NEW VIGOR FON BAD BACKS, How to Make a Weak Back Better. Women who suffer with backache, bearing-down pains, dizziness, con- stant, dull, tired feeling, will find hope In the advice of Mrs. W. B. Con- | way, 117 Railroad | t., Punxsutawney, Pa. Says Mrs. Conway: “I was pe such poor health could scarcely do my housework. My back ached as if it were being pulled apart and my feet and ankles were ee tr ad che ovr badly swollen. “Kidney secretions were in terrible condition, I was extremely nervous and my heart palpitated violently. Doan’'s Kidney Pills relieved me and goon my whole system was renovated.” “When Your Back Is Lame, Remem- | berthe Name—DOAN'S.” 50c,allstores. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Insults. | A strapping German with big beads | of perspiration streaming down his face was darting In and out of the aisles of a Philadelphia department store His excited actions attracted the at- tention of all salespersons, and they hardly knew what to make of it A hustling young man of the clothing department walked up to him and asked, “Are you looking for something in men's clothing?" “No!” he roared; “not men's cloth- ing: vimen's clothiB™~J can’t find my wife!"—Lippincott’s. Distinction. { Senator Lotsmaun- Chunkerson that wants a consulship, and what claim has he on me for a political job? Private Secretary—He says he's the only man who hasn't been mentioned as a candidate for governor of [lil nois A Failure. he had a successful career”™ He doesn't owe anybody any “Has “No money. Squeliched. Gerald— What do you think of this recall idea Geraldin thank — Ir » > One call will be enough, For COLDS and GRIP You i Hicks' Carrpixe is the best remedy—re { Heves the nohing aud feverishness—etires the Coid and restores normal conditions It's | Uguid-effects lunuediately. ue. 230¢., and ke, At drug stores TO DRIVE OUT MALARIA AND BUILD v PF THE SYSTEM Take the Old Standard GROVES TASTELESS . —— m— CHILL TOUNK You know what yon are taking. The formula is plainly printed on every bottle, it 1s much easier for us to forgive showing itis si mply ui ae and Iron in a tasteless 3 ' some one for being an enemy te our form. and the ou effectual form. For grown *wuple and chi poet MW cents . > friends than for being a friend to our elemly Few Hens in England. England has hen to the acre of territory, | one Constipation causes and seriously aggra- vates many diseases It is thoroughly cured by Dr. Pierce's Pellets. Tiny sugar coated granules. reduces Inflamma- i ——— LoD allays palin, cures wind colic, 3c a bottle | Many a man who c¢ honest as the day Is want the searchlight Hat record BETTER FUR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN THAN CASTOR OIL, SALTS, OR PILLS, AS IT SWEETENS AND CLEANSES THE SYSTEM MORE EFFICIENTLY AND IS FAR MORE PLEASANT TO TAKE SYRUP Fi68=-2F LIXIRSSENNA gi Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children teething, softens the gums, aims to be as long wouldn't turned on his 4 practical joke 18 never what {t's cracked up to be IS THE IDEAL FAMILY LAXATIVE, AS IT GIVES SATISFACTION TO ALL, IS ALWAYS BENEFICIAL IN ITS EFFECTS AND PERFECTLY SAFE AT ALL TIMES, CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. in the Circle, ; on every Package of the Genuine. —————— ALL RELIABLE DRUCCISTS SELL THE ORIGINAL AND CENUINE WHEN CALLED FOR, ALTHOUGH THEY COULD MAKE A LARGER PROFIT BY SELLING INFERIOR PREPARA TIONS, YET THEY PREFER TO SELL THE GENUINE, BECAUSE IT IS RIGHT TO DO 30 AND FOR THE COOD OF THEIR CUSTOMERS, WHEN IN NEED OF MEDICINES, SUCH DRUGGISTS ARE THE ONES TO DEAL WITH, AS YOUR LIFE OR MEALTH MAY AT SOME TIME DIPEND UPON THEIR SKILL AND RELIASILITY WHEN BUYING Note tfie Full Name of the Company & (SDR A (BNL AA PRINTED STRAILHT ACROSS, NEAR THE BOTTOM, AND IN THE CIRCLE NEAR THE TOP OF EVERY PACKACE. OF THE GENUINE. ONE SIZE ONLY, FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING ATL Fle FORE DRUGGISTS. REGULAR PRICE 50 PER BOTTLE, OF PACKAGE SYRUP OF FICS AND FLIXIR OF SUNNA IS THE ONLY PERFECT FAMILY LAXATIVE, BECAUSE IT IS THE ONE REMEDY WHICH ACTS IN A NATURAL, STRENCTHENING WAY AND CLEANSES THE SYSTEM, WITHOUT UNPLEASANT AFTEREFFECTS AND WITHOUT RAITATING, DEBILITATING OR GRIPING, AND THEREFORE DOES NOT INTERFERE IN ANY WAY WITH BUSINESS OR PLEASURE. IT IS RECOMMENDED BY MILLIONS OF WELL INFORMED