GEORGE W, SmITH KILLED, Raa Down by Automobile ip the Streets in Bellefonte Saturday Afterncon, While walking on the streets of Bellefonte, at a point near Keichline's store, at the railroad station, Saturday afternoon, George W. Smith was struck by an sutomobile and so badly injured that he died during the follow: Pig night, His irjuries were numer 014, the bones ia his legs were broken ribs were crushed in, and an ugly wound was made on his bead. Mr, Bmith was very frall, having been in delicate health for more than twenty years, but was able to walk about aod spen’ mush of his time in doing so. He was making his Haturday after- nooo round when the accident hap- pened, A young man named Hager'y, of Coalport, was running the machine which struck Mr, Smith, The Hag- erty machine carried base ball enthusi- asts, who came down on that after. noon to witness the game in Belle- fonte. Mr. Bmith was the son of Emanuel Bmith, deceased, and was raised on the Mitchell farm, east of Centre Hall. He was past sixty-seven years old, having been born June 5th, 1843. He was a veteran of the Civil War, having served in Company E, Seventh Penn- sylvania Cavalry. The deceased is survived by a wife, nee Elizabeth Beck, and one daughter, Miss Erma, at home, also a sister, Mrs. Sarah Homan, of Millheim ; and these brothers: Isaac, Penns Cave ; Andrew, Mackeyville; William H. Madisonburg ; Howard, Buydertown ; James, Pittsburg ; Bepjamin F.. Philadelphia. The faneral was beld Tuesday morn- ing, Rav. Barry, pastor of the Luther an church officiating. Interment was made in Bellefonle. ecm it ett Trial sist, The following cases will be heard at the Saptember term of court. The firet week opens, Monday, BSeptem- ber 26th, and the second week, Mon- day, October 3cd. FIRST WEEK W. H. Maser ve. Thomas Johnson Edward BE. Cha W. H. Musser va. Irvin Bennett SECOND WEEK. Edith White va. J. A, Dale E L Orvisand C Penn Chemical Co et al Thomas Poormam et et al E. Hugg vs. Mrs Haney Schreckler Sallie E.G ve. John F. Gray Est, First Nati Gray Est Ella M. Gay mbers ve. Joseph Welst Hazel, J. 8 Canon, C, Dale vs. C. M. Bower Estate ve. Mary C. Ammerman, al, va. Harry Kesmiing y Est. al Ban ve. John F. Gray Est Joseph Bros. and Co. H. Irv admr, Williams and Roan vs. Mary E. Martin, sdmrx, Eakorand V iiya va. Joseph D. Diehl Thomas A. Etters vs Ross C. Louder, Peters, et al W. H. Williams, admr. ve. C. M, Bower Est. b. 7 Judge, guardian ve. John F. Gray W. H. Willams, admr. va. C. M. Bower Est. Thomas C Skelton ve. Harry Washburn | i. J. Dreese, admr. of J, Bard va. J. KN, Everts P. B. Crider and son va, C. H. Evey C A. Walizer ve. John D. Thompson Est Agnes M. Grove Nathan Grove Est Lp in, LIL. G ¥8 Birthday Party, The home of Howard I. Foust, of near Spring Mills, was the scene of a birthday party Wednesday evening of last week, and ail the participants en- joyed the occasion greatly. Mr, Foust did not realize that”it was his birthday until his friends put him high up in the air. The evening wse spent playing games, etc, and the re- freshments played an important part. Mr. Foust returns thanks for the numerous presents presented him. Those present were : Mr. and Mrs. Foust, Adda, Chester and Charles Foust, Mr. and Mrs. James Reeder and daughter laura, Mr. and Mm. Harry Cummings and daughter Edna, Margaret Auckerman, Mr. and Mrs. William Sweeney, Mm. Mary Edleman, Mr. and Mm. James McCool, Mattie MeCool, Mm. 8, C. Brungart and daughter Emelyn, Sara Barger, Mary Lingle, Susan Davis, Mm. Henry Lingle, Edward Lingle, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zettle, Roy, Tenchie and Roxie Zettle, Martha Long and daughter Atalene, Loyd Ripks, Mr. and Mrs, Adam Neese, Paul Neese, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Foreman, Mary, Esther, Guy and Jay Foreman, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Slack, Fred and John Slack, Mrs. Sarah Reeder, Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland Eun. gard, Helen Bungard, Jessie