SIXTY MEN IN TOMB OF SNOW ific— Bodies Of Some Of The Probably Swept Into The Canyon, There To Lie Until Summer Sun Melts The Frozen Mass — The Great Avanlanche Carries Down | Telegraph Poles and Wires—Re- | lief Train Sent To Scene—May Take Two Days To Clear Tracks. Victims | : B. C. (Special), —S8ix- ty-two men who were engaged in elearing the Canadian Pacific track in Rogers Pass at the summit of the Selkirk Range were entombed by an! avalanche and all are probably dead. The men were working in clearing away a small slide that had come down early in the evening. They were working a rotary engine over it when an immense mass came down and carried some of them to their death in the canyon below. AM passenger trains on the line are safe, though it will probably be a day or two before they are able to pass the place when the slide oc- curred The accident occurred snowshed one mile west Yancouver, near a of Rogers Pass and at the actual summit of the Selkirks, As soon as the nows reached Rev- elstoke, a relief train conveying physicians and nurses and over 200 railway men and other citizens start. ed to Rogers Pass. Calgary made an equally prompt response. It also sent a special jef train with 125 workmen, as well as nurses and doctor. Railway officials expect that at least 48 hours will elapse before the line can be cleared. The work fis great danger, as an- descend at any mo- Tre- may ment. Little hope is entertalned that any of the men in the pathway of the avalanche escaped alive. The bodies of many of the victims were proba- bly swept into the canyon and mav not be recovered until summer suns melts the snow. Bix hundred men are now digging out the track from under the snow and debris. A report from the scene'of the disaster says the bodies of only five men have been recovered. The work of recovering the dead and opening the track is greatly impeded by a blizzard now raging in the Pass, Adoption Of An Amendment Forbid. ding Investment In Two Per Cent, | Bonds Gives Them Opportunity To! Vote With Their Party—The House Likely To Eliminate It—FProvis- Went Through. C. (Special) bill Washington, D. The Postal Savings Bank the by a along Every Democrat single exception of! Oregon, measure Every Republica i. The unana ever, was ba in the bill i: “progressives” thing which presentation Senator B 1 sive,”’ providis is withdra in sup war invested shall ment than The an Senate vote of + al “\ \ ailnos or am mise amen dent dem: bill constit the THIRTY-FIVE BODIES UG OUT OF WRECK aims ing Experiences. Thirty-Five eovered—Fifty.- Three Are Missing, Whose Names Are Lee sides A Number All In Wreckage Are Be Dead. Known, elieved To Everett, Wash (8p Brow almost that toll in the ial). It the death that carried away the two Great Northern trains and seven steam and electric loco- motives at Wellington will total more than 100, Eighty-six names are now on the Hist of dead or missing passengers, raliroad and postal employes. State- ments of the number of laborers fighting the snow who were sleep ing on the ill-fated trains vary from 40 to 30. All the dead were residents of the Northwest. Of the injured, only Rev. Bishop Wingot, of Chicago, was from the East, Thirty-five bodies have been covered. Fifty-three are whose names are known, besides a number of laborers. All in the wreckage are believed to be dead. The first news direct from scene of the wroack was received midnight, when Dr Great Northern en the fis from Wellls three of the R M. Lavcile Bates © certain aval inche re- missing. relief train, glon, accompanied urvivors and by Piremuan 8. A. Jured was in a eritical Most of them hurt. When he left Wellington 16 were in the temporary hospital, sons who were carried into the can- the proposed postal savings bar islation up to the United Treasury in such a way as to forward 1k leg- of issue. jut for the - it would have b thdraw the postal 3 in time of > and invest them worth Governn bond now held As it goes to the authorizes tl atofMi« Borah amend ment i ¢ wi } iy ar of ©3 ry Te nlow fir ” v sil sess 3 ’ hn § an % 4% * » | car econ : atip Paul i a st fay « one the ining in a ear In whic women and and n ton Forsyth, of Tr wns five Three women | passengers were two syth sald that it seemed as if the a rolled down the embankment of the injured. raging. and there was a spectacular electrical display. The first men to extricate them- selves from the wreckage set to work rescuing those less fortunate most incessant. | found | ing initials, which to believe that it Katharine O'Neill, of Spokane. er portions of bodies were found. Fireman 8. A. under snow for six hours, heard hig shouts and dug him out before the first rescuers arrived. A junior league of the Now York State Association Oppose to Woman Suffrage has been formed at Albany with Mrs. N. H, Henry as president The membership is said to have reached already In the neighborhood of 100 and to include young women of every social grade in Albany. New Plan To Elevate Drama, Chicago (Special).