AR AE THE APPROVAL of the most —— L wi wn a and its by the Syrup of Figs ELIXIR or SENNA SATISFACTION. 10 GET ITS , “I have suffered with piles for thirty. fx years. Oune year ago last April [ be- fan taking Cascarets for constipation. In he course of a week I noticed the piles tegan to disappear and at the end of six weeks they did met trouble me at all. Sascarets have done wonders for me. 1 un entirely cured and feel like a new gan.” George Kryder, Napoleon, OQ. { Pleasant, Palatable, Potent, Taste Good.) Do Good. Never Sicken, Weaken or ( ripe, ile, 25¢, Sle. Never sold in bulk. The gene mine tablet stamped C CC, Guaraateed to cure or your moaay back. ee] i Baby Smiles— | When He Takes CURE THE BEST weviame or QucasesTuos So pleasant that he Ekes end contzine ao opie ates em nothing Bhe 2 for Besacdons, Asthma sad sll troubles of the theowt and luags “aewdaecd FE A Se dy for hall a ernie 1 13 Cents a Rod | | 1 Fortin. Hog Poses: 15 340 for inch M8 Bode for Shiuch; 20 for SManch; 35e for a 47 ineh Fare Peoge. Wane Fouliry Fence 38e. Sold on 30 dayn § 5 os trial. Wo rod fool deal Bard L Wire $1.88 Ostalogue free, KITSELMAN BROS. - | Sef wBox gg MUNCIE, IND. Bega i PATENT Behind the Scenes, “Lottie, what would you do #f you weke up some night and found a bur- glar im your room?” “If he was hunting for meoamey I'd get mp amd help him hunt.” Life Watesn Fl. Coleman, Wash fogion, D.C. Books free. Highs ot references, Lead resulta In Agony With Eczema, "No tongue ean tell how 1 suffered for five years with itching and dleed- ing eczema, until | was eured by the | Cuticura Remedies, and] am co grate ful 1 want the world te know, for what helped me will help others. My body and faee wereeovered with sores One day it would seem to be better, and them break esut agaim with the most terrible pais and itching. | have been sick several times, bat never in my life did | experienee gueh awful suffering as with this eczema. | had made up my mind that degth was near at hand, and } longed for that time when | wonld be at vest. 1 hac tried many different decters and med. feines without suecess, and my moth- er brought me the Cutiewrn Remedies, insisting that | try they. | began to feel betier after the first bath: with Suticura Ointment “? continued with the taken four bottles of Cuticura Resolv- em, and consider myself well. This waa nine years ago and | have had no return of the trovhle since. Any person having any doubt about wonderful eure by she €utlenra Rem. edles ean write so my address Mra Aftde FEtson, 98 Inn Road, Daitle Creek, Mich, Ort 18 1009" Instinctive, A darky minister in a Southern tows was mueh moved by the grief of a woman whose hmsband had just | been Interred. “My sister,” same In solemn tones from the clergymas, dis is a great grief da¥s evertaken yo'. All de same, thongh, yom is sompelled to mourn de loss eof dis one who was yo' companion an’ part. ner in life. J consoles yor wif de as- surance dat dere lb anndder sympathizes wif yo' in de arms o anfailin’ love.” The widow throngh her tears. “Whe is het?” she finally asked. Harper's Weekly. The gyroscope monorail ear whieh resently carried 40 passengers In a suecensful test in Eongland, was pro- pelled by electricity produced from a gasolime eoagine-driven generator, The Reason. Is.” said ng his country h the Museum replica of the Yer “Gosh, i he was Wa'n't clo's, sho 3 whe'he RB oq not?" ord-FHerald. Lhicago A PROFESSIONAL NURSE Tells of Five Years’ Sufferings With Kiduey and Bladder Troubles. Mrs. Mary Campbell, 1212 Jackson St., Phila., Pa., I doctored for kidaey says: “For five years r and got Doan’'s Pills to Remembe by all dealers Foster-Milburn Co., r the “ame-—Doan's #0 cents For a box. Buffalo, N. ¥. The Conductor's Revenge, A wall ged car the other . £ to a story that BOILER of the street ear men handed the conductor a The conductor was he let the The next day the man same bill, and again was unable to changes an had evidently found he wonld' be sure to ch thought obtained $10 w« wag ready for the man when next day he flashed the ! The man took the matter good nat. and left the car, his pockets fairly bulging with the nick ola The pleased day, was dre man enters ed the the m when “I'l fix you." and he nickels and s800n0 conducter was more thon with his “coup” until next when he learned that the sill worthless Newark Star TRIALS of the NEEDEMS HELLO! MELLO! WHATS THE MATTER 7 | CANT GIVE ME CENTRAL AND YE ™ $5 le FNS ILL FAVE YOU DISCHARGED T 10 APL uy TE : i 1] THE M w S&S : HERE i5 HOPES, ¢ a J . See] in Munyon's Paw Paw Pills seas the Heese ints BEUiCity by gentle methods. They de not wane, gripe or weaken, They are 8 tonic te the stomach, liver id rich the Wood and enable this stoma to get wil the nourishment from food that in pat Tete 11, Thess pills contain no ea : they are i heath aod stimninting. saleby atl d "100s Zhe wipes, {If you ned 1 advier, write Mun. Gp . 