The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, December 16, 1909, Image 8

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man is like a clock run down, MUNYON'S
VITALIZER will wind him up and make
him go. If you are nervous, if you ara
irritable, if you lack confidence {in your-
self, If you do not feel your full manly
vigor, begin on this remedy at once. There
are 75 VITAL IZER tablets in one bottle;
every tablet Is full of vital power. Don't
spend another dollar on quack doctors or
spuribus remedies, or fill your system with
harmful drugs. Begin on MUNYONS
VITALIZER at once, and you will begin
to feel the vitallzing effect of this remed
after the first dose. Price, $1, post-pal
Munyon, 0rd and Jefferson, Phila, Pa.
Why She Stayed At The Foot,
Being upbraided by her mother for
being the lowest in her class, little
Mable exclaimed in tones of injured
“It ain't
has always
fault. The girl who
foot left school.”
————————— ————— .
For Celebration.
Gettysburg. — The Retail Mer-
chant's Association of Gettysburg, or-
ganized for the betterment of the
town and mutual protection, has
tenderend ite aid to the Fiftieth Bat.
(le Anniversary Commission appoint.
ed by Governor Stuart,
When the commission was appointed
by the Chief Executive no represen-
tative from Gettysburg was named.
and the business men of the
felt they would not have the
tunity to extend the assistance
weary to make the celebration a suc
unless a person or recognized
body here were given such authority
The anniversary will take
uly 1, 2 and 3, 1913, and the com-
mission was appointed by
Stuart through the efforts of
1 at a town meeting
with a request form
rnor Stuart recommended that |
ich a commission be authorized by |
t of Assembly and the acl was pass- |
at the last jon of the Btate]
a com-
In compliance
Free Suspects.
Bloomsburg. Fortunato
tonio Calabro, the West Berwick
nine men while
be connected with
Hand soclety nearly
were given a hearing before
Fenstermacher and discharged from
Officers of the State po-
local municipal
an alleged Black
Calabros®™ had killed
men and that the bodies could
found buried in the cellar of
Calabro home A thorough
failed to produce any evi
of erime and the men were
Saves Sister's Life.
Lebanon John
Berks County
his sister,
city, saved
on a
Gelb, of
Miss Sarah
the latter from
killed by a freight train at
of his own life They were
the Reading tracks on
vigit to
of this
oan Ste am ———
Giving to the Nation a Prize That
Money Cannot Buy.
“I would rather preserve the health of a
nation than to be its ruler.” — Munyon.
This motto, written by Prof. Munyon
about sixteen years ago, was the real cor
nerstone of his medicine business, He felt
that the people of the nation were neglect
ing their health owing to lack of money.
With the one shoughs in view of helping
humanity, he started in the medicine busi
ness, paying large sums of money to emi
nent specialists for known and tried for
mulas that were known to have been sue
cessful in curing diseases. After carefully
compounding these formulas and putting
them up in a marketable condition, he
offered them to the public for a few pen
nies, easily within the reach of the poorest
fam ily. le hired eminent specialists at
large salaries and offered their services ab-
solutely free to the public to diagnose their
cases and advise 7 i what remedies to
take After giving the public all these
benefits he was still unsatisfied and offered
further to those who were not in reach of
the offices which he established throughout
the country; he advertised,
write to his specialists for free medical ex
amination, and to-day Prof
following out this policy,
hears of a new drug or a new formula that
i more effective than those that he is at
the time compounding, he purchases them
regardless of cost
Prof. Munyon puts up
almost every ill, and the
had at all d lruggists, I"
tl. in taking these §
and whenever he
a separ:
J # can be
“ cents a bot
. You are tak
insufficiently nourished,
body is improperly and
assimilation perfect,
flesh builder and restorative
the liver ond
it Is the great blood-maker,
It makes men
This ** Discovery’
absolutely free from alcohol and all
habit-forming drugs.
It has no
All its
relationship with sceret
They must know of
Pierce, Pres., Buff elo, N.Y.
a sure thing, for |
i #
“ AIUCK salisfuct« 5 A
is oO ney
» 13 it This |
fright i & rem nal 3d le i. !
