4 is ™ . 5 i THE OENTRE REPORTER. 8. W. SMITH, , . . Editor and Proprietor. Sia PF Entered at the Post Office in Centre Hall as Second Class mail matter, Centre Harr, . . THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1910, TERMS, The terms of subscription to the Re- porter are one dollar per year in advance. ADVERTISEMENTS. —20 cents per lines for three insertions, and 5 cents per line for each sub- sequent insertion, Other rates made known on application, CHURCH APPOINTMENTS. Evangelical ~Tusseyville, morning Linden Hall, afternoon. Uaite! Evangelical—Lemont, morning ; Stste College, afternoon ; Linden Hall, evening. Reformed 1 ternoon ; nion, morpiog ; Spring Mi lls, «af- Centre Hall, evening. Preshytert n--Centre Hall, 1000 morning Spring Mills, after: Tasseyvitle, m ing ; Centre Hall, alternoon ; Spring Mills, evening, ATE Ll NJ CHARTER-Natice is ! n that an application the OR i ff 3 Ak. 3 meier of 8&0 i be ealled PENN HALL OMPANY, thesharacter iar the purpose operating a of Centre at of con iine of Slate 3 Ww thence to the ¢ township, me Com » to the econ mpany, at 8 » township r 1 Gregg residence of dences and place partnerships an Centre County Bavquet The Centre County Association of Philadelphia will hold mid- winter barquet Wednesday evening, February 16th, at s ying hotel or cafe to be indicated later by the committee in charge. All Centre county people re sidiog in or about Philadelphia, who have not received invitations to the functions, and also those who have changed their residence during the past year, are earnestly requested to forward their names and address the secretary, J. C. C. Beale, 41 Bouth 15Lh The committee composed of Ira D. Garman, Gray Mattern, J. C. C. Beale, Warner Underwood, Herman Haupt, Btaart C. Rankle, William T. Meyer and William A. Magee met at the bh president of the as. sociation and made the arrangements noted above, ite to Nireet. o ne of the EE — Hatto ln Character Studies from Life. John B. Ratto, in charscter from life, will appear ia Grange Arca- dia, Hall, evening, February Sth. He has been secured to Mr, Cops, who was ad- vertised to be here on the 21st ultimo and failed to do 80 on account of sick- On account of these conditions the tickets issued for the Cope lecture will be secepted at the door. Tue chart will be found at Kreamer and Bon’s store, where additional reserved seat tickels may be secured. General admission, cents ; reserved seat children between sud fifteen years, 10 studies Centre Tuesday fill the place of Less, 20 tickels, 30 cents : the ages of six cents, tsa fet —— The January Weather, The good old winters, 30 far as hav: ing an abundance of snow is concern have returned. The snow snd rainfall for the month are as follows. ed, Reduced to water. 35 inches ". Total snow fall 18¢ Total minfall | s———— Sharer-Reish, George W. Bharer and Miss Barab J. Reish, both 8f Centre Hall, were married at the Lutheran parsonage Saturday evening, by Rev. B. F. Bie ber. Both the young people are well snd favorably known in Centre Hall, where they have lived for a number of years. About the firs’ of April the young couple will begin housekeeping on s farm east of Pleasant Gap, men- tion of which was made a fow weeks ago. Mr, and Mrs. Sharer have the best wishes of the Reporter and a host of friends, for a long and prosperous life. I ——————— As MA AAAI Miller Goodhart Bays Farm, It is stated on good authority that “Miller J. Goodhart purchased eighty acres of che Ross farm, near Farmers Mille, from Mrs, Mary A. Ross, of Centre Hall, and that he will erect buildgpgs on the same in the vicinity of the Pike school house, east of the turnpike, at the old toll gate, this side of Spring Mille. Mr. Goodhart is now tenant on the Ross farm, and it is sald will build a small house between this and spring to sccommodate his family ‘until the farm buildings can be erected, i Centre Reporter, §1 a year, aod i ii Smit DECREES OF THE COURT, Summary Punishment by Jastice Keleh. line Quashed In Cnaes From East Penns Valley for Fish Law Violations ~Hurris Township Divided into Two Election Districts, The court filed a number of decrees in oases heard