; THE CENTRE RE PORTE R: “THURSDAY, JUNE 2 1910 SUNDAY SUHOOL QONVENTION, Attendance Quite Large, and Discussions of Great Interest, The District SBunday-school Conven- tion, composed of Potter and Gregg townships and Centre Hall borough, was held at Penn Hall, in the Luther- an church, Friday afternoon and eve- ning. The afternoon session was opened with an anthem by the choir Rev, B. F. Bleber conducted devotion- al services, reading the 90th Psalm and off:ring prayer. The minutes of the last convention held at Egg Hill were read by Mrs. H. W, Kreamer. Mrs. 8S. W. Smith was elected secretary. The first speaker on the program was D. C. Caris, who discussed the the subject, * The Need of the Hour.” The epeaker said the need of the hour in Buanday.school work is consecration, prayer, sincerity, rever- ence, The next speaker was Rey. B. R. M. Bheeder, of Aaronsbarg, pastor of the Peon Hall church, who spoke on “ The Mission and Equipment of a Teacher in the Bunday-echool.” The mission of the teacher is to make boys and girls, men and women more Christlike ; to teach first and lsst and all the time the Word of God. The teacher’s equipment must be prayer, study, consecration, regularity, Mrs, H. W. Kreamer then read an article on the way in which Judge Lindsay treats the boy criminal, and reforms him. The next number on the program was sn address by Rev. Daniel Gress, on “ Some Hard Things to do.” There are some hard things to do in every life, in every department of life, in every protesssion, oecupation aod avocation, it is necessary to do these hard things to develop strength and character. Edueation comes only through effort, The great work of the youth to«day is the enthronement of intellect, culture, and character. Greatness comes through overcoming poverty, ignorance, obecurity and physical weakness, all bard things to do. The same law holds in Bunday- school work, There are hard things to do, and they can be done by eflort only. Itisa hard thiog to go to Sun- day-school on a rainy day, but pot impossible ; a hard thing to get all church members into Bunday-school, bat it is 8 problem that can be solved ; a hard thiog to keep the boys there, but the parents can do it, Every youth should go forward in faith, and hope and courage, animated and in- spired with fact that most ptoblems can be solved, and most difficulties can be overcome, The commitiee on nominations then reported. C. E. Royer was reelected president, Robert Bartges, vice presi- dent ; Mrs. B. W. Bmith, secretary, and J. J. Arney, treasurer, Daring the evening session D, F, Luse addressed the convention on the subject, ** As a teacher where should you draw the line between right and wrong,”’ Rev. Bheeder also spoke on on that subjext. Mrs, B. W. Bmith read a paper on “ Religious principles applied to the business of the Bundsy school.” The * Boy Problem was discussed by Rev. J. Max Lantz. Many helpful suggestions were made to the conven- thn on this important subject The whole program was interspers- ed with splendid music by the choir, Both the afternoon and evening garvices were well attended, and prov- el to be interesting and erjoyable, ‘fhe next convention will be held in ‘entre Hall, The sum of $5.00 was v ited the 8B. B. Association. A vote «f thanks was tendered” to the people of Penn Hall and vicinity for their kind hospitality. the Miliheim Won te 8, Millbeim and Centre Hall had a struggle on Grange Park diamond, Monday afternoon, which took the tenth inning to decide who were the victors, which proved to be the visit. ing team, the score being 9 to 8, Up to the seventh inning the honie team was in the lead, but from that point they were unable to score, while the visitors began hitting and scoring. It was generally a well played game, oii remo Bible Lase, At the Reformed parsonage, in Asronsburg, Baturday evening, by Rev. W. Donat, Frank Bible of Centre Hill, aud Miss Elizabeth Luse, of Co- burn, were united in marriage. Both parties are well known iu this