THE OE NTRE RE port E R A THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1910, MINIY1ERS AND POLITIUS, Liguor Men Think Ministers Have No Flacy in ¢ spirituous " Fleid, Some of the exchanges that come to the Reporter's desk attribute the backwardness of the temperance move- ment {fn Pennsylvania to the fact that the ministers have been timid and too largely influenced by the loud wail of the liquor element against the preach- ers getting into politics, If this item falls under the eye of any such timid pulpiteers, they are urged to read the following paragraphs from the pen of the editor of ** Buccess : If the church desires to keep its in- fluence with the liquor sellers of the country, it will confine itself hence- forth to spiritual matters and keep ofl the spirituous field It is expressly forbidden in the constitution for church snd state to get themselves mixed up. While there is nothing in that ancient aud venerable document to forbid church members voting, it is pot becoming in them to make a pub- lic display of their views, “ Thie fair warning comes from a ed-—almost passionately liquor interests, The those ministers who engage in the r of chasing saloons out of town with a ballot box. Apparent ly these knights of the flowing bowl would be much happier if ministers would confine themselves to the doc- trine of infant damopation and {let the saloon atiend to the damnation of the adalta, This i= all very well, but what be. f the personal liberty issue our friends are always raising ? Should not ministers be permitted to take pol- it it ale they please? Does not the temperance meeting far- nish the minister a plsce to spend the evenirgs after the hard day's work ? Bhouid this io little diversion be denied him at the word of a lot of straight-feced bigoted saloonkeepers, who think of nothing but the consti- tution ? “It sible that the personal liberty izeue is not reversible and that into lerance is the privilege of barlend- ers only V’ journal devo! devoted articie ce -L0 Lhe nsures to } ulpit leave their gecular matt Comes oO 108 OF eave ie 8% nocent i828 DOR - a —— The Most Finished Oue Man Show This testimonial is old only from Jannary 24, by Thomas V, Hendrickson, chairman of the Y. M C. A. entertainment committee, of Brookvilte, this state, It reads thus: We had John B. Ratio with us on Fi evening. I do not know rates Mr. Ratlo ur list attractions, but I ii my personal word, with and enthusiastic fifteenths of that so far and is aay where your burean SIMONE ¥( Can give y the entire 7 Ok approval approbation our season ticket holders, as Brookville is concerned, he ought to be crowding the king row. The universal verdict of all our patrons is that his finest and most floished * snow that ever got oft t And aside from the artistic excellence of his platform bh a king io all his of fourteen was the one maa thie Cars here, Work he is every inc dealings with If you have any more Rattos, for heaven's sake don’t hide their heads under half bushels. ——— The Piak Label. us The Pink Label appears this week. Those who paid subscriptions on the Ruporter vetween November 30th and February will flad their credits given for the first time on this label The Pink Labal appears on all papers this week, aud is Pick to indicate thal credits given. To prove that you been given proper credit, compare the Pluk Label with the label yn your paper a date previous io this issue, 7” Hossman- Barner, E mer if Penns Cave, and Miss Mary Barner, as daughter of Mr and Mrs. George Baraer, of near Ba lous, were married at the Lutheran parsouage, in Salona, by Rav, J, M. Rearick. Part of their honeymoon was spent with friends in Logsnton, The bridegroom is a prosperous young farmer in the vicinity of the Penns Cave and they expect to go (to house Ny Roepivg there in the near future. i AI M5 APIA Smullton. A. E. Btrayer, painter and paper hanger, is leaving Brush Valley and moving to Sugar Valley, this week, where be expects to follow his occupa tion for at least a year. Mr, and Mre, G. H. SBmull returned home from an extended business trip. They bad been absent about four weeks, His business is of such » charscter that it sometimes calls him into different states, “Mrs, J. L. Parks, of this place, ex- pects to move her household goods to Bunbury. C. H, Blerly now has his lumber op- eration, northwest of town, in full blast. Wallace Brungart had the misfor- tune to get his fiogers into the shap- ing mechine in bis farnitare factory, and received a number of severe cuts, The members were pot severed, but