3d nnd Jeforson Sis. Mangon's Catt ew a one Buy, Price pA Menon ok emtien evry M4 few hours And CONES TH & J or She, i COMMERCIAL Weekly Review of Trade and Market Reports. R. G. Dun & Co.'s Weekly Re- i view of Trade says: “Improved financial serve to strengthen business confi- dence, Sentiment in iron and steel is more cheerful now that the United States Corporation has entered the market as a buyer of plg iron, al- thougi the situation on the whole in this division still remains somewhat disappointing. No cancellations are reported, however, and shipments are sustained, except where severe weather has delayed transportation. Some railroads have found it neces. sary to replenish old rolling stock because of the wear and tear caused by an unusually hard winter, and a Western system alone has placed an order dor 75 locomotives Activity is especially pronounced in the trade, and the reported weakening of prices is not general Bradstreet's says: “Business failures in the States f the week ended with ruary 17 were 269 against 2495 week, 282 in the like week of 1939, 326 in 1908, 177 in 1907 and 186 in 1906." Wholesale Markets. New York.—Wheat—Spot, easy; No. 2 red, 131c¢ inal elevator do- mestic non i. 0. b y § and conditions United Feb- last afloat; Duluth No, ifloat. Corn—8paot tl; elevator No. 24f 0. Db Oat Spot firn nominal; 1 1bs., 52 U S40 42 firm; reamery specia 30; third to first, 27 d to special, ai slate ¥, common to finest, 234 29; pro to special, 24% @ 26 % Firm: recelp 089 cases tite and fen 1d nearby gathered white, 20 i: do., hennery srown and mixed, fancy, Zs @ 29: do, ther ron i rime, 27 27@ 7. seconds lbs :. 03 we 21 roceipis ex : held ei 3 v3 West : refrigera 8, «a f ’ Philadlephia.— Wheat — Firm: con ennery waite, fancy, 20 akc.: do ract grade, February, 1286 Corn higher: February 59 4 Ors 148 and March Hy bg 4 126 5 - red, : No. 2 red, sleamer No «0; steamer No. 2 red Western, 121 Corn--Western opened firmer March, 70; May, 72% Oats—We quote per be White, as to weight No. 2, 5623% @54c.: No. 4, 52% G6 No :s 5 P01, Mixed-—No s2@52%ec.; No. 3. al@51%. Rye-—We quote, No, 2 Western, No. 8 Western, 81@ 83; by, 80@ 81 Hay We quote: No. 1 timothy, per ton, $21.60; No. 2. do, $20.000 21.00; No. 3 do, 317.500 15.00; choice clover mixed, $20 50: No. 1 clover mixed. $20 No. 2 clover mixed, $17.50& 19; No. 1 clover, 320.00; 2 do, $17.50G19.00 Butter-—Creamery fancy, 20¢.; creamery cholee, 27@ 28; creamery good, 25@ 26; creamery imitation, 21@ 23; creamery prints, £294 30. Cheese-—We quote, Jobbing prices, per ib, 1S@ 18%. Eggs. ~The market was firmer and prices advanced 3% cent per dozen Fair jobbing demand for fresh egos We quote, per dozen Maryland, Pennsylvania and nearby firats, 25%ec.; Western firsts, 253%: West Virginia firsts, 251%; Southern firsts 24% Live Poultry We quote, Chickens-—0Old hens, heayv, 18¢.; do, small to medium, 18: young roosters, good to choice, 19@ 20: do. rough and staggy. 15618. Ducks Large, 18¢.; small. 17: Muscovy and mongrel 1660 17 13@ 14¢.: 15@ 16 P Young. 26e ;: old, 25 each-—0Wd, 25¢.;: young, 1% nver, 40: voung. smaller Turkeys— Choice 24n.: Young gobblers, 22: old tome. 20; rough and poor, 10611 Live Stock. Chicago. ~-Cattle — Market to 10c. higher: steers, cows, $3.50@ 5.30; heifers 6; bulls, $4@ 5.25: calves, $26 stockers and feeders, $3.5065.7 Hogs Market strong; heavy, §9.30@ 9.35; butchers’, $9.25 “9.35; light mixed, $96 9.20: choice Flight, $0.20@ 9.26; packing, $9.20& 0.30; pigs, $8.830@ 9.10; Lulk of sales, $9.15 9.30. Eheep-—Market steady to strong Sheep, $5.50@ 7.26: lambs, 37.3500 8.10; yearlings, $7.26 @ 8.50, . Kansas City, «= Cattle — Market | steady to 10 higher; choles export and dressed beef steers, $6.25 7.60: | fair to good, $5.30 6.20; Western | steers, 85@ 6.75; stockers and feed. ers, $4 @5.90; Southern steers, $4.75 | @6.50; Southern cows, $3@ 5.35; native cows, $3@6; native heifers, $3.75@6.25; bulls, $3.65665.25: , calves, $4.50@ 9. | Hoga--Market 6 to 15c higher. Top, 39.10; bulk of sales, $8.76 @ 9.06; heavy. $90@ 9.10; k and { butehers’, $8.85 9.10, Tight 38.73 ), & f y 4 Spot, 68%e.; §Fias per bu.: Rye domestic, 85@ 80¢.; No. 2 near- a0; NO per Ib: ihe. and 2H 30. Yone 1% “nr Many Children Ave Sickly. Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Chil dren, used by Mother Gray, a nurse in Children's Home, New York, eure Fever. ishness, Headache, Stomach Troubles, Teething Disorders and Destroy Worms, At all Druggists’, 25¢ Fample mailed vREER, Address Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. lowa has 1,629 banks,/or one for every 1,380 inhabitants, Kansas is next, with one bank for every 1,500 people, For COLDS and GRIP, Rick's CAruDINE 1s the best remedy— relieves the aching pnd feverishness—cures the Cold and restores normal conditions. It's Yiquid immediately, 16. Ze. and We, stdrug effect A discarded automobile tire makes a good life server Its bouyancy is sufficient keep several persons afloat, ure to Only Gne “Bromo Quinine™ That is Laxative Bromo Quinine. Look for the signature ol BE, W, Grove, Used the CONVINCING PROOF OF THE VIRTUE OF Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound What is the use of procrastinating in the face of such evidence as the following letters represent? If you are a sick woman or know one who is, what sensible reason have you for not giving Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- pound a trial? For 30 years we have been publishing such testimonial letters as these—thousands of them —they are genuine and honest, too, ey ery one of them. Mrs. 8. J. Barber says: Mrs. George May says: a think Lydia E, TR“ No one knows inkham’'s V gwhat I have sak } fered from fo male troubles, neuralgia paing and backache, lackson, of Thirsk, tiy died, was Fellow, Liver and granules, easy to bowels Syrup for Childrer ms reduces inflamma. wind solie service in to Our lLivaders, Eve Remedy Co., Chicago, Eve Fro Book Eves, § Lt Bmart il Try It in Your ve Eyes, for Scaly Eyelids Soothes A Defeated Conscience. George W. Martin, gecretary of the State Historical Soclety LANKES an early day peace, who Mr ane day ue nd divorce them ic " ' i233 » i ¥y ran, a m f to thig J. P SEIT OD) the reply gor?” asked reply him?" own houted the red- ief rose in the cart and cried “My friends. vou telves i am not an am a thief The glonve deceive aristocrat, I priest saving, “Bit down. vanity.” plucked him reproachfully: This is no time for by the A GOOD CHANGE A Change of Food Works Wonders. The wrong food and drink causes a of trouble in this world. To change the food is the first duty of every person that is il, particularly from stomach and nervous trouble Az an illustration: A lady in Mo, has, with her husband, been brought around to health again by leaving off eoffes and some articles of food that did pot agree with them. They began using Posium and Grap>-Nuts food Ske saya: “For a number of yoars 1 suffered with stomach and bowel whieh kept getting worse, until 1 was very ill most of the time About four years ago I loft off coffee and began: taking Postum. My howels improved right along hut was so reduced in flesh and so int trouble, anda i fomarh { nor. would over come Ie, My doctor said anything it.” Through the advice of a friend 1 began we Lydia B. ams Vegh cire To be rem conld no Or two, at mu ham, at Ly took 14 bot : ham's Vegetabls day the tumor is verfectly well w Py wi ers.” — Mrs, KR, J. N.Y. ontinued its in perfect heal. 's Vegetable © | Paterson, N. J. Mrs. W. K. Housh says: A e beep cured Hovsn, 7 Bast Ave. Cin ; nati, Ohio. cause your case is a diflicgft doctors having done you no wd gover view . Pinkham’'s Vegel Compound. Today I am | one, WO! umor was expelled ans good, do not continue to suffer with. my v system strengths i u ing Lydia E. Pinkhan?’s Veg. advise all women who are ‘0 und a trial. I surely with tumors or female tro: ny cases of female i try Lydi nkhan tabl such asinflammation, ulceration, dis. Compound - Mrs. E. F. YES, #11 s, fibroid tumors, irre 1800 Washington 8t., Boston, Mass. | larities, periodic pains backache For 30 years Lydia FE. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been the standard remedy for female ills, No sick woman does justice to herself who will not try this famous medicine. Made exclusively from roots and herbs, and has thousands of cures to its credit. irs. Pinkham invites all sick women | * to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health free of charge. Sddress Mrs, Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. 4 nens war lA AB Piha ing ee ¢ mea will y eout £50,0 he =subark» o " For HEADACHE Micky ¢ APTDING « Whether f 3 Cold View Pond or Shy #5. Ca & wil ‘ ey at a and HOw ium parliamung these inmimam of 35 for kw. (Iai Morgan's Tale of a Minister. 1.3 rpont } vent NOW y OF oO 1 # $0 for senators 8 Cured in 6 to 314 Dags JF tment is guarsnteed to oor any 7, Blind, Bleeding orProtroding i daysor money refunded 58 | guage on shiphoara 0 105 miles an homer, re peed as anygme oxpd . Paleam is the old = Hable Foun in every drug sigre. ly every home soos, i Impossible to find anvihing #ideache, t ackache or stitches than Davis’ Painiciier, 25¢.. 85c. and Si. hol day last summer o 800 persons mad i York's publie B. $ i s— - Despite the Bre at : » minutes by Viel A at home, the United States an: i Never fale, Sbedrmggs exports more than 164.000.0000 gallo: of turpentine, more than all the rest | vublin's famous evening of the world combined produces ‘ein, has ceased publication, - - - sy, Facts for Weak Women Nine-tenths of all the sickness of women is dus to some derangement or case of the organs distinctly feminine, Such sickness cen be cured—i every day by Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription It Makes Weak Women Strong, Sick Women Weil It acts directly on the organs affected snd is at the same time a general tive tonic for the whole system. It cures female complaint right in the of home. It makes unnecessary the disagreeable questioning, examinations local treatment so unitersally insisted upon by doctors, and so abborsent every modest woman, We shall not particularize here as to the symptoms of those peculiar affections incident to women, but those wanting full information es to their symptoms and means of positive cure are referred to the People's Come mon Sense Medical Adviser— 1008 pages, newly revised and up-to-date Edition, sent free on receipt of 21 one Tamas demand “Then T changed my food and be- ean using Grape-Nuis in addition to Postumi. 1 lived on these two prinel. pally for about four months. Day by day 1 pained in flosh and strength un- til now the nervous trouble has en- tirely disappeared and 1 feel that 1 “Husband is 73 years old and he« Finally I prevailed upon him to leave He had stood out for a long time, hut after he tried Postum for a few dass he found that he eould eloep and that his eramps disappeared. He was satis fied and has nevergone back to enffee “I have a brother in California who has been using Postum for several years; his whole family use It also be- eause they have had such good results from it." Look in pkgs. for the little hook, “The Road te Wellville.” "There's a Reason.” Ever read the above letter? A new one appears from time to time, They cent stamps to cover cost of mailing only; or, in cloth binding for 31 stamps. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y. In All Cases of DISTEMPER, PINK EYE, INFLUENZA, COLDS, ETC, Horses, Brood Mares, Colts, Stallions, is to *SPOHN THEM” On thelr tongues or In the feed put ‘s Liguid Campound. Give the remedy to all them, It acts an Loe blood snd glands, 11 routs the disonse ny ex Peiiing the dissase germ. 11 wards off the trouble, Bo malser how they ate “exposed.” Absolutely free from anything oy ype A child can safely take it » ole, and nan 06 and $10.00 the domen. Sold by druggies, Hons dealers, of seul, express paid, the an ulactarers, “ Special Agents Wanted, SPOHN MEDICAL CO. Chemists and Bafleriologists, GOSHEN, IND, U. 8, A. PETRIE on int mele ferment, i Of All Venezuela has 5,000 mils or Be graph. AR nn W, IL WILLS, Att*yent-Low 312 tnd. Ave., Washiagton, D. C. Are genuine, true, and full of human interest, * . » VEARS PRACTICE.