—The Drama pose the creation of an enlighten. ed play-going sentiment throughout the United States, will have its birth fn the First Congregational Church at Evanston, a suburb, Tuesday, March 22. At the meeting, it is ex. pected, delegates will assemble from some 165 clubs and women's organ- {zations throughout the Central West to discuss the best way to under. take the work Coffee 30 Years O14. New York (Special). Commander Robert E. Peary wag the guest of honor at the annual dinner of the {Canadian Camp and Co-operatin ( Bportsmen’s Clubs of the Unit { States and Canada, given at the Ho- itel Astor. About 450 guests were | present. The menu consisted of bear steak, hard tack from Peary's steam. | er "Roosevelt" and coffee taken from {the cache established by Lieutenant | Greely at Fort Conger, In 1881. Commander Peary was presented with a bronze wreath i i WANT COMMANDER } PEARY'S PROOFS IN FULL Otherwise Committee Will Pi eonhole All Bills. HIS RECORDS ARE NOT SUBMITED. Sub-Committee Of House Will Not Pass On Measures Rewarding Ex- plorer Unless It Is Allowed To Make Proofs Public—Peary Is Op. posed To This Plan, But Is Will. ing To Submit Them In Confidence. Fr. " Washington, D. C. (Special). — Proofs of Commander Peary's dis covery of the North Pole row in the subcommittee of the House Committee on Naval Affairs. Two members of the National Geo- graphic Society appeared before the committee with copies of Mr. Peary's proofs to urge the granting of a suitable reward by Congress to the noted explorer, but the committee declined to receive them in confidence with the ultimate result that the committee has made known tha unless the Peary proofs are coming to the full satisfaction of the committee, every bill introduced for the purpose of rewarding North Pole discoverer will be pigeon- holed Three were in proofs without making Representative Macon and after declaring stalked angrily from “I am it any legislation the dark.” Macon sharply told the committee “Furthermore, {if this committee favor of ecting the full ree- making them pu ¢. 1 will expose the whole business on the floor of the House or in a statement to the press. If we reward Mr. Peary ae # a LO caused a it the members of the committee them publie. his position the room Jecides In ow what we are rewarding Kn Proofs, Would Not Professor Submit Gannett, { ae v of the Geodetic 8S y and one mbers of lety whi Peary's ¢ his ey Proois nat a3 not let the con proofs for public he wanted them newspaper and gaz ! The Profes had with him a copy of the proofs, but he declined to sub- it them he hi that would the ause put for have be article JU ret Washi: ObRCTYE nin ment records such make at the be told knowledged a8 8 mar pole These from the genuine CONFESSES WIFE MURDER. Mobile Police Catch New Yorker Wanted For Tenement Crime. Mobile, Ala { Special) - Julius Venner, alina Alexander Klein. allas was positi as August hunted on vely identified Petersen, who has the charge of mur- here Ninety-eighth in Street tene New York February floor of the place The identification was made by a brother of the murdered woman. who arrived here, accompanied by Po Sergeant Van Waganoer, the New York Police Department Johansen, of PREFERS TO STAY IN PRISON. The President's Pardon, Washington, D. C. Declining (Special) Thomas Taylor, sentenced in i i ! § i Penitentiary for the murder of his wife, will remain as one of the “trusties”’ of the institution. Dur. ing his lon incarceration Taylor studied pharmacy and was assigned to the custody of the prison phar- macy. He will remain In that eapac. ity. They Want Farming Taught. Indianapolis (Epecial). —Primari- ly to procure the passage of the Do'- liver bill now before Congress, and secondarily to ‘obtain agricultural departments In State normal schools throughout the United States. edy- cators from 16 Middle West States appointed a committee to work In connection with the National Eduea- tion Association. The Dolliver bill appropriates $1,000,000 to pay sa'- aries of instructors In such normal school departments, $130,000 IN GOLD INVOLVED Head of a Mexican Bank in a Tangle, Accused Of Borrowing Sum From Canadian Bank A Few Days Be fore His Own Bank Closed—Also Charged With Breach Of Trust Over Disappearance Of Shares Of Mining Stocks, Mexico City (Special).