Artemus Ward days.” Why?” in his palmiest Up to the Minute, {| “Well, she has succeeded In doing { the latest thing, anyhow.” “What's that?” “Eloped with her father's aviator™ Poor Henry. "Peck claims that when he married he was misled.” “Yes, and now he ig Mre. led.” PILES CURED INSTO 14 DAYS Your druggist will refund money 1 PAXO OI" MENT fails to eure any case of lobbing, BlLad, Bleeding or Protruding Plles in 610 M days. Usually a man {8 a poor judge ol his own importance. When the Millennium comes Garfield Tea {and Holy Churco will not be longer needed. takes a woman doesn’t know But It eecret she to keep a A'quick relief for coughs, colds and hoarse- ness is Hale’s Honey Of Horehound and Tar Contains no opium nor anythinginjurious Try Pike's Toothache Drops MEXICAN MUSTANG RIE For Cows’ Caked Udder. Mrs. Julia Lester, Columbus, Ga... writes: “1 tried your Mustang Liniment on a cow that was suffering from Caked Udder and in a few days she was in good shape again. It's a good liniment.” 285¢.50c. $1 a bottle at Drug & Gen'l Stores FOR OLD AND YOUNG Tutt's Liver Pills act as kindly on the child, the delicate female or infirm old age, as upon the vi ous man utt’s Pills give tone and 1S to the weak stomach, bowels, kidneys and bladder. mmm, PISO'S REMEDY Best Cough Eyrup. Testes Good in Gwe Sold by Deugrists. FOR COUCHS AND COLDS * A FR SALE He A x Ve Z ten IN REEDS. PRIX, ANNE 6 a alt bonne rR wl br TAD Bar 310. Cot: 12-1912. GASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the oven Dreh oie W. N. U., BALTIMORE, NO. Weekly Review of Trads al Market Reports. il R. G. Dun & view BAYS: Co.'s weekly Re “An increased movement of what {8 of greater significance, the admirable conditions pie. wu : ‘n the winter wheat sections produce a more buoyant feeling In Western tirade circles and the whole business situation is benefited thereby This is all the better because of unsettling influences prevailing in many pats world.” Bradstreet’s reports: “Whent, from the including flour, United States and for ithe week aggregate bushels, against 3,268,770 last week and 2,248,873 this week last year. Corn exports for the week are 2.247.363 bihels, against 1,961,495 last week and 2,364,605 In 1911.7 Wholesale Markets BALTIMORE. Wheat March, 106Gc; April, 100% Corn—Contract, 70%; steamer mixed, 67%; grade, 6574. Qats—-No. 2 white ERO OR 14¢ standard white, 57% @568; No. § white, and medium weight ST@57'%. Light oats are bringing a premium exports Canada 1.889.227 Spot and Mar, 102% white, 717%: no established white over the heavier wolgits. Rye— Western, Souest No. 2, $1; No. 3, 95@ 96¢; No. 4, 828% 03 Nearby No. 2, car lots, 85@ sted bag lots quality, ROG 85 Hay-—No. 1 timothy, $25.50G 26; No 2, do, $240 24.50; No. 3, do, $214G23; cholce light, clover mixed, $23§G 23.50; No. 1 clover mixed, $22.50@23; No. 2, do, $21@ 22; alfalfa, $26, No. 1, $25; clover, $23.50 2, do, $21.50@ 22.50 Straw--No. 1 straight rye straw, $18@ 18.60; No. 2, do, $16@ 16.50; No 1 tangled, do, $14; No. 1 wheat straw, $12 12.50; No. 1 oat straw, $14 Butter— Creamery, fancy, 32; ery, choice, 30@ 31. creamery, 284 29; creamery, Creamery, prints, blocks, 30@ 33 Cheese We quote jobbing lots, Ib, 20@ 21c Eggs Maryland, , AE 10 choice, do, No 1 No cream good, pr -, imitation, A1ad3; creamery, per Pennsylvania and pearby firsts, 18¢c» Western firsts, 195; West Virginia firsts, 19%; Southern firsts, 158; guinea eggs, 8@ 10 Live Poultry-—Chickens—-Old hens, heavy, 15¢c;: do, small to medium, 15; young, cholce, 156@ 16; rough, staged and poor, 10612; old roosters ¢ Ducks White Pekings, 17@ 15¢; covy, 156@ 18; puddle, 15@16 keys—Cholce hens, 16@17¢c; gobblers, 13G 14; old 12; and poor, 10. « Tur Young toms, small NEW YORK.