Gi ng i ies. ean: | William Brouse, and Mra. Emma David Rossman, of Pleasant Usp | | Young attended the funeral of Ross|fatherof John C. Rossman. of Centie | §| ; ; 1 Grove on Saturday, Hall, was taken ill suddenly the other | and we present to you a few hay tools and assure you that it will be well worth proach of the engine. The machine Miss Katharine Woods, of Phila-|day. < : . ‘ . ‘ . : f was quickly turned to the side, and | delphia, arrived at Boalsburg on Mon Mrs. Bell Lindley, nee Brisbin of] yout while to investigate the merits of them, Special attention is called to the 3 e 4 ’Y, 20 #h ' { instead of crossing the track, was run | day morning ; she expects to spend the termi Cy R : I : Winpebago, Illinois, is at the home | along the embankment. The quick | SWmmer in this place. ‘ eel §; 1 turn of the car threw Mr. Gehret | Mrs, G. C. Hall, of Wilmington, of hot brother, B.'D. Briswin, fa Cen, “ GEARLESS HAY LOADER against the train, irjuring him to such | Delaware, is spending the summer|tre Hall. 3 1 ' ) SUCH | months at her old home at Boalsburg y —-— | y \iesuoaast 3 : a ‘ Mrs. G. O Benner, after attendirg | an extent that death followed in a few Mr. and Mrs. McEwen of Unionville, : gl $ 3 { FO ui » 3 or | hours. {and Mrs. J. F. Stover, of Bellefonte, the funeral of her cousin at her fi Frases | { i i ; Its name describes it—it is gearless, and bas no pears to break, Mr. Gehret was aged slmoat seventy- | spent Sunday with their sister, Mrs. home, at Martha, returned to Centre six years, He is survived by a wife | * aura Bricker. Hall Monday, and two sine—Eiward and Harry, | a. Mavis 25m und. daughter Miss Helen Bartholomew, one of | | or light, on the wagon in better shape without chewing it up, Zion, this Week: ! Sabiddit LL : Contre Hall's ¢ Mcient echonl teachers, | without tearing off the leaver or without thre ing out the peed ison a vaestion trip to New York, | i as other loaders do, i Philadelphia and Atlantic «ity. | clog up, chains and sprcekets to break, run off sand cause no end of trouble. The long easy stroke delivers the hay whether heavy and two daugliters ~Mre, Orie Kline, on Miss Lillian, all of Bellefonte. , ; . : : lefonte Will Fisher and family are visitor f Sunbury who are being entertain- Marriage « lcenses, ted at the Fisher home. ———t a . I The GEARILESS Hay loader is not the cheases i Mrs. Bidney Poorman, who hsd bern | Aa alba : Geerge F. Gahret, Bellefoute | Mrs. Lizzie Jacobs, of Centre Hall.|jn a very serious condition during tie | i 3 : i nak ed thers . : i pent S urday . ning an Sunday at i nsked for Liem Annie Sloey, Bellefonte B | i al Joay evening anc Sunday af past fuw weeks, has 80 far recovered | : FOMISOUTrE. can buy, but it is the sl one, ihey are worlh arry 8B. Wolf, Woodward “q go Harry rs i 1 Miss Edith Klinger, a daughter of Bosse I. Orpdort, Woodward John Klinger, tenant on the Newton |houra ata time. Bhe is now at her i up onto the wagon ; it does not need a watchman to keep it from that she ig able to sit up for n few } The GEARLESS does its own loading : it pushes the hay well Reub n H. Counsell, Lock Haven He 5 farm pear hingletown, Ww a bitten home, east of Centre Hall, | clogging. The Gearless is sold on its merits, because it never {ails to peric t a . : DY a dog several weeks ago, on her chin Jennie F, Hurtman, Lock Haven | and ar Itis reported that the dog), A ; | George I. Bryan, Curtin elot to Dr. Haves and a man who | "8rdware mao, wus eslled to Oulo on | ing for the doctor, and is an ac-|8'count of the death of his mother, | Lillisn M Leathers, Curtin ath f 2 q W. H. M i i ‘ 3 ’ ’ .