—Abuse of confidence In the handling of 1,500, 000 pesos ($750,000 gold) was form- ally charged against George I. Ham, president of the suspended United States Banking Company, by Man- ager 8B. C, Baunders, of the Bank of Montreal, before Judge Miramon. At the same time negotiations for a settlement out of court of a claim of Harwood A. Simpson, a mineown- er, who had also charged Ham with breach of trust in connection with the disappearance of certain mining | shares, were halted 1 the cour yy As a consequence these negotl { tions Ham was ordered again { incommunicado for 10 days { Simpson and Ham and | torneys were in court Ham's neys were prepared to hand over the | money in full settlement of | Simpson clalm when the trans | was called to the attention court. Judge Miramon declared that such settlement would permit the arrest of Simpson for compounding a perjury. It developed that Simp- son had once given Ham a of attorney which contained sta ment ntradicting testimony recent |1¥ given in the presen court ed to permit drawal of Simpson's charge dered Ham ret ed to communicado | The Saunders sorting to m obtained from tion a loan of 1,5 the U its doors Ol their attor-| the of the n * RCO tL case dec! the nen urn i brought by Mar hat charge y alleged Ham isrepresents the Canadian 100 DEBOE ited States The 1 was devoted advanced 10 days before closed harged, those loan. « poses than i ing for the GIRL A FIRE HERO, Father And Sister, Then Falls Uuconscious. Rescues . outs i C3 y New York yociad ) were CONVICTED BANKER FIGHTS. Objects To 8504 To Taking Estate Defalca O00 { ner ons he woeaknone action of the Ww ho, » he 100k “ADD” MARRIAGES BINDING. | Court Decides That They Are As | legel As Any Others, | Washington, D. CC. Marri brought about as a result of advertisement are binding in the eyes the law in the opinion of Justice Van Orsdel, of the Court of | Appeals of the District of Columbia He held that Clyde I. Williamson, who won his wife by correspondence begun through a matrimonial bureau | and who married her within two | hous of their first meeting, must | retain her, there being nothing ‘that would in law vitiate the marriage contract.” (Special). Ages ¢ Oi 8 Have 834.87 In Your Pocket Washington, D. C. (8pecial) Have you $34.87 in your pocket or in the bank? If you have not, then you are shy on the per capita ecir- culation of money in the | States as shown by the books of the | Treasury Department. The depart { ment, in reaching : eutin ted States at 889.883.000, { nounces the amount of money in eir- { enlation on March 1 as $3,134,093.- | 260, which, if equally divided, would | give every man, woman and child in the country $34.87. There is in eir- culation today $49,315,244 more than there was a Year ago, Three Dead In Wreck In Fog. | Decatur, Ill. (Special). — Three | men were killed, one fatally hurt | and seven others severely injured on the Illinois Central Railroad, one mile routh of Oconee, when two freight trains collided in a heavy fog. Cs PAN Wright Machine Falls. San Antonio (Special). .— After three successful fights Lieut. B. D. Foulols in a Wright aeroplane made a fourth attempt that resulted dis astrously. The rudder of the ma- chine was wrecked and Lieutenant Foulois had a narrow escape from injury. The machine had just turned the southern end of the parade fleld at Fort 8am Houston when the en- gine stopped. The aeroplane fell a0 fest Endowment of Many Millions Likely to Be Made. Bill Introduced In Congress For The Of A The Well-Being Incorporation To Promote And Its Possessions In Foreign Lands—Rivalry Between The Iron ting Rid Their Swollen tunes, Of CROESUBES Carnegle’'s endowments, $162 O00 G00 ’ ‘ + ckefeller's endowments, $131, i { 's 000, 01, fortune (estimated), $400,000,000, Rockefeller's fortune estimate), $200,000,000 Carnegie's {his own ns ep ¥ ROCKEFELL LATEST Gl endowment a foundation promoting the welfare of ped of the United States S8i0ONs, An for for the and were” taken of Columbia 8G WAS r nd was referred Judiciary fest y f 134 nirocu “a other yo ie Orig NOoney the amaonnt amount Lt THE RIVAL CROESUSES, And Rockefeller lid Of Great Sums. { Special) Star J one of the incorporators the Gallinger bill to Rockefeller foundation. iid not the foundatic New York Murphy, named in tablish the sajd that he endowment have Enow Ln yet would The bill intr ton,” sald Mr. Murphy, ed to broaden the scope Rockefeller’'s philanthroples