FAMILIES, WHO KNOW OF ITS VALUE FROM PERSONAL USE. TO CIT ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS ALWAYS BUY THE CENUINE, MANUFACTURED BY THE CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. PERFECTION ——— + SYPLY 4 west} wi emergeny you need a Pe erdection y you dress Is 12 und the exposed corners of i Heater. h yo wit bedroom cold whe or undress ? Do L 4 i ol chily when the w your house ? keless € our water pipes fr eeze in the li ? fd wi usl.ce ar A Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater brings « mplete com fort. Can giowing heat from t e minute 1B is ht ted be carted anywhere, Always ready for gee a Perfection Onl Hester; or Siar to any agency of The Atlantic Relming Co. 1 to thow ¥o me TIAve CH your dealer 250, 2.0, *3.50 & *4.00 SHOES WOMEN wear W.L. Douglas stylish, perfect fitting easy walking boots, because they give in the sale of W. L. Douglas shoes proves their superionty over all other makes for the price. The workmans! ip which has made W, L. Douglas hoes famous the world over is mamtained in every parr, If | could take you into my large factories at Brockion, Mass, and show you how carefully W .L..Douglas shoes are made, you would then understand why they are war. £2 ranted to hold their shape, fit better and @8& A weat longer than any other make for the price CAUTION The genuine have W. LL. Douglas ni hide Lod price stamped on bottom” tain W. 1. Doagias shoes in on owt write for catalog, Bhows sent direct from factory to wanrar, ail «harges prepaid. W.L. DOLGLAR, 145 Spark 82. Brockton, Mase, bs oa *. Lo y wt EN - ONE PATH of my BOYS" 82, 82.50 or $3.00 SHOES will positively out wear TWO PAIRS of ordinary bose’ shoes Fast Coter Egelets Used E relusively. Lambe and Rayo Lanterns The strong, steady light. Rayo lamps and lanterns give most light for the oil they burn, Do not flicker. Will not blow or jar out. Simple, reliable and durable—and sold at a price that will surprise you. Ask your dealer to show you his line of Rayo lamps snd lanterns, or wre to any agency of The Atlantic Refining Co. (Incorporated) 333333 EcEE€e THE NEWS OF PENNSYLVAXIA ————————— Mount Joy. Christian H prominent farmer, of East Lampeter Township, died at the age of 53 years He is survived by three children enmeshed in bed coverings, Joseph Dodds, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas was smothered to death Canonsburg. —James M. Collins, a well-known business and candi date for borough auditor, was found dead at his desk with a bullet in brain.’ Chester, —Becoming Dodds, man his who Cen aunty ne Harrisburg. —George Harris, placed obstructions on Northern tral Railroad summer, hospital tracks in this « last was sent to an inst almost had boy Chester, A needle three inches in been in his body since he taken from the back of Edwa Morris, a resident of Marcus Hook darning length, which Was a rd was 1 York surveying Marviand survey ('h 5 surveyors is busy this and the line for a State road follows the old York a pike through wn, Peachbhottom A corps of between city The nd anceford Dallas? Red Lion, Delta township and Gresh, a Gilberts Reading. Augustus werlthy retired this bed He farmetp 0 m 1 found ville, county, was was eighty-three age Apoplexy was ing Raymond arid boy, and was pped at t} fiig team 1 he mounted tarted for Plow odd that lonely persons who ville while he was driv stretch of wood some of the have the hold-up ge of har ba en operating Mr Aine late Iv suspected ing the money for the charcoal that was sold and took advantage of this lonely place on the road to hold him up and rob him Mr. SBegner's head and body bear bruises that indicate the club or possibly a segner use of revolver Convicted court, Ralph who two months ago stabbed former friend, Frank Passeretti, death in & fight that followed a party Allentown of man hin by Judge Trexier, Pittsburgh. «The Governor and his staff, many members of the Penneyl vania Legislature and scores of friends of the deceased, attended the funeral of John Fremont Cox, late Speaker of the House of Representatives in First Methodist Episcopal Church (n Home toad CHANGES IN FOOTBALL Many Plagers Chance. Old Machine Gives Place to Squad Capable of Experimental Shifts in Course of Game-—Eleven is Made More Plastic. radical a change in the last few years as has the game (tself, and nothing