—Wheat firm No. 2 red, 103%; ; elevator export basis end 106 f. 0. b afloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth, 124% f. oo. b afloat Corn-—8pot, firm; No. 2 elevator: domestic basis to arrive export, 74% f oo. bh afloat Eggs Weak gathered exty 23@ 24; firsts, 22; dirties ad2i and Spot - COrn, «2% ¢ and fresh An seconds, 21 checks 20 pearby henners 5 118 =i 20 14 SIRE Pennsyivania CY, an large. new laid, 25 Poultry fowls, Dressed, firm: A056 168 turkeys, 12 Western turkeys, 15@20. Western 21 13; chickens, PHILADELPHIA contract grade No 100610115 Butter-—-Unchanged Eggs Sieady. fair demand; Penn eylvania and other nearby firsts, { c, $6.60 per case; current receipts, c, $630 per Western firsts f ¢c. $6.60 per do, current re Wheat, 2 red, steady; in export ele YAtors, do, Case | Case Cheese shade higher: New York full creams fancy, 15',@18%¢; fair good, 174 @ 18 Live poultry to firm; fowls, 168 1%7¢; roosters, 11@11%: young do, staggy, 11@ 12; spring chickens, 14@ 17: ducks, 16G 17; geese, 12@G 14; tur keys, 16@ 17. Dressed poultry, 14 fowls and chickens; keys, fancy, 22¢; common, 12@ 16; @ 1c higher for fresh young tur. fair to good, 18¢ 21; old toms, 19; fowls, 15%@ 161%; 12% @14%: old roasting chickens to good, — EE ————————————— —— No OBJECTIONS FROM TONY | “Lovaole Little Chap" Probably Would Not Have Minded a Succes sion of Tunnels. Being Sunday evening. and the races having taken place that afternoon, the In one compart the way, but before the journey had | proceeded much farther Mrs. Jones | kindly took him on her knee, “Were you very frightened, dear, we passed through the tunnel?” as | the | “Not shyly, ! “But | thought you trembled a little | as | kissed you,” remarked Mre. Jones, | who was not even middle-aged yet “And what's your name?” “Tony,” came the answer “Then you're a very lovable chap! And how old are you?” "Twenty-five, ma'am.” And Tony Spurs, the jockey, slid to the floor to paniment of a plercing scream.- BWeErs, much,” jeplied the little boy, remedy sensib ttle | Hghtwelght the accom. | ~-AD Elliston, great medicine, Va.~*1 feel it my duty I was a su alone for five minutes at a time, Astonished Husband, De Wolfe Hopper tellg a good story about the domestic unhappiness of an other actor. The hero of the joke was & man who had married because the woman had much money, although no beauty. Naturally the wedding ceremony and the acquisition of the bride's financial resources, the bus band was never very attentive to her Another member of the company in which the couple were appearing was, | however, far more appreciative of the | lady's charme, and proceeded to make love to her in an ardent but stealthy manner. The grand finale came one evening when the actor discovered the other man kissing his wife. The fond lover stood petrified with fear and expected to be shot down next moment No such thing happen raged husband Hited his hands toward the celling with a gesture of intense surprise. and exclaimed “Merciful heavens! And be even have to! Blood Purifier. New Orleans, La —* alter ge t up in the morning fee right. Your medicines are worth by female troubles not taken your rem the either. 1 feel that your remedies than chuls, Florid=. The out ave a docvor.” ed only Martinsburg, W. Va. "1 am gla didn’t — — she Naturally, Robert, at the puzzled examinat} ran, “If and all should die, who wt ing his brain order of came 10 him, “The Companion age of twelve, Was one question Ir on civics It vice-president, cabinet * Rack remember the thought much over his on president paper : and bic “A friend told me to take Lydia E. 1 soon found relief. doctor approved of my taking it the members of the the iid officiate in vain to BUCCPLR: ha anda taker VOY : on. a r he wrote News, Va. man = under Home any 1 eould not do my tell her w hat through the Change of Life and be- I would anyihing. in gold.” — Mrs. Gastox like a good many women, and had But I started cost very much id rather use It did not y that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- m- with such pains Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Recourse 10 Evel B Final want i in “For Every Little Family Ailment” hearing agintrate very “Do this court? Bure, sir, you the nn the shouted replied deal defendant “Then yelled the magistrate, with a last mighty effort, “vou will have to BO to & specialist known. softening and healing qualities. Nothing so good as “Vaseline” for all serrate bes, sores, ole. Taken Interna Guess What, Miss Roxley I've been again bet old Roxley Tom Yes strangers to call there Jack-—1"1 in that Tom and 1 asked Are batt wie #o DOW not Accept me anlalel wiv Sow Our fre ~ *Saseline” may bs