- . jus e of the hiinger family who! Mra. r. . Meyer, of Centre Hsll | | h | t S d D | H R kk Wagner, Beliefonte was hi © we doe followed : : '] Frank w, apne + ehe onte en . - The dog followed was in MiMlinburg with ber davghter | € ancas er 1 € € very ay a € Catharine May Reed, Coleville | and tl was caressing him when i Irvin V. Masser, the Mifl'nburg | { The Gearless will pick up and load winrows and hay cocks which other machines . did nant have Brent during part of the time Mr. Musser | Gidden IX Mayes, McKeesport ro Ye & Corto! | ¢ MATH A see it until a few days later when it got | wae absent from home, a \ tT 2 si ’ 3 5 3 Dora M. Luess, Runville sore, Dr. Kidder thep treated it. On it. Rev, Daniel Gress and family have | planned to take their vacation at this | time, and wid go to Westm sre'and nce AA | Friday Dr. Locke was to see the girl and LOCALS, : as yet nothing real serious is appre Melvin J. Boyder changed his resi- denre from Wi'soutown to Montan- don, Miss Mary Milla, one of t} ' ge Meyer and family, of Lemont |¢)anty today Thursday. Rev iss Virgie Ka d Miss Abbie | Gress and family will go from there to | F and sister, o e Coll Were tthe Chsutr ug as, at Chautsoqg is Lake, : Now York, snd will ba gone uutil | aout the mid He of August, Miss Roxanus Brisbin, in While firing the anvils, on the | H sll, r moralog of July 4 bh, 8 premature ex. | Mrs John Pull and B. D Brishin wised by a fall from a cherry tree plosion burned Clymer MeCler toona school teachers, was the g . . anhan | ERE ; va] vba ¥ p uesdayv of last wdek : : - | representing the ocal order of Odd hg oi} ; y . about the f+ce, bead and bande to such | Fellows, Tuesday were at the Nur. +f. al i h a ding : in extent that he was taken to the bury O phans’ home. sme of Willard Dale, at Ds le it, | Billefonte hospital for treatment. | Mrs. Harrison Kline, of Bellefonte, V he @ hey. an helping at th ay | Monday afternoon of this week he re- and Mrs. R:becea Scholl, of Centrej ™ °" . 3 turned. Although nob able to be op | Hall, are visiting their sister, Mrs A wh Horney a one the streets, the burns have hesled to | Wise, at Berwick, who is ill re spending some time at Atlantic City |$UCh an extent that it is known there 1 Samuel Stump was in a wreck that relatives in] will be no pe’ manent ir jury caused him to suffer slight ivjuries. Me AStern par ‘ Aviv ao——————— He was on a load of hay that upset, | *OTRC Fisher and family visited in Al-| How the Stendard of Measurement and he waa caught under it. We ae pews : Was Establiched, will Miss Annie Bible, of Centre Hall, | underneath the shade trees, all are busy |, |. # 0st dilict for many persons | eR and her niece, Mrs. W. T. Biits, of | making bay, and some are cutting]'® remember tbe sizes of thelr differ. | him ip ayy / Pittslurg, this ( Tharsday morning | 540. ————— 3 whls : Gh 5 t -— " i WVLAIEE 18 308: In compiics joloed the excursiovists to Atlantic Rebersburg. ct uan tu 4 vo Soil rived By the use of three sets of raking bars I City. Ralph C. Boozer, who is holding down a good position in the draftivg rooms of the Weslinghouswe Maru- rs. Charle ler and child. of facturing Company, was in Centie | 5 118, Are Visiting her parents, Mr a Er He } : . and } . Je imngart, at this place his last ie Is, however 1xily ————————— Hall for a few days over the Fourth. and Mie . Oc} H Sit hae a " a : i 5 sida x . t ser if Ci ' we 3 * i ’ id > : Mrs. Newton E. Emerick. of Als |dren, of Mifflinburz, spent a few day nn I by the inch from heel | . > . . toons, has been at the home eof her | in town: Vicinity amon 0 toe, but nu wing of mother, Mrs. Catharine Fetterolf, fora ya. ada taat resent | was fixed a time ago by a French | CENTRE HALL & OAK HALL STA] ION week or more, and Saturday Mr, |© A ates. dd UD a : hy Emerick is expectd here. Mr. Emer. . relatives ot thir ulm bh: NAA Vim ¢ Fret no pet tly fixed | .