ps THE CENTRE REPORTER. ISSUED WEEKLY. Kdanor 8. W. stn, ana Proprietor. Entered at the Post Office in Centre Hall as Second Class mail matter. Pann’ A. CENTRE Hai, THURSDA AY, FEBRUARY CHURCH APPOINTMENTS Presbyterian—Centre Hall, Mills, afternoon, Lutheran—Tusseyville, morning ; alten Spring Mills, evening d--Union, moraing ; Spring Mills, af- Centre Hall, evening. 1. 1912 morning ; Spring Centre Hall, 000 Reforme terncon United Evapgelieal—Lemont, morning ; Lin- den Hall, evening. Evangelistic services each evening at Linden Hall. revival services, Bun- Shuey ; Mothodist—Centre Hall, day evening sermon by Rev, C C Preaching during the week at 7:15 Evangelical Asshciation-—Spring Mills Quar- terly Conference, Saturday afternoon ; preaching Saturday eveting by Rev, Wentz ; Linden Hall Buday morning ; Tusseyville, communion, after- non ; Spring Mills, evening, revival services. Heporter Regt t=» H. A. McClellan and W. M. Swabb, Tusseyville A. W. Dale, Oak Hall ~tation P. A. Auman and J W. Gobble, Spring Mills Charles A. Miller, Tu seyville A Carson, Esq., Potters Mills Rossman, Spring Mills ie] Bruss, Centre Hall { y B-llman. Miriam Ishler, Ruth and Vers Homan, W J. Berns George Kuhn, State College James L. Decker, Ce: tre Hall cif e— Marrisge loenses, Arthur Hull, Cartin Mary E. Hassinger, Curtin Gaorge W. Murray, Julian Fmms MeDonald, Julian John E. Fisher, Waddle Mary E. Confer, Waddle le Af ——— Ths Pen Surveyors linee of the Thia is the pare freeh markings of linea, A as the atale a of the land, it ia given a number of pris will houses, to aid E they continua running us farms comprising tiary ite at McBride Gap the vari penite he usual surveying done when hase of real estate demands corners, ete R000 comes into cae MIeTH quartered io the farm heir services drafted oun n performiog be able to do. whatever wor elem LOCALS Mrs I M Arpey, during the past week, has been eufleriog from rhen matism in Zerby, at Colyer, brih of twin calves, snd young animale are monsters. / Mra. Zon Eccles, of Philadelphis, nee Zora Heckman, gave birth to s daughter about two weeks ego. ways the The ben is being encouraged to do , because the market shot up yu figure where she may be able to tne high-priced scratch feed, her best erg I'ne Gregg township scuool teachers will bold their next regular teachers’ meeting on Thursday evening of next ek, at the Poke Hill school house, There will be a uoiou mreting of the i, Bocieties conuected with the formed, Presbyterian and Evangel- ehureh io toe Reformed church, 1day evening, #ix o'clock. we diss Lula Homan, youngest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Homan, state College, has been ffl cted rheumatism for four weeks or more at times suffers much pain. Her many youvg fiends here wiil re (ret to hear this bit of pews Mrs, Paul Mu-ser, of Pine Grove Mills, was taken to the Lock Haven where Dr. Ball removed a she rallied from the or- deat in the best of condition. Her farher, J. W. Sunday aud her hus band accompanied ber to Lock Hav- en Of with sae hospital large tumor, J. Calvin Neidigh, of Pine Hall, was seriously irvjured on the Clearfield ana Cresson ratiroad on Sunday morniug This is the third itjury suflered by him since he ls serviog thet road in the capacity of flagman. The smpu- tation of one of his lower limbs may be necessary. The Centre County Ministerial Union held a meetiog io the chapel of Piesbyterian churen, Bellefoute, Mon- day forenoop. Ihere wae a very good attendance, all the ministers of Cen- tre Hall were there. Important busi. ness claimed their attention, a full re port of which will be given the public later. John C. Rossman’s condition eon- tinues rather serious, sithough he has good chances for recovery. He Je sullsring from plomsin poisoning which is produced by bacteria in dead tisens being eaten in some form of food, this case presumably in oysters Ou Monday Dr. C. 8, Musser aud D-. J. V. Foster, the latter the phyei- cian in attendance, held a consulta tion. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Reeseman, or the 25th lustent, will resch the fifi} eth anniversary of their marriage Toe couple spent the greater part of thelr married life in Centre Hall, where Mr, Reesoman engaged in the gale of stoves and conducted a tin. smith establishment. Before the days of factary-made frali caus, press- ed pails, and many other articles In his line, he made these in large quan tities, He was also postmaster dure ing the years from 1876 to 1886, LETTERS FRO SUBIURIB ERS Reporter “auboribsra Varessapondent Uo’. nmo--New Department, FOUTHERN VINES Dear Mr. Smith : My little deughter Margaret and myself are taking a trip through the south. We will stop to see Mr. and Mrs D.J Meyer in Columbia, Mouth Carolina, sud then go to Oslando, Florida, and make that our head quarters for two or three weeks, Will also stop at Augustine, Tampa, Bt Petersburg, Key West, (Havana Cubs) and Isle of Pines, and other places, re. turning abou March 1st, Please send my Reporter of January 25. and February 1 and 8 and 15 to Orlando, Florida Weather “here dusty, flawers im nloom, ties of birds building berries will soon be ripe, ete Fraternally yours, N Car. is beautiful, roads many varie nests Straw DANIEL GRESS diel m——— Dr. Albert Dead, Rev \Dr. Charles 8, Albert, of Phila delphia, well known to Lutherans throughout the died home in Philsdeipt Hunday noon. Latheran Pablication =oclety. Dr Albert was born in Hanover, io of Rv Jacob fillet fuweyville gintes, at his iin, 1847 and was the son Albert, who at one ime appointments in church, with residence st Earlystowr, in a house opposite the sSpayd farm house. The jinior Albert also preach- ed in that church in his early ministry and visited at Rhoneymede when asiu- dent at Gettysburg the A tls Harris Mra Charles K townsnip. thin spent a few days Rell: iid, of week in the with relatives near fonts (‘ora Buarct Tussey- vicinity Mrs sink, spent last { of Boalsburg Mrs i f er, of this Mann, HTL Npean Ke Axe visited reiatives iu place week Mies Mary ( {time with Thomas | Fishburn at State ( Mra. Henry Linden Hall, Locust Grove farm The Boalsburg entertained st the Kuhn on Thursday evening A number « {indies from Boalsburg ‘orl is spronding some snd E itlege izabelh Gingerich, of near attended to business atl Inst week High School home of Harry Was | spent Puesday at the howe of Wililam Brooks near Linden Hall Mr. Hoekman and Misa sharer, of Zion, were visitors at the home of M Kuhp, Mrs Emma Sfasrt departed Boslaburg ou the 17:h for expects Lo Minnie Near regent IVD from jellevue, | where she tii | spring Charles Beck, several deys in this place taking orders ofl-rivg remain Ur of Bpring Mills, spen for enlarging aud fancy cushion covers for sale Rev. and Mra, 8. (, among the gues's al the surprise birthday party given for Mre, M. J Decker at Pipe Grove Mills Quite a number of our young people a tended the Odd Fellows fostival at Pine Grove M of ast week Mrs Mervin Kahn, sSegoer, Mrs. E. R Mure, George Hosterman spent day with Mrs. Chsries Kubn Rev. 8 CU. Btaver is ge vices at Plue Hall doriog the eve piogs of this week, clomiug wilh Lhe holy communion on runJiay, Adam Felly and dsugbler George Mhugart, Misses Anns Dale sitecded the Emaou.l Musser, Tuesday week The stork’s first visit to this piace in this leap year was at the home of (George Mothersbasugh, Bunday moro. ing, January 21st, where he Jefe a twelve pound boy. Adam Felty retained last week from a visit of several moi the with relatives at Belinsgrove, Harrisburg, Lebagon and other points in the enstern part of the state Dr. snd Mrs. T. UO