badly cut. Pletare frames made to order on short notice and st reasonable prices at the Stover studio. Enlarging of plotures » specialty. ; ~~ 1at, nave Deen IaVe ol Ap rtp m— Rossman, « a on ER + THIRTY-Nl se Cn NSUS DISTRICTS In Qentre County as divided Supervisor Hamilton, Centre county has been divided toto) | thirg-nine districts by Census Buper- | visor Bamuel R. Hamilton. This | means that thirty-nine persons will be appointed to take the census in Centre county, The census bureau is aiming to have the work completed in a very short period, whieh accounts for the the districts being made small, District No, 26 is composed of Cen- tre Hall borough and the north pre- cinet of Potter township, and district No. 27 is made up of the Bouth and West precincts of Potter township. by Census | DISTRICTS 1 Bellefonte borough, North ward. 2 Bellefonte borough, South ward. 3 Bellefonte ugh, West ward. Benner township. Boggs township, East precinct and Milesburg borough. Boggs township, North and precincts. Burnside and Curtin townships. College ownship, excluding State College borough. Ferguson townsl excluding State Col Ferguson township, exeluding State College borough. Gregg township, North and precincts. Gregg township, West precinct, Haines township. Halfmo« Harris township. Howard township borough. bore East precinct, lege borough. 10 West precinct 11 East 12 13 14 15 0 i ywnship, Huston township. Liberty Marion to Miles township precincts, Miles Patton Penn Philij township. Wi hip East and Middle township, West precinct. townsiip. { Philipsburg b wirds Potter and Ce North Hall borough. township, precinct ntre Yoh b ot preci: excluding Bellefonte borough. State Ce rough. Taylor township Union borough. Walker Worth ——— a — > Katto in Hlinols. The El P wo { lege be township and towns Wasp. Iilinois } Dally Jour- osl says this : * John B. Ratio, the dialect comedian, entertained the su dience with a well selected repertoire of impersonations, His best proaue tion is the court scene, where in the old oftender and convict was on trial for a second offense. The young prosecu- ting lawyer's appeal to the jury, and the prisoner's appeal for clemency, were especially fine, the latter being » masterful piece of actiog. ” Mr. Ratto wili be at Centre Hall, in Grange Arcadia, Tuesday eveonlog, February 8:h., Tickets issued for the Cope lecture will be accepted. Gener al admission, 20 cants ; reserved seal tickets, 30 cents ; children between the ages of six and fifteen years, 10 cents. The chart will be found = Kreamer and Son's store, —— A Pianos snd Organs, The Lester planos are used and en- dorsed by all the leading musics! con- servatories and colleges in the U, B. The Stevens piano organs are the Iatest achievement in modern organ construction, Pianos and organs sold on easy pay- ment plan, Write for catalog. tf C. E ZEIGLER, Bpriog Mills, Pa, MI A SS. Oe for 1%, You can get a dozen Valentine Post Cards for five cents, at the Reporter office. By mail six cents per dozen, post paid at this end. Every one of these cards are appropriate to send to sny one, Nothing vulgar in the bunch, —————————— I SS —— Prof. Cyrus Grove, superintendent of schools in Stephenson county, Uli nols, forwarded a copy of the semi-an- pusl examination questions, for the public schools in that county. They are all practical questions, and from the list it is seen that agriculture has a place in the public schools in hat state, Wirconsin is baving its good share of snow, according to 8 note received on Monday from Orie A. Jamison, of Monroe, that state. He mays snow Is from three to three and one half feet deep in the fields in that section, more than has been known to lie at one time in many years. THO UGLY MNiial [2 Those Big Pigs, the Rhinoceros | and the Hippopotamus, THEY ARE HARD TO CAPTURE. the Big Felines Seem Like Child's Play--Methods of the Hunters. Trapplug the big felines play compared with the turing lumbering, mals of the “big pig" DoCeros oo st batten work of cap- those colossal ani familly, and the hippopotamus, or to Lreak to a ICHvYy to uphd to tnine uid too through hundreds of pess, it would take a » tithe to bring « thousat wilder a life {0 8iX miles of an half 1c of these five nd crea tofa jun Therefore the is to find a cow tures ou Hizintion inne to capture aiery, grim ex a hard Awkward a jashes through the Irresisti Fess train ros the trapp mM much wi fora tw ie ations CRIDER of the has fled at the ind soon it is ved up a ange of the ingerous is the trap: potamus, for, a flue rhino” is a more, than