exemplifies this so much as the meth ods in vogue in the middle west There is less change in east, for eastern elevens hedged about with their traditions and "coaching systems” that hard to ac- complish with teams of district a8 a of parent tha in tLe are go reform 1s the big the smaller the and a schools rule, follow the example the eo Bene ral the larger hange ig less ap district known of the ga the to R wars me as the trict western fol conference di The mean does «1 f but that cont the con territory which may be states of lllinois. Indiana Michigan, Minnesota, Ie and souri rence not rence the influenced by bod} summed up as the Wisconsin Missouri! Mis “x POW Wa Nebraska Sehools valley confers ample set by the olde most the 11 hi + ork ’ % es erful : i 113 minor ] territory fol low the larger In no school ing m tution » in coach Ore AppRre in in an inst no iongey nferend oachil 1 ih of Leader of Wisconsin Football Youngest Athlete. United States is Richard Baxter gon of Hugh HH. Baxter, the ex-cham plon pole vaulter and millionaire Richard wag born a few days ago and an A. A UU. registration card was is ated for him before he wae twenty four hours old Hig proposer wae Captain Matthew Halpin of the New York A. C, and his name was sec rded by Becretary Robert CC Kamer “ef the satoe club the had About it. “Binks Is just crazy about being up- to date.’ “How does he “He is trying wireless cage” The “Happier Age, The Bronze Age man chuckled “If | was steel, | suppose they would dissolve me,” he cried Herewith he rejoiced he didn’t too late, show 117” to get ive After all, young women judge a man whnt he hur accomplished ALCOHOL~-3 PER CENT A\egetable Preparation for As- similating the Food and wp | ting the Stomachs and Bowe Promotes Digestion C heerful ness and Rest Contains neither Opium Morphine nor Mineral NoT NARC OTIC Fecope of “Olet Dr Le SA SUEL PYTCRER Purples n Seed - Alx Sonna = Kochelle Sally - Anire Seed Lhoperminl - \ Bi Cardonale Soda » Worm Tred Clordond Sugar Winbergreen Flavor A perfect Reme dy for ( onstipa hon . Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, | Worms Convulsions Feverish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP i sl PH Spe PE A = NN ERE RONG Fac Simule S gnature of Zr 15. Tie __ NEW Y ORK pias months old 3 & R35) psp CENTALR ( ANY, the Foodar Ww ‘Buaranteed under parison we have deal rarer Por HEADAC HE REickn? capt DINE hether ‘ he TS | =~ 1 Troubles pleas Some men have a well seated preju lice against their woman in a 1} place tO a Car Evers it a lemon time you meet a grouch ha Could Hardly Hear Senses of Taste and Smell Were Also Greatly Impaired, afflicted with catarrh,” writes Forbes, lebanon, Kansas “gf took several different medicines, kiving each a fair trial, but grew worse uni: 1 could hardly hear, taste or smell. | was about to give up in despair, but con- eluded to try Hood's Sarsaparilla, After taking three bottles of this medicine 1 was cured, and have not had any return of the disease.” Hood's Barsaparilla effects permanent cures of catarrh, Get it chocolated ud was Fugene radical and usual called liquid form oe Sarsatabs. today in tablets For Infants and Children. Always Bought Bears the Signature of Use For Over Thirty Years There Is Hor & wo Opium anyltiing lojwicus In Hale’s Honey Of Horehound and Tar for coughs, col mt. AN I Pike's Toothache Props Lure in One Minute ACTS LIKE MAGIC. J. J. Patterson, M.D. Marshall, Ala. says 25¢. 50¢c. 81 a bottle at Drug & Gen’] Storer IMPORTANT T0 PILE SUFFERERS sVe Tue Kew Intermar Pie Treatment BRINGESOUICK RE ey No Need Suffer a Da wo J. EVERHART & COMPANY WASHINGTON, D.C. By M FL. Money NO MORE SALVES IF YOU HAVE ___ oun. Malaria or Piles, Sick Headache, Costive Bowels, Dumb Ague, Sour Stomach snd Belching: if your food does not assimilate and you have ‘589 e, Tut's Pills will cure these troubles, Price, 28 cents. 7 FORWALLS KEMSTERA x RA CEILINGS yada d = LDOKS LIKE WALL PiarER Te oii ¥ n beam if trated os of 24 olor i I" A ean 9 i Sand FORTH KEASTONE V ANISH CO.. Sole Proprietors funded ifn ro been NO NEED FOR PAIN tas ate or Broan “Nn. ¥. AGENTS pono R600 20d WANTED he hae Nr artis Geneva New York Faint? Ur do you experience pain A heart tonic, The arteries are filled come b put up sappear and are overs of thin-blooded people, as good sane remedy and refuse all *' just