Glenn, of Bed ford, visited the former's mother who is ill at her home io State College, Mrs Glenn speut a short time with her mother, Meet M A. Wouds at Boslsburg Communion services will be held in the Reformed church Bundsy Febru. ary 11th at 10:8), services during next piletutes Miover were Mra Charles W iHisma, Mra funeral of las Friday eveniogs. Rev. Raymond Jones, of Centre Hall will presch on Thursday and Friday eveniugs. The preparatory service. The banquet at the Odd Fellows hall on the evening of the 18h of January was ove of the most pleasing events of the season. The guests numbered one hundred and fifty and as g.usl, first class refieahyments were served, After the repast i. B Harrison acted se toss’ master. Rev Stonegypher, Rev, Stover and Prof Logan made me promptu speeches. Musical selections of & high order were rendered by the ‘Boalsburg orchestra, nod on a player plano which was recently purchased by the order. Al present seemed to have the * Glad I'm here” feeling and tarried until the wee small bourse of the night, Lf A Uentre Hepurie:r $1 » year. DEATHS, Mrs, Frances Colyer died Monday evening at the home of her daughter, Mra. H. J. Lambert, in _CObntre Hall, Interment will be made Friuhy morn. ing at Centre Hall, Rev, Caris" apd Rev. Barry to officiate, The decensed was the last surviving of the children of George and Sarah Lose, and was born in Lebanon eoune ty. The family came to Centre county many years ago, locating near Potters Mills. Bhe was aged gseventy-eight years and some months, There survive these children : ben, W., Pittsburgh; Mrs. L«hler, Tusseyville ; Mra H. bert, Centre Hall ; Cresson ; Mrs Emma Hoflman, ry ; Mrs. Minnie Trobert, Derry. Reu- George J. Lsm- Mrs James Hpicher, Der- diseases widow of ome st From a compliestion of Mre Houser nv y, Usrisnh Evey, died at her Pleasant Gap, Monday morving, aged wixty-three years. Ioterment will be fHouserville this (Cbhurs- day) afternoon, Anna be made at Will- Zottle, Ginp ; Harry Lizaie, hild- children of thelr here survive these children Bellef inte; Mra Cluarles Zisttle, Pleasant Altoona : Mrs Pleasant Gap ; Edgar, grande Mire. Hurry, Griffith, and Zils, ran, Hamel Jared, I'wo iid, also at home Lolita aud Har dinaie Coll, made nowe with her James Houser, Mrs, William Salt Hite, of Lemont, brother Darin BUrVIVe of Peru, a Moa BisO and slaters, J. B, Campbell died at Falrbrook suvdyy morning after a week's loess loterment was masd Meek’ His sge was aboul sixty-eig! Ibursday ) morpiog atl cure Po of farcuers ino his © of the Metho aid Leonard Grange, These childres Beriha anid Wasuiogton Campbell, « Mra, Eigse Miller, std Mra. Moll uf Altoona, sisters, ru wir, Usmpbell was one the mo sticeess fu HAmUDily A member fist ohuret sirvive : [sasc, Agnes, nil &* Lome Kansas, a brother, of De: Profi, Vive ver, Colorado ; also Mra. Campbell, who was 8 sister of FEN from Xx yes #, i on Bunday =f an illness dropay After {f two tendiog over a period of Alexander Davie died st his howe the vicloity of Bescl, was made in Lhe Wednes. ternoon. Iilerment ewnducted by Rv. Fred, W pestor of the Lutheran chureh, Mr, of Clearfi-l county, sod was aged ffiy-nine years some fs@ days His Hoove~, survives, children, pamely Bruce, Sandy Ridge; Mr» Lingle, B Mire, (George Wingard, Penn townahip, Barr ‘ Davie is 8 native wife, nes do Thomes, =» “Osan Bw one fur home Morris ber ; E Lal died at saturday, gl] Musser, a retired farme: tis bowe in Asrorsturg, aged seveniy-iwo months sod thirty-eight day» will be } at Wo [M's chapel, Pe years, Ven made to-day Rav. D. M Geesry tocfliciate. His wire die inet July, but these children survive ; ou Me H WW iilian ureday the hiomeetead ; Mrs. Haines towusnip; Mes ' A inklcbleox, tek, vitltem Homan, South Dakotas ; ane in Penn township ssn ft we jing