uselul to you had a hand Weller not a hand exactly 17 State Street {(Commolidated) the skin coughs » a - eg, Oy ram ty tor Bu RN 0501 mg, prec = Es, rw 4 Saguaro Coho Zl any FACTS - Fon . New York When Your Eyes Need Care Try Murine Ere Hemedy., No Smart Fine Acts Quickly Try is fs Watery Eves and Urasuiated Eyelid ds, : trated Book in each Packare Murine is compounded by our Oenlias Bot 8 “Patent Mea wine bet Sees In Shores ple Physicians Pras tice Tor soapy Tears Kow deionised 10 ihe Pub e and sold By Iruggieis 31 Me and Mk per Botte Aropliec Tubes, He apd Re Murine Eye Remedy Co. Chicago SHOES Murine Kye Saive In THE STANDARD OF QUAI Probably No Exception. “Jones bas invented an airship” “Then it's bound 0 be a success” “Why so?” “AN his other up.” schemes have gone A very successful remedy for pelvic catarrh is hot douches of Paxtine Ap tiseptic, at druggists, 25¢ a box or sent postpaid on receipt of price by The Paxton Toilet, Co., Boston, Mass. A ‘Diplomat. “Don’t ask a gir! for a kiss lesg—" ‘Unless you want one?” “No, unless you don't” and inferior shoes. shoes, write W_ I, Dongins, Peoekton, Mase great thing For if people do what is right, in Rus Doing is the resolutely, time they come to like doing it.— kin, un- Vor coLDs and cue i Hicks' Carvmixg is the best remedy re Heves the aching and feverishiness cures the Coid snd restores normal conditions, It's liquide Mecie immediately. 10. Bo. and Sie. At drug stores, ! The man who makes hay when the sun shines doesn’t have to borrow his neighbor's umbrella when it rains. It often happens that when a man knows his duty he tries to stave it off by seeking advice. smi Some women are Passing. fair—and | A Jong life ana a meny i pected by those who use Garfield Tea, natural berb regulator. | flores. Lhe For ssie st al drug Virtue may be its own reward, but | at the corner grocery. Live Stock CHICAGO. $5.10@7.10; calves, $668.50. Hogs Light, $6.20@6.47'; mixed, $6.20@ 6.50; heavy, $6.26@6.65; rough, sales, $6.35 6.45. Sheep Native, $3175@530; West ern, $4@5.55; yearlings, $5.1006; lambs, native, $5@ 7.15; Western, $5.50 @7.35. NEW YORK.--Beeves, receipts, 387 head, Nothing doing; feeling steady. Calves—Veals, 3650010; selected, $10.50; culls, $6; Western nominal, Dressed calves steady; city dressed veils, 13 @16'%e; country dressed, 11@14. Sheep and Lambs-—-Sheep, $3.75@ 5.35; culls and bucks, $3@3.50; weth: ers, $6.50@06.76; lambs, $5756 7.50; culls, $6@ 056.60; yearlings, “5.504 6.60. A Drop of Blood Or a little water from the buman system when fhoroughly tested by the chief chemist at Dr. s Invalides’ Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., tells the Biers Yertett impoverished blood —nervous exhaustion or some kidney trouble. Such examinations are made without cost and is only a small part of the work of the staff of physicians and surgeons under the direction of Dr. R. V. Pierce giving the best medical advice possible without cost to those who wish to write and make a full statement of without the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden 2 Heid Discovery the Jha Sow i Signing | jute, wd | vigorates ver rest bod maker fesh-builder W.L His . Deogrine PROTECT Opportunity Here is an op. portunity to estab. lish a business in your community, that will make youmoney and save life and loss to property caused by lightning. We offer the best goods manufactured of the kind on the market. .We are look. ing for the right man in your com munity. Donsotfailtoexamine our proposition carefully, REYBURN HUNTER & CO. TYPEWRITERS | All makes $25.00, $30.00, $40.00 and $50.00, First class order. CASH REGISTERS We by, wel ond enhange. National (ash Beghiers, BW. Leer & Co, 225W Fayette 31. Baltimore ™S 1S THE ONLY COLLEGE | giving Individual Practical instrection. The 1 Cam Jahuet Shorvnang pr Bobi in YET B Tt pomsibie wERE ha Kas wh Corl ReE The KODAKS SUPPLIE Fron for eatalogres and literature, Re Bo Develo ing and Printing, Mail orders given prompt stontion, ROLLER OPTICAL £0. BALTIORE, 3 NEW RAF nE MEDY. Noi, Nn, Nop, i weal fn French SR with THR SEY bet AND XOD i AF RIDXEY, bob Lid SAIN EROPTIONS RRR Benign " ht Ime on WAVER OK oe HANPRTEAD, Yb To oe aa afroent iho iPPInE #