. tution, g firm
rh recommended i
Prof. Munyon's a Jef |
ferson Sta.
slature, the appointment of the
nmission being made soon after-
making | ward Action was ken thus far in
a idvance in order all the States
the Union could take formal action
rarding the celebration,
TORTURE. wrt in it, in time
» event
How a Severe Case of Kidney Disease Th tetall Mercl
i in existance
Ninth Street, unmindful of an
proaching train wh Miss Gelb
denly became paralyzed with
and could not
had crossed, but
and thei ondit hed
tO prepare were
Oil Heater
(Equipped with Smokeless Device)
es ap- he
Walter's Associ sud-
the plan of
and ac
is considering
cording to move and a
fixed table.
. notici dress i 53rd and
- 5 Philadelphia, | § 5
Both were shows its sure heating power by
amotive yt Cal 4 Wi ¢ Vp rom 1 4
mw aper rom steadily supplying just the heat that
is needed for comfort.
The Perfection
by weather
heat, The
ant's ggociation,
and lac
only about
1iths, has ac ished
town Better ain service ha
ured, the nature of the
was obtained to an ordinance
# ting a trolley franchise, which
the town wants badly, and many act-
taken to make
Was Conquered. much beth,
—olne Bar Seeks Change, 4 ater 1s unaff
os rm il ‘3 For HEADACHE.
Yori Fhe York Bar Assocl n Ww!
will try to change York Co y | : Nery
the jurisdictiouw of the Court of iv's lia
! Middle District of Pennsylvania to SLOTES.
of weakness that I Gettysburg | the Eastern District If successful,
could do no work, of a convention town than it|the headquarters of York County
and the pains I suf- | gas cases will be transferred Phiia~-
fered would throw Edmund P. Miller is president of from Scrantot They will
me into spasms, I | the association, and among most | also try to have the Y County : .
8 re a 3 5 243 13d sae Yel an pation Causes anda
was dizzy, worn and active members are E. P. Wisotzkey, t the Superior Court, at }
sleepless my back | chief of the fire department; H. T which now heard at Harrisburg,
ached terribly. I hag | Weaver, Willlam H. Tipton and J. tried before the Superior Court at
rheumatism and was | I. Mum Philadelphia during October
nervous and all nostrung. [I thought
1 tried every known medicine, but it Blow
was not until I began Doan's ‘ash Robbers blew
Kidney Pills that I be to get help the postoffice at
The pains slowly disappeared, County {
kidney secretions cls
few weeks my
that 1 could
again, It is
and Doan’s
me well ™
by all dean
Mrs. Sherman Youngs, Schoharie,
N. Y, says: “Doan’s Kidney Hi
saved my life after years of suffering
that ran me down to such a degree
File lent APY DINE
Jether from Colds 5 HMYIaL 0
It never fails.
Try t “ie.
cro) Smokeless Device
than last 8. revents the wick being turned too high.
-— | Removed in an instant.
Solid brass fe nt he
for 9h solid 1
Heater be autifully “fini
ve sieps ‘
J¥4 Ny Canada's
at 168,
SE8 0600 b
1 fin
3 I~ ir
i delphia
bushels more
{ts ork 1
» 2 fs “ seri
Cases wefore ers
2 Pa 2 3
aly ured by i1
for Descripti
wick in nickel ¢ a1 in ih a
Every Dealer Everywhere. If Not At Yours, Write
tw the Nearest Agency of the
. Alacurporated)
Reedy, who in theumatism ar «ara lgis r eould | ! - " ES
He nds r, at po his a rlsy 1 f p! o g ’ g
tnd crwsmwensdsn
Caled ETanuies,
ner y
ye ircular
with |
Pearl fishing | carried on
iderable success on the
Postal Safe, : Telth, at Call
open Murderer Going Insane,
m Pottsville talph
August gill
us ing x
t of here,
stre { ful effort
sels hank terrorizing 1 i ana Ho 18 nd sel i ’ 4 f avila & 2 . bs rirt cit d
work about i L ' 2 “1 : v . i ail! never ih MULES Bd od raoriest
for an hou? nians
three years since then vs . . . ns 1 ‘iit SARS 5 ott i. RH : Bde 1 ln. dons
ared up and
Pill "
THE Lance !