House Barued, -. The dwelling booger on the Buieh- woods and family was totally destroy vd by fire Thursday afternoon, be teen the hoprg of four and five «'eloes. Mrs Woods and ber five ehildren w-re al bome when the house burped, vut the first intimation they had tha their bome was being destroyed was when the fire began to drop through the celliug to the flor below, Wilh ner little ones the mother jeft the without securing clothing other than they were wearing when the fire was disgovered. From without they watched the fl qmes pat up their all, People living at Mhjogletlown pbeerv. ed the smoke nud flames lsuing from the upper story of the house, and al though they hurried to the scene, they arrived too late to hinder the de. strugtiop of the property by the fl \mes. Mrs Joho Leech gave the desti ute family shelter for the night, and now they are quartered at the home of Mr. Wood's father, An «flort is being made to secure » house for the family, and when this I» dons the good people of that come munity have expressed a willingness, f+ 14 stated by the Reporter's Boales bug oorrespondent, to supply them with not only food, but clo. hing, bed. ding, furaligre, and everythiog nec wsnary for hogeekpepjog, A sommunity sush se that in which this unfortanate family lives, has on. ly to have an opportanity to show its spirit of love for humanity, isons MI MI SA A. Its chalrman Guthrie, sll righ’, And there Is an April 18 bh coming apeedily, Why They Died. Naturally applicants for life insane ance may be expected to put as good a face ible on the reports eon- cerning nd the of thelr deaths, but they seinetimes make rather amwopsing sia some ene hag collected a few these which were originally hed in the Brit- fsh Medical Journal: “Mother died in infancy.” “Father went to bed feeling well and the next morning woke up dead.” “Grandfa- ther died suddenly at the age of 108. Up to this he bid fair to reach a ripe old age.” “Applicant does not know cause of mother's death, but states that she fully recovered from her lust illness.” “Applicant has never heen fal k.” “Applicant's broth er, an infact, died when he was “Grandfather died wound caused by an ar Indian.” Applicant's died whe 3 is n “Mother's Ia fliness Wid ism, but Father Jour. sociation. as po reiotives CAURes tenes. uf publi tile ally gic who was a mere child from guns row shot by an fraternal parent child.” caused from chiro she was cured died suddenly; n nal of America hot Loaded A firem for pro: nee; He rules amination engl the ’ i Oi ddist Priests of Burma. after sunrise the aut in with a This ir approach, what these Burma go tis tr it intervs of i to ses with rd the bell rings a vith her of or the ide. No The and it revered : eo wapie priests Burmese wo: fering of rice, Lhinanas, eggs best that h pros words of greet xchanged offerings are made and received in sl lence. ‘The Buddhist priests may not receive mone This i why they have to beg for the r daily bread regan Days of the Week. While the Egyptians named the days of thelr week, the Jews numbered them only, the firet day of the woek being after the weekly fabbath Fifteen different methods of Kabbath counting are known to have gxisted during the last 4.000 years, in. glnding gvery day of the week, weeks of different ul varving length, from gix to ten dave, nnd months of various and varying nth, alwave the day He'd Eat the Thistle. A discussion on appeintments to the Most Noble Order of the Thistle gave rise to nn oauetic saving on the part of Disraell. Among the names suggested was that of a certain peer, who displayed more zeal than judg: ment in his support of the Conserva- tive party. “Oh, no!” remarked his gngrateful chief. “I couldn't give Lord the Thistle. He'd eat 10.” -~London Graphic, a SR. A Simple Twist of the Wrist. “Yon know Jones, who was reputed #0 rich? Well, he died the other day, and the only thing he left was an old Puteh glock.” “Well, there's one good thing about {tit won't be much trouble to wind up his estate.” Sacred Heart Review, An Amiable Dentist. Yietim-—8ay, durn ye, you've pulled the wrong tooth! of the right oue, but we'll call it my mistake. Chicago Tribune, AHA RR SU Wealth and Wisdom, A man who 8 worth more than $1. 