before court during the past few sessions. Among those of greatest interest is the disposition of the cases from Penn, Haines, and Gregg townships and Millbeim bor- ough, These are cases brought before court by fish wardens and eflected the persons of John Horner, John Ebert, G. Wolf, J. W. Meyer, E. B. Me. Mullen, J. B. Voopada and E. I Musser. A portion of the decree in these cases reads thus : ‘* Exceptions to the record of the justice of the peace are hereby sustained ; the record of the conviction set aside, and the con- viction itself quashed.” Commonwealth va, W, H, Evy Court struck off appeal, and ordered Mr. Evy to appear before Justice Keichline for sentence This case grew out of boisterous actions of ivy while on the train on the local brench. I'he railroad company ordered his arrest, and Justice Keichline jmposed summery punishment. The verdict of the jastice will stand, Busan Miles ve. Joseph Green. The tax eollectyr of Boggs townshin presented a claim for taxes when Mrs Miles purchased the property of Jo serh Green at sherifl’s sale. The auditor refused to sallow tax. The court ordered the taxes to be paid out of funds in auditor's hands. Whetheror not a tax lien lectable hefore a mortgage was question iovolved in the case of Lillian Reeder vo, J. CU. Weaver. The engrt decided that the mortgage was the first lien. {( Note—~A law re cently passed, after the case cited, wil! make a tax lien collectable in advance of a mortgage Commovwealth va. Burdine Butler lutier wae found guilty of malicious mischief, at the last term of onurt, act complained of being the tearing down of a line fence between land wiped by him W. Gardner O vl the WHhaa tive and A. A new trial was refused, and Butler to appear at the February court for sentence. Z F. Welsh va. Harvey and Lydis Young, Rule to strike off an appeal from the justice of the peace. Rule discharged. J. I. Wagner ve. A. BR. Moon. Rule to open judgment. Role absolute, or in other words, judgment opened, Harris township was divided two election districts, designated Eastern and Western precinets Place of holding election in Easter: precinet will be indicated by the eourt at some future time. The February election this year will be held at Boals burg, as heretofore, for the whole township. The voting place for the Western precinct will remain at Boals- burg. into Es i ———. Tusseyvlille. On Tuesday evening, about fort young folks entered the home of William Rockev to do honors his daughter Miss Myra, on her birthdays apniversary. I'he merry hours were wiled away by the use of games and several sportson the ies, The brillian? moon did much to add to the pleasure of the latter. After erjoyiog numer. ous refreshments, the young people returned to their homes, but not efore wishing Mise Myra many mors such nuniversaries Ihe following persons were present : Misses Marion Meiss, Bertha Miller, Helen Bodtorf, Blapche Mo Ruth Blutterbec Ida Klinefelter, Mary Nefl, Grace Bower, Huth Bower, Eliz sbeth Bitner, Huth Rossman, Mary Weaver, Edos Wagnper, Naomi Martz Messrs George Yarnell, Clarence Raymond, Adam Bmith, Jewett Hrooks, Wil ism Lucas, Domer Ishler, William Heckman, Wilbur Runkle, Johu Bailey, Harry and John Neff, Wilbur apd Frank Dashem, Fred Brown Eimer Miller, Raymond Smith, Ash- bridge ‘I'homas, Charles Horner, Roy Martz, John Frazier, Bruce Weaver, On Friday afternoon, Miss Mary Weaver went to the home of Adam Krumrine, at Boalsburg, where she expects 10 remain several weeks, Mrs. Mary Ishler, who had been thrown from a sleigh, several weeks ago, is all right again, M. F. Rossman, who was also thrown from a sleigh, and sustained a fall on the ice, is feeling rather stif! aud bruised. Mrs. Badie Neff, who several weeks ago suflered from an attack of appen- d@itie, is able to be sbout again. Mre. Henry Rossman had been ill with the grip but is well sgain, Owing to the. prolonged shower o! snow flakes on Bunday, people were obliged to remain home from church However, Rev, Gress preached au able sermon to those who ventured out, being seemingly inspired by the tiny flakes, to or " — Penn Hall. F. R'chardson is going to leave for Philadelphis, where