A. Springer, Mr, and Mrs. John Wagner, Mm. Arthur Grove, Paul Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Witmer Grove, Thomas and Harrison Grove, Mr. and Mrs, Miller Goodhsrt and two daughters, Herbert and John Goodhart, Mr and Mrs, Edward Jamison, Guy and Miller J umison, Mr, and Mrs. Calvin Lingle, Miriam, Gladys and Grace Lingle, J. 1. Foust, Susan Davis, Bessie Davis and son Carl, Mr. and Mm Harry Hoy, Mr. and Mm. John Taylor, Fred lifter, Boyd and Clark Stover, Herbert Swartz Thomas Taylor, Frank Yearick, —— A ———— Grangers at Contre Hall, For the Patrons of Husbandry Ex- hibition at Centre Hall, Beptember 10 to 16, the Penbsylvania Rallrord Company will sell special excursion tickets to Centre Hall from stations in Pennsylvania, snd from Baltimore and Elmira st reduced fares ( mini mum fare 25 cents. ) Tickets will be sold Beptember 9 to 16 ; good to retutn to reach original starting point not later than September 19, Dalc- Wagner, { The marriage of William O, Dale and Miss Mary M. Wagner, both of Houserville, was consummated Wed- nesday, August 18th, at the home of the bride in the presence of the Ime mediate families of the principals, by Rev. B. A, Boyder, of Centre Hall, A dozen or more young chickens were swiped from the peus of J, W, Mfitiering iu Cuntse Hall, Fi LOCALS, A regular meeting of Progress Grange will be held Saturday after. noon. The W. CC. T. U. will meet at the home of Mrs. B. A. Bnyder, Friday evening. Miss Verna Rowe, Is at the home of her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs, Levi Stump, near Millheim.® The Hagen fores of carpenters began the frame work of the Mitterling dwelling house, on Monday, Mr. aud Mra, George Nearbood and daughter Verns, drove to Lemont on Sanday where they visited Mra. Near- hood’s brother, Grant Meyer, John W. Conley lost one of his gray horses on Tuesday. He was hauling manure, wheo the animal pitched and fell, and shortly afterwards died. Misa Anna M, Piper, of Alexandria, is the guest of Miss Rebecca Barrick, the two having formed a friendship when the Barrick family lived io Alexandria. Mrs. Thomas IL. Moore and chil. dren are at Elysburg where they are visiting Mrs, Moore's mother and sis. ters. Her brother, Fred Christine and wife are also east at this time. Mr. and Mrs. 85. M. Goodhart and children are in Centre Hall visiting among their friends. Mr. Goodbart's stay will be very short, but his wife and children will remain for a longer time, Hon. Leonard Rhone attended the Williams Grove picoiec on Tuesday and Wednesday, and hurried home to arrange for the opening of the Grange Encampment and Fair, on Ealurdsy a week. Friday of last week the thermom- eter registered thirty-nine degrees, seven above freezing. Io some locals ites a light frost was visible, but no damage was done. Bring your exhibits to Grange Park as early as possible, The committee will be ready to receive them on Fri. dey sod Baturday, 9h and 10.h, This will give the committee sn opportunity to betler arrapge the ex. hibits, and avold to some extent the John A. Heckman has leased the Dr. Lieb farm, e:st of Centre Hall, and after April 1st, or thereabouts, he will succeed Join A. Corman ss ten- ant. Mr. Heckman is 8 good farmer, pays close atiention to business, and is altogether reliable in every way. The Lieb farm is quite a large one, but not too large for one of Mr. Heck- an’s make up to successfully handle. Moyer and Ray- mond Bates, the former of Cleveland, and the latter of Kipton, Ohlo, are guests at the home of Mrs. Mary Rearick, where Mr. Moyer's mother and sisters are also staying at present He is a stenographer in the office of an oll company. Mr. Bates is a machio- est, and accompanied Mr. Moyer lo the home of the latter's grandmother with, so it is said, a double purpose, one being to see the rugged hills of oid Pennsylvania, Aaron P, Z by, of Bellefonte, and David K. Keller, of near Centre Hall, were callers at this office Monday morning. Mr. Zwby just