The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, April 06, 1911, Image 4

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8. W., SMITH, . . . Editor and Proprietor
Entered at the Post Office in Centre Hall as
Second Class mail matter,
Centre HALL, . . . PENNA
TERMS, ~The terms of subscription to the Re-
porter are one dollar per year in advance.
ADVERTISEMENTS. —20 cents per lines for
hres (usertions, and 5 conts per line for each sub-
equent insertion, Other rates made known on
‘resbyterian —Centre Hall, morning.
theran-—-Centre Ha'l, morning ;
Hey, afternoon ; Union, evening.
{othodist-—Centre Hall, morning ;
un, afternoon ; Spring Mills, evening.
nusic at all appointments.
‘united Evangelical-Egg Hill, morning ;
wsnyville, afternoon ; Centra Hall, evening
munion at all points. Rev. H A. Beufer,
new Presiding Elder, will officiate at the
a services, and will also preside »t the
«rly conference iu the Centre Hall charch,
ay afternoon at 2:30, and preach in the
‘e are authorized to announce that Arthur B,
Ae of Pouter township, is a candidate for the
of Sheriff, subject to the rules and reguls-
« of the Dem cratic primaries to be held
dred. paid
are authorized to announce that D. J.
yingery, of Huston township, is a candidate for
he office of Sheriff subject to the decision of the
mocratic primaries 10 be held on June 3rd.
We are anthorizad to announce that John R
wn of Ferguson township. is a candidate for
of Commissioner, subject to the usages
{ the Democratic party.
¢ are authorizad ro announce that John H
unkle, of Potter wwnoship, is a candidate for
! fice of Coun'y Commissioner subject to the
s and reguiations of the Democratic party.
re requested to anuounce t at John L
Il be a candidate tor County Commis-
, subject to the decision of the Democratic
oters of the county a8 expressed at the pri
maries to be held June 3rd, 1911 paid
We are authorized to apnounce that William
stover, of Peou township, is a candidate for
fice of County Commissioner, subject to the
sion of the primaries of the Democratic party
sue Sed, paid
Vo are anthorired to anpounce that William
. Of Pleasant Gap, in Spring township, Is a
lidate tor the office of County Commissioner,
ibiect to the dJdecis ons of the Democratic pri-
wries to be hed June Sed, paid
hereby announce myseil! a candidate for
of Centre county, subject to the deci
¢ Democratic primaries to be held June
paid Bellefonte, Pa.
We are authorized to announce that John D.
or, of Walker township, is a candidate for
iy Treasurer, subject to the usages of the
mocratic party. paid
Ve are authorized to announce that Frank
tsrebe, of Philipsburg Borough, is a candi
nie for the office of County Treasurer, subject
y the decision of the Democratic primaries to be
June 3rd. paid
sre authorized to announce that J. Frank
of Centre Hall borough, is a candidate for
ter, subject to the usages of the Democratic
We sre authorized to announce that D. A
trich, of Walker township, will be a cands
f he office of Recorder of Centre county,
re decision of the Democratic voters
¢ county as expressed al the general pri-
€s to be heid saturday, June 3rd. paid
are apthorized to announce that J. M,
hline is a candidate for the office of District
ruey, subject to the usage 8 of the Democratic
are authorizad to announce that DD. Paul
‘ortoey. of Bellefonte, is a candidate for the
+f of District Attorney, subject 10 the usages
{ the Democratic party. paid
We are authorized to announce that J, Kenne-
sirnston, of Beliefoute, is a candidate for the
of District Altorpey, subject to the action
Le Democratic voters at the primary election
¢ held June 31d paid
We are asthorized to sonounce that D, R
man, of the Borough of Bellefonte, i= a can
didate for the office of Prothonotary, subject, to
the usages of the Democratic party. Paid.
Who can guess this:
Congress do?
Itsuben Garis purchased a plot of
greurd, adjoining his parents’ home,
from B. H. Arney.
Anvs, widow of Bimon Ward, died
in Ealleyville, aged seventy-seven
years, Bhe was a daughter of Richard
Irvin, sn early settler.
Mre. Russell, wife of Banker Will-
ism Buseell, of Lewistown, was re.
cently bitten by a pet dog supposed
to have bad rabies. Mrs. Russell is
undergoing treatment at a pasteur
Miss Jonnie Foreman returned from
Youngstown, Ohio, where she had
been visiting her brother, Edward
Foreman. She was called home on
account of the illness of her mother,
Mra. Barah Foreman, who is now,
however, slightly betier bat yet
sericusly ill,
Miss Viola Harter, a student in the
genior class of the Lock Haven Htate
Normal Behool, came home Wednes-
day of last waek. Bhe remained at
the home of her parente, Mi. and Mrs.
