* nm ™ME CENTRE REPORTE R. THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 911. LOCALS, Mrs. Edward Boob and Mrs. Lu- ther Bower, both of Millheim, spent a fow days last week with their sister, Mra, Harry E. Bible, in Altoona. Rev. 8. A. Snyder and family, who for some weeks have been on & VACH- tion, will return home the latter part of this week. Bervices will be held in the United Evangelical church, Cen- tre Hall, Sunday evening. Miss Velma T. Simpkins graduated at the Pennsylvania Muoseum and fichool of Industrial Art last Thursday June 1st, and returned to Centre Hall & few days ago. She was awarded the first prize in the department of illustration, Mrs. Foster, wifeof Dr. J. V. Foster, of Centre Hall, last week underwent an operation at the Bellefonte Hospl- al. Ehe ie since getting alopg nicely, snd every day ls visited by her hus- band, who frequently is obliged to make the trip during the night time, Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Meyer made a trip to Mifflinburg in their automo- bile last Tuesday and while in that place they were guests at the home of their daughter, Mre, I, V. Musser. They were accompanied home by their grandson, Harold Musser, who will spend some time in Centre Hall. The senior and junior clasees of the \griculture Department of Pennsyl- sania State College left last week on .n inspection trip through western ‘ennsylvania, New York, Maryland, {assachusefts and New Hampshire, eturning by way of Philadelphia. They were accompanied by Prof. John (rege. Robert, the three-year-old son of vir. and Mra, Charles McClellan, of Bellefonte, was painfully though not sriously scalded by falling into a boiler of hot water. Fortunately the boiler was not full at the time, yet the child was injured to such an extent that the services of a physician were required. The toll house occupied by Ilsasc Miller will be raised and put into good repair by the pike company. The fisod of three weeks ago did great damage to this property, and also to the furniture, carpets, ete., belonging t» the Miller family. The pike com- pany will reimburse them for their loss, which, by the way, is not a small sam. John Bmith, not the proverbial John Smith, but the little son of John Frank Smith, of Centre Hall, while playing about the railroad station, got mixed up with some machinery on tue platform. An iron wheel fell, giriking the calf of his leg, tearing the fl ssh and muscles so that it required four or more stitches to sew up the wound, Farmers are beginning to ask each other, ** How soon are you going to cut clover?” The clover is well on, but grasses will need more time lo mature until ready for the knife. With hay worth $20.00 in market, the farmer is quite willing to undergo the gweating process in the hay fields, be- cause of the prospects of getting a good price for the crop when ready to bale. On. of the disappointed Lutherans in Harrisburg is Aaron Hatter, who wae elected a delegate to the General #ynod which meets at Washington, D. C., and the only layman on the program of the Brotherhood, which sssembled last Bunday, in the National Capitol City, The cause for his re- gret was a break ino the machinery of tiie city eletrie light plant, which ne- cessitated his remaining at home and forego the pleasure of atlending the scasions of the Brotherhood and tynod, The firm of MeNitt-Hayett Lumber Company adjusted their logs with the insurance companies with which they held insurance on the Waddle saw mill, which was recently totally de- siroyed, with entire satisfaction, The work of rebuilding the plant has al- ready been begun, The company is making every effort to take care of the men in their employment, and while some of the men regularly em- ployed on the mill will be idle until it is rebuilt, the others are kept steadily employed getting out prop timber, and doing other work. For a distance of several miles east of Centre Hall, along the Brush Valley road, improvements have been made to farm buildings. In some instances it was slmply an application of paint, st other points additions were made to the dwelling houses, and at others, barns were enlarged. Ina three wile run improvements were noted on the Harper farm, tenanted by George Heckman, the Jacob Bharer farm, the Clyde E. Dutrow farm, the George Emerick, Br., farm, the Dr, A. G. Lieb farm, tenanted by John A. Heckman, snd the Weaver farm, now owned by H. B. Frankenberger. Compared