almost identical in with of Congress in 1803 under the Rockefeller Educational Fund wag authorized The new bill makes it possible for Mr. Rockefeller to Washing. intend of Mr and the oduced at “ia OP IY orm De Abaldia, 1, Stricken By Heart Disase. Obaldia Did Good Work For The Panama Canal — While Senator He Made An Almost Single-handed Fight For Approval Of The Treaty For The Construction Of The Canal—One Of The Richest Mew In Panama——Owned Big Planta tions, Dominge ranama, at 2.04 pick ow Panama J ise ge Obaldia, lied ¥ of from P clock hewn elected oF belore during the Amador, He io the United 4 years age President his he WEST ID” under Wh a Gots HBG i executive of Pi A former) He 4 Bou Of ol Dlates, Was born © reer During presides 1 and was imbency hoon # od lwanys timc hiv hee TECEIY- liberal as partisans Columbian ardent advo- treaty for Panama Ca aC in almost lage fight r its approval liy the Bogots i rned the the COn- the treaty nye wae of Pans 1§ the defest of the organized an government President Benor Obaldia fi of Pana eld until 1 her in. Anmdor ap nieter 10 the new repablic went to Rio to the Pan in the same firel vice nded ite at mbian governme: jucnces threaten rejected, but wrong garded and the resenting Y, reve pendent Pe ted - syd a Yirtsrst sed oquin appointed artmer { the rieh- hie plan- the re ne o and in of Panama will Three vice in 180K, A. Aran- ndows Was president and and will be fee president 1 WM ¢ we {Epecial) iz of the wnt the fol Senor Dona his widow: extend to YOU in your great on uf hegen 8 conthnoed and learnis genthaman ehamacier rming companion ond. May ¢he liaise you in hj ¢ eT sessed BY TELEGRAPH i » charges made by former Spec. ent Thomas R. Dawley against sioner Labor Neill were to be without foundation. onferen was held by oficiais department to wark out » f action against the Beef Trust orice letlerg were rescaed Nam rubbish ia an attie im te £2 of Representatives % How severe a punishments Con has provided for ralirosds vio. the so-called ""Twesty-eight Law” by unlawful confinement ive stock in transportation pas argued. before the Supreme Court Ths House members of the Joint - of of r it ¢ Of iating Hour of ed amend their defonesc Gallinger Mall Pay Bil, tw mail steamship lines between leave to The provid first The fact that both instances world, whereas the was specifically limited the Incorporatorsz in are almost identical simply means that Mr tockefeller believes their experiences will be of benefif in fu ture work.” ROCKEFELLER'S COMMENT. Augusta, Ga. (Special). John D Rockefeller, who returned to the eity from New York at 3 o'clock, was shown the dispatch regarding the bil introduced by Senator Gallinger. He smiled and sald: “Just at this time | do not eare to have anything to say I''' wait until I see what they are going to do up there, However, you may reat assured it Is not anything that'y do harm to anybody.” Carriers Lost By One Vote. Washington, D. C. (Special). By the narrow margin of 63% to 64 the House voted down an amendment to the Postoflice Appropriation bill offered by Representative Goebel, of Ohio, providing for the promotion of all letters carriers In large cities to the $1,200 grade. ’ Falliores Receives Fairbanks, | Paris, President Fallieres re- ceived Charles W. Fairbanks at the Elysee Palace. The American Am- bassador, Mr. Bacon, presented the } former Viee-Presidoent ¥ China and favembly Philippines. Australia, was ordered reported the Benatg Senator Cumming and Clapp sub- mitted the minority report of Lhe Senate Interstate Commerse Oom- mittee on the administration raliroad bill, deciaring that it woul utterly fail to accomplish its object The Legislative, Excecstive and Judicial Appropriation bill, casrying $33,885,765, was reported 0 fhe House Under the entomologist paign ja to housefly. The President has commated je five yoars the sentence of seven yours imposed upon Anton Wintr, at Bal. falo, in 1907, who was charged with photographing two dollar silver coe tiflcates President Taft haz accepied am fu- vitation to address the Presbymartian General Assembly. The Senate passed a bill authogis- ing the expenditure of $10,000,000 for the purchase of land south of Pennsylvania Avenue, in Washington, as sites for public bulldings, Secretary BallingeY withdrew trom entry 44,532 acre of land in . Idaho and Utah, thought to contais power possibilities. The Senate passed the bil ising }20.000 000 worth of cates o ebtedness to complete tating irrigation projects. oe Japan to direction o! the ahief a country-wide ofm- be waged against the -