- ick is employed in the Altoona car| 5 ,, n } nunibet sl til Europe shops. esol ole ¢ ) " ter of n i ‘ But the hat | ciover ihe machine will rake clean the shortest blue merick an amily it i The State Christian Eadéavor Cop vention at Franklin, Is being attended by Merchant George O. Benner, of Centre Hall. Among the speakers are Dr. Francis Clark. president of the National Christian Endeavor Society J and Governor Hauley, of Iodiana. Misses Gertie and Harriet Burt, of West Philadelphis, are guests at the home of Dr. W. H. Schuyler, in Cen- tre Hall. The former is a graduste hy " 4 . are spending a few and teacher in a school of design, and at this place ¢ with De at this pl the latter is sa graduate of an in. —————r——p——r—— As far school « . jag 3 jo erned the dustrial . bool of art Miss Carri Woodward. elute 230 Droh em ye: hs . Co PE Dolee, of Camden, Now Jersey, is also . .. Cuil, because many i anuis Crom ay antec r comes the a guest at the sam lace ' rie Stipes and daup hte Fr, Mis turers instead of keeping to the regu / . : & : » sBC8, A y i 5 Fede Severo . 4 “iV 1 ¢ 115 ‘ Fs rae “rs nw # i . = real airy ay Ohio are spending a) jar weale have marked down their HU “CL rejuvenation Rev. and Mm. KR. F. Fetterolf, of | month ith the former's sister, Mrs numbers one or two sizes In order to Ci . are beauty Belinsgrove and Mrs. Amanda Walker, Cire Neid Will capture easily flattered customers. For ¢ ; . : on ot Boalsburg were guests at the home| 0 or ANCOR Co Jud Villiam this reason most dealers ask out of Tests of the mcoming billows: be fh larke, of Ansonia, Connecticut, spent a - of Pref. P. H. Meyer, in U'nire Hall, dav last week with the former's pe p Io: over Bunday Rev. Fatterolf was en- | James Von Neida. They made the trip | with their orders he gaged in school work at Pecatonica, | on bicycles. They left Friday morning The system of measuring hats is thie sea. of i q , for Buffalo, New York. much simpler. Any man ean tell what L eh ‘ s 3: ; Illinois, during the 1909-1910 school Lo ie ! TE wimp! A ya , I'o all these delightful resorts, the service of term, in the capacity of principal of Hess, wife and daughter | size he wears simply by adding the / . : » - eh he > ”_ and Mrs Ahr Noir of $ ps a 3 4 ‘orev ivnanys ) 41 irvua $c hich. .orada “ariel “511 the High School. He is not fully At Mrs. Emma Ne 0, if width and length of the inner brim ff the Pennsy ivama Railroa« 1s high grade and con- own, spent last week with|lyng then dividing by two. Orders can : TT . . v rid 1 t i 3 ¥, venice : « A a . ay AT av 11 wood also be sent to the shopkeeper by ement | : tl niu { iy ' { dj K M: 7? W HUWOOA decided what he will engoge in during | friends in town. They returned to their the coming year. Simans Vanes and Mea stating the circumference of the head. ’ and Ocean City, direct connection is made via the Dr. George F. Norton, accompanied Misses Laura and Maude Ard, nurses ~Boston Globe. from Philadelphis ate B in 6 lz rare Liv > . > vit] t transter ae “ig by his wife and daughters, Marjorie | vucation under the parents ors ther | eS IN Delaware River Bridge without transfer acr . ’. VACALIONn Unda { é i Ot, ual. oy T #4 and Evelyn, of New York, are in! Misses Lenora and Charlotte Guise. Often Th Kid Ar : I hiladelphia. town and will remain for & month, | wite. of Harrisburg, are visiting their ¢ neys e . . To Ashbury Park, Long Branch and Dr. Norton, a few years ago, erected a | mother. > ' Nae at : modern dwelling house in one of the Messrs. Daniel Benner and Emanuel Weakened by Over-Work. : the L Pl er { oast resorts, go d service 15 suburban towns of New York, but Shot find Mrs. James Smith are on Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood, : provided by through trains from Philadelphia was prevailed on by a extensive con. ; ih .t Mas f : : : as pt 10 Jeavd it oh a period ef Mrs. Phoebe Wise was called to Mil-] Weak and unhealthy kidneys are re. The call of the sea is on. It promises : fh WO | ton last Friday on account of the serious sponsible for much sickness and suffering, ular dividend of pleasure, and : gp years, couscquently the Nortons are | illness of her sister, Mrs. Burkholder. a therefore, if kidney a regular dividend o pieasure, and an extra now living in the city, Hugh Haines i Winber, is spending rh A Be Houle permitied 10 grant of health and vigor to those who , | a short time w : Mrs. re j continue, se \ : Mrs. Myra Kerr, of Omahs, Ne. 3 short ime with his grandmother, Mrs PONS cults are most likely heed it. braska, is in Centre Hall among A ——— SY pd d to follow. Your other Will v N ? friends and will remain until fail, Tusseyville, EAM) organs may need at- HL You come! ) tention, but your kid- Bhe came to Chicago some weeks ago, Mrs. Stuart Leitzel and little daughe n or ot Ta : and after visiting her daughter, Mrs, ter, of Washington, D. C., arrived ‘here 1 they do most and Sots £ be ET LA (Rev.) Elmer L. Williams, they | on Thursday to be the guests of Mr. and | < should have attention | HE RE np : lsd sasadi dl toga - J wlll PEE COounLm town "customers to send an old shoe aechoad : Y ianss . ’ 3 y ’ ¥ ' vashed COasSt ol New Jersey, comes the came east, the latter accompanied by i James Spangler, id rat Therefore: when \ eee — CE aa — her children, Mrs. Williams & An some unknown way. the friends of | your kidneys are weak or out of order, + hig dpa a From: , 1% he : topped Wilbur Dashem learned that Friday of | you can understand how quickly your en- hia pd — — at Fleming, the old home of her hue |}. 4 week was his birthday anniversary, | tire body is affected and how every organ i A, - bind, but will bo at Centre Hall the | and the outcome of it all was the young | seems to fail to do its duty. a latter part of this week, to be the guest | man Fecsived Jome seventy beautiful ul Jou are sick or badly begin of Mr. and Mrs. W. Fran ost cards. No doubt this shower | taking the great kidney remedy, Dr. Frank Bradford Pah with it a pleasure that will re-| Kilmer's Swamp-Root. A trial will con- d other I . : 32¢ others. main for many years. vince you of its great merit, / James A. Keller who has his home | While John Spangler is a farmer and |g Je mild and immediate effect of w i Swamp-Root, ti eat kids and ith his daughter, Mrs. Frank Fisher, Jealize o tho need ou a good team of Rot ae Soom realized, | It in Penn Hall, suflored a slight stroke hs De in oo oigliie stands the highest because its remarkable of paralysis on Thursday night of last | Jast week the purchase was made. Be, | PeMIth restoring flies have been week. His condition was somewhat | fore long you will see him driving his " ven in ¥Bouash “ol the inost distress: ow Dorss g cases, you need a medicine you improved on Monday, but Monday | BW is: should have the best. : night suffered a second attack, pur. | AB Lee, William Lee, and Foster | Soid by druggists in aly zing his throat so that he is unable ¥ Jacl aftehided she stock sale of Irvin | fifty-cent and one-dol- low even n faw drops of water. | ¥ po ay. lar sizes, You may to qwa ‘| The health of Mrs Elmira Moyer is in |bave a sample bottle Be retains all faculties and Is able to such a condition that it was deemed | by mail free, also a3 talk a few words at a time, but his| wise to eall Dr. J. R. G. Allison. pemplagt telling you vision ls impaired, in that things ap-| The farmers are busy as bees, and to find ot f P he Have ey pear reversed from their natural order, \EVery where the odor of new mown hay Bladder tive : - or Kil &' Co. : ends ite eweetness Lo the air, when ting to Dr, men. Oy A small lot has forme! near the base Binghamton, N. V. Don't make any mis of the brain, and while his condition Min. Genre 0. Penner atten did Ah take, hut remember the Jue, Swamp ) " : # | Koot, and don’t let a dealer sell you Is critical there is some hope of his ro Buddinger-Maon wedding st Snow hing in piace of Swamp.-Rootomif every, Boe, you do you will be disappointed, i