4 9 y Moy Duy Water System. Eristol.——The Borough passed this resolution at a meeting: “hesolved, That the mittee of Council, in conjur tion with the borough solicitors, be au- thorized to open negotiations and take up with the pany the proposition of the purchase by the borough of the property and plant of said water company and re- port to Council.” This matter first IO when an ordi: callir l the will of increasing +f $100,000 ani nicipal works, voteg polled at 1906, evidence: people to contro ply A few vy election taxpay Junct viings borou~h Judge Stont d pow z the | voting 10 the nia, of sion peo 1 Council special Street Com- the » desire AM : gi {ean lation made Million As ™~ £ { Sule the Dat ] Ministe 000 ¢ Jubilee Fund. four Re fe we Numed! sionary the miesio prosper tee I Hao: gon | town that tor six Are remai: r ia secrof celal « ship South Rev, Wil bu ten Ari burg Find Lift char Jos merc! to drink and altar w dition that stable by impressi and that he The body waa found bs ris, Joh and it Body In Stable. mn poison, len gin: Jealousy Causes Tragedy. Edw: J Dolan vounded Lancaster and probably F. Hind cide. Dolan’s v mas, and he of the latter store, and accused the latter ing been end] vith lan. An drew en and Hinden ~and-hand Ss Be sued and Dol ghot Hind & in tomac! io walked to ‘s home a short dis tance away throvgh the hear taken to a pital to die, altercat there he shot himself Hinden and lg expected was hos Jiu Jitsu For Police, Pittsburg To strike, kick and otherwise trifie with a Pittsburg po- Heeman will be a dangerous thing henceforth Fifteen of the bgzes 3t men on the force, who have he receiving instructions in ner art of jiu jitsn from J. J O'Brien, a former police chief Tokio, were turned loose on the rious precincts, where they teach the various squads how tumble an adversary by a deft of the foot, wrist or body. the will to tions until the entire force has been taught. Man Gets 85,000 Damage. Sunbury. A jury gave Sheetz $5,900 damages. Two ago he was at Island Park, owned | by the Sunbury & Northumberland Street Car Company. A storm ed t which he alleged rendered him per- Johnstown. relatives here Irene Poling, Chang-sha ince China, -While friends were fearing a missionary district of Hunan had in prove | | | % came that the #fcene avold dang A letter dust re Mrs, Harry Cupid had taken her of disorder in Or time eived by Dunmire, of South ant Poling 12 to ad Church at Shen Chow said in her edding Zo to Shen live and it is supposed they have during the Changsha, a sister Fork, was to be Rev, Mr i © vk iL) Fu, The letter that ghe and her Chow Fu young following husband to been ing and ‘ornell 231 in renks Smoking Record, oking a cigar 8, Abraham B ablished wre, of record ost ore Mo minutes in the friends timed hrew was the reed to Directs Rs All Players’ Club For Che swter, P arson, one y eloty. ig nent to form qot of which dramatic a social is pro- for . ia FVais Scarlet Fever Closes School. : A sudden fever cause, t¢ Weil Extradite Man, Haid Lair Of Chester Tramps. Fights White Plagae Walking. ron FOI con. had was JUnLry "He had walk. from Bo and swking ig way a ) the ¢ ding whe n he conld most of the distance Pittat urg Present “Columbia's Recoption.® Reading A prepas ! Columbia’ n the Auditor Bands of the Re ading Ref for the benefit of the G The of ded fter woeks A rmed iris en the s10 Yochow, vert China the place a deci # ruts de WOOK and wag Baily Conductor Scalded To Yor) Thrown at the plant Cement Company, Deaths, among big steam of the Sandusky Harry E. Ford. 44 a conductor for the Weat: ern Maryland Rallroad was scalded to death. Ford was riding on » freight ear which, while being shift left the rails and crashed into the building pipes Want Hawaii To Be “Dry.” Carligle.