Ephraim Harter, near Tusseyville,
until Tuesday of this week, when she
returued to Lock Haven,
‘There is no plow cqual to the SByra-
enss, The Byracuse riding plow has
sdvantages Lhe operator realizes only
after having used other makes. The
8, recuse turns any width furrow you
wasnt ; throws upright or flat, just as
you like it —J, H. and 8. E Weber,
Centre Hall and Osk Hall Biation,
Oa Bunday a baby girl was born to
Mr and Mrs. Edward Brown, at the
howe of the latter's parents, Mr. and
Mis. Ephraim Keller, at Axe Mann.
Congratulations, Mr, Brown is con-
nected with the Bell Telephone Com-
pany and this week moved from ness
Bellefonte to Centre Hall, where he
expec's to reside,
A pension has been granted to Mrs,
Margaret BR. Hanna, of Bpring Mills,
through the agency of W, A. Krwe.
Mrs, Hanas, before ber marriage to
Mr. Haons was the widow of Bamuel
Hurshibarger, who was killed in battle
during the civil war, Mr. Hannpa
heving died Inst Decsmber, she has
now been restored to the pension roll
Mrs. William Odenkirk, of Glen
Iron, eame to Centre Hall last week to
pasist her parents, Mr. and Mrs, P. H.
Meyer, lu moving from their recent
homes near the station to the house
urchased by Mr, Meyer from Mrs,
osish Dale. Mra, Odenkirk was sc-
companied by her little Jaughiter
Dorothy, ana returned to Glen Iron
on Moods i
What will
Potatoes wanted. Write or tele-
phote C. P. Long & Co.,, Bpring
Mills. tf.
Mrs. George O. Benner has been
confined to the house on account of
Mrs. D. J. Meyer, last week, went to
Rebersburg to visit among friends and
The W.C. T. U. will meet at the
United Evangelicti parsonage Satur.
day afternoon at 2:50 o'clock.
Rev. B. H. Hart, of Harrisburg, will
give a free lecture in Millheim, Mon-
day evening, 10th inst, under the
auspices of the Millheim order of
I.O. O. F. Bpecial music has been
Mrs. G. J. Wolfe, of Bpring Mills,
announces that she has returned from
the city with a fine lot of millinery
goods, and after April 12th she will
have on hand a large number of styl-
ishly trimmed hats. You are invited
to look the goods over,
Messrs. D. R. Foreman, deputy
prothonotary, of Bellefonte, and A, B.
Homan, of Altoona, were callers at
this office on Wednesday. Both came
to Cenire Hall to visit their mothers,
Mrs. Foreman baving been quite ill
for two weeks or more,
Centre Reporter office after giving her
services continuously for the greater
part of two years. She was an effi.
cient and agreeable employee. The
Reporter is in need of a bright, snap-
py girl to take her place, A
James Gregg, one of Tyrone’s schoo!
tewchers, was in Centre Hall last
week, having come here to visit his
sister, Mss. Mary Mille", who Las
some thought of going to Texas «
make her home with an uncle, Mrs.
Gregg, who had been ill, has again
recovered her former health,
To arrange for a district Fuuday-
school convention, and to attend to
other tu«iness, Prof. C. E. Royer, of
Spriog Mille, made a trip to Centre
Hall on Tuesday. Mr. Royer is one
of the Gregg township school téach-
ers, aud will open a private sctiool on
Monday for second and grammar
grade pupils
Marriage wlcenses,
Robert C. Strouse, Bellefonte
Mary L. Bair, Spring Mills
John Boencer, Bellefonte
Grace Yarnell, Howard
Ebon Bower, Bellefonte
Rath K. Bwaby, Asronsburg
Titus Frantz, Port Matilda
Ella Grabam, Port Matilda
William H. Bmith, Johnstown
Florence Kessinger, Bellefonte
George Bhuey, Bel'efonte
Margaret Boring, Bellefonte
Spring Mills,
G. OC, Walker moved into the James
Leitzell home apd Jesse Long, of
State College, moved into his own
house vacated by Mr. Walker.
Roth Lohr has been on the sick
list for a few days.
Katherine Btover spent a few days
with ber sister, Mra. Walker,
G. C King and wife spent Saturday
sfterpoon at Centre Hall, where Mr.