county, nnd they are belong heartily congratu- lated, in which the Reporter joins, A AI A I FISSION “It cured me,” or ** It saved the life of my child, '* are the expressions you hear every day about Chamber- Iain’s Collie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Thie is true the world over —— fotroduced. No other medicine In use for diarrhoea or bowel complaints has received such general approval. The secret of the success of Chamberlain's Colle, Cholera and Disrrhoes Remedy fs that it curse. Hold by Murray aud Bitner. The Northern conference of the Lutheran church Is in session at tie ‘Uross church, Georges Valley, the first session having opened Tuesday. MEMOR wu SERVICE, Attendance Large at all Points In Penns Yalley ~Able and Enthusinstio Sponkers. The Memorial Day services were largely attended at all points in Penns Valley, where thiey were held as pre- viously scheduled in these columns, The speakers were able and enthusias- tie, and the children who everywhere joined in the decorating feature and the singing of National aire, were thrilled with patriotism by the senti- ments of the songs they helped to render. great interest. There were atrewn with flowers, odist church where the children un- with Miss tendered a number airs. dies, swall not only here but everywhere. introduced the epeaker, Rov. 3. Wileox, pastor of the Methodist church, who apoke dience along other than the Memorial Day lines of thought. nation by comparison ; of its form of government ; the loyal- expected subjact—at least to some. A few of the evils cited to be are mentioned. tion of God's Holy Day, which of devotion : the drinking saloon—will the pever come when we will smite monster ; the social club, where is sold under a license ; dance hall, If we will preserve this nation, speaker continued, we its citizenship. God has made great nation that we might great blessiog t» other patione. glale of the ballot shops ; ture who at put away the shop next to our home, scope, Rev. Wilcox greatly his sudience, snd brought many commendstory the part of his hearers, AT SPRUCETOWN, The services at unusually well attended. was Rev, Wilcox, snd his greatly pleased the sudience, singing was conducted by Michael Bmith, who also acled ber of adults and children. Max Lantz, and Ralph Sweeney, both of whom recited. 2 LA nn y LOCALS, Joseph L. Runkle, the Bellefonie plumber, was in town last week doivg some work for L. L. Bmith, The superintendents of the various Bunday-schools in the Centre Hall Lutheran Charge have decided to hold the annual Sunday-schonl picnic on Monday, July 4th. The placa has not yet been definite decided upon, On the evening of Memorial Day a» silver watch was lost in Centre Hall by Violas Bharer, desughter of Mr. and Mra. Jacob Bharer, east of here. It no doubt has been picked up long before thie, and the person who did so on learning of its owner should at once notify her, A tumber of ministers in Centre county are leaving for other flelds of Isbor, the last to announce his inlten- tion of doing so being Rev. L. N Fleck, pastor of the Nittany Lutheran church, who has sceepted a call at Newry. He has been on his present charge for a period of five years. Vernon Getchell, of Btate College, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Klice and and daughter Helen, of Altoona, were guests of Mrs, Margaret Bailey, In Centre Hall, Mr. Getchell 18 a stu dent in Pennsylvania State College, and Mr. Kline, who is a brother «f Mrs. Bailey, isa moulder in the Al toona car shops, The funeral of George Dale was one of the largest funerals beld at the Bhi- loh church in many yedrs. Io his dis course the pastor, Rev, J. 1. Btonecy- pher, staied that so far ss could be laroed, Mr. Dale was the last sure vivor of Luthérans who had helped to erect the Bhiloh church, Mr. Dale had lived near this chiurch since be be- gan housekeeping, which was fifty. four years ago, and during that time was wi a regular attendant st =i held there, Bhoss at Wielands Ladies’ and Misses’ oxfords, patent leather oxfords, Russian ealf blucher | oxforde, men’s heavy work shoes, boys’ viel blucher, a complete line in| each, Common sense shoes for | women and elderly ladies, the most comfortable shoes on market, F.E WIELAND, Linden Hall, Pa. Co Into the ATLAS Es Z Seal Jar Whole -a fact which gives it great advant. 