S—— - THE CENTRE REPORTER. ISSUED WEEKLY. 5. w. SruTH, “ea Raitor and Proprietor. Entered at the Post Office in ‘Centre Hall a Second Clas mall matter, Centre Harz, . . THURSDAY, OCTQBER 19, 1811 CHURCH APPOINTMENTS. Methodist—Centre Hall, morning ; Spruce. town, afternoon ; Spring Mills, evening. Har- vest home services at all the appointments. Lutheran~Uplon, morning ; Georges Valley, afternoon ; Ceutre Hall, evening. United Evangelical-Dr. J, P. Pateh, Superin- tendent of Altoona District State Anti-Saloon League, will speak at the following appoint ments at times designated : Egg Hil, moroing ; Tusseyville, afternoon ; Centre Hall, evening. Everybody invited. DEMOCRATIC TICKET. A.B. LEE D. R. FOREMAN JOHN D. MILLER J. FRANK BMITH W. FRANCIS SPEER WILLIAM H. NOLL DANIEL A. GROVE D. PAUL FORTNEY PHILIP 8, FISHER JEREMIAH BRUNGART 8. H HOY J. H. WETZEL Sheriff : Prothonotary : Treasurer : Register : Recorder : Commissioners : District Attorney Coroner : Auditors : surveyor : ‘What “would happen if the State Penitentiary would be located in Cen- tre county ? The Lewisburg & Tyrone Railroad would bas extended to its original terminal —Tyrone. A ——— This is the first sentence of an ad- vertisement that appeared in the Phil- ipsburg Daily Journal : “ Harry Diehl, Republican candidate for Pro thonotary, won his nomination in a straight for ward canvass.’ The little notice is very timely, as there are a lot of Republican voters in the county who do not believe that Harry Diehl won his nomination in a straight forward canvass, and they will not believe it after they read his ad- vertisement, ———————— — —————— In the calculations made by the Democratic Watchman and the Cen- tre Reporter in summing up the value of the payments made on the county bonds for thirty years, there appears to be a discrepancy of between seven and eight thousand dollars, the Wateh man making the sum total $128 496, while tho Reporter finds it to be $135,- 000, The Watchman figured on the basis of paying $2200 at the close of each year, while the Reporter made ita calculations on the basis of the pay- ments being made every six months, as the bonds stipulate, oe ———— —_— rot ——— The question of qualification can- not be raised in discussing J. Frank Smith as a candidate for register, That office requires a man of sound jodgment, Mr. Bmith has it; it re- quires a man with clerical ability, he has that too. He will not pead to se- quire courtesy, because he is courteous io hiseveryday aflairs. He is 8 man particularly and peculiarly fitted for the office. a bins No one will dare connect A. B. Lee with the suthorship or any knowledge of the letter complained of by D, J, Gingery. There was no occasion for such a letter eminating from any Democratic source. When the real truth is made known itssuthorship will be credited to some other source than any one connected with the Democrat. ic organization. There is little doubt but that the circular letter, if such it was, was sent out not with the idea of injuring the opportunities of Mr. Gingery, but to arouse the enmity of Mr. Gingery against the present can- didste, Mr. Lee. The reference to Mr. Stover was made to hide the real pur- pose of the forger. ——————— a fA A ATI. David J. Gingery, of Martha Fur- nade, is up in arms, and threatens to become an independent candidate for sheriff. He was a candidate for that office at the primaries and received seven bundred and fifty-five votes against two thousand and sixty-two for A. B. Lee, the present nominee, Mr. Giogery Is evidently laboring under a mistaken impression, snd ac- cuses A. B. Kimport, the Democratic county committees chairman, with eir. culating a campsign letter that re flected on his character and ability, and the same letter, Mr. Gingery claims, mentioned incapacity on the part of Mr, Btover, one of the eandi- dates for commissioner, the purpose of the letter being to aid certain cane didates and discredit others, Chairman Kimport denies all re. sponsibility for the appearance of the letter, and had no knowledge of it, He further