to conditions of a few years ago this sec- tion looks like an entirely new coun try. Aside from the impiovements made to the buildings, many brush fences have been removed, and sub s'antial wire fences take their places, The removal of a brush fence adds much to the general appearance of the energy on the part of the farm owner is well repaid in more ways than one, RUBBING uP THE ARMS. Baid to Have Excellent Results Cases of Fainting. When my wife fumes, which is mis erably often, says a writer in the Lon- don medical journal, the Lancet, I do not apply friction in the us sunl ab- gurd way—rubbing backward and for- sward, which must alternate ly check and accelerate the passage oy the blood—but, taking hold of one of her hands with my left fiand, 1 place the thumb and finger of my right hand tight round her wrist and then pass them firmly up toward her ¢ how. Having brought them back loosely to the wrist, 1 them firmly again, and when I have repeated the operation two or three times, some- times on both arms, I have the pleas. ure of hearing the ejaculation, “I fo ser] better now.” When I first had recourse to this means of resuscits : my lady ghe exclaimed instinctively ferent occasions, aware that I had had any: particular intention, “Oh, that is what 1 seem to 1 want! in pass ing on two dif- myself that it is not unworthy the no- tice of the medical practitioner friction of cholera patients, a process which should be much oftener resort ed to and more il fn than it generally is energetics GERMAN RED TAPE. Streets of Berlin Take care how you | that is lost in Berlin one of our deputies Pr convent at the The other day going thre sian capital on his return from a ikfort not sidewalk hand it to a police agent of the city police xr. “You she rt al idly. ed the ke » One else mn the id the agen manding tone. “You should have it whers but you obliged au If you don’t I'l inst yo and you on i given day in prise nn. t's the law." The depu ompedi d to obey orders y he carries his hand in hs {ri de Paris, now fire y the burs my inint ng corti d 1s pc kets The Hangman's Stone, There is a large bowlder yh field near Fore: k, E and, whi Is kno yn through i “ha an’ 2 it Lif " ton of the bowlder rises alu feet above the surface of the ing field and has dentati ing h #1 por six surround wit a narrow ditch or In ! Acro The mark, so tradition says, wa ade In this way A sheep thief In the dead of night, while leaning der to re ot 8 the top 8 n la ed his booty of the stone p tied wi its effort to es on the opposite catching ur him to death rock was made by th rictis {le the dying man was engaged olf $ wler the t rope wh in an effort to extri A Good Loser. Almack’s, lootie's and the chief clubs of the young men of fashion There was play. at all, and decay noblemen and broken down senators fleeced the unwary there, Charles Fox, ful gambler, lost £20000 nt play. Gibbon tells of his playing twenty-two hours at a sitting and losing £5600 an hour. That indomitable punster said that the greatest pieasure in life after winning was losing What hours, what nights, what health did he waste over the devil's books! I was going to say what peace of mind, but he took his losses very philosophically. After an awful night's play he was found on a sofa tranguilly reading an eclogue of Virgll—From Thackeray's “The Four Georges.” Arthur's, White's were ol a dread- MURRAY & BITNER SUCCESSFUL. Indaced pr, Howard Company to Make Special Prices, After a great deal of effort and cor. respondence Murray & Bitner the popular druggists have succeeded in getting the Dr, Howard Co. to make a special half price introductory offer on the regular fifty cent size of their cele. brgted specific for the cure of consti- pation and dyspepsia, Dr. Howard's specific has been #o re. markably successful in curiag consti- pation, dyspepsia and all liver tronbles that Murray & Bitner are willing to return the price paid in every esse where it does not give relief, Headaches, coated tongue, dizzi- ness, gas on stomach, specks before the eyes, eonstipation, and all forms of liver and stomach trouble are soon cured by this scientific medicine, Bo great is the demand for this spe- cific that Murray & Bitner have been able to secure only a limited supply, any every one who is troubled with dypepsia, constipation or liver trouble should call upon them at once, or send best medicine ever made, on this spe. cinl half price