he expects to go to work in a dairy. Oliver Funk will move Frank Richardson house, Rev. B. R. M. Bheeder took dinner at the home of Walisce Musser, on sunday. : Franklin Albright was in tow over Bunday. James McCool and wife, sccompa- nied by their little son Harvey and in- fant daughter Freda, are visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, H. M. smith. Harvey Bmith has been on the sick list for the past few days, Mre. Franklin Hostermano, who had been ill for some time, is slowly Ime proviog. A A. i A —— West Brush Valley. James Wert and William Weaver made a business inp to Burnham, and CE. Duck and J. C. Grenoble were at Spring Mills on business, Those on the siok list are Mis. D, A Weaver and Mrs. James Duck ; both are lmproviog. R E Wert had his engine repaired and Is now again busy grindivg chop. into the Mre. W. ©. Burrell Is belping to take care of her mother, who Is sick at the home of H. M, Wert. A i ———— CENTRAL QUEEN TEMPLE, 174 Iostalls Officers Work Done by Mrs, Ha zoll, of Bellefonte Lodge Moers nnd Visitors, Central Qaesn Temple, No. Kuights of the Golden Eagle, at Cen- | tre Hall, installed their officers for the ensuing year at their meeting held last week. There was a large sttend- ance of local members and visitors from the Bpring Mills and Bellefonte lodges, After the installation was over refreshments were served, and an hour or more devoted to the social | side. The installing officer was Mrs, | Thomas Hazsl), of Bellefonte, The officers are : 174, | : OFFICERS Mrs, Clydd Mrs, ¢ George ‘ast Templar Bradford Bradford Ripka Fempl i mpla Miss Grace 1 M Prics sshd] of Ceres Mrs. Al Mrs 1 Guardian of § Less, Prophoetoss, A Mrs nance, Catharis Guardian of VISITORS, BELLEFONTE LODGE MILLIS JODGE — eda Manor Hill, Runkle Frazier, of Sunday at the Cummings. Mra, George and Maggie Bwabb spent a day last at the home of Alvin Btump. lite Lemont, ome of Mra Negarson 1 ie Frances the daughter nf Mr but is now Improving. Mr. and M Elmer Lowder, of Oak Hall, spent Funday at the home f Morris Runkle. Miss Blanche Reiber, spent ssveral days with Miss Elle Cummings Mrs. John Frezier attended a ingatthe home nf D. L Ssturday Wednesday of last week, Mrs. fa of her Colyer sil ja Bartges o1 shan neighbors and friends. Quite a jullie ss well as to the cuoice nents composed of goose felcacies refresh and Fhursday eveniog a sled load ed by Artbur Fortney. ducob Wagner, of Centre Hall, is al s short slay Edward Decker, who had bee; week with bis sister, Motter. Monday of next week wil leave for Lewistown nas secured employment, Mr.and Mrs. W. W “unday with Oilen Coburn. Mrs. H. M. Lingle, who has been duriog the past week, not improv. dd at this writing. H. A. Haugh, who had the mis. fortune to fali during the icy weather, aud break several bones in his hand, is recovering from the irjury. Mayoard Barger, who has besn |: Johostown for some time, hiss returo ed home, Wm. Motter and D. D. Decker are hauling lsggings and paperwood, Mrs Wm Jamison Jamison, spent a! i» ——— —— Pine Grove Mls Mra. J. RB. Smith and Mra, Maurice Smith visited the formet’s daughter, Mrs. Hyle Osman, at State Colle ze. Miss Lilly Dale, of Shiloh, and Miss Rothrock, of Boalsburg, haa some dental work done by Dr, Krebs, Inst Monday, Miss Maude Decker, who is employ- ed 10s millinery store in Altooun, is home for a short vacstion, W. J. Dale transacted business in Bellefonte Monday. Misses Belle Fishburn and Ethel Everts took a sleigh ride to State Col- lege | they were on the lookout for a seamstress, Mr and Mre. Lynn Masser made a pusiness trip to Lemont Mogpday, Miss Margaret Peters is visiting her slater, in Altoona, for a few days, Misa Groce Dale, who has been visit. ing friends in Woodbridge and Al. toons has returned to ber home again The O I A. bacquet held Inst Fri. day night was well attended, thers being oue bundred and forty guests presect. The nrder bas a membership of fifty, and $1300 in ite treasury, The principal speaker was Rev. J 8 Shultz, avd the master of ceremonies, Capt. W. H. Fry. The Balleyville Grammar school en. Joyed asled ride to Pine Grove Mills and visited the Grammar school for » few hours last Wednesdsy, NL. Dale made a business trip to Tyrone last Thursday, Mr. dnd Mra, Fry gave a party to a pumber of their friends Mat Friday night. All had a delightful time play. ing all kinds of games, after which some delicicns refreshments were served. All left for their homes about twelve o'clock. : Elmer Musser transacted business in Dellafonte last Baturday, AI MRSS Perry H, Luse purchased a valuable Harris 1 OwWriship Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kyle, of teedsville, celebrated thelr fiftieth wedding anpiversary on Tuesday, Junuary 256, Mr snd Mrs, Frank Me: | Farlane, of this places, and Mr. sod | among the guests, Mre, OO. T. Hou'z, of Helinegrove, vieited relatives sat Boalsburg aod other parts of Centre county during the past week. Mr. aud Mrs. Ray, of Lemont, spent Saturday afternoon in Boslsburg, Wm. LORA Edward Lucas and spent a day with irove, at Heotis, and foung bim entirely unable to help himself, but suffering vo pain Mr. Grove fell a distance of twenty feet on some timber, while at work at the Heotin ore banks, and injured his His father, HSsmuel rove, in helping to care for him. Mre, Milton Bweeney, of are visiting in this place, Mra. Mary Meek rouse Mr. and Charles S'amn, Marriage Licenses, John W Anna M Fry, Pine Grove Mills Fortney, Pine Grove Mills ai George W. Bharer, Centre Hall arah J. Relsh, Centre Hall David M, Campbell, Linden Hall Fiorence Marshall, Blate College Ertle, Bpring Mills Ambert, Madisonburg Ww Hefonts Bowersox, Bu » A. Ostrander, Bellefonte ns A Mrs Reporter Register, » 4 casant Gap ieasant Gay x Wasi seit , venstehee, Washingt A A np longing to Daup A three year old colt be ¥. B. Lucas and Denlel died from the results of an to its Mra, Lambert ei jryed a sleigh- burg, where ral day s, f RiIlEernonn . Friday + ‘ fier wid J pupil's of the tay 1 ride st he Lowder store ia Oak which consisted ney report « delightial time 4. F RK A wd of { people from Boalsburg and vicinity {the | of W. HH Fry at Fairbr | Wed: esday evening of last week, Mrs, Gertrude Wagner returned her home in Altoona, on Monday, {ter spending several weeks with | parents | A little deughter born to { and Mrs, David Stover, at Lamar, Col- irsdio { () WwW. is re { congratulations, i Ir. avd Mrs. E W. Bweeney daughter, Miss Anns, entertained sod Mrs Millon Sweapey a: bor of other relatives ul i i Uesdsy Primary scion] a sie Opp Lg & Hall for of paving esbhiments had sled In Kimport tne ] 8 ore Iratdps mslover vel irs LER Cel y ws wr dn num. a dinuer Miss Mary | weeks at Nia | A number attended th f Irvin, at Osk | Efuard Kre tacd Mre E {from Alt ner, M Ha who were - ®— loasant Gap. Mann Mme. E ler, of Axe #lnler 3% Weller, « Mis Jer i will ro i Lhe ¢ 54 1 dale 2 and in daughte Bellefont rst We aver Freda spe W Ona Js UFIOE the Ds Daring tne sbeence of Rev, D. A wer, the | suuey, of Belle. { fonte, 1 in his stead, Weel i led the pulpit Hetiben Welty | samuel Gellig and t fou te, spent ™~ hael Rersletter, Ar. J 51 d iY of Belle Onte, spent rUnaGay i Lhe | al iveil sud family, family, of ail Lhe #0 INGRY i ¥ it - Hopson thelr daughter, Mrs Oscar ew Ir asant Crap. P. XK. XH. 1 expresasd Lim OL. siebherger Fhe chnnoes nate a 1 ight Bouse I'he fwilt be erecied a iis superintende Livre inst Maly see il Bs | fier Gaugliter, clement w two wes the Lave Iw rant he Rilos going g Lhe past Ld Inrries White Hing ® Rs, #1 iy bo Keep -— - — ers Mills eld Pott x By op arte = : ¢ » BIBER PATLY Was | a Mouday evening, Faget returoed home r time at Centre Hill, Lewis spending som Rev, W, H, Hearick, Mr. and and Master Daniel Hall, were guests at and Mrs F. A. schuyler, Mre, George Mrs. Daniel Daup, Smith, of Centre the home of Mr. Carson, on Friday. and Clifford Thomas, of {a dyer, were of Mr, sud Mrs Michael Bmith, Friday afternoon, Hath Smith returned spending several days io Sffring Mills, Tuesday evening of last week Irvin Burris aud W., WW. McCormick each took a sled load of their friends to the tome of Mr, and Mrs, SBamuel Burris, west of Uentre Hall, where they spent the evening very pleasantly. he Pot. ters Mills orchestra furnished music, and several of the party