King was suctioneer for the Ripka
Rev. Martin, the Evar galical minis.
ter, moved into the parsonsge avd
Rev. Carls moved to Madisonburg.
Cavil Rice, of Virgivia, was iu town
on Faturday. He left on Monday for
Prof. Charles Auman and wife, of
Bellefonte, were Bunday visitors at
the home of Peter Auman.
William Steeley and wife, of Bun.
bury, were week end visitors with C.
C. Cummings,
I'be Lutheran and Reformed Bun-
day-schools will have Easter services
on Easter evening.
Mabel Long, of Lock Haven Nor-
mal, was home a week for her apring
vacation, She was accompanied to
the school by her sister, Miriam, and
Carrie Dartges, who will take the
spring term at the Normal,
The schools will all close their win.
ter term this week, Bpring term will
open Monday, April 10:h,
GCeorgas Valley.
C A. Ripka moved to Colyer Wed-
nesday of Inst week,
J. B. Ripka had the misfortune to
get his foot in the saw while working
in the saw mill Wednesday of last
‘week While his foot was badly cut
be was fortunate in escaping as he did.
Mrs. B. E. Gobble js at present at
the home of 8. E Ertle, where she is
taking care of her grandmother, Mra.
Ertle, who has been ill for some time
Mr. and Mre. W. Lingle spent Ban.
day with the latter's sister, Mra, Will.
iam Liogle, at Tusmeyville
Morris Lingle and lady friend, Miss
Bess Davie, left for Lock Haven where
they willspend a week visiting friends.
Mra. Bara Reeder is confined to the
house with eczema,
Mr. and Mrs. James Osman, of
Lemont, visited at the home of CC. W.
Lingle over Bauday,
Mrs. John Ripka, of Decker Valley,
spent Tuseday at the home of her son,
J. B. Ripka.
sts smn SI MSA
Master Willlam Stump, of Centre
Mille, paid his mother and friends a
brief visit.
Conrad Lingle is in very delicate
GG. M, Cooney, state health in-
apector, rec ntly made a tour of Potter
I'he Fleisher Gap rural line of the
Bell Telephove Company busy
erecting poles for the new line,
G. R. Meise’ sale on Baturday was
well attended, and articles sold at fair
William Jordan and Robart Boal
spent Sunday at State College,
Butcher William Mover purchased a
floes horse from MeNitt brothers lo
Mifflin county, one day last week.
Mrs. D.G. Wagner, of Manor Hill,
spent Haturday afternoon at the home
of Danlel Fye,
Oliver Corman and Ivy Bart
ges, of
8 Mill through this
Vimy wih soe very ie en.
Harris 1o0wnship
~ Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brooks, of Pine
Btump, spent Friday at Boalsburg.
HB. M, Hell has broken ground for a
new dwelling house on his vacant lot
Join W, Weber, of Hecla Park, was |
in this place over Bunday. |
Miss Olive Decker, of Altoona, is |
visiting relatives at Boalsburg,
Frank Thorpe and family moved |
from Kantz to Boalsburg last week.
There will be services in the Re-|
formed church Bunday afternoon at
2 80 o'clock.
Kleckner Relish, of Altoona, enjoy- |
ed a few days last week at the home of
his sister, Miss Mary Relish.
Mr. ‘and Mrs. Bamuel
Earlystown, spent
Messrs, T. R. and Frederick Weber,
of State College, attended to business
in Boalsburg lust Wednesday.
Prof, H. C. Rothrock is looking after
political matters throughout certain
parts of the county this week.
Miss Mary Grove will open a sum-
mer school at Boalsburg, Monday,
April 10th.
Mrs. Walter Weaver and children,
of Axe Maun, spent a few days at the
home of the former's sister, Mrs. Christ
The public schools of Boslsburg
closed last week. Ray Young, a pupil
in the primary school, has missed only
one-half of a day during three terme,
Mrs. Mary Brouse, who spent the
winter with Mr. sand Mrs. Heory
Frederick, returned to her home at
Pine Grove Mills on Mouday.
Rev, B,
of |
Charles Stover, (. H
Wieland, Mr. and Mrs. John Close,
Mra. William Stover, Misses Mary
Reish and Della Ishier attended the
funeral of Mra. Jane Miller on Monday.