— Harrisburg district of the Methodist Woman's Home Mis slonary Boclety, in convention here passed a resolution asking the United States Senate to pass the Johnson bill or other legislation prohibiting i company. Neighbor Saves Family, Darby. ~— Five persons, them «children, narrowly with their two in the residence of Andrew Jackson, 317 Marks Avenue, by Mrs. J, Carey, who resides next door. Knowing that Mrs, Mary Downey! dnd her two children, aged 3 and 6 | years, and Mp Dow ney’s brother and a niece of Jackson's were gleep- ing in the house, Mrs. Carey arouse! them just in time to permit the!r weape in thelr night clothes. - Chester. The Grand Opera House, years ago, was sold to leon W. Washburn, promoter, “4A oe — « [HES TIGAT OF J fr , ————"— ™~ 3 re ” tc ‘ SVG FOOD PRICES FALLING Decline---All AND BREAD CHEAPER tandards Lead Expected Meats Will Fall, New York Cit ton, some of the the other then declining some Consus 40 in cent last November, and » 50 per pet 3 + 1 a BP a dk gph wr y = 3 . od . 0 of the ow nf th innin 08 Li n e up pward car and th bast usewife knows Y $ re iow the 5X Hig the up ward wve reached ie period a vear ago. are wholess any me 8 { to the helghts ¢ to whi ¢h the New York consumer was forced to climb to fill his wants over the counter. Butter Chewe {spe : (ARIROn) . aw Fees (Western first)... Mik (0nt, can net to shipper } a Salt mackerel Sugar (refined) Sugar (standard). Rice Peas... hh Brown rotton sheetings “aves Stendard prints. Blue denims. . Hemlock, shoe leather. aed kid Men's grain = Wex brogans. . canine Women's split. ... ganizing the company. It lg under stood the present building will be torn down and a new theatre, cost. ing about $25,000, erected in Saved By Presence Of Mind. Bethlehem. Mrs, Mary Barres, aged 73, mother of Oliver Barres, ‘alley Railroad, had a narrow escape {ronf burning to death, The aged woman threw a quantity of fat into the kitehen range and when she rosched over to open the stove pipe damper the fat blazed up, env ing her. Screaming for help, Mra. Barres did not lose her mind, but rished for a rug and wrapping it around her managed to smother the flames: + i 4 400 lll iy | Benefits Taken by Farmers, When the rise was in full swing last year an investigation by the Washington authorities put the blame on the middlemen, bit the farmer himself has taken most of the profit from the higher cost of living, Last year was the greatest money. a S——— January, 1G $4.55 4. Eng wha ig aang 10% ‘ on a8 1.90 1.60 51.00 2% 00 555 53) E15 5 4 50 05% 0814 29714 815 Jn JG 05 nis, a5 Jig 8 oh 10 a6 1.77% 1.50% 1.35 1.15 1.35 1.32% 5.50 8.50 a 50 3.75 365 ‘ 3.00 ers of this country ever experienced. The total value of the farm products January 1610 £53.50 4.50 an . Agrienlture’s caleulations was put by the Secretary at $8.760,000,000, against $§7.84%.000,000 in 1008, and this increase of nearly $1,000,000,000 was due to shrinking prices rather than to greater production. Pittabnrg Graft Informer Pleads to Be Removed to Another Prison. Pittsburg, Pa.--"Cant. Johnny" | grafting Councilmen, has Legged his altorneys to apply for his removal to fome pricon other than the Riversida Panttentiary. Klein declares that a third of his 1300 fellow-canviets have tlodlzad themselves to kill him be- raise he 18 a “squealer,’” and that (they beat him whenever they get an ponortunity, A dozen convicts are In the dune | ceons at Riverside for attacks on him, Squad Broke Record of 185 Years Ago, From Boston to Lowell, Lowell, Masa. — The Middlesex County military marching record, es tablished 135 years ago by a detach ment of British troops, in an expedi- tion from Boston to Concord, was broken by a sguad of eight men from Company F of the Fifth regiment, who covered the twentysix miles from Boston to this city in five hours and forty-eight minutes. No effort wos made to rob the Red Coats of the running record from Concord to Boston,’ pe HL ll HoUSEHoOLD | fu LOBSTER RISSOLES. Mince the meat of a gler, mix with it the mopth, and the led ezgs. bolled lob- coral, pounded yolks of 4 batter of t, 4 la- mashed 1ard-bol Make i eres, 8 tablegpoonfuls blespoonfuls beat light, then the lob enough, and fry yg 1 Dour ter ang are tan of