states that no letters were sent out by him ss chairman or other. wise favoring one candidate and dis ¢ editing another, and offers a reward of $500 for any letter or circular bear ing his signature containing such mat- ter. That such a letter, if it really existed, came from Chairman Kim- port, is unbelievable. If such cam- paign literatuse was sent out, and the name of the Democratic chairman at- tached without his permission, Mr, Kimport should snd no doubt will make every effort to discover who committed the forgery, and see that be is punished, X Gall a Reformed Pastor, The members of the Centre Hall Reformed charga were very favorably impressed with Rev. Raymond Jones, of Baegerstown, who filled the appoint. ments on the charge last Buunday. After each of the services a con zrega tional meeting was held, which result. ed in an almost unanimous vote being recorded in favor of the minister be- coming the regular pastor. It is un- derstood the consistory at a meeting held Tuesday afternoon prepared a call, in which the salary stipulated is $850. It is believed the call will be ac- cepted, and that Rev, Jones will as- sume active charge by the first of De- cember, The members of the consistory who were present at the meeting on Tues- day are these : Prof. C. R. Neft, H. F. Bitoner, W. F. Bradford, A. P, Krape, W. F, Kel. ler, W. Gross Mingle, W. F. Rockey, Ralph Rickard, James Raymond. Philip Durst, Paul Swabb, Robert Smith. ——— fp Governor Glenn's Sabjeeot, Governor Glenn, of North Carolina, who will appear in Grange Arcadia, Saturday evening. has a string of lec- tures at his command, and the com- mittee has not yet decided which one it will ask him to give, the lecture, however, will be on one of the follow- ing subjects: ** Oar country ; ita dangers and pos- sibilities.” “ Character building.” “ Bowing and reaping.” “ The Bouth, its problems and its future.” ‘* Are our boys safe, and what more can we do for them.” * Oar country’s need of sterling men and women.” A Rebearsburg. Kline Royer is visiting under the parental roof. Harry Hoy and family, of Spring Mills, spent *unday among friends a! this place. Mr. and Mrs. Beott Stover spent last Sunday at Woodward with the family of Prof. E. B. Btover. Mr. and Mrs. C. LL. Gramley and Mr apd Mrs. G. B. Haives spent part of last week at Pittsburg. Allen Royer, who had been working for Samuel Mowery, leit for his home in Madisonburg. Henry Vonada has taken his place. Mrs, Whitman, wife of Rev. N. A. Whitman, pastor of the Lutheran church, received a slight paralytic stroke one day last week, Bome of our farmers are erecting ad. ditional corp cribs in order that they will be able to store the enormous corp crop now being harvested, Dwight Wolf, who was a patient ip the Willlamaport suflering from typhoid fever, is now at the home of J. W. Harter, where he is recuper ating. Daniel Gramley, who left tion twenty years ago for the far west returned for the firet time on lsat Fri day. He is accompanied by his wife, and they are now shaking handa with old scqusintances snd relatives, Mtn Colyer. Mrs. Mary Long spent a day last week at the home of J. H. Moyer. Mrs Emma Jordan and Mrs. Maha Ia Nevel transacted business in Lewis town last week, Misws Grace Ishler and Blanche Moyer epent Sunday at the home of William Bitper, Frank Beaver and friend, of Btate College, spent Sunday at the home of William Moyer, Mre. Fimira Moyer, of Tusseyville, is spending a few day: at the home of her daughter, Mra, Charles Neff, Jobn Bitner is ill with typhoid fever, Mis. Maria Jordon, Mrs Stewsrd Jordan and Mrs, Kizzle Swabb are alco ill. Mra. William Searson and daughter Mary, of near Lemont, returned home after spending some time at the home of Edward Bubb and family. Mr, and Mre. John Bediyon accom panied by the former's mother Mrs Rebecea Bediyon, of Mifflin county, spent Buoday with friends in this place. Earnest Treaster and Clara Reiber spect Bunday at the home of Milton Klioe in Centre Hall. They were ac- companied home by the latter's sister Miss Blanche Reiber, A ——————— A —— AS AAS I Frank J. Bmith is better qualified for the office of register than soy can didate in either of the political parties who aspired to the office in 8 number of years, He is a good pensman, » man of good judgment, methodical He koows human nature. and will be ecapeble of transacting official busines without offending. Outside of office hours Mr. Bmith will be found a whole man, sand considerate of the rights and opinions of others, A uti i A——— John D. Miller has been a farmer all his life ; he hae a reputation for rugged honesty, He is now a candi date for county treasurer, and this gives his fellow farmers an opportunity to elevate one of thelr number. There will be no misplacing of confidence if Mr. Miller receives your vote. AI MAM SAAR, hospital this sec Tresspass notices, suitable for all purposes, may be had at this office, * a Harris 1own ship. Mra. Laura Bricker visited at! Tyrone last week, | H, M. Hosterman and family spent | Baturday at Bellefonte, Hon. Cyrus Woods, of Sresnaburg was a recent visitor at Boslsburg. | C. Corl W.baled tw enty.one tons of | hay in eight hous for Austin Dale, at Oak Hall, last Thursday, W. C. Meyer, of State College, at- tended to business In Boalsburg on Haturday. Daniel Mothersbaugh, who spent the summer near Geneva, New York, returned home last week Mr. snd Mrs. Homer Barr visited for a week with Mra, Barr's sister, Mra G H. Widder, in Harrisburg, Mrs. George Mothersbaugh with her children spent a few days at her form- er home at Linden Hall, Mre. Garver and Mrs. W. R. Ham, with her child, of Btate College, spent Thursday afternoon at Boalsburg. The new hall built by the ** Knights of Malta’ at Boalsburg will be dedi- cated on the evening of the 27th. Charles Motherebaugh departed Monday for Derry, where he will employed in the store house of a glass company. Cyrus Confer and from Boalsburg to parents, Mr. and Mrs. pear Walout Grove, Mrs. Frank Fisher and children, of Altoona, and Charles Fisher and fam ily, of Danville, were guests of Mrs, Emma Fisher over Bunday. Fred Weber and sisters Margaret and Katharine, of State College, en joyed a drive to their former home a! Boalsburg, ou Bunday sfternoon. A number of young people from this place enjoyed a dance in the Boal hall io this place on Friday eveniog Fine refreshments were served, Miss Myra Kimport, of State Col lege, with the help of Misses Wille Waite and Rhoda Harrison, had » display of fine fall hats at the Harri son store at Boalsburg on Tuesday af fernoon, When George Motbersbaugh wen: to his barn on Monday morning he found bis best horse dead. It is sup posed the ailment was eoli>, althougt no symptoms were noticeable on Han on be family moved Mrs. Confer's George Horner, day evening. The ladies aid society of the Re. formed church at State College served a chicken and wsflle supper at the home of the M'sses Kaup on Thursday evening at which $80 were realized Rev. and Mm. 8B. C. Btover smong the guests, Spring Mills. Samuel L. Condo's cosch shop is al most completed, Dr. HA 8. Braucht made a profes sional eall in Centre Hail on Sunday A valuable horse belonging to Thom. as Decker died a few days ago. Harry Kreamer, of Elizabethville, spent Bunday with Lis parents at Pens Hall. R GG flinburg where he will carpenter trade. Mra. William Meyers, who has been sfllicted with rheumatism time, is not improving. Mr, and Mra. Jobo MeCoy, of Belle- fonte, were guests of Hon. W. M. All. on Funday, Homer Decker, a clerk in the counts commissioners’ office, ¢prnt Bunday with Merchant John Rishel, D. H. Bhlegal, paper hanger and dec orator, did work of that character io Centre Hall beginniog of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Fink, of Line Lexington, Bucks county, are visiting the latter's sister, Mra, Jasper Wagner, At least a few residents of Bpriog Mills have secured tickets for the Cen- tre Hall lecture course and they and others ex pect to hear former Governor (Glenn, on Halurday evening. Rev. RB. Raymond Jooes, of Baegei s- town, presched an (nteresting sermon on Sunday