The Bhingletown Sunday Behool, of
which Joho R. Brackens is superin-
tendent, will give a special Easter
service, Bunday afternoon, April 8th,
at 2 o'clock. All are cordially invited
George Koch moved from the Lee
farm to Boalsbureg ;: Alfred Lee from
one of the Boal farms to the one re
cently purchased by him ; George
Mothersbaugh from Boslsburg to the
farm vacated by Mr. lee; Chris
Mayer to the Mothersbsugh home jo
Those who left Boalsburg on Mon.
day for other pisces where they will
be employed, were: Miss Ruth Rupp
to the home of Prof. Stoddard, at State
College ; Mise Anns Schenck to work
for E W. Hess, near Shingletown
and Roland Young, who will be em-
ployed by George Bwabb, near Pine
Grove Mills,
March went out like a lion.
morniog of April lst was cold but
clear. Btorm clouds gathered during
the afternoon and the day closed with
a regular snow storm. Nines then sll
kinds of weather prevailed—rain.
sleet and snow—with nothing to re
mind one of spring except the robins,
who siog oceasionally.
A brief report of the Boalsburg Pri-
mary school, Mary M. Grove, tescher,
is sppended : Iv attendance avery
day, Ruth Mitler, Ray Young, Frauk
Hosterman and Urorge Looberger
The attendance throughout the term
was excellent, snd during one month
the percentage was 99. Class A, the
members of which were Daniel Wie.
iand, Donald Williams, Paul Coxey,
Mary Kidder, Tammie Lee, Elizabeth
Lucas, Cecil Harro, Bessie Young,
were promoted to the C grade of the
Grammar school. The entire enrolls
ment tor the term was 30,
The Boalsburg Grammar school elos-
ed the last day of March. The follow.
ing brief report is submitted by the
teacher, E. K Williams: Nomber of
pupils, 28 ; percentage of attendance,
95 ; Charles Hosterman missed but a
haif day. Those promoted to the High
school are Helen Coxey, da Sagner,
Anna Behenck and Wayne Shutt, B
and C classes were promoted. Those
in other township schools who passed
the examivation for entrance to the
High school are these : From Rhingle-
town, Edith Klinger ; Linden Hall,
Rsabecea and Edwiona Wieland, Roy
Catherman, Ralph SBearson, and For-
est Miller,
Iron Beds
and any and all goods now
in stock in our store.
Edward Wolf, of Altoona, for
several days was a guest atl the home
of his friend, Miss Rebecca Bpangler.
Miss M. Rebacea Cox went to Belle
fonte on Baturday, where she spent
several days at the home of her
Those afMicted with grippe are
Mrs. Bamuel Floray, M. Rossman
Wert, Kenneth Wert and Miss Mary
The stork visited the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Floray on Monday
and left 8 baby girl, The little Miss
received a warm welcome,
Mr. snd Mra. Adam Kruwmrine
moved to Tasseyvilie Thursday of last
week. Mr. Krumrioe sold his proper- |
ty in Boalsburg, and purchased the!
Strom home fo this place, |
A school term of eight weeks will |
be taught st Tuseayville, The term |
will commence Mondsy, April 10th, |
and all those preparing to tesch should
aitend this school. An sable instructor
has been secured from Franklin and
Marshall College.
Mra. William Bitner 1:ft for the
home of her gon, John Bitner, at Al-
trons, on seenunt of the illness of his
wife. Mrs. Bitner will be gone about
two weeks, during which time she
will also visit ber brother, William
Wagner, and other relatives and
An Egg Record
Mm. J. G. Dauberman, in Centre
Hall, has beens most successfal in pro-
ducing egee from a flock of 157 brown
leghorn bens. The record made for
the past seven days are these : 135, 123,
<2, 125, 146, 121, 127, total 809,
If you have potatoes tn sell. call on
or write W. Gross MINGLE
Centre Hail, Pa.
Spring Mills,
Philip Bhook and Bruce Hettinger
moved into the Philip Shook home,
Eiward Decker and Jesse Long
moved from Bate College to their own
home at Spring Slille. This house was
vacated by Grover Walker, who moved
into the James Leiizzl home,
8B. M. Campbell, of Miliheim, de-
livered a load of furniture to several
parties, among whom were Bruce
Hettinger and Philip Shook, in Spring
Mills, Tuesday morning.
S——————— A ABA.
When medicine must be given to
young children it should be pleasant
to take. Chamberlain's Cough Reme-
dy is made from loaf sugar, and the
roots used in the preparation give it
a flavor similar to syrup, making it
plessant tu take, It has po superior
for enlds, croup and whooping cough.
For ssle by all dealers.
repair kit, for $705.00.
Other models—Torpeda