relurned from a visit to Mifflin county, and he was pleased to report the crops in that section very good, yet dry at this time. Mr. Keller recently made a trip through Clearfield county on busi- ness pertaining to the fire insurance company of which he is secretary, and does not give such a glowing report of agricultural conditions there, The drought Is much more severe in Clear- fisld than it is in Centre county, During the absence of Mm Kate Dale and her sister, Miss Mollie Hef. fer, on Monday night, some one enter. ed their home thrcugh the back door and searched the house throughout Bo far vothiog has been missed. The work was evidently that of loeal talent. Chickens and roasting ears have also been disappearing in various sections in town of late. The only remedy for these *' gentlemen” is to land a load of shot in their bodies mid- way between the neck and heel, This kind of work by a local thief should not be tolerated, and a shot gun will be the cheapest and most effective remedy. Henry Zeigler, of Abdera, scoom- panied by his nephew, Emanuel H. Zigler, of Madisonburg, were guests of J. D. Murray, at the Bitner home in Centre Hall, on Monday. Mr. Zeigler and Mr. Murray are cousins, and are both nearing their eighty-fifth milestones. They were boys together in the vicinity of the Murray school house, in upper Brush Valley. From here the Zeiglers drove to Houserville, where they visited Mis. Jacob Houser, who is past nivety years old. Bhe le a sister of Mr. Murray, sod, of course, is also a consin of Mr, Zeigler. On their return they stopped, with Prof. O. R. Neff, west.of Centre Hall, I MSA I B———— Rev, ©. F, Stover Elected, Rev. 8. C, Btover, of Myeredale, was elected pastor of the Boalsburg Re- formed charge, consistfog of Boals- burg, Pine Grove, Pine Hall and Houset ville congregations, Based on the action of the several congregations, the joint consistory will “meet it |sock Boalsburg and declare Rev, Stover daly elected, and at the same time pre. pared a call, which call it is thought will be accepted. ¥ DEATHS, ease, took fiom this world and Mrs. James Bwabb, of days, Hill, on Tuesday forennon, Rev. 8, ieal church « fMiciatirg. Willlam H. Mok'e, Civil War, and at ove tine at Lemont, died daughter at State College, evening, He was aged seventy-five years, eight months and twenty-thie days, Interment wae made at Hous erville on Wednesday, Rev. B. A. Bnj- der officiating. Mrs. D. FF Bmith, » dsughter, of State College, and John Mokle, a son, of Howard, survive, pretmasier To Nominate State Senator, The Centre and Clearfield Democrat- ic county committees will meet today [ Thursday ] to place in nomination s candiate for state Senator, to fill the vacancy caused by the withdrawal of Senator Dimeling. Fred G. Bates, of Clearfield, is spoken of for the place. Marriage Licenses, Richard Wilson, Philipsburg Emma Davis, Philadelphia Lewis E. Mates, Beech Creek Della V. Linn, Beech Creek William M. Biddle, Philipsburg Sarah Witcomb, Philipsburg James F. Krlley, Bnow Bhoe Eva McGowan, Moshaunon L. C. Musser, Btate College Mabel D. Werline, Liberty Apr ony sno Potters Mills Alda Wilkinson and daughter An weeks with the former's brother, Joho Wilkins no. Mesera. Frank McCoy and Loyd | Swi bh returned from » trip to Atlantic | City and Philadelphia on Saturday | and report baviog bad a grand time | Mra. Kessler and daughters Grace and Velva are spending some time | with the former's daughter, Mrs. Clay- ton McKinney. Mra. William Bower royally enter- tained a number of her friends on Monday. They were : Mr, and Mrs. George Landis, Mrs. H, 8. Alexander, Mrs. Clayton McKinney and children, Mrs. Kessler and daughters, Dr. H. 8B. Alexander, F. A. Camron, Thomas Palmer, Michsel Bmith and wife, Ashbridge Thomas and wife, and Cliflord Thomas and wife attend. ed the picnic at Boslsburg, John MeNitt, of Milroy was town Bunday. Windom Gramley, wife and son John called on friends at this place Sunday evening Ashbridge Thomas and wife