morning in the Reformed cnarch, and after the services gave hin s unanimous vole to become Lhe pastor of the charge of which the congrega- ton 1s a part, fhe public school teachers in Gregg township have organized an associa tion for mutual benefit, and will hold their first regular meeting this (Toure. day) eveving. Tue pian is a most commendable one, and cannot result otherwise thao to greatly sid in secu: ing more efficient work ou the part ol the teachers who enter into the sso. ciation work with spirit, Bervioes in the Lutheran church at spring Mills were held for the first ime by Rev. Fred W. Barry, who Just became pastor of the charge, iast sunday wf ernoon, His eovgregation was highly pleased with his sermon and maauer both oo and off the pul pit. He will hold services next Ban. day at the Union and Georges Valley, on Bunday morolog and afternoon, re. spectively, ———————— A SAAN Don’t trifl+ with a cold Is good ad- viee for prudent men sad women, It may be vital io case of a child, There is nothing better than Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy for coughs and colds in children, It is safe and sure. For enle by all dealers, AAD AAMAS. IL. F. Rhoan, of Lemont, the sue tloveer, haa given up leaving Centre county, and will therefore continue the ory of © O yes, "nau O yes,” were Kennelly expects to go to Mit work at the for some ann, $20.00 to $45. 3 i FALLS ONLY TO RISE. An Experiment Which Shows a Cort of Perpetual Motion Effect. experiment contents legrees | mediately the su d aniline « ia mences to ape, and grad more in wn the ly a dinmeter detaches iw% and fal thir And now, the dets large drop ar wh or a an iteelf s ia. ugh tiie wats cdl ea. whed drop fallen to the bottom of the comes the surprising part of The fallen drop beaker, the ex periment it joins the macs from which it pre viously broke away. At once another arop commences to form and, having become detached, falls and rises in the game manner as the previ 80 long as the water is maintained st 170 Fahrenheit or over this pr tinues indefinitely Spokan man-Review, ig drop temperature of the degrees wedure con ¢ Spokes Worked Both Ends. Queens at their best are but women of exile, ali the goldsmiths could decorate my crown.” She was “pow dered” with gems, which Fountain hall says “made her shine like an] angel” i And Queen Caroline, too, the wife of George 11. used to alinde to Lord Hervey's rather personal remark that her crowning dress “was as fine as the accumulated riches of the city and suburbs could make it, for, besides her own jewels, she had on her head and shoulders all the pearls she could borrow of the ladies of quality at one end of the town, and on her petticoat nll the diamonds she could hire of the | Jewelers at the other” procure The Polar Bear. brute. A specimen of this species has | been killed weighing 1.000 pounds and | measuring nearly thirteen feet from | nose to tall. The strength of the polar | bear Is beyond belief. One was seen | feeding on the body of a white whale fifteen feet long and weighing at least three tons, The whale had been drag. ged by the bear out of the water on to the ice. ds Ceutre Reporter, §1 per year. mule Reglater Bilicusness js doe to a condition of the disordered stomach, Chamber. Iain’s Tablets are essentially a stomach medicioe, intended especially to sect on cleanse if, strengthen it, tone and invigorate it. to the liver and to positively and by all dea’era that organ ; to regulate banish billousuess tfloctunily. For sale AM on —————————— Centre sdvance, Reporter §1 per year in i ¢ and Winter wear. WV DVD VD DBO shoe tastes also. Dati ih di ain Bade cn Sh ee ee WOOD—-Wood aiways Wood cut to stove length, lelivery I. F. TREAS TER Centre Ha u on th # Autor FOR BALE~The un- renle Lhe dwelling nuns Valley Baoking 3 street, the prop el e The bouse is and commodi ous, snd wel ber particulars apply 10 W. B. MINGLE ____ Cem Hall, Pa. ITE for sale in sacks at one cash Supply is limited. 3S. W. SMITH, Centre Hall. flicker, ne ‘direct from our Meters, PITTSBURG, PA. FREE Ti ey oil