Wenr'W. L. Douglas cx mio real
snsy-wniking shoes. They ar
made upon honor, of the Dest leat?
ers, by the most skilled workmen
in all the latest fashions. Shoes in
§ every style and shape 10 sult men §
E In all walks of lite, :
if | could take you into my large
§ factories at Brockior
& show you how carefu
a8 are made, you sie
understand why they hold
ena Ter fit hotter waar longer i5
and are of greater value than any Ty
Suicide Un Grave,
get® NO
10f alar BU
Eczema Vor a Year—Got No Rell
Even at Skin Hospital-In Despair i ; the
Cured Him. : » v
as sh
Not Literary,
Frederick Burton was
foremost authority on
Indian.” said a Yale
ethnologist “Buartor was almost
alone in his field. There are vou
know, so few students of Indian lore
“He said to me wit ve
laugh, that he found as im-
possible ito thea with
people as a Boston critic found it to
discuss poetry with the girl he took
to dinner
“The girl was
ing her dimpled elbows on the
she sald to the critic
‘‘And what is your
about, professor?’
‘1 shall
* ‘Oh, professor,’ » gushed, ‘what
are Keats? ~Washington Star,
Certain Habits Unconsciously Formed
and Hard to Break,
An ingenious paiiusopher estimates
that the amount of will power neces
gary to break a lifelong habit would,
if it could be transformed, lift a
welght of many tons.
It sometimes requires a higher de-
gree of herolam to break the chains
“The late
the world's
the American
once, xed
very pretty
1 14
to be
lecture on Keats,’ he re.
forlorn hope in a bloody
lady writes from an Indiana town:
a lover of coffee,
tie, suffering terribly at times with
my stomach.
“] was convinced that it was coffee
breakfast. At the age of 36 1 was In
very poor health, indeed,
told me | was in danger of becoming
a coffee drunkard,
“But I never could give up drink-
ing coffee for breakfast, although it
kept me constantly ill, until I tried
Postum. 1 learned to make it prop-
breakfast, and care nothing at all for
“1 am no longer troubled with dys.
pepsia, do not have spells of suffer.
ing with my stomach that used to
trouble me so when I drank coffee.”
Look in pkgs. for the little book,
“The Road to Wellville.,” “There's a
Ever read the above letter? A
new one appears from time to time,
They are gewnine, true, and full of
human interest,
The en
was followed to
and lost
Chickens Answer
Foleroft i
long tim
whether he
his neig
training h ken and
gwer a large call bell, 1
them scurrying from all quarters to
be fed None of the fowls of any of
his neighbors knows the bell signal,
and only his stock responds. The birds
learned the feed signal in less
a week's time, and now they
to run at the first sound of it
for =a
colorel divi
has solved
ig chic
Postoflice Dynamited, i
York.—The postoffice and general |
store conducted by William H. Ep-
pley, at Newberrytown, this county,
was dynamited and robbed at 3
o'clock A. M. So great was the force
of the explosion that part of the safe
door was biown through the ceiling,
Postmaster Eppley chased the rob
bers. two in number, and fired sever.
al ineffectual ghots after them, Three
hundred dollars in cash and $100!
worth of stamps were taken. Many!
stamps mutilated by the explosion, |
were left behind by the robbers. i
Lebanon. -—— The Lebanon Valley |
Iron Company has posted notices in- |
creasing the wages of puddlers from |
$4 to $4.50. Four hundred men are
Pittsburg. Crude oil prices were!
cut b cents by the Standard Oil Com-
pany. The quotations follow: Penne
sylvania, $1.43; Mercer black, 90
cents: Newcastle, 87 cents; Corning,
79 cents; Cabell, 97 conts.
Guard Officers,
in general orders issued by the
adjutant general's office notice is giv.
en that two National Guard officers
were dropped "as unfit to discharge
duties’ of their offices. They were
Captain Willlam A. Francis, late of
Company C, Ninth Regiment, a Lu-
zerne County organization, and Cap-
tain John T. Burns, late of Company
1, Eighteenth Regiment, which be-
longs in the Pittsburg district. The
men had failed to make settlement
of accounts and recourse had to be
had to their bondsmen.
Arrest Crew,
"Of the
asst ured.
