—_ Hoods Sarsaparilla Will purify your blood, clear your complexion, restore your appetite, relieve your tired feel- ing, build you up. Be sure to take it this spring, Get it today in liquid form or In tab- lets known as Sarsatabs. 100 doses $1. Beaten By A Professional. Hank Johnson had long enjoyed the distinction of belug the home- liest man in Canyonville, so it was somewhat of a shock to him when Steve Billings came into the ist's Retreat and announced: there's a homelier man than Hank over at the depot, Feller by the name of Charles Battell Loomis that gives lectures.” Without a word Hank started acrosg the road and was gone some time. “Waal,’ turned, ““d’'ye give up.” “Heck!'® Hank replied, preme disgust, —Success. “Boys, with su- “He's a professional.” OPERATION UNSUCCESSFUL. A Terrible Tale of Kidney Suffering. rs. Emily H. Murdock, Place, Rochester, N. Y., “Kid- ney trouble came upon me when liv- ing in Cape Town, South Africa. I uited the best "a 6 Lorraine BAYES: iy clans and an Was oOr- at R aperaicn dered Hospi the fay Saki woman. I grew worse had catheter. In despair gaecretions to be Doan's sidney Pills ered and would Te ally done the na have Remember sale by dealers Foster-Milburn C« Sounded Best When Rilent. In a rail office in West |. delphia is an old and trust olerk of Celtic extraction. who his associates in a constant good humor by an unending series « witticisms, iterspersed occasionall with “bulls’ so glaring that even he himeelf has to join in the laugh that invariably follows such a on his part. There was telephone one Mike, k as ne 18 road there keel gtate break’ some trouble on the day recently, called among friends, lost much of his usual nature in his effortg to get the of a il 9 being from ther oflice The man on other end of the wire finally became exasperated asked Mike if he i hearing you all right " sald Mike, jerstand a word ‘ and his good gist gent the and until “and you General Botha, prime minister of the Transvaal, says that neve in the f South Africa th history of were signs of prosperity r before ere such solid England's geouts’” ber 600.000 AFTER SUFFERING FOR YEARS Cured by Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound Park Rapids, Minn—*"1 was sick for . years while passing through the Change of Life and was hardly able to be around. After tak- ing six bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com. pound I gained 20 pounds, am now able to do my own fwork and feel well.”— Mrs. Eb. La Dov, Park Rap- ds, Minn oor rille, Ohio.—"1 was irregular and extremely nervous. A neighbor recommended Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound tome and I have become regular and my nerves are much better.” — Mrs. BR. KINXISON, Brookville, Ohio. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com. und, made from native roots and erbs, contains no narcotic or harm. ful drugs, and today bolds the record for the largest number of petal cures of female diseases we know of, and thousands of voluntary testimonials are on file in the Pinkham laboratory at Lynn, Mass, from women who have been cured from almost every form of female complaints, inflammation, ul- coration, displacements, fibroid tumors, #regularities, periodic pains, backache, indigestion and nervous prostration. Every suffering woman owes it to her. palf ve Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege- table Compound a trial. If you want special advice write Mrs, Pinkham, Lynn, i it. Lt is free and always helpful. BROWN'S BroNCHIAL TROCHES and Bronchial and Poo, 5 cents, 50 cents and $1.00 per box, sent on “boy now num- COMMERCIAL Market Reports. New York..~Wheat-—S8pot No. 2 red, 122¢. No. 1 Northern, easy; Corn-- and No. 4, port basis, Spot steady; mixed, 26@ nominal; natural white, .» 45% @ 48c. Clipped white, 34@42 1bs., 47T@51%. Eggs—Firmer; receipts, cases Western storage selections, 68%, both nominal ex- Oats 32 lbs. 18¢.; firm; Poultry-—Alive easy; fowls, 14@ 18, Dressed 15@ 18%¢c.; turkeys, Philadelphia, Wheat lower; contract grade, @118%ec. Corn-—Dull fowls, weak, April, 116% and 1c. lower; Butter—Firm; good creamery, 33 demand; %e.,; ex- do., -Firm; good demand; other nearby at mark; do., Eggs— and free cases, 23c. aa 22 mark; Western 23 at mark; receipts, free cases, Cheese—Firm; New York choice, 17% @17%c.; fair to good, 16% @ 17 Live Poultry—Firm 203%c.; old roosters, 14@14%.; broiling chickens, 35@ 38; ducks, 176219; geese, 12@ 13. Dressed Poultry— Firm. fowls, choice, 19%ec.: good, 18; old roosters. 15; broiling chickens, 24; do., Western, 2 chickens, Western, 1 Baltimore.— Wheat No. te ste at firsts, Western current 99 full do., Feowls, 20@ Fresh do., 14% 9 fair nearby, 18@ yasti ¥ "ne OK 1@@ 23: 1« “1 yp 21 NO red 2 red, 1.13%; No. 3 red, 1.09; amer No, 2 red, 1.063 ; steamer No. 2 i Western, 1.073% Corn 621% Oats- 49@ 50¢c.; 49; No. Mixed 47@ 471 Rye We qt Western, domes rye, Western lots, as to quality