lemon noonfal 8 Of | strain the thorough into 2 an ios rivhoned lettuce. ~ MKEY CROQUETTES put aside through medium cupful of to 1 milk. Take 2 heaping ta flour, 1 heaping table yf butter, 1 tablespoon of chop ped garsios 1 small teaspoon of salt, about 1 oon onion juice, a dash of cayenne pepper Baat the flour and butter together until they form a smeoth paste, and stir into the boiling milk, beating it until per fectly mixed. Add the seasoning and allow it to cool and then add the minced meat. When perfectly cold mould it into any shape desired, dip in white of egg, roll in bread crumbe, and fry in boiling fat. 1 always drain my croquettes on a plece of tissue paper or a paper napkin. Gamish with parsley or celery tips and serve very hot. These are delicious and nice for lunch Mattie E. Flynn, in the Boston Post you have them using a { meat Take the # for mincing mant oF cr meal CcOoppeT, CTADS and put your knife Al cupful of blespoons of ow 1 spoon teasp of HINTS. If new gloves are placed between the folds of a damp towel for an hour before being worn they are much the kid to become more pliable so that they will stretsh to the required Creaking doors will cease to be nolsy If the hinges are rubbed with soap or graphite, One-half cup coarse starch dissolve ed in cold water, pour boiling to it, add a piece of parrafiine size of a nut. meg: let boil 10 minutes, Gloves spotted from damp weath- or may be cleaned with a little gum ammoniac. Put a little of the gum in the bottom of the glove box, lay a paper over it, and then the gloves. Cover tightly and leave undisturbed for several days. If the gum is kept in the glove box it will prevent the spotting, Put butter in a bowl and work wi a wooden spoon until the butler of a soft creamy consistency. Should butter milk exude it should be poar; od off. Ler —————— Hoods Sarsaparilla By virtue of its unequaled blood-purifying, nervestength- ening, stomach-toning, appe- titerestoring properties, is the one Great Spring Medicine, Get it today in liquid form or in fab~ {ets known HBarsatabe, 100 doses 3. FAAP ASP POA PASIAN THE WALKING OF WESTON Always Stimulates {INIERE yT IN STIN arsine : Es | S53 estest comer! discovery ol the} Foot. Fa 1 mak ? w she ' TRY ow TODAY. Sod ever 13 be y Bot accept any bs: Ste 1 Cures while ™ EREE THAL PACKACE You Welk, _ALLEN 8S. OLMSTED, Le Roy, MN. 4 DANIAN NII NIST UIT ASCOT IN ISNA, ¥ IH IH I IH I IR Rn i) DO ee vd Br Bini XE SHOES ARP IRI ERE REPRE I ny EN PCA For COLDS and APL tha GRIP, Itching E yelids, C ysis, Styes, 1 Need Rhee nad All yes Ih Aseptic £ * grist For Red, at stomach any + 5a 3 3A 20 L.¥ Other Fish In The Sea. " Oates i G1 i ry neni aig Pp girl thia : youy COr- nmented the other, wise.” the m her Died- econd in- NT ngress will take place ir lelginm, Au- gust 9% to 1 POSTU M FOR MOTHERS The Drink That Nourishes and Sap- plies Food For Mother and Child, “My husband beep unable to drink coffee for several years, so we were very glad to give Postum a trial and when we understood that long boiling would bring out the delicious flavour, we have been highly pleased with it “It is one of the finest things for nursing mothers that I have ever seen, It keeps up the mother's strength and increases the supply of has I drank it between meals "Our five-year-old boy has been veloped slowly. He was white bloodless. and 1 began to give him Post. at the change. When any person remarks about the great improve ment, we never fail to tell them that wa attribute his gain in strength and general health to the free use of Postum and this has led many friends to use it for themselves and ohil- dren, “I have always cautioned fr to whom I have spoken about Ps to follow directions in making it, for unless it fs bolled fifteen or twenty minutes, It is quite tasteless, On the other hand, when properly made, it is very delicious I want to than R rou for the benefits we have eriv tom th : Fone 6 use of your Read “The Road to Well " found In pkgs. “There's a Re, Ever