sang selec. tions, About midnight all repaired to the dining room, where a sumpluous repast awaited them. The supper cons sisted of oysters, ice cream and cake, bie party was composed of Mr, and Mra. Irvin Burris, Mr, aud Mrs. Wm, WwW. McCormick, Me, snd Mrs. Bes ja min Swover, Mr, and Mra, Jonas Bie, Mr. and Mrs Thomas Palmer, Mrs H Alexander, Masters Lowell aud Ei mer Alexan ler, Boy aud Boyd smitn, Mrs Michael rmitbh, Mimes Nos smith, Nellie Wilkinson, Bertha Arm. strong, Nellie Mingle, Berta aud Nels tie Bible, Messrs, Jobin Bituer, George MeUormick, Harry Wilkinson, sud Johu Weitzel, ——— Oak Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Mi‘ton Bwéeney, of Kansas City, and Mr. and Mre. Owen Mothersbaugh, of Boslsburg, spent Monday at Sunny Hillside, Mrs, Edward SBeilers visited friends in Clinton county over Banday, A. A. Dale, of Bellefonte, was a visitor in town begicnirg of ths week, : The bat quet given by Victor Grange on Saturday, was well attended and much enjoyed by the members aud friends. George Beholl, of Houserville, spent Fiiday afternoon in town. Mr. and Mie, James Gilliland trans. acted business in Bellefonte on Tues. dey. 4 Mrs, Henrietta Dale and deughter Miss Annh, of Boslsburg, John Dale and slater Miss Lillie, of Dale Bummit, ¥ Mra wr ar, guesis ~, draft horse at Lemont, YY, ir jury eT , C—O OO SIRI if OF TURN OVER A NEW he new vear right by SALE REGISTER, ¢ of farm machi Mayes, su ER Y HOWARD H, BRICK CAMP CANDY CO. TYRONE, PENNA INMARKKET, © FPRODUUE AT STORES, : B il MeVeral eons priag 1 Ars address MisS ANNA J fot The dweiii Wis al in good condition WO MOTE havieg been AUETE I Riv OU Lhe premiss 8 good stable, pou Ly vou=e and other outbaildines The he A desirable one, sand will be s ne i 33 t gure, MR: ELMIRA MOYER pd. Tasseyvitle, Pa. EL OUSE FOR RENT a good house Write or apply in person, ~The coders goed in Centre dali for rest W. B MINGLE, oJan2i.pd Centre Mall, Ia SAW MILL, WANTED-The Wishes 10 hire a portable saw mill A man lo operate the same, Tract of timber inad is located near Unionville. For further in formation addres H. C. ROBIN ON, Milesburg, Peun. PRACTICAL AUCTIONEER. — The under signed anuwounoss that be is a precios! Asotioneer, and Is makiog a specially of farm SOCK sales. Hix years’ Xperience L. F. ROAR, ne Lewont, Pa Bell "Phone When You Take Cold One way is to pay no attention to it; at least not until it de- velops inte pneumonia, or bronchitis, or pleurisy. An other way is to ask your doc- tor about Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral. If he says, “ The best thing for colds,” then take it. Do as he says, anyway. We publish sur formulas » We banish aleshsl ers from our medicines We hope Jense doctor When the bowels are constipated, poi- sonous substances are absorbed into the blood instead of being daily removed from the body as nature intended. Knowing this danger, doctors always inquire about the condition of the bowels. Ayer’s Pills, were visitors ip town Issel week. made by 100 J, O, Ayer Co., Lowell, Muss wee , CURES : Felons, C sipeias, S¢re Fiesh Wounds, Ulcers, arbuncles, Boils, Ery- fula, Terter, Ecoema, White Swelling. Skin Eruptions, Fever Sores Piles, Burns, Scalds. Chilblains, Loras tunions, Chapped Hands, Ftc., Pic. HTH Co centres Hell Repeating Rifles The great thing in Dig game rifles is sureness under all conditionc. Jlandin a foremost, ple, strong, per. built with this ide The mec) 5 fectly adiusted, gui od easy in operation, The Hardin wold 1 4 side elector keer protecing wall of metal between and the cartridge, prevent sees blowing back, throw the from you and allow instant, effective repeat shots. ris ells sora curate, Special Smokeless Steel barrels i and strong, speciaily meade for wer cartridges and to resist the cketed bullets. They sre rifled he Ballard system for greatest cy and killing power. Madein Models calit Mand res i flew Street W-L:DOUGIAS 33.235084. SHOES 280//5 47 7% Ww “SUPERIOR TO OTHER have worn W, L. Douglas past six years, and superior to all other high CA oN that W. 1. Doug) sot SA I i Wl £2 Order Cataing, La Drs wee POR BALE BY wom J. F. SMITH, CENTRE HALL, « » PENN, for