the “river wr hunts the former = down at a safe dis whereas in the case of the hip popotamine he fight in the same primitive fashion that have for Hand to maw, as it he inet engage this two ton standing in the bow of for the hippopotamus, the “river horse.” means, 2 a nnd and water animal and must be harpooned and brought ashore be- fore it expires, otherwise it would sink at once (o the bottom of the river, the coveted calf escaping among the other hippopotamuses Instead of following the stricken cow to shore, so that the youngster may be caught-A. W RRolker in Bt, Nicholas, The Blue Panube. The Danube still retaius its anclent gplendors. The Rhine is the river of vine cind, sunny hills, ruined casties on rugged crags, mediaeval history and wodern glory In wae and in peace, a river bright as the warble of a bird in the wool. The Danube hills carry fmmense, almost untouched, forests, higher and grander than the heights of In the midst of this rich, Acep green verdure lonely white moun- tains break In on the eye. There are many wayside chapels, too, on the banks, Ip solemn, awesome, majestic beauty the Danube far excels the cheery, pretty Rhine, and it m be enlled a pity that so few American travelers tnke a Hy on this Inde scribably superb river. Omaha Bee AI A A Advertise, “i we rag on lmnd and bring Lance, inust savages timed FF were monster while # frail caboose, as its name Be 00 BEPC 0OS. BLS BNe: PET B00 AOC DEOL OOD QO0S tooling over the MENRY BOSCH COM. § PANY WALL PAPER samples st pow . own heme-sitting comfortably in yom onay chalr! Yeu ean make a better selection that way thas by ransacking the steres, You soe the whele line—the very latest Gosigna—the loveliest tints and richest ooter effects, incloding imported patterns, Brarything geod in wall papers in the Boosh Soa sontmry, ooh Ge Sewest wk Chicago Wl eal! with Bosch Sesp les 4 Lod I's hg JOHN T., NOLL, PLEASANT GAP, PA Iso Pair H. F. ROSSMAN This to wr . He I Buyers To Our Lady Buyers : W i: Heavy Pee H. F. ROSSMAN Spring Mills - - - Penn, = 00TWEAR For Ladies, Men and Children Golden Brown Suede Gun Metal « Box Calf ... Our_Rubber Line is Composed of SNAGPROOF MISHAWAKA ~The best lines on the market, Pleased to ha 1 call, C. A” Krape Sprig tile -=ePal Ye you § EEE Sym I g——— g : Wanted ! Local Agent to advertise and introduce the new educational WEBSTER'S UNIVERSAL DICTIONARY and ATLAS of the WORLD, Must be oducated and able to furnish good references as to ability and character The SAALFIELD PUB. CO, AKRON, OHIO TW WW NBD TELEGRAPHY TAGHT ¢ YOUNG MEN & WOMEN { For Terms and Particulars , ADDRESS TELEGRAPHER, oot BELLEFONTE, PA. THB a Te SA SA PUN— $1 a year, For Fresh (Groceries, Canned Goods, Shoes and Rubbers, go to ETERY’S We are closing out Remnants of Dry Goods, Under- wear, Shoes, etc.,, at Reduced Prices to make room for Spring Goods which are coming in daily. Orders taken and Goods Delivered Free of Charge in Colyer and vicinity. We pay Cash or Trade for Butter, Eggs, Lard, Meats, etc., and sell goods at the lowest possible price for Cash, C. F. Emery’s Store CENTRE HALL, PENNA > THE 1909 IMPROVE De Laval Cream Separators Are Now Ready for Your Inspection. D Ten New Capacities Ten New Prices Ten New Styles A Size for Every Dairy, from the Smallest to the Largest. D. W. Bradiord, seine ae CENTRE HALL, PA. Be ae a MEN'S UNDERWEAR In All Grades, from 50c¢ to $1.00 a piece. . . ES’ UNDERWEAR From 30c to $1.00 a piece MEN'S SWEATERS From 50c¢ to $3.50 GIVE US A CALL ¢ 4 4 Ee ee TS eR a a TE Ta a a eamer & Son. Centre Hall § BTN BN TWN ND TW WN BW NNN ¢ TE a eT tied 07 ddd Adin dp dnd ddd dp dn di ddd Lod od ddl dn did dino de Lodo di dn dip dine dnd dd PECIAL FELT AND RUBBER SALE Rubber goods have not been good sale this season, owing to the continued fair weather. Here are prices that will warrant buying for a future rainy day : Combination Felts and Rubbers . in And another grade at - - Lumbermen’s Gums, at . Arctics, at . - . Felts without rubbers, 40c These are worth 90c Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions All of these are offered at prices that will make you feel like buying, even if you have no immediate use for them, $1.95 2.75 1.75 & 2.00 1.25, 1.50 & 1.75 W.. H. STUART BOALSBURG, PA. Dodd binds bddd bdo dddodd Sododeds odd dpdpdods bododo ds lio pod odo de ol dob bd bd TT TT ITT ITT ITT ITT I TT ITT TTT TT TTT I TIT TI TY rT YY 2 DR. SOL. M, NISSLEY, AAA VETERINARY SURGEON. i ¥ § A graduate of the University of Penn's Office at Palace Livery Stable, Belle. fonte, Pa. Both ‘phones, _