Divide Estate.
be dis
The estate of
ributed among seventy
shares vary from
The estate amo:
out of which a legacy
onville, will
31.81 to
was also paid.
ints to
Black Hand Pesters Major Beale,
Pittsburg The authorities of
Leechsburg and the United States
Government are conducting a rigid
investigation in an effort to learn the
identity of alleged Black Hand mem.
bers who have repeatedly threatened
the life of Major Joseph G. Beale,
former Congresaman and banker of
Leechsburg. A number of persons
are expected shortly.
Good Behavior Does Not Count,
Attorney General M
given an opinion to the
ary at Pittsburg, In which he holds
that commutation taken off a man’s
first sentence
third. The question was raised by
Dashill Jury, of Blair County, who
sentence imposed on him in 1900 and
earned by good behavior, was added
to his Imprison:aent for a third of.
fense. He asserted that it should
Gideon Blouch Dies,
Lebanon. — Gideon Blouch, who
for more than half a century quar.
ried the stone for Melly's furnace
here, died, aged 77 yeams, He was
prominent #8 a member of the Uni
ted Brethren Churchman. He lived
in one house for fifty-three years.
Hazleton, ~~ William Watkins, aged
60 years, one of the most prominent
citizens in the oy. is dead of typhoid
fever. He was identified with the
Hazleton te Light and Power
ter Drug 8
ticura Remedies Fi
She Had Enough.
As Mrs, May, of Birchd
was leaving the exhi
ale Corners,
bition hall of the
county ped out of a
booth and accosted
Won't enter,” said he, "and
the startling spentharis
tillations of radium?
Mrs. May shook her
gmile, hewever, for she
if not scientific
“I'm obliged
fair, a man steg
goo copic scin-
to you,” she
now.”--Youth's Companion.
The first iron wire was drawn at
Nuremberg in 13561.
scientific attainments of its chemists have
excellence, by obtaining the pure medic |
inal principles of plants known to act most |
beneficially and combining them most |
skillfully, in the right proportions, with
California Figs.
As there is only one genuine Syrup of
Figs and Elixir of Senna and as the gen-
uine is manufactured by an original
method known to the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, it is always necessary to buy the
genuine to get its beneficial effects.
A knowledge of the above facts enables
one to decline imitations or to retum them
if, upon viewing the package, the full name
of the California Fig Syrup Co. is not fund
printed on the front thereof.
other make,
A FL AVOR that 3
1 better i
ers. Bena 2
pe book. Crescezt Eis, Oo... Beatles.
permed ;-
For COLDS and
tg is the Dest
Hirk's T2797
relieves the aching »
the Cold and res “
Liguid—eJecta |
fc. at drug stores
Heh ¢
atitury la
reed in OO
There are 172
telephone offices in
eles 1
LE «1 oj
Rheamatism Cured in a Day,
Dr. Detchon’s Relief for Rheumatism and
Neuralgia radically cures in | to 3 days. Ita
ie remariable Removes the cause
First dose
All druggists
greatly benefits, 75¢. an
The smallest inhabi ted island in
the world is the rock on which stands
the Eddystone Lighthouse
Exposure to cold and wet in the first step
Take Perry Davis’ Pain
killer and the danger is averted
was made in
The first tor pedo
s Pay, Claims Against the Gov-
nerment, Soliciting.
i ig
Mind Ave,
From factory direct a 8400 piano for
A SOLE 10 Jou Oh ShpOval 1-3 on
i per
stamp, ECL DI DRUG OC ©0., Baltimore, "e.
If you but
thartics do, you'd
always use Cascarets.
Candy tablets, vegetable
and mild. Yet just as effective
as salts and calomel. Take one
when you need it. Stop the
trouble promptly. Never wait
till night. oe
Vest-pocket box, 10 cents—at drug stores.
Bach tablet of the genuine is marked C C
Best for Baby and Best for Mother
THE BEST wrowame vom Qucas wus
Ja fi for children and adduls pleasan
| 10 take and free from opiates: 1 soothes
| and heals the aching theory and auessentol
aights to both and child,
» Ginseng,
Golden Seal, (Yellow Rost), May Apple,
Wild Ginger, ete. We we doalers;
wstablivhed in 1856"Over half & contny in
Lomerilie” und can do better for yoo than
sgeun or commission merchants. Feferenos,
ny Beak in Loviewille. Weise for weekly