offsr with their psrsonal guarantee to refund the money If it does not cure, ———————— A ——————— Centre Reporter $1 per year in MvsRO. Harris 1ownship. Mra, Hannah Buarchfield, of Altoona, Is vigiting her daughter, Mra, J. H. Jacobs, Children's Day services will be held in the Lutheran church on Bupday evening. Miss Maadie Wagner, spent last week with Bosalsburg, Mr, and Mrs. William Baird, of near Tusseyville, spent the Babbath at Boalsburg. William and Riley Hunter, of the of Altoona, relatives In in this place, Mr. and Mra. Albert Kern, | fonte, were guests at the G. beric home on Bunday. Ww. Mann, were guests at the home { Christ Meyer on Bunday. | Renovo, spent a few days. at | former's parental home. | was a guest of her aunt, Mrs. | etta Dale, for a few days last week, | the funeral of Mrs. W. GG. Morrison. Miss Sarah J. Keller, who spent the | winter in California, returned to her home in Boalsburg last week, | Miss Willa Waite, of Blate College, { was a visitor at the home of Mrs. E. E. Brown for a few days, | Grove | of their daughter, Mrs. Edward Lucas. David Btuart, of Bellevue, enjoyed | part of last week with relatives apd associates at his former joklsburg. Paul Rupp, burg Academy, home a student at Mercers- returned to bis home | vacation, | came from Bellefonte to sttend the | memorial exercises and remained for a Miss Leila Ardery, of Bellefonte, | and Miss Virginia Ksup, | lege, spent Whitsunday with Mr. and Mre. N. W. Meyer, Mrs. John Kline, and her granddsughter, | Bailey, of Centre Hall, were guests { the home of William Myers Memorial Day. Miss at over Zion, attended the Pent | held in the ecostal service Reformed in Boalsburg. Mrs. William Blover and son John, Mr. and Mra, Grant Charles and Mrs, Hara Btover attended the wedding cof which took place at the bride's home Robert Reitz, a forest ranger, recent. flat stone, with his hand he raised the stone but found more than be expected. Hav- ing a pick near at hand be succeeded in killing them all. Lubrication With- out Carbon Deposit A thin, pale oil, made from Pennsylvania Crude Oil. Best for either air- cooled or water-cooled cars. No fictitious body ~hi real viscosity. Will mot congeal. Ask your dealer. Write us, if he can’t supply you. Waverly Oil Works Co. Independent Refiners Pittsburg, Pennsylvania Makers of "Waverly Gasolines : ; | 70 OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS : A Full Line of Linen, Lace and Insertion, Embroidery for full length and flounce dresses with to Insertions for bands a insertions match, and trimmings -— never more complete line, In White Goods— Crispette, and the new Plaids, Egyptian Ginghams, Carpets, in Brussels and Ingrain, by sample. Linoleum, Lace Curtains, and curtain poles, SELZ SHOES in high and low Button and Flaxon, Linens, Lace, H., F. ROSSMAN Spring Mills - Penn, THE Red Mill ALBERT BRADFORD Proprietor A COUPON IN EACH SACK OF VERI-BEST People Who how it is done, these figures : $1 invested annually $38.99. $1 invested annually $30.97. $8.02, in favor of western JAMES I. THOMPSON GENERAL AGENT LEMONT, PENN'A Are Interested Inter- Look at for 20 years at 6 per cent,, for 20 years at 4 per cent, s would be $802, It is . FLOUR MEANS A SILVER SPOON FOR YOU FARMERS ! 1 do chop- ping at all times at FOUR CENTS a Bushel—and do it good ! THE EMPIRE GRAIN DRILL THE HOOSIER DOUBLE ROW CorN PLANTER are two farm implements None WAY. < sold on their merits, superior in any THE DeLAVAL CREAM SEPARATOR is acknowledged to be the only perfect machine. DeLAVAL SEPARATOR OIL will prove a great ec- onomy if used on any sep- arator or other high geared machine. D. W. BRADFORD CENTRE HALL, PA. Just Silk Gingham Ginghams, Fancy of HATS- Give us a call. A White Goods, Dress ge or — lowest for cash a PENNA It i= worse than unless to take any medicines internally for museclar or chronic rheumatism, All that is needed is a free sipliestion of of Cham- berlain’s Liniment. For sale by all dealers. health, good temper, good sense bright eyes and a lovely complexion, the result of correct living and good digestion, wins the admiration of the world, If your digestion is faulty Chamberlain's stomach snd Liver » will correct it. For sale by all | SyTocK ¥ FOR SALE~The undersigned offers sult vhs follow : Guernsey bull call, five TE brood sow. Lweniy-one months old ; boar, fifteen mo ithe 01d nn WAGNE i, Pa. BR. ¥. FWO-HORSE WAGON son pom SALE—Tho un- for ssie a