spent a day in Lewistown. Milton Stiffler, of Freeport, Illinois, returned home after spending s month with his sister, Mrs. William Bower and other friends, Joseph Carson is on the sick list, suflering with a severe attack of pueu- monis, Mrs. H. 8. Alexander and son Hugh, spent Saturday with her sister, Mrs Geiss Wagner. A pienic was held at the Kohler place, on Friday, composed of the following families : William and Clay- ton McKinney, Dr. Alexander, George Landis, wife, son and sialer Sallie, William Bower and family, George McCormick, wifs and mother, William Kessler and daughter, of Richmond, Virginia, Arch Moyer aud sister Ells, Frank MoCoy, John Bitner, J. O Bto- ver, in Your complexion as well as your temper is rendered miserable by a disordered liver. By taking Chamber. lain’s Stomach snd Liver Tavlels you can improve both, Bold by Murray snd pba, \ Alma F. Horner, Ploksant Gap \ Wallace 0. Horner, Pleasant Gap Almira and Lydia Strohm, om evilie, 1. Myra Kerr, Omaha, Neb, . Lee, Pi haburg a Milla . Yeagertown ' A yor Will'am Reiber, Colyer Annie BR. Martz, Altoona Mrs EW. Crawford, Centre Hall Linden Hall Edith M. Carper, Linden Hall Frank O Moyer, Kieveland, Ohlo Ohio L. Stover, purser Regiton. Anna Henney, Latrobe tre Hall Anna Condo, Centre Hall W. A. Kriss, Contre Hall J, 0, Smith, Philadeliphis Benjamin Smith, Colyer “EPRACHOAL AUCTIO wa TE yours on Bell "Phone. There it caves strong « The y do its work, yet not clumsy. i hem in Grass Seed use, and every The draft is the i11 4 wiil do (he tear has been New Idea. ¢ many superior gi ie 4—~A Hopper Ciover Seed Riding Plow same depth all day long ; soil : well handled on rocky hill other plow horses, Does its Work To Perfection Alfalfa Seed Hall meet. evening the Centre lecture course cammitiee held a iog to srrange a few preliminary matters relative to the course of lec. tures, the first number of which will be given in Grange Arcadia in Novem ber, Monday Ea Cy oem years said bond and mes and to § Aad 4 lee Wo ALEXANDER, Both Iron and Lead Water Pipe, . . MAKE YOUR WANTS KNOWN T0 J. S. ROWE CENTRE HALL aA Ten t 8 i ain a ’ ore rou can v ax Flor Faschne than from all Shad! hachina, omy Sonident toad y & it ine it paw is avery rats A use, gy the ” oy ante. gone - ee - Stove and the quality and styles are “HBP VOD VRVD YD VOD i GRAIN MARKET, B | ee 3 hn &r 8 § Oats Corn | BATIEY cere. — ata ——— ami PRODUCE AT STORKS. Pr it 1% IA crmmsermemmnn | Potatons. ...... . 5 Egos cone. LADY WANTED To introduce our very complete Fall line of | beautiful wool suitiogs, wash fabrics faney walstings. silks, hdkfs Petticoats, eto. Up Wo date N, YY. City Patterns. F.nest line on Phe Dealing direct with the mills you will find sur prices low. Jf othutvonn mass $1.00 to £30 00 weekly you can also. Samples. full in- ans in beat sample case, ship SEhres a jo lnanay required. | Exclusive particu Be first to aBpis. Write for Dept. 500, ANTED~ Cosmopolitan Magustoe re. uires She service) Of a a | Address, with references, H 1, Commer a ——n Tar 17% Broadway. New York Shoes and offered at an espec- We have them: bere always O. K. Give us a call Centre Hall Bh a i BB BS BB BD BHD DD NNDB Woodward. Miss Bertha Bheeder, of Aarons- friend, Miss Maude Ard. J. Frank Motz and family, baving 22 {spent two weeks in town, returned to | Shier home in Pittsburg on Monday. William Wert, of Booneville, Is | visiting his sister, Mrs. Mary Glantz, William Snyder and wife, of Yeager town, were visitors in town last week. Miss Emma Boyer, of MiMlinburg, is visiting her sister, After spending a week with his brother, Orio Motz, wife and sn Huston returned to their home in Rook Hill, Bouth Carolina. Miss Bryan, of New Jorsey, wa: a guest at the home of A. M. Yearick, Saturday snd Buonday. . Miss Bessie VonNeida spant a few days at Bellefonte, Elwood Orndorf Is visiting his sunt ot | 8% Milton, , of Bpring Mills, Is , Mrs. Sng Sx, Mre. G visiting ber ay Musser and Miss Eva Fiedler, Kina Cl: days at Pailadelohia