P Hall, Centre bod MODERN SCHOOL OF The old there wi hout iving that : borne on in has been wrought change the country’s shipping Ther been idence hip, put and io the project like thi have a in nat loon The Wi labor On perfectly willir uj human announcement on lungs for the dinner People who to de ave nothing elses the of im portance are arguing ques merely chirp? It is almost as exciting 18 playing chess “AH the epidemic thrive upon the family cat” nuthority and local diseases ARRerts an This may explain why the animal is endowed wii nine lives, A rope manufacturer has just been made a director In a cigar company Almost anybody could say something vbhe® the fitness of things here, | : i rr ————— He Resigns as the Secretary | of War. H.L.STIMSON HIS SUCCESSOR His Lotter to Pr Mr Dickinson Says He 8s Compel- in the sident ied to Retire, Owing to SINe8s Civilians May Now Win Arm 88i0.. 8 N Order m w General issueg A CHANGES HA! snd Rebels Take Got Wits By Prayer } nburg, 8. C Madly Eens Ta t ith a woman whom he had Madame An of the Han Louis Kos White in love know Fort, Kossuth's Niece b. C nna, niece . n Washington, brosvitz of Vi garian patriot ut! no by i he “was a8 advice for Fore io propose Preaident ved at the e House Taft Lord £ epted Fen ions for P acidents’ Widg~ 1 raw + Piayhouse Burned Washington, DD. C Pongions of aa i 3 Wilmington, Dal Fire wrecked £5. 000 a each Frances PF 9 | the Lyric Theatre and damage d- Cleveland, widow of President Cleve. aged ad land, and Mary Lord Harrison, widow of President Harrison, are for in a bill introduced in the Sen- | ate by Benator Root, of New York veur for He abont 375.000 The theater was a vaudeville and moving pletdure house and did a big business Mra i Ham Benner, wife of the lessee of the heater, and Gertrude Ward, house provided To Inwure Fron h Aviators Paria. An insurance office to; down ladders by firemen from the neke a specialty of aviation, was | hird story windows. John and Dan- viered next door to the only aero-| isl Mullin, actors, were assisted down line ticket office in the elty. he same ladders to the street, AWARDED FOR ADERD CAB NE! Four Retcue Parties Fight Way Inte Shafts---Naked Light the Ceuse, Relations, THE CITY IN GOOD ORDER. To Abolish the ‘ Mist ¢ *’ ¥ 1s \ Ae $g nreasesn ced orado hy Re is passed Lightning Kitts Eiaht Parsons Berlin During thunder f Of t i gtormes t urred Germany i pore ndled a d been a hroughoy 4 Thursday lightning kil and near led eigh Hamburg rok well which ha with the capped greatest ife in C Jean Ents 1" Philadelphia Rochelle, years old, committed suicide in a cell of a police station here by Himeelf to the bars, using a necktle noosn A man who had been but killed slept soundly while himself. Rochelle same cell, Rochelle quarreling on the street and the wife was in a cell near her husband when he ended his life. The couple came here from New York two months Aro. Preparing to firest Amer cnn Fise Petershursg t Reval St " para diy Atlantic fleet will be in that port June i8 Ohio Voters Disfranchised Portemouth, Ohio the who were charged selling {their votes, were disfranchised [five years by Judge A. Z Blair | Workhouse sentences of six months and fines of $25 and costs which had | been Imposed were suspended pend. ing good behavior All are labor. fers and it is charged they sold thelr i votes for prices ranging from $1 to {$3 each. | donts of Second ward of feity, with i i | | os.» > ————————" a poesia Re 5 ALL OVER THE STATE TOLD IN SHORT ORDER ia] Gettysburg : bere that made an Chaunlauqua wil he established Gettysburg The first will ! August 18.27 a bo The had citizen, York Society wealth Yor Unis Andre wt Modieal Lenhart, a reputod DO i's . A. A. Long was the prosecutor. le hari save the prosecution is the re. sult of spite work Pittsburg. The Pittsburg & Lake Erie Rallroad Company entered a plea of nolo contendere In the United States District Court te charges of violating the interstate commerce act, and Judge Orr imposed a minimum ne of £1,000,