3 oh age over old-style, small-mouth jars, Stop cu fruits of r canning. Go to your dealer and a for Atias E-Z Seal Jars. After ti you can fill your shelves wit jars he 0 dir ng full-sized fruits—natural yokir s well as good tasting. Atlas smooth at tting up large SE -Z Seal Jars are very strong; {1 pi ind sure gealers. HAZEL-ATLAS CLASS CO. Wheeling, W. Va, JOHN T. NOLL, PLEASANT GAP, PA Also Painting and Decora ALL WORK FIRST-CLASS MANSHIP DONE IN WORK- MANNER, SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS & VARNISHES E want every housewife to know that for every suf. face, outsic de and inside of her home, there is a special paint, varnish, stain or enamel; that theselection of the right treat. ment for each surface is vital to durability as well as leasing effects, and that The Sherwin. Williams Co., whom we repre- sent, have devoted fortysyears to “the study of surface treatments and the making of paints and varnishes best suited to each. % Have a Paint Talk with Us The woman who wants a home that is artistic and up-to-date in every way, should come in and have a paint talk with us, We will be glad to tell her of the ibilities of paint and varnish in beautifying and preserving every surface in and about the home, and how to treat each room #0 as to secure pleasing and har« monious results, Rearick’s Parnitire Store = ———— oo 1 ARS A AR 5 iy WM NR A nN CT ER INT, \ Medicine Pectoral is medicine, doctor's Ayer’s Cherry | regular cough strong medicine, a medicine. Good for easy coughs, hard coughs, despet ate coughs, If ioc endorses it for your case, Ne "BD WT PE LE TTY your 80 cont ! 10 his advice ww form We pubiisl ers i dose of Ayer's | 1¢ at bedtime, Asn sii ” pation, bilious adaches Coffee! Coffee!! 108 LAS at i ther lh higher the price. £ Pare d with v price we offer it PER POUND i. REMEMBER, 11. 1 d aroma Lh ant any « HOWARD H. BRICKER 0 Look at our line of New t SHOES FOR SUMMER - Lad es’ & Misses’ Oxfords Patent Leather Oxfords Rus, Calf Blucher Oxfords Men's Heavy Work Shoes Boys’ Vici Bluchers We have a complete line of Common Sense Shoes for Women and elderly Ladies ; the most comfort- able shoes on the market, $F. E. Wieland ¢ General Store ¢ LINDEN HALL, PA. ¢ AWW We WW WD AW WT WW WWW WW sec s000 OOS 99000000000008 MEN'S AND BOYS UNDERWEAR : : : MEN'S Fancy Dress and Wook Shirts, Fancy Hose, and Black Oxfords, PROP VOPVVOPV IOI PVT E OTOL ORD LADIES’ . ® * : | z H. F. ROSSMAN i § Spring Mills - - - Penn, § CROP PLBE RRP HAIR OROINP® yeoew Lame shoulder Is almost invariably caused by rheumatism of the muscles and yields quickly tothe free appli- eatlon of Chamberlaing Liniment, This Hoiment is not only prompt and ud effactuni, but in no way hes Centre Hall Pa, i! lo tous, Fold by Murray and Long Co. this month. and sell goods the lowest for cash. CENTRE HALL, BOALSBURG TAVERN BOALSBURG, PA. AMOS KOCH, PROPRIETOR This well-known hostelry is modate all Imyeion " stopping a ail Station, made to acoommoda ory attached, Every effort is te the traveling public, Liv. the Camp Candy Company, Manufac. turing Confectioners, Tyrone, Pa., are NOT ADULTERATED IN ANY FORM, are strictly pure and are guar. Tavs. %o conform with all Pure Food wa, CAMP CANDY CO. Manufacturers fn uy TYRONE, PENN'A PENN'A + Wanted 1 Lowal Agent to advertise and intrinduce the new educational . WEBSTER'S UNIVERSAL DICTIONARY and ATLAS of the WORLD, eduosted and able At sede emoes a4 10 ABI A The § AALFIELD PUB. CO , AKRON, OMIO Pirasos and Organs. . T! re Lester pianos are used and en T ve Stevens plano orgabs are the P (anos and otg ns sold on say pay eg 4 plas, Write for 8. gaan, Spring Ml Vs -¥