000000 can get any commonplace re- mark accepfed as an epigram.—Chi eago Record-Moerald. What a strange thing is man ang what a stranger is woman!-Byron. i adi Ben 2 nd a ira ard 4 ads Fer er i PRODUCE AT STOKSY, 10 | BBOIST.corsrersorssmmin 100 3 BEBE cores covios soonne GRAIN MARKET. Wheat ....... ORE .ooonnnon sn Carn Lar. .oconsisiviiniss Printnos been examin for following accounts have Register's office on so terested, and will be rt of Centre Coun 3 : 28th day Orphan's $0 ccinrininirns nuns oH BAFIOY . .oocoonerrirspsnen 45 £0 70 5 A D., 1912 The first and fin a! account of Baral , of Sarah Palmer, Coane Eckley inte of NIXG MILL, SAW WILL DWEIL. LING HOUSES, BU ILDING LOTS, ETC, VATE BALE ~ erwigned, agent for the sdministratrix of ths ale Abrebam P. Luse. and a member of the firm of A P. Love & Fou, offers at private sale aniing will saw mill lamber yard, cider press, por hie saw mill snd engine, dwelling botises The fire and final if J . and building ime. the propesty of A. P. Luse & inistrator of eu of} inpper, late of Bon For further information spply to W. LUSE, Agent Ceuire Hail, Pa FH A AT PRI! The und The first and { inistrator of ol it of W. B Kesickle, Cox inte of al scoonur , of Jolin The first and pson and D ri of etc apf John Yecenn 07 NOTE~VPlanirg The firsl and mill sold, HOUSE yoR BALE The. uy. A offers for sale the dwelling the Penps Valley Banking urch street, the prop ipictier home. The house Is in + and commndious, and wel ber perliculsr apply to W. B. MINGLE Centre Hall, Pe The first an property, on Ch EALE~The uodemsigned sol Of gle Dis pronerty, one siyer, containing about three ig 6 god house ant stable, ; 8i " 8 ot of young fruit renches and plums + 0 raise poul ry, iitry house on the The property will be sold al & ressonabie ate § on favorable terms. Good reason ng Ww dispose of it C UD FRAZIER, Spring Mills, Pa . BR. 2 NOURT PROCLAMATION. “ane | arier Sessions er and Geners th the oounly of F FEBRUARY, brusry, 1912, and to i i il £1 i [Cold January Weather! ' Requires Warm Clothing cold A warm body consequently it Don’t run the risk of contracting a severe by not being properly clothed. conducive to good health, means a saving in doctor bills, Your Underwear would naturally give you your first consideration, We invite you to look over ou various lines, including | UNDERWEAR, for Men, Women and Chil dren SWEATERS, for Everybody CAPS--a good :ine for Men and Boys The problem of keeping warm at nights can only be solved by good Blankets, We have A line of good, heavy BLANKETS that you should see before buying elsewhere, Give us a call. KREAMER & SON Centre Hall, Pa. oe ad causes every article to be read with care. We print your bill with this end in view. Our equip- ment of poster type is far above the average. We have added a strong, legible type face—for descrip- tive use—to our sale printing department, which will enable us to print better bills this spring than ever before. Our prices are cheaper but not the quality of work The Centre Reporter Centre Hall, Pa. Second only to sun lght. The clearest, steadiest and best artis ficial light known, Get Family Favorite Oil St Jour Sealers “aut uf the ariginal reel from our refineries, y avorite wil not smote. Look flicker; will pot ohi Bost Rinne, Sows he more WAVERLY OIL work 8 CO. Independent Retinors